Office Organization Brochure

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Different Types

of Office
4. Networked - The networked office
organization is based on collaboration
between teams and departments. It
focuses on communication and sharing
information, resources, and tasks.
Summary of Office
5. Virtual - The virtual office
organization is based on a decentralized The type of office organization you choose
team structure. This means that team for your business can greatly impact its
members can work from anywhere in success, and that’s why it’s so important to
the world, including their own homes. get it right. There are several types of
office organization, each with its
6. Functional - Functional structure is a advantages and disadvantages. When
type of organizational structure that selecting an office organization for your
business, there are a few key
groups together employees based on
considerations to keep in mind, such as
Name: Fatima jaefar
their areas of expertise. It is a traditional
type of organizational structure where the size and structure of your company, Mohammed
goals and objectives, and resources and
departments are created according to
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the different functions within the
organization, such as marketing, finance, Number academic:
and operations. 20220179
7. Divisional - Divisional structure is an
organizational model that divides an
organization into separate divisions,
each of which specializes in a particular Office
area of expertise or product line. These
divisions are typically arranged
hierarchically, with each having its own
set of personnel and reporting up to a
higher-level manager.
Meaning of Office Choosing an Office Different Types of
Organization Organization Office Organization
Office organization is a process of defining When selecting an office organization for your 1. Hierarchical - The hierarchical office
and grouping of office activities into main business, there are key considerations to organization is the most traditional and
heads of functions, select suitable remember. common type of office organization. It’s
personnel, assign jobs to them and 1. Size and Structure of Your Company based on a pyramid structure, with a
delegate authority to them for performing The size and structure of your company will single leader at the top and various levels
the jobs, coordinate the activities of greatly impact the type of office organization of management underneath them. At each
different individuals and provide you choose. Smaller companies may benefit level of the hierarchy, there are different
necessary facilities like forms, stationery, from a flat or networked organization, while roles and responsibilities.
equipment, machines and suitable larger companies may need a hierarchical or
working environment to enable the matrix organization for better structure and 2. Flat - The flat office organization is the
persons to perform their work efficiently. control. opposite of the hierarchical office
2. Goals and Objectives organization. This type of office
Characteristics of Your goals and objectives should also be organization needs a clear leader, and
Office Organization taken into account when selecting an office roles and responsibilities are more evenly
The characteristics of an office organization. A flat or networked organization distributed among the team.
organization are listed below: may be best if your goal is to focus on
1. Fixing of responsibility on each office collaboration and creativity. A hierarchical or 3. Matrix - The matrix office organization
employee. matrix organization may be more suitable if is a hybrid of hierarchical and flat
2. Assigning of work on the basis of your goal is to be highly structured and organizational structures. It combines the
competency of an office employee. organized. structure of a hierarchical organization
3. Avoiding the delay in doing the office 3. Resources and Budget with the flexibility of a flat organization.
work. Your resources and budget are also important
4. Completion of work as per the considerations. If you have a limited budget, a
predetermined system and procedure. virtual organization may be the best option, as
5. Proper and adequate delegation of it can help save on overhead costs. A
authority for doing work. hierarchical or matrix organization may be
6. Providing adequate supervision for more" suitable for ensuring
Lorem ipsum dolorbetter structure
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each work. and control if you have the resources.
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7. Exercise proper control over the office 4. Employee Skills and Expertise
semper sodales ligula in pulvinar.
employees. When selecting an office organization, it is
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8. Proper supply of necessary forms and important to consider the skills and expertise
of yourcursus augue Different
employees. malesuada vel.
stationery for doing the work.
structures require blandit,
skill quis
sets, so
9. Effective utilization of available
equipment and machines in an office. fermentum
choosing gravida,
an organization eros
that arcu
10. Creating suitable working rhoncus tortor "
your team is important.

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