Sample Question Paper 2

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AHighly Simulated Sample Question Paper for CBSE Class XII Examination
General lnstructions
" The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 questions.
" Section Aconsists of questions 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice questions. All questions are
Section Bconsist of questions 19-23 carrying 2 marks each and are very short answer types and should not
exceed 60-90 words. There is internal choice available.
" Section C consist of questions 24-28 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer types and should not
exceed 100-150 words. There is internal choice available.
" Section Dconsist of questions 29-31 carrying 4 marks each and are case studies. There is internal choice
" Section Econsists of questions 32-34 carrying 5 marks each and are short answer types and should not
exceed 200-300words. There is internal choice available.

Time:3 hours Max. Marks:70

4. The source of phosphorus is (1)

Section A (a) fish (b) meat
(1) (d) All of these
1. Identifythe given asana. (c) egg
5. Which asana is also known as Cobra Pose? (1)
(a) Paschimottasana (b) Bhujangasana
(c) Chakrasana (d) Gomukhasana
6. In which type of Menstrual Dysfunction,
o s ight or infrequent menstruation is
witnessed by the woman? (1)

(a) Premenstrual Syndrome

(b) Amenorrhea
(c) Oligomenorrhea
(d) Premnenstrual DysphonicDisorder
7. What is the other name of food
(a) Urdhva Hastasana supplements? (1)

(b) Anulom Vilom Pranayama (a) Balanced supplements

(c)Gomukhasana (b) Dietary supplements
(d) Matsyasana (c) Efficient nutrients
part or (a) Perfect calories
2. Which one of the following is not
element of yoga? s (1) 8. Which of the following statements is correct
(a) Yama (b) Samta about fat? (i)

(c) Niyama (d) Dhyana (a) Fat increases the blood pressure.
(b) Fat provides cooked material.
3. Which hormone is related with the problem of
diabetes? (1) (c) Fat improves the proper functioning of
(a) Insulin (b) Calcitonin glands.
(c) Oxytocin (d) Estrogen (a) Fat improves external organs.
Allinone PHYSICAL EDUCATION Class 12th

9, Given below are the two statements labelled 16. Match the
List I List |
Assertion (A)and Reason (R). (1)
Assertion (A) Vitamins are compounds o f S S A. PNF Stretching 0 Kicking action in a
circular motion.
carbon which are essential for the normal
growth and working of the body. B. Dynamic (ii) Bringing your leg up
Stretching high and then holding it
Reason (R) Vitamin D is essential for normal there with your hand.
growth of the body. Deficiency of Vitamin A C. Static Active (ii) Muscles are stretched
leads to night blindness and also effects Stretching without moving the
kidneys, nervoussystem and digestive
system. D Static Passive (iv) Involves both stretching
In context of above two statements, which Stretching and contraction of
one of the following is correct? specific muscle group.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct e2Codes
explanation of A A BC D A B C D
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the (a) (iv) (iii) (ii) (1) (b) (iv) (). (iii) (ii)
correct explanation of A (c) (1) (ii) (ii) (iv) (d) (ii) (iv) (ii) (i)
SOLVED (c) A is true, but R is false
(d) A is false, but R is true
17. Match the following. (1)
List Il
10, If amale senior citizen of 65 years completes ListI (Factors)
two trials in the eight foot up and go test in (Components)
5.3 and 4.2 seconds respectively, his agility A. Strength Aerobic Capacity
will be classified as (1) B. Speed Muscle size
(a) below average (b) average
C. Flexibility (i) Explosive strength
(c) above averageo (d)extremely poor
11. Directing is associated with which of the
D Endurance (iv) Stretchability of muscles
following? (1) Codes
(a) Personnel quality A BC D
(b) Leadership quality (a) (ii) (ii) .(i) (iv)
(c) Organisational quality (b) (i) (ii) (iv) (i)
(d) None of the above (c) (1) (ii) (ii) (iv)
(d) (iv) (i) (ii) (1)
12. What is the formula todivide an odd number
of teams in the upper half for a knock-out 18. ......... is a shallow wound, typically
(1) wearing away of the top layer of the skin (the
(a) N+1/2 (b) N-1/2 epidermis) due to an applied friction force
(c) N(N-1)/2 (d) N(N+1)/2 against the body. (1)
(a) Contusion (b) Abrasion
13, In which year, the International Paralympic (c) Laceration
Committee was founded? (d) Incision
s (1)
(a) 22nd September, 1999
(b) 22nd September, 1979
(c) 22nd September, 1989
Section B
19. Explain 'Flat Foot' and also
corrective measures for bothsuggest
(d) 22nd September, 1990 # E
14. What is the normal adult heart rate? postural
(a) 82 beats/min (b) 75 beats/min
(1) deformities. (1+1)

(c) 92 beats/min
20. What is the purpose of Plate Tapping Test?
(d) None of these
What equipments are needed in it? (1+1)
15, The vital air capacity varies from ....i,.. to
in anomal adult. 21. What is the purpose of Flamingo Balance
(1) Test?
(a) 3500CC, 4500CC (b) 4500CC, 3500CC
(c) 2500CC, 4500CC (d) None of these 22. Compare the two methods of speed
development. WO
sample Question2
Paper L A 295

23. Write the detail about the benefits of 30, In relation to the picture,answer the following
Halasana. (1x2-2) questions. (4xl=4)
orWrite a short note on equilibrium. (2) DIABETES

Section C
94, What are fat soluble vitamins? Explain
any two of these. (1+2)
25. What do you understand by BMI? How
is it calculated?
26, Enlist the benefits of Ardha
Matsyendrasana. (3)
27.Enlist the contraindications of (i) In Type I diabetes, the body is unable to
Matsyasana. (3) produce
28, Explain any three advantages of (ii) Name any one asana whích is used to prevent
physical activities for children with and cure diabetes.
special needs. (Ix3=3) (iii) Mention any two symptomsof diabetes.
Or What is the role of mental imagery in (iv) To prevent and cure diabetes, we should
sports psychology? (3)
reduce the consumption of
Or Diabetes can lead to
Section D 31. In relation to the picture, answer the following
questions. (4xl=4)
29. Newton's laws of motion are the basis
for understanding motion and t h e . SOLVED
correlative force systems. Each law can
be applied to biomechanics in its own
way. While talking about Newton's laws
of motion and their application in sports,
a Physical Education teacher gave
examples from cycling, swimming and
cricket. (4x1=4) (i) An abnormal curvature of the spine is known

(ii) Name the asana which can be performed to

cure scoliosis.
(iii) Scoliosis is most often diagnosed in
(iv) What is scoliosis?

(i) How many laws did

Newton Section E
describe? 32. Vitamins are very essential for working of the
(ii) What law applies to the body and are divided into two groups. Explain
(iüi) .... law of motion is in force when about them.
the swimmer pushes off the wall of
race. 33. Explain the purpose of the Arm Curl Test for
the swimming pool to start the senior citizens. Describe its procedure.
law of motion is in play (1+4)
(iv) batsman. 34, Explain the physical deformity of bow legs. How
when the ball is hit by the is it caused? Give four
equal and opposite
Or In creating answimmer is kept afloat
corrective measures for
reaction, the this deformity. (1+2+2)
and propelled forward, law
Or Explain the role of exercise or physical
activities in
applied. improving the quality of life. (5)

1. (b) Anulom Vilom Pranayama (i) Pace Races Pace races mean running the whole
2. (b) Samta distance of a race at a constant speed of with uniform
3. (a) Insulin speed.
23. The benefits of Halasanaare
4. (d) All of these
(1) Practicing this asana regularly can avoid disease like
5. (b) Bhujangasana diabetes,obesity, constipation, stomach disorder,
Blood pressure, and menstrual disorders.
6. (c) Oligomenorrhea (ii) It makes your backbone elastic and Alexible.
7. (b) Dietary supplements Or Equilibrium can be defined as a state of balance among
8. (c) Fat improves the proper functioning of glands. forces acting within or upon a body. In other words, it is a
9. (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the state in which all influences, forces are cancelled or
correct counterbalanced by cach other i.e. the sum of all opposite
explanation of A
forces acting on it is zero. Thus, it is a scientific term
10. (c) above average describing balance and stability.
FULLY12. (a) N+1/2
11. (b) Leadership quality In the human body, a state of equilibrium occurs when
its centre of gravity lies over the base and the gravity line
falls within the base of the body. The greater the body
13. (c) 22nd September, 1989 surface in contact with the ground, the larger is the base
14. (d) None of these of support. Hence, the posture of sitting is more stable,
15. (a) 3500CC, 4500CC casier and more comfortable than the posture of
16. (b) 24. Fat soluble vitamins are composed of carbon, hydrogen
17. (b) and oxygen and are soluble in fats, such as Vitamin A,
18. (b) Abrasion Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K.
The fat soluble vitamins are
19. Flat foot is a deformity of the feet. In this deformity, " Vitamin A This is essential for normal growth of the
there is no arch in the foot, so that the foot is
completely flat. Thus, the affected individual faces body. Deficiency of Vitmain Aleads to night blindness
and also affects the kidneys, nervous system and
problems in standing, walking, jumping and running. digestive system. Its sources are milk, curd, ghee, egg
Corrective measures for this deformity are yolk, fish, tomato, papaya, green vegetables, orange,
" Walk on heels and toes. spinach, carrot and pumpkin.
Pick up marbles with toes. " Vitamin D This is essential for the formation of
" Slowly write the alphabet using marbles. teeth and bones. The presence of this vitamin in the body
Perform Vajrasana regularly.stes enables the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus. Its
" Walk on wooden staircase. deficiency causes rickets, softness of bones and teeth
20. The purpose of Plate Tapping Test is to measure speed diseases. Its sources are egg yolk, fish, sunlight,
vegetables, cod liver oil, milk, cream and butter and so
and coordination of limb movement of children. On.

The cquipments necded in chis test are table (adjustable 25. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of
height) 2yellow discs (20 cm diameter), rectangle body fat
(30x20 cm) and stopwatch. calculated on the basis of height and weight. It applies to
both adult men and women.
21. The purpose of Flamingo Balance Test is to measure Tocalculate BMI, take the weight in
ability to balance successfully on a single leg. This single kilograms and
divide it by height taken in metres. Then,
leg balance test asseses the strength of the leg, pelvic, divide the
and trunk muscle as well as static balance.
number once again by height. For example, BMI is to be
calculated by using the Body Mass Index formula.
22. The two methods of speed development are acceleration For a height = 1.70 m, weight = 70 kg
runs and pace runs. Acomparison of the two method is BMI= Body weight in kg
as follows
() Acceleration Run It is usually used to develop speed (Height in metres)
indirectly by improving explosive strengch, technique, 70 70
Aexibility and movement frequency. (1.70). 1.70×1.70
= 24.22
anle Question Paper 2 297

Benefits of Ardha Matsyendrasana are as follows

30. ) insulin
.Ir is one of the best poses to improve the flexibility of
the spine. (i) Bhujangasana
.It stimulates the liver and kidneys. (ii) Fatigue and frequent urination
. It stretches the shoulders, hips and neck. (iv) sugar and rice Or cardiovascular diseases
.It energise the spine. 31. 0) scoliosis (ii) Trikonasana
. It stimulates the digestive fire in the belly. (ii) adolescents
. It relieves menstrual discomfort, fatigue, sciaticA and (iv) Lateral curve in the spine
32. There are two groups of vitamins
.It is therapeutic for asthma and infertility. (() Fat Soluble Vitamins The fat soluble vitamins are
o7, Contraindicationsof Matsyasana are as follows those vitamins which are soluble in fat. These include
. Individuals suffering from high or low blood pressure Vitamins A, D, EandK stored in the liver and in
should avoid this posture. body fat. These are discussed below
.Women who are pregnant should not attempt this . Vitamin A It is also known as retinol. Thís is
yoga pose. essentíal for normal growth of the body and
" Injury in neck or any part of the lower back or middle development of eyes and skin.
back can make it dificult to practice this fish pose and . Vitamin D This is essential for the formation of
hence should be avoided. healthy teeth and bones.
Vitamin EThis is essential in increasing the
28. Three advantages of physical activities for children with fertility among men and women as well as proper
special needs are menioned below functioning of adrenal and sex glands.
() Improves Fitness Physical activity strengthens the " Vitamin KThis is helpful in the clotting of blood.
heart muscle, thereby improving cardiovascular
efficiency, lung efficiency and exercise endurance.
(ii) Water Soluble Vitamins The vitamins hat are SOLVED
composed of nitrogen, sulphur and are soluble in
This helps in controlling repetative behaviours among water, such as Vitamin Bcomplex, Vitamin C. These
disabled children. are discussed below
(i) Develops Social Behaviour Physical activity develops " Vitamin BComplex There are 8 vitamíns in this
social relationships with other children, teammates group. It includes B1 , B2, B3, BS, B6, B7, B9
and teachers. This brings positive changes in the social and B12. They are necessary for growth, proper
behaviour of these children. functioning of heart, liver, kidney and maintains
(i) Makes Children Active Physical activity helps to smooth skin.
improve energy level in the body. Regular physical (a) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) It is colourless in
activity often makes children more energetic, and nature. It helps in growh and development of
allows them to become active. body.
(b) Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) It is essential to keep
Or Mental imagery involves the athlete imagining the eyes, nose, mouth, lips and tongue in
themselves in an environment performing a specific healchy states.
activity using their senses (sight, hear, feel and smell). (c) Vitamin B3 (Niacin) It works with other
The images should have he athlete performing b-complex vitamins to metabolise food and
successfully and feeling satisfied with their performance. provide energy for the body.
Mental imagery should not focus on the outcome but () Vitamin B5 (Panhothenic acid) It helps in
on the actions to achieve the desired outcome. Mental breakdown of fats and carbohydrates to release
imagery itself can be useful in several circumstances, energy.
including (e) Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) It isa key factor in
" Developing self-confidence protein and glucose metabolism as well as in
and competition the formation of haemoglobin.
" Developing pre-competition
athletes to cope with new () Vitamin B7 (Biotin) Its
strategies which teach encounter them. deficiency may lead
situations before they to impaired growth, depression, muscle strain,
"Helping the athlete to focus his/her attention to etc.

particular skill he/she is trying (g) Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) It is yellow in colour
concentrate on a and is essential for the normal
learn or develop. growth and
The competition situation. development
(h) Vitamin B12
of the reproductive system.
laws. (Cobalamin) It helps in the
building of genetic
29. (G) Newton described dhree Inertia) material, production of
Newton's First Law ofMotion (Law of Acceleration) normal red blood cells, and
Law ofMotion (Law of the nervous system. maintenance of
(iti) Newton's Second (Law ofReaction) . Vitamin CIt is
(iv) Newon's Third
Law needed for proper growth,
Third LawofMotion development and to heal wounds.
Or Newton's
Allinone PHYSICAL EDUCATION Class 12th
which is caused by alackcof Vitamin D, is
" Rickets, w cause.
J3. The purpose of the Arm Curl Test is to measure upper also a responsible
body strength and endurance of senior citizens. Deficiency of calcium and phosphorus in the bones
and causes bow legs.
The person has to do as many arms curls as possible in softens the bones
30 seconds. This test is conducted on the dominant arm The corrective measures for this deformity are as follows
side (or stronger side). The procedure of arm curl test is () Usespecial shoes and braces available in the market to
The subject sits on a chair holding the weight (8 reduce the effect of bow legs.
pounds for men / 5 pounds for women) in the hand (in The person who is suffering from bow legs may h
using asuitcase grip (palm facing towards the body) surgery to correct bone abnormalities.
with the arm in a vertically down position beside the (ii) Takefood enriched with calcium and phosphorus.
The upper arm is placed against the body so that only (ip) Avoid standing for long hours, as it puts pressure on
the lower arm is moving (the tester may assist to hold the legs.
the upper arm steadily). Or Physical activities include such as running, walking,
" The subject curls the arm up through a full range of Qualiny
jumping, cycling, playing games and sports, etc.healrh
motion, gradually turning the palm up (flexion with oflife means how we live our lives and overall
supination). condition.
" Then, the arm is lowered through the full range of Physical activities play an important role in improving
motion, gradually returning to the starting position. the quality of life by
The arm must be fully bent and then fully
straightened at the elbow. "improving the health of the heart by improving the
This action is repeated as many times as possible ebalanceof cholesterol in our body and controling the
within 30 seconds. blood pressure. All these help to keep us physically fit
and we can enjoy a good and healthy life.
"The score is the total number of completed arm curls
performed in 30 seconds. "improving mental health by relieving anxiety, stres,
34. Bow legs is a postural deformiry where the long bones of tension, anger and depression.
the legs get bent. This causes an unnatural gap between controlling weight by burning calories. This prevents
the knees while walking and running. It is more overweight or obesity, which may cause further health
common in children and football players. complications.
Bow legs may be caused by the following " preventing bone and joint problems by increasing
"They develop due to abnormal bone development. bone density and raising the capacity of joints to bear
" Fractures that do not heal correctly lead to this weight.
o os deformity. " reducing the chances of lifestyle diseases like
It may develop in a child who is made to start walking hypertension, diabetes, etc.
too carly before its bones are properly developed. " prolonging optimal health and reducing risk of an
carly death.

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