Question 5

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Question 5 (don't copy paste)

These are some of the organizational factors that could have contributed to the
 An organization's views, principles, and convictions about health and safety can
be referred to as its "health and safety culture." It includes all of the company's
activities to put workers' health and safety first and to establish a secure work
environment but in the restaurant culture towards health and safety is missing
which cause the accident.

 Behavior related to health and safety is greatly influenced by management's

leadership and obvious commitment. It is the responsibility of leaders to set a
good example, adhere to safety procedures, and continually emphasize the value
of safety across the company but in this scenario owner of restaurant didn’t
replace the faulty refrigerator.
 The health and safety of employees can be impacted by work practices like shift
arrangements or long hours. Long work hours and irregular schedules can
exacerbate weariness, impair focus, and raise stress levels, which can result in
mistakes and mishaps exactly like in this scenario the owner put more pressure
on full time worker of deputizing.
 Sufficient allocation of resources is important for efficient management and safe
execution of tasks. This should be done to get enough time, money, supplies,
and labor to satisfy safety regulations. Shortcuts, insufficient safety precautions,
and elevated risk exposure might result from a lack of resources.
 Getting health and safety information across to the workforce requires effective
communication. To spread knowledge about safety practices, procedures, and
risks, organizations.
 As in this scenario there are lot of students working as a part time and this could
be cause of accident in the restaurant which is also organizational factor which
cause accident.

 For a save workplace suitable supervision is necessary. If owner of the

restaurant deputize someone instead of asking full time worker the restaurant
should be a safe workplace because there will be no pressure on worker and
also that incident could be avoided.
 In addition to making sure that safety procedures are followed, supervisors are
essential in monitoring work activities and quickly recognizing and correcting
harmful behaviors or circumstances.
 Workers have the ability to take responsibility for their own safety and make
contributions to a safer workplace when they are included in health and safety
decision-making processes and given opportunity for consultation.
 Employers should promote employee reporting of safety issues, ideas, and
active participation in risk assessment and hazard identification procedures.
 In order to provide workers the information and abilities they need to work
properly, thorough health and safety training is crucial. In addition to making sure
that employees receive relevant and current training, organizations should
routinely evaluate their employees' training requirements. Training should be
provided to the part time workers.
 Maintaining safe habits among employees requires inspiring them to put safety
first. By praising and awarding individuals or groups for excellent safety
performance or creative safety initiatives, organizations may show their
dedication to safety.
 Establishing an accountable culture will help employees accept responsibility for
their actions and recognize their part in preserving a safe workplace. In a same
vein, companies have a responsibility to guarantee the health and safety of their
workers by providing the required tools, instruction, and assistance.
 A system for keeping track of and recording health and safety information, such
as events, accidents, and near misses, should be in place at all organizations.
This data highlights areas in need of development and offers insightful
information on how well safety precautions work.
 In the given scenario owner didn't recorded in the equipment faulty logbook which is
also organizational negligence leading to accident.
 Organizations need to establish a disciplinary procedure for workers who
disregard safety regulations. The seriousness of the violation should be taken
into account while determining the fairness and consistency of disciplinary
measures. To guarantee openness and create an atmosphere of justice, the
disciplinary procedure should be made evident to every employee.
 Worker safety and behavior may be significantly influenced by the physical
environment of the workplace. The well-being and productivity of employees may
be affected by elements including temperature, lighting, noise levels, ventilation,
and workplace ergonomics.
 The ways in which activities and jobs are arranged, scheduled, and managed
inside an organization are referred to as its work systems. Task distribution, the
usage of personal protective equipment (PPE), the availability of tools and
supplies, and maintenance procedures are all included in this. Work procedures
should be designed to reduce hazards to employees' health and safety.
 Encouraging health and safety throughout the company requires effective
documentation. In written form, it entails giving instructions, safety procedures,
and risk evaluations.
 Employee understanding of work-related risks and the steps needed to reduce
them is aided by easily available and clear documentation. But in this scenario no
documentation is followed for the fault equipment and it leads to accident.
 Keeping an eye on and evaluating the health and welfare of employees is known
as health monitoring. To find possible dangers or occupational health concerns,
this involves routine screenings, physical exams, and health assessments.
 The values, attitudes, and ideas regarding health and safety that exist inside the
company are considered cultural elements. Organizational culture has a
significant impact on how people understand and react to safety messaging as
well as how effectively they adhere to safety regulations.
 A new worker always learns from the seniora in any organisation but here part time
workers are following seniors as no one is following proper safety protocols.

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