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Revolution: A

Synchronous and Asynchronous Sessions

House Rules for Synchronous Sessions:

Join with video on, audio off.

Inform the professor if you cannot turn on the video.
Participate actively using reaction buttons and chatbox.
Seek permission to unmute for questions or answers.
Wear appropriate clothing.
Inform the professor if you cannot attend.

House Rules for Asynchronous Sessions:

Check in on Zoom/Google Meet for instructions.

Communicate questions via group chat.
Keep your LMS open and follow submission schedules strictly.
All submissions must be through the LMS.

Road Map of the Scientific and Intellectual Revolution

The intellectual revolution outlines the major contributions to science and society by key figures such
as Nicolaus Copernicus, Charles Darwin, and Sigmund Freud.
4. Middle East
and African

3. Meso-
American and

2. Intellectual
1. Review Copernican,
Stone Age and Darwinian and
Scientific Freudian

Key Intellectuals and Their Contributions

Nicolaus Copernicus

Introduced the heliocentric theory, challenging the geocentric model.

His ideas paved the way for future scientists like Johannes Kepler.
Faced opposition from the Catholic Church but revolutionized our understanding of the universe.

Charles Darwin

Developed the theory of evolution and natural selection.

Published "The Origin of Species" and "The Descent of Man."
His work shifted the scientific paradigm towards evidence-based research and observation.

Sigmund Freud

Developed psychoanalysis, a method for understanding the human mind and behavior.
His unorthodox methods influenced fields beyond psychology, including art, literature, and
Learning Activities
Venn Diagram comparison of Geocentric and Heliocentric models.
Fact sheet creation on Charles Darwin's contributions.
Word Search Activity on Sigmund Freud.

Check Out
Reflect on the contributions of either Copernicus, Darwin, or Freud to science.

This summary encapsulates the essence of the document, highlighting the structure of sessions,
house rules, and the pivotal contributions of intellectuals that shaped modern science.

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