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Advanced Computer Sol. (a). Cache Mernory Is avery up and
(c) Electronlc Numerals Integration and 48. Which of the following converts analogue memory and is used to speed
Computing Informatlon Into digital form? synchronize with high-speed CPU.
(d) Electronlc Numbers Integration and (o) Optical Mark Reading (b) Barcode rcader an
Computer (c) Dlgitizer (d) Gamcpad 55. Whlch of the following consists of that
Sol. (a). ENIAC stands for Electronlc Numerlcal Sol. (c). Adigitizer is a machlne that converts an electronic writing area and a special 'pen'
works with it?
Integrator and Computer. It was the irst onalog object, Image or signal Into o digital
(a) Trackball (b) Plotters
pfogrammable, electronic, general-purpose (computcer- readable) format. (d) Graphlcs Tablet
digst computer. it was Turing-onplele and (c) AbacUS
able to solve a large class of numerical 49. In the context of computing, what Is the full Sol. (d). A graphlcs tablet is a conputer
form of URL? Input device that enables o user to
problems through reprogramming. Images, animations and graphics, with a special
CHSL 14/10/2020 (Afternoon) a person
43. Which of the following statements about (a) Undlstributed Resource Locator pen like stylus, similar to the way
draws images with a pencil and paper.
firewall (in the context of conmputing) Is (b) Unifled Resource Locator
INCORRECT? (c) Uniform Resource Locator
(a) It permits network transmisslon based on a 56. Is a smYll, portable flash memory
(d) Unlform Reglon Locator
set of rules. Sol. (c). AUnlform Resource Locator (URL) Is a card that plugs Into a cormputer's USB port and
functlons as a portable hard drive.
(b) is a combination of both software and reference to a web resource that speclfles its
(a) Flash drlve (b) CD-Rw
hardware devices. location on a computer network and a
(c) DVD-ROM (d) CD-ROM
(c) It is frequ ently Used to protect a computer mechanism for retrlem,he It. Sol. (a) A USB lash drive is a plug and play
network from unauthorized.
50. Which of the following is used to recelve portable storage device that uses flash
(d) It is unable to permit legitimate
and send computer files over telephone lines? memory. A USB flash drive can be used in place
communication to pass. ofa compact disc. When a user plugs the
(a) Modem (b) MICR device
Sol. (d). In computing. a firewall is a ngtwork memory devlce Into the USB port, the
security system that monitors and controls (c) Floppy disk (d) Llght pen computer's operating system recognizes the
incoming and outgoing network traffic based oi Sol. (o). Modulator Demodulator(Modem) is a
hardware component that allows a computer or device as a removable drive and assigns it a
predetermined security rüles. It establishes a another device, such as a router or switch, to drive letter.
barrier between a trusted network and an
untrusted network. Firewalls are taregorized as connect to the Internet It converts or
is the fastest to read from and write
a network-based or a host-based system. "modulates" an analog signal from a telephone 57
or cable wire to digital data that a computer to than the other kinds of storage in computer.
Network-bas ed firewalls can be positioned (a) CD ROM (b) Floppy Disk
anywhere within a LAN or WAN. They are either can recognlze. Similarly, it converts digital data
from acomputer or otherdevice into an onalog (c) RAM (d) Hard Disk
a software appliance running on general Sol. (c). RAM (Random Access Memory) is a
purpose hardware, a hardwareappliance signal that can be sent over standard telephone
form memory that can be read and
running on specal-purpose hardware or a lines.
changed In any order, typlcally used to store
virtual appliance running on a virtual host. Working data and machíne code. A random
Host-based firewalls are deployed directly on S1. Which of the following Js an input device access memory device allows data Items to be
the host itself to control network traffic or used to enter motlon data in computers or
read or wrltten in almost the same amount of
other computing resources. other electronic devices?
(a)Monitor (b)Trackball tÉme irrespective of the physical location of
44. What is the full form of PROM? (c)Plotter (d)Joystick data inside the memory.
(a) Program read-only memory Sol. (b). Atrackball is a pointing input device]t
Is a diagrammatic representation of
(b) Primary read-only memory consists of a ball held by a socket containing 58.
(c) Programmable read-only memory sensors to detect a rotation of the ball àbout a program logic.
(d) Program read-output memory two axes. The user rolls the bTll with the la) Process (b) Flowchart
Sol. (c). PROM or Programmable reádonly thumb, fingers or the palm of the hand to move c) Data (d) Legend
memory is a computer memory cbip that can a cursor. Sol. (b). A flowchart is simply a graphical
be programmed once after it is created. Once representation of steps. It shows steps in
the PROM is programmed, the information 52.'in the context of computing, a byte is equal sequential orderand is widely used in
written is permanent and cannot be erased or bits. presenting fhe flow.of algorithms, workflow or
deleted. (a) 4 (b) 16 processes. A flowchat shows the steps as
(c) 24 (d) 8 boxes of varfous andtheir order by connecting
45. Which function key displays the Print Sol. (d). In the context of computing, a byte is them with arrows.
Preview window in Microsoft Office? equal to 8.bits.
(a) Alt+F2 (b)Alt+Ctr+F2 59. Which of the following symbols must be
(c) Ctrl+F2 (d) Shift+F2 $3. Which of the following is a type of memory used before a formula in a Microsoft Excel
Sol. (c). Ctrl +F2 displays the Print Preview and is simjlartoRAM?Itisused by:computers sheet?
window in Microsoft Office. to move ata between the RAM and the CPU. (a) = (b) & (c) $ (d) @
(a) Hypertext Link(b) ROM Sol. (a). ' must be used before a formula in a
46. In whích year did the Java Script (c) Cache (d) IBeam Microsoft Excel sheet.
Programming language come into existénce? Sol. (c). Cache Memory is avery high-speed
(a) 2000 (b) 1990 (c) 199s (d) 1999 memory and is used to speed up and 60. What is the full form of BASIC in context of
Sol. (c). JavaScript Programming language came synchronize with high-speed CPU. It is an the BASIC computer language?
into existence in 1995. extremely fast memory type that acts as a (a) Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Input Code
buffer between RAM and the CPU. It holds (b) Beginner's All-purpose Systematic
47. Which of the following is a lever that can be frequently requested data and instructions so Instruction Code
moved in several directio ns to control the that they are immediately available to the (c) Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Input
movement of an image on a computer monitor CPUwhen needed. output Code
or similar display screen? (d) Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction
(a) MIDI Devices (b) Optical Mark Reader 54. Which of the following is a very high-speed Code
(c) Joystick (d) Visual Display Unit semiconductor memory which can speed up Sol. (d). BASIC stands for "Beginner's All
Sol. (c). Joystick is an input device consisting of the CPU? purpose Symbolic Instruction Code". It is a
a lever that can be moved in several directions (a) Cache Memory (b) Main Memory
computer programming language that was
to control the movement of an image on a (c) Secondary Memory (d) Primary Memory developed to provide a way for students to
computer monitor or similar display screen. write simple computer programs.


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