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Relatively late signs

● Examine past incidents to identify commonalities, test the effectiveness of control

measures, and adjust as needed; this is known as incident analysis.
● It is important to regularly examine and maintain personal protective equipment (PPE) to
ensure that people are suitably protected.
● Fire drills and other emergency response exercises help staff members hone their skills
in preparation for real-life scenarios.
● Motivate your staff to report concerns about health and safety and provide solutions.
● Regular meetings of the safety committee should be conducted to discuss health and
safety issues, evaluate incidents, and implement solutions.
● Establish an incident review board to look at every single incident, accident, and near-
miss for underlying causes and potential solutions.
● Performance Metrics for Safety: Establish a system of key performance indicators (KPIs)
to keep tabs on safety performance, including things like the frequency of accidents, the
percentage of near-miss reports, and the degree of compliance. Look for ways to make
incident response better by assessing how well things like communication protocols,
emergency procedures, and first aid work.
● In order to identify underlying causes and trends, it is imperative that all accidents and
near-misses be investigated thoroughly. Make it easy for workers to report incidents,
injuries, and hazards by setting up a streamlined method.
● Regularly reviewing the entries in the accident book may help you find trends, gauge
how well safety measures are working, and find places where you can make
● To address potential hazards before they become accidents, it is important to encourage
and record near miss reports.
● In order to ensure that repairs are finished on time, it is imperative that any equipment
problems, such as the leaking refrigerator, are recorded in the logbook without delay.
● Audits and checks for compliance: Make sure that all policies, processes, laws, and
regulations pertaining to health and safety are being followed on a regular basis.
● Notification of Enforcement Respond promptly to the deficiencies highlighted in the
enforcement notice and monitor the development of corrective measures as a follow-up.
● Make sure your staff are prepared to handle any dangers on the job by keeping track of
the health and safety training they get.
● Make sure that injured workers, like Kitchen Worker A, are physically and mentally
prepared to return to their jobs by conducting thorough evaluations prior to their return.
● In addition to being a leading indicator for performance evaluation, trends and patterns in
incidents and accidents can be used.
● Personnel absence records: employees will not be actively seeking employment if the
owner does not ensure the business is safe to work in. You may also use this data on
absence as a lagging indicator.

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