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CONTENTS Uni Peter] Starter Happy days page 4 1 Identity topic: after school clubs page 6 task: multiple matching 2Get the message __teple:emoj language page 14 task: multiple choice 3 The future is now _topie:tips for your frst page 22 concert task: gapped text 4 Taking part topie: swimming clubs page 32 task: multiple matching 5 In the spotlight topic: celebrity weddings page 40 task: multiple choice 6 Down to earth topic: a scuba diving page 48 experience task: gapped text 7 Travellers’ tales —_teple:atrip toa language school age 58 me ‘task: multiple matching 8 Time out topie: a photo diary page 66 task: multiple choice 9 Life experiences _teple:house swap holidays page 74 task: gapped text 10 Practice test page 84 Audioscripts page 100 erent Neteel lt articles nce past simple entertainment comparative and superlative the natural world structures travel free time presentsimple and present _personality adjectives continuous (p8) adjective + preposition adverbs of frequency, time Bisstins | phrases (p10) past simple and past language and communication continuous (p16) ‘verb + preposition collocations -ing form (p18) the future: will, going to, present technology in the home continuous, present simple (p24) phrasal verbs ‘modal verbs for advice and suggestions (p26) present perfect (p34) sport past simple and present perfect (p36) zero, first and second entertainment: conditionals (p42) unless, in case, if were you (p44) the passive: present simple andthe natural world past simple (p50) order of adjectives have | get something done (p52) defining relative clauses (p60) travel modals of obligation, prohibition verb and noun forms | and necessity (p62) reported speech (p68) hobbies and interests indirect questions (p70) past perfect (p76) feelings used to (p78) .ed and -ing adjectives Exam overview page 111 listening ‘topic: places in town ‘task: multiple choice topic: app camp task: sentence completion topic: technology and entertainment task: multiple choice (pictures) topic: training to be a gymnast task: multiple choice ‘topic: music task: multiple choice topic: a local event to help the environment task: multiple choice topic: an online travel show sentence completion topic: hobbies task: multiple choice (pictures) ‘topic: experiences task: multiple choice Seale] | topic: giving personal information ‘taske introductions - social [interaction topic: communicating task: describing a photo topic: technology and entertainment. task: collaborative task and discussion topic: dangerous sports task: describing a photo topic: playing music task: describing a photo topic: reducing plastic waste task: collaborative task topic: going on holiday task: discussion topic: learning a new skill ‘task: collaborative task topic: weekend activities ‘task: collaborative task and discussion topic: school councils ‘task: emall topic: not such a great evening task: story topic: making 2 big purchase ‘ask: email topic: sports at and outside school task: article ‘topic: favourite music tast ticle : visiting a friend task: email topic: travel tips task: article topic: hobbies task: article topic: an unforgettable experience task: story unit check 1 unit check 2 unit check 3 review: units 1-3 (p30) unit check 4 unit check 5 unit check 6 review: units 1-6 (p56) unit check 7 unit check 8 unit check 9 review: units 1-9 (p82) Match sentence halves (1-7) and (A-G) This summer | travelled On the first day we looked 1 2 3 After that we went 4 Itried 5 Then we met 6 Ididn't take any 7 We didn't want to return A 8 c around the British Museum for hours. British food and | liked it home because we were having such 2 good time. D to London with my parents, E photos of the palace because there were too many people, F walking along the river Thames, G some friends from home, outside Buckingham Palace! Choose the adjective which has a similar meaning to the word in brackets, to complete each sentence 1 Their first performance was (very good) 2 Let me show you @ photo of my (very pretty) dog! 3 liked the book, but the film was really (not very interesting) 4 The city centre isn’t (very big), but there's lots to do, 5 Mycousin’sa top) businesswoman, She owns a technology Write the word that completes all three sentences in each group. 1 If you do wellin the comps For my last project, my teacher gave me My favourite team has: Sn first 2 Imreally tired -|need a You have a busy day tomorrow -try to get some ‘After carrying the boxes upstairs, we stoppec 3 I'm pleased to be learning a new For me, cooking isn't a hobby; it's a = A great footballer needs both speed and 8 4 Travelling to Australia takes a long Hove the weekends because | have lots of free Im going to swim outdoors for the first 5 Everyone clapped when the actor walked onto the I get nervous every time I'm on She sang her song, sald goodnight and left the s Choose the correct words to complete the message. - 7 | bought@Y the /~ new phone on Saturday. | used 'a / the /— money ‘my grandparents gave me for my birthday. 2A / The / = phone has ’a/an// the amazing camera, of course. You know | love “a / the /~ phones with #a/ the /~ good cameras! My mum always says, ‘Stop taking ¢a / the / ~ photos of life and just live it" But | think that ’a / the /~ photography is *a / an /~ useful skill and also ’a / an / the interesting hobby. And who knows, | might even be "a / the /- famous photographer one day! Complete the article with o, an, the or no article (-) TOP TEN foods to try while you're in Elote is a very popular snack and you shouldr't leave’... Mexico without trying it Its made from grilled corn with 2... Salt chill lime, butter and cheese, You can eatelote from?..... cup, but i's easier to eatitoné..... stick — rather like * eon ite cream. Youllfind it at®..... most cafés or restaurants in tourist areas, but”... best place to buy itis in street, cooked on a barbecue Make sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 dogs / cats (friendly) 2. cycling to school / taking the bus (good) 3 trying new foods J always eating the same things (interesting) 4 the food market / the supermarket (cheap) 5 summers in Spain / summers in the UK (hot) 6 having a picnic / cooking a meal (easy) Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 Mexico City is (big) city 've visited. 2 Walking is (natural) way to get fit. 3 Yuk! That's. (bad) cup of coffee I've ever had, 4 Yesterday was 5 The paintings inside that building are. (beautiful) ones in Rome, (happy) day of my life Finishing my project was (good) feeling ever! Rewrite the sentences using (not) as... os 1. Having a picnic is more inter ig than eating indoors My brother is more active than me, Kelly is very shy and so is Amanda, Doing your best is more important than winning, Pete was very disappointed and so was Eri. Complete the conversation with these verbs. There are three extra verbs which you do not need, Listen and check your answers. A: Hil Did you have a good weekend? B: Yes,l" vans. 12, horse-riding for the first time. ‘A: Wow! Where did you, that? B: In the countryside near my uncle's village. It 4 amazing! |* to wear a special helmet and riding boots ‘Az Iid love to try horse-riding. But it sounds a bit scary! B: It’s not. Well, at least & scared~1 was on the horse with my uncle. Although | nearly 7 off the horse at one point! It wanted to run but, luckily, my uncle was in control, soit, go too fast. When was the last time you did these things? Write true sentences about you using the past simple. Use when where possible. 1 tryanew food 2 take aphoto 3 have ameal with a friend / friends 4 swim in the sea or a lake 5 travel by train buy something Complete the text with these words and phrases. This isa photo of me with my walking club. Here we're all : ina hike for charity. It’s something we de once a year. We hike every weekend for two months, and collect a? cach time. Ithink we're doing the second hike in this photo. We're walking across a bridge. You can't see it but there's a deep z under the bridge and we were really high up. In the * you can see the woods we were walking through. The bridge was so high up, we were near the tops of the trees! We don't always go for long walks in the group. Sometimes we just meet to shave fun each other and Read about five people who are looking for a club to join. Answer the questions. Who: 1. wants to get better at their hobby? 2 isinterested in technology? 3 is already very good at their hobby? 4. enjoys wearing costumes? 5 isne to the area? Read the advertisements for eight clubs. Decide which club (A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (1-5). 1 Callum 3 Tom. 5 Chris 2 Elena 4 Sarah Hove computers. | spend a programming my own PC and trying out new games. | also enjoy solving puzzles and problems I moved here a couple of months ago and I'd like to find a new hobby and also meet local teenagers. | Jove being outside and | like most sports, but | don’t like competitions. | was a member of a club last year but | didn’t learn as much as | wanted to | ike making things and I draw pictures all the time. I want to have fun, but I'm also interested in studying a bit, so I can improve: In my free time | do experiments with my y home lab’ kit. Last year | won the Young Einstein prize at my school. | want to study Biochemistry at university and I'd like to meet young people who like the same things as me. have a good imagination and I'd love to find a hobby to inspire me. | enjoy acting é and drama. | like dressing up and playing the part of someone different from myself. I'm thinking about being an actor when | leave school. RE) © the Ba Do you love finding out about how te world works? Then come and feed your hungry mind at the Vector Club, We welcome visitors to talk to us about workshops and we often send am to competitions. Ask Peter Stevens in Class 8B for more details, @ The Baseball cubis frienaly TR @ E 910Up of young people who Meet to get ft and h F wang out, =) We play our matches at the i local park on Sundays and then we have a picnic or a barbecue Come and join in- our club is: ot about winning, it's bout having fun! Bi match the phrasal verbs (1-7) from the advertisements Why not take up painting? You can express yourself and meet people like you. We have members of all levels and abilities and we spend as much time painting outdoors as we ‘can, Contact Zoe in Class 8A for more information, Ex 3 with their meanings (A-G). 1 set up 8 join in get together 6 takeup 2 find out (about) 7 look forward to sign up (for) 3 take part 4 start doing a new activity feel excited about something that is going to happen 5 start a new club, organisation or company 6 get more information on your name on a list for something because you want 7 to take part in it meet each other the sports hal after schoo) at intermediate You can sign up for tf Visiting our page on website and foo member link idminton Club meets in Roleplay , ~ every Thursday to mate nee reat vay needtobe fantasy and strategy one she meme lve to get o0p@ wh love oY 2808 for ‘ur sessions, the everyday. Comp oer? from the cubby the school wing the ‘ = costumes 1g the ‘New eet in the on? OPtional elays at 3.30pm x © ~ If you live in the digital world, you'll love our Tech Club. We don't just sit around looking at screens and playing all day, you know! We're looking forward to a trip to the Technology Exhibition next month, Visit our website for details, the Art Clb pects once 8 month ‘morning, €8ch fa different subject : eotation The Art Clu ons Saturday on is abou! y have @ pres and we wt ae teacher We yo local artis leries ie visits to art galle also organise visi to 2 mv the masters 5 oF to learn f Contact details & EB complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from Ex 4, I need to buy a rac t because I'm going to tennis. :d and Joe never They just watch There aren't any youth clubs in my town, so we're going to anew one, always the end-of-year competition, Hove taking part and usually win, too! Vd lke to join your group. Where can | I'm not sure | would lke climbing. | have to it before | decide. ‘at the weekend to go shopping when we play football ie Shall we for new clothes? 1 Identity GRAMMAR Present simple and present continuous ll complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of these verbs. Use the same verb for both gaps. eat listen play snow study tidy watch wear 1 We usually volleyball but at the moment we basketball 2 Today she Jeans, but most of the time she a skirt 3 often cereal for breakfast, but this morning i toast. 4 Today Peter {to the radio, although he usualy ‘to music on his MP3 player. 5 We tennis from Wimbledon on the TV now. We. it every year 6 That's strange —look, it outside. It never inJune! 7 My sister her room at the moment ~ she only itonce 8 week. 8 My friends and | often together but today we (on our own, Complete the question toa friend, Use you and the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs n Brackets. 1 What (listen) to? It sounds lke a group that | know. 2 You look worried. What. (think) about? 3 (understand) the homework? Can you explain it tome? 4 Are you reading the new Elena Rose book? What (think) of it? 5 Why (tal) to me that way? Are you upset? 6 (often / listen) to classical music? 7. I'm not sure | understand, What (mean)? 8 What's Madrid like? (have) a good time? EID 11 uisten to Jess tating to her bestfriend Amelia. Answer the questions. Write fll entences inthe present simple or present continuous. 1 Where do Jess's aunt and uncle ve? 2. What's the weather liken Manchester? 3 What is Jess doing? 4 Where do Jess and her aunt and uncle sometimes goin the evenings? 5 How does Amelia feel? 6 Why does Amelia have to go? EVID) :2 choose the correct verb forms to Complete the sentences from the recording Listen again and check your answers 1 It seems /is seeming as if you're in the next room, 2 Do you joke / Are you joking? It different here 3 | don't believe / am not believing it! are building 2 swimming -ompletely 5 We hear / are hearing them all the time in the garden, 6 Hang on a minute~| hold / am holding the phone out now. 7 They don’t sound / aren't sounding like British birds at all 8 He makes / Is making breakfast this morning Complete the text withthe present sieple of restate ofthe verbs in brackets, _— hefs S&S Antonio comes from Brazil, but at the moment he 4 von (vst is aunt in Brighton. He (stay) wit is English aunt forthe school holidays. He (lke) his aunt very much, 0 today he’... (want) to cook dinner forher Antonio says: English food * (taste) very different from the food back home. To be honest, I think it is abit boring. So today 1 (make) a adtional Brazilian meal for my aunt to try. 1 (use) a recipe I found on the internet tt. (ook) good in the photos, so let's hope she likes it VOCABULARY personality adjectives Bl Match these words with the pictures (1-6). lazy noisy shy sporty Match the sentences (1-6) with the descriptions (A. 11 Lisa doesn’t mind speaking in public A She's funny. 2. Diane tells everyone what to do. B She's lively 3 Leila never says ‘please’ or € She's serious. ‘thank you’ D She's confident, 4 Grace makes me laugh E She's bossy. 5 Tia doesn’t often joke or smile. F She's rude. 6 Sophie is always busy and fun to be with Complete the conversations with adjectives from Exs 1 and 2. 1 \: I think I'm going to fail the exam, B: No, you're not you study a lat. You should be more \: I'm spending the day playing computer games. B: Oh youre so, You need to get more exercise! | don’t really want to meet your friends at the party. B: Don't be Try to talk more and you'll be fine. : Your new coat is really ugly. B: Hey! That's very Say'sorry'! : That's the funniest thing I've ever heard Can you stop laughing and Be an This is important! fora moment? Let's get together at the weekend and play some football B: You know I'm not very. =H rather st at home and watch TV. Ei reed what twin brothers say about each other and choose the correct prepositions My brother and | look similar, but our personalities are quite different. 'm not very good tin / at talking to people | don't know and I'm frightened with / of {going to new places. Jorge is much better ’at / about making friends. Sergio isa bit shy, but he's briliant ‘at /in listening and he’s very clever. | sometimes get fed up Sabout / with him because he knows all the answers at ‘school! We like the same things, though. We're both keen ‘with / on football and we're interested “in / on. technology and computers. Complete the sentences about you. Use one ofthese prepositions in each sentence about at(x2) in of with 1 I'mbored 2 I'minterested 3 I'mexcited 4 Im frightened 5 I'm brillant 6 Imbad Extend complete the definitions with these words anxious brave careless polite rellable sociable 1 Ain) person worries about things 2 Ao) person always keeps promises, 3 Ao) person makes alot of mistakes. 4 A) person likes spending time with other people. 5 Ain) person can help others in a dangerous situation, 6 Ain) person respects other people and speaks kindly, BIE 13 Listen toa teacher talking about students Match the names (1-6) with the descriptions (A-F) to make sentences. 1 Fran A iscareless with school work 2 Sem B Is anxious about exams. 3 Clare € was brave during the school trip, 4 Alex D isn’t very polite to the teachers, 5 Isobel E isreliable 6 Nick F needs to be less sociable in class. 9 1 Identity LISTENING HB Read questions (1-6) and highlight the key words. The first one is done for you 1 Youwill hear two friends talking about what to donext in a museum, What are they going tolook at? A some coins B some paintings € souvenirs they can buy 2 You will hear two friends talking about traveling by bus. How does the boy feel - ee adverbs of frequency, worries Brees Ei match these adverbs or time phrases with those with a similar meaning below (1-6). € fedup 3. Youwillhear two friends who are shopping every day frequently hardly ever most days now and then once a month for clothes. What does the gil think her pad eee a friend should do? 1 occasionally 4 always A get different size 2 rarely 5 every four weeks B choose a darker colour 3 usally 6 often € tryamore modem style 4 You will hear two friends trying to find their ‘ay in a shopping centre. What does the boy Rewrite the sentences. Put the adverb or time phrase in brackets inthe correct pace think they shoulé do? 41 My parents goto the cinema. (hardly ever) A use an electronic map : B oto the information desk 2. We dont eat at restaurants because my brother is too Ite (often) € take the lit rather than the stars 5. You will hear two friends choosing afm to 3 Is the museum closed on Sundays? (always) see. Which type of film do they both ke? A comedy 4 find my way without using @ map. (usual) B action © science fiction 5 don't goto the city centre. (on weekdays) 6 You will hear two friends talking about a café they often go to, Which opinion do fe) Weuani by bein arely) they share? [A The café looks better than itd before. B The quality ofthe food is the most [ite true sentences about you. They can be positive or negative important thing. 1 take the bus /oten € They dont ike the new furniture Look at the questions in Ex 1 again and 2. meet my friends afterschool / every day the key words you highlighted, Decide it you are listening for an agreement (A), a 3 goto the samecate /alae suggestion (S) or feelings (F) in each question, i i 0 2 4 choose my own clothes in shops / usually 2 ‘ ‘ 1.4 Listen to the six different 5 be late for school / all the time Conversations from Ex 1. For each question, choose the correct answer. 6 get lost / often 10 SPEAKING Choose the correct words to complete the answers. Then match the answers (A-F) with the questions in Ex 4 (1-6). A love playing chess. One example | reason Ike its because It makes me think My mum or da, but | sometimes cook simple meals to for | so example pasta with sauce, 2- middle 1's your / what / name? My favourite subject's scence because | 50 ke dong lots of ciferent experiments D im from Warsaw, the capital of Poland There are lots of good things about ving therefor example J reason there are lots of shops and restaurants, My ister and ke the same things, because | so | usualy as her tohelpime 4 town how fof / the / the / dof spel / you J name? F My mum drives me to school becaus on her way to work, BEd Pet the words in the correct order to make questions 41 your / what /sumame /'s? Fs 3 address / your /'s/ what? 0 she passes my schoo! [Gi Read part ofan interview witha student. Complete his answers 5 what / postcode / your /'s? with these words. {so because but forexample one reason so 6 please / your / can f eral / spell / address, | you? Q: Where do you live? ‘A: I'm from Odessa. It's a big city in Ukraine, *.. its not the capital ; And what's your favourite thing about living there? BAG +s Read the form tisten toa il called Sophie a Wel Tore Odesals because it's beau ty ‘answering the questions in Ex1 and complete the form. These ar sean amnazig WUllaae and Ballet Theatre. feist Do you live with your Family? ‘the Opera @ Full name: A: Yes-with my parents and my two brothers. | get on well with ‘my brothers and | enjoy spending time with them, Maybe it's Address: “ we like doing the same things Town: What do you lke doing in the summer? A We all enjoy water sports we go canoeing or Postcode: swimming inthe sea pS & What about in the winter? Asin the winter we ¢ snnx Qo to the 52, Bt we go for Jong walks along the beach BED 1 usten tothe questions again and answer bout yourselt, Listen to your recording to see how 1.7 Listen and check your answers. Then answer the Glear your answers were. fuestions from the conversation in €x 6 about yourself Complete the questions with what, where, who or how. do you come from? do you like doing in your free time? 's your favourite subject? do you get to school every day? cooks your meals at home? helps you to buy your clothes? oueunae 1 Identity WRITING an email Hi Read these sentences from diferent students’ emails Decide f they are about personaly (), hobbies (H) or likes and dsites (0) 41 say my sister is very calm 2 can't stand computer games. 3. My brother and Igo skateboarding atthe weekend 4- tm keen on cats, dogs, rabbits any kindof animal Si 6 My grandmothers sixty now, but she's rely vel travelling to new pl 7 Ido karate once a week. Match these adjectives with the prepositions, we use them with. Write them in the correct column in the table. bored brillant fed up good interested keen terrible at with on in Complete the second sentence soit means the same asthe fist. Use these words and the words in brackets, bossy interested keen scared serious shy sperty 1. lke reading fantasy novels. (quite) tim ‘on reading fantasy novels. 2 don't smile alot. quite) m person. 3 I don't often tell people what todo, (very) Vmnota person, 4 Im terrifed of heights, (ery) tm of eights, 5 Learning to speak German interests me. (quite) tim in learning to speak German 6 I find it hard to talk to people | don’t know. (ery) Im, around people I don't know, 2 El read the advert from a school website and notes 1-4. Answer the questions 1 What kindof text o you need to write? 2. How many things do you need to write about? What ae th Elections for the school council ‘School councils represent the views of students, so they/re really important. This year there will be two representatives for each cass, Ifyou think you could be one of them, tell your classmates! ‘Write them an email saying what you're ike. What's the best thing about you? ‘What are you good at? Tell the class why they should choose you! WU write about my personality give a reason read a's emalland answer the questions Dear Classmates, I'm Ed Anderson and I want to be your school councillor, I'm quite a serious person, but I'm also friendly. You can talk to me if you have any problems at school. My friends say the best thing about me is that | always try to help people when I can, ''m very good at speaking in public and I'm also good at listening, ‘That's another reason I'm the right person for this job. ‘You should choose me because | want to help the school and | have lots of good ideas. | promise I'll make our schoo! better. | hope you will vote for me! Ed 1. Does he write about all the points? 2. Does he give extra information about each 3 Does he use adjectives? Find examples. int? 4 What two words does he use to make adjectives stronger or less strong? [i Diread the advert in €x 4 again and write your own email in about 100 words. Use your answers to Exs 4 and 5 and Ed’s email to help you. NIT CHECK ‘Complete the blog post with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. fm Besim. | usually * (speak) Turkish at home, but today 1? (speak) English, because my friend William from England * (stay) with me at the moment. Het (come! to schoo! with me every day. William has just started learning Turkish, so there are a lot of words he® (not know). He ‘ not understand) me and my friends when we chat I have to translate for him, My English’, (improve), but his Turkish og (not ged better! Make questions about the text in Ex 1, Use the present simple or present continuous. 1. what language / Besim / usually / speak at home? 2 why / he / speak / English / today? 3 where / Besim and William / go every day? 4 why | Besim | have to / translate for William? 5 William's Turkish / improve? ‘Answer the questions in Ex 2. Write full sentences, IF read the cues and complete the puzle with personality adectves Bis sities stectveancccomgite shave. 1 intelligent F 2 not calm K4 3 not funny 4 not reliable 5 not rude F mysteryadjective: i ot EX Gilkeos the article For each question, choose the correct answer. eee ‘Are you fed up '... your parents asking ‘you to switch off your phone? So am Il But understand why parents are unhappy ~ our social lives are very cifferent..... theirs and they're worried. They think we're all bad >.» writing and terrible... communicating fave to face. I don't think that's true, but maybe we should be hanging out... Ur friends more and taking part... activities. My parents say we spend a lot less time ‘outdoors than they did, and | think they're probably right. 1@witn wat € for 2A of — Btht —€ from 2Aat — Bwith Cin Aan Bir | Cat S Ato Bwith _€ about 6 Aon = Bin C from TG Read the blog post and write the correct answers, Write one word for each gap. About school SS a — Wi $ > aes Sa a V'mso bored homework I spend two hours doing it most days and Ihave to complete a project weekend. That's Fity-two projects year! Anyway, at least it was a good day at school today becouse had drama, realy keen drama, but we only have it ‘ a week, on Friday afternoons "im aiways really happy on Fridays! The drama group puts on a play twice a year ~ in December and June. We usually perform a classical play, but now and 8 we write our own play. This year helping and I'm very excited about it! 7 mialomaalessele|=) READING Hi Put the letters in brackets in order to form a word which completes each sentence. The frst letter ofeach new word sn bol 4 Stop playing on your phone an pay (tenonat) to what iim saying! 2 People around the world speak English - it's an (tiatnelnraino) language, 3 Jeans with holes in them are very (abasholefin) these days, 4 Unfortunately, languages (adispapre) all the time - people simply stop speaking them, 5 The national language here is Spanish, but many (lcaol) people also speak German, 6 At first I didn't (sreeail) that she was Italian, but then Iread an article about her 7 An (atiscening) number of people are learning languages online each year. 8 Learning a foreign language will (iaivro) you to communicate with more people, Match the responses (A-H) with the sentences (1-8) above. A It's true, but we can try to change that by teaching young people about them, B Definitely English is unique in that © Oh really? What was it about? D Those people are lucky to grow up speaking ‘wo useful languages. E That's right - speaking ani ‘makes both travelling and business much easier. F Sorry, 'm listening now. G Maybe, but it doesn’t mean that they look H Using technology isa great way to [lead the notices and the emails (1-3). For each question, choose the correct answer. @ \/ Wanted: second-hand violin for learner aged 8-12, Willing to pay up to £80, more | for an instrument in excellent condition, LS | B The buyer might be happy to spend more than £80. © The buyer will only spend £80 or less. From: Ana. To: Mum HiMum, I've arranged to go to Sally's house after schoo! to revise for our French test tomorrow. | left my books at home. Please Could you bring them to school on your way to work? I'l pick them up from reception, Ana ‘A Ana wants her mum to take something to Sally’s house, B_Ana would like her mum to collect her from Sally's house, Ana asks her mum to deliver something to her. 3) If you'd like to go on next month's Spanish language exchange trip, write your name here. You must get permission from your parents before registering, even if you have been on previous trips. ‘A It's the parents’ job to register their children for the trp. B All students must ask their parents before they sign up, © Only students who have been on a trip before can attend. Bi Read the article about language quickly. Does the writer think emoji language is generally positive or negative? [dress the article again. For each question, choose the correct answet. 1 In the frst paragraph, the writer says that emojis. ‘A. make conversation between people better. B encourage understanding between cultures, € persuade more people to text D area new language. 2 How does the writer think emojis affect written language? ‘A Not everyone knows what the emojis mean. B They make messages unclear. € People are unable to explain things clearly. D There is too much focus on images, not words. 3 According to the writer, speling tools on our mobile phones. ‘A. make bad predictions about what we'd like to write, B area benefit to teachers, help people to use punctuation correctly. D stop young people from using their brains 4 What does the writer say about emojis in school work? ‘A. They make students appear bad at writing, B They can cause confusion, © They bring in unnecessary feelings. D They make young people lazy. 5 Which sentence best describes how the writer feels about emojis? ‘A. Emojis are a good way for us to avoid learning to spell B Young people need to learn to write without emojis. Social networks should stop using emojis. D_Emojis can help create international friendships. Bi Find these words in the article. Then choose the correct meaning for each word as it appears in the article. 1 achieved (para 1) A succeeded in doing B failed 2 communicate (para 2) A chat B make people understand 3 bother (para 3) A annoy someone B make the effort to do something 4 effect (para 3) A result B advantage 5 mood (para 4) A the way we act B the way we feel 6 weak (para 4) ‘A not good B not having much energy Shigetaka Kurita frst created emojis while working for a mobile phone company. He wanted to design pictures that improved short text messages by ‘making them sound friendlier, an aim he certainly achieved. Emojis weren't very popular when | was growing up but today they're like a world language. In fact, some people say emojis are the fastest-growing language. Awritten language that uses pictures isn’t new. The Egyptians had one, for example. However, its worrying that emojis are so popular. developed a large vocabulary while Liwas learning English at school. That vocabulary helps me to communicate a lot of different, dificult ideas in a way that people understand. Ifwe use emojis all the time, we lose the ability to write. We can only communicate ideas in simple ways in texts OF course, it's normal for language to change over time and it's great that the written form continues today online. However, we spend a lot of time writing only short messages and using technology that guesses the word we want to type. It also changes spelling mistakes, so no one needs to learn how to spell any more. As well as that, no one seems to bother with punctuation. Teachers can see the effect of this in written work in the classroom, The ability to write wellis important for our school lives. Using emojis is @ good way to show our mood quickly, and they are fine to use with friends but using them in school work is a bad idea. It just makes the writer seem like a weak communicator. Writing is a key skill in education. Teachers need to make sure that young people can all write well so that they can communicate well. This means learning to write without emojis and understanding when they are and aren't OK, 18 2 Get the message GRAMMAR past simple and past continuous El complete the table with past simple form of the verbs. infinitive | past simple carry Read the sentences (1-8) about what different people were doing last night. Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. a1 (chat) to my friend Ali on my phone. 2 We (learn) some new English words, We. (not do) a great job, though! 3 | was with my sister. We (have) dinner and, for once, we (not argued! ait (rain) and (stand) at the bus stop getting wet. 5. Mybrother (tell) me about something but (not listen)! 6 Myfriend and | (watch) a film. ' “(90% enjoy) it very much, 7 (talk) to my parents. They (ask) me about my day. 81 (sleep). fell asleep while ' (Go) my homework 2.1 Listen and check your answers. Bl what were you doing at these times yesterday? Write a sentence for each one. cd fr) Ba) foe) me) fe cagca iE a) compu o * = C o fe] fe) foe) fo] fom) fame) fom] foe Ei choose the correct words to complete the sentences 1 While ved /was ling in Japan, took / was taking 2. What were they talking / di they talk about when came | was coming nt the rom? 2. Our host family dnt speak were’ speaking to us in Spanish while we stayed / were staying wit them, 4. When we arived / were ariving. all the quests danced were dancing 5 didnt use / wasn't using my phone while we traveled / wer traveling 6 She spoke / was speaking in a strange language, so | wasn't / wasn’t being able to understand her. Ei complete the conversation with the past simple or past Continuous form of the verbs brackets A (you / take) a lot of study books or a travel guide with you on your language exchange? B: No.1? (not need) them. just . {put} my smartphone in my pocket When i . (study) and needed to look up a word, I dictionary. When I (sightsee), my phone’, (Become) both amap and a guidebook. And of course it was also my camera A: | see! So yout. (at have to) carry (use) an online a heavy bag, B: Exactly! My phone weighs next to nothing, so 1, (oot get) tired while 1, (walk) around, Choose the correct words to complete the sentences, 4 Do youtel talk say to your fiends about your problems? 2 aida know. Thankyou for talking eling/ saying me 3. Who were you saying | teling / talking toon the phone? 4 tmsory cant hear sten/ speak you because t's too VOCABULARY language and communication Hi complete the crossword, noisy here b 5 ort. wha id you tel talk ay? 6 Do you want to liaten/ hear / elo music or watch afm? Complete the blog post with these verbs. : cxpln_pronounce repeat soy _SpeOK anste understand F I fet A ARE ad tim so excited to finaly be in Beljing! We're traveling Ce Fe a ~ > in China for three months. 'm learning to 7 { | QM Chinese buat the moment people Z often do vat to them. | use my hands a lot to help *, what mean. point at things and Zz everthing several tines, ral, |askmy Chinese Fendt Across: . _ for me. S 2 say a word with the correct sounds The problem's that dont pane aaa Sone Geo correctly and | get the 6 ‘tel someone about something 0 they can understand it eee 8 say things as part of conversation aver ict language! ¥ 9 speakwores 10 know that a sound i being made 12 sy ordo something again Bi complete the sentences to make them true foryou Down 1 never atento 1 change words from one language to another language 2 have a definition or explanation 5 talk to people; say and understand words of a language 7 pay attention to what someone is saying or to a sound 11. give information to someone (£5) 2.2 Listen to six short conversations. When you hear the beep, decide which of these words is missing, explain mean pronounce repeat speak understand 2 3 4 5 | find it dificult to pronounce the word... ‘Aword or phrase that I say too often is The person | talk to the most is | don't really understand the word. in English Extend £5} tistento seven atferent situations. Match the speaker or conversation (1-7) wth what they are doing (A-G). ‘A. making a complaint 1 a B giving an explanation 2 5 € giving a greeting 3 6 D making an excuse E interrupting someone EAD) 2:3 uisten and check your answers. efascnaTeonnert G thinking out loud W 2 Get the message LISTENING HED 2 Listen to teacher telling her students about 2 computer course. Which ofthese things does she talk about? 1 the type of course 2 wien the course willtoke ace 3 the teachers’ experience 4 the cost 5 face-to-face lessons 6 what the course includes Read the sentences (1=4), What type of word (A-D) needed toil each gap? The fee for the course is, Well start at Please bring will each the course, a thin 1 2 3 4 A aperson B © anumber > atime TechLang m con You can learn how to create’ You have video lessons and do, You pay for the course. You must complete a course assignment to C= You attend face-to-face lessons organised by You need to bring a, ‘you're twelve or under. with you it [EXE 2.6 tisten again and complete the sentences inthe arvertiement, Wie one or two words or e numberof a date or atime, 18 -ing form El complete the course review with the ing form of these verbs. create do improve know team spend watch work Before | took this course, | thought that *, ‘a computer language was difficult I's actually not o three hours a week on the course was the most difficult thing for me. 'm not very good at 3 independently and ¢ afiim always seemed more fun. | made myself do the work, though, and I'm glad I did. ! now enjoy ® : my own apps. They're just simple ones but I'm looking forward to & my skills in future with ‘a more advanced course. | think that 7 a course like this is good for all teenagers. “ how to program will probably be a really Useful skillin the future, Hl complete the sentences to make them true for you Use te ing form, 1 love 2 I'm really good at 3 I'm pretty bad at in the evenings. 4 Is my least favourite thing to do. 5 Idon't like at the weekends. 6 is dificult for me, 7 is quite easy for me, SPEAKING HBr the words in the correct order to make sentences describing diferent photos 1 photo / a typical scene / shows / this / ina supermarket 2. two people / are / and a few sthers | in the background / in this photo, / there 3 that / was taken / I guess / in a supermarket / this photo 4 all the people / that's /look / because / very busy 5 definitely for a bus / the couple / waiting / are 6 the man | and the woman | I'm / know each other / sure Bl.Look atthe photo of people talking in a town centre. Complete the sentences about the photo with one word in each gap. One of the people is wearing a n the foreground, there are sone skateboards and two Three of the teenagers are sitting on a Inthe background, there are some blocks of. 1 on their head. 2 3 4 5 The three people on the right are listening to the boy on the, 6 7 8 or buildings | think that the photo wasn't taken inside. It was taken There are people in the photo. ‘Two of the people have long hair. The other two have ark hair 9 The boy on the rightis sitting on the 10. The girl dressed in a white top has got a pair of around her neck. £]27 Listen tothe sentences from Ex 2 and check your answers Isthere anything ese you could say about the photo? [i wich words or phrases in €x2 help the speakers to describe the photo? Can you find any more in Ex 1? Match the sentences in x 2(1=10) with the functions (A-E). A. introducing the people: B saying where the photo was taken: € describing the place: saying what the people look lke or are wearing E_ saying what the people are doing J Now took at the photo on page 10. Record yourself describing the photo. How many of the describing words and phrases from Exs 1 and 2 can you use? 2 Get the message WRITING astory Read the writing task and match the questions (1-5) with the notes (AE). ‘Your English teacher has asked you to write a story A aresteura Your story must begin with this sentence: stavrant; good food, huge, not busy B paid bill (expensive!) left Feeling a gry © enheliday We expected to have a-great evening Write your story in about 100 words. D terrible food and service 1 When eid it happen? a 2 E mean 2. Where did it happen’ id my family; a few other customers 3. Whowas there? 4 What was the main action / situation / problem? 5 What happened inthe end? Read a student's story. Replace the words in brackets with Think about a situation where you had an experience these words, that wasn't what you expected, Make alist of strong adjectives that describe that event. elctous|(gaiog (foo | Mlarous huge | beta feed be closlededichectel EB Read the task n Ex 1 again and choose areal or Imaginary situation you would tke to write about An evening to forget Canyou tink ofa second sentence for your story och d to hee siad eunning Weunracen ‘that could follow the first sentence given in the task? holiday. We decided to eat at a restaurant that described its food as "(very nice) a Ttwas 1 When did it happen? (very big) but there weren't many people there. We soon found out why. Pa The waitress didn’t remember what we asked for and brought us the wrong food. At first we thought it was Avery Funny) wumnnninnnnne BYE WhER she brought us the wrong things a second time, we stopped laughing. It was late, so we decided to eat the food. Unfortunately, itwas ‘(not nice) = Then things get worse when she dropped a drink on my dad — and the drink wasn't even for him! After so many mistakes, they were very angry) When they saw the bill. It was extremely expensive and no discount had been offered. We all agreed that going there was a (very BAA) nnninnnnnnn decision! 3 Who was there? 4 What was the main action/ situation / ey) problem? 5 What happened in the end? [lite your story in about 100 words. Use your notes from Ex 3 to help you 20 ‘Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 11 sn (StUGY) Turkish in Istanbul when | vena (Ct) my friend Elif, 2 While we. (swim), some friends hide) our towels asa jokel 3 When | (get) home, my mum (talk) to someone ‘on the phone. 4 Lucy (chat) to one of her teachers when | (see) her. 51 ssemeanennn (SP) and fll while ics (un) down the st So embarrassing! 6 Mybrothers and : (have) a huge fight while we... (walk) to school yesterday. 7 The radio. (be) on but 1 vse (NO listen) to it 8 While Matthew... vou (00K) down at his phone, he (walk) into a lamppost! ‘Write the questions to complete the ‘conversations. Use the information in bold to help you. TA eases B: No, she didn't invite Stephen but she invited Alex. 2A = : B: Six oclock? We were doing our homework. BEA ena B: | think he worked in an Italian restaurant last summer. eee ae B: They wanted some help with their maths 5A. aes B: No, | wasn't sleeping when he called! | was ‘checking my emails 6A : See B: | was talking to my neighbour Sam when you saw me. 7h eect B: No, Jo, she wasn't laughing at you! She was watching a comedy! 8 AL... eee B: They were at home last night. Find and correct the mistakes with ng forms in four ofthe sentences, 1. Swim really ood for you 2. Come on! We need to hurrying up! 2 realy enjoy getting out on my bike, 4 cant study without listen to music 5 I'mpretty good at make new friends. Bi Match 1-6 with A-F to make sentences 1 [can't read the article aloud.....,. A so'mexplaining it again. 2 They speak very quietiy, B because the sounds as 3 It'sdifficult to translate important as the meaning. poetry because you can't see the 4 I want to remember the picture. words D because | don't know how 5 They didn’t understand to pronounce the words, the first time... E som repeating them 6 It's difficult to explain on. many times. the Phone an F soit’s hard to hear what they're saying, [Bi ctoose the correct words to complete the sentences 1 Don't say / tell me the answer. want to workit out for myself What language do they talk J speak in Egypt? Do you mean / say you don’t know or you don't want to tell me? | understand / translate spoken Japanese, but find it difficult to read. What did you pronounce | say? Can you repeat / tell the words? | didn't hear the difference Listen / Hear! This s important information. 8 Let me speak / explain how to send a text message, Nweauson Tl complete the restaurant review with these words. You do not need three of the words. ‘accent complaint excuse explanation greeting interrupted outloud repeated translation @Bloggerts My family and I were looking forward to eating at this restaurant but the menu was in the local language and we couldn't Understand it: We asked the waiter for a menu with an English but he didn’t have one. He tried to give us an 2 of each item on the menu but it was taking him ages and his * ‘was hard for us to understand, so it didn't help. My dad * him and said we'd be OK. | tried to read some of the meals to see if that helped but it didn't. In the end, we made an ¢ about not feeling well and left. ‘Complete the words in the sentences. Use the meanings in brackets to help you. 1 He's anew artist but websites p_____t that he will be really famous. (say something will happen) 2 It's¢____n for young people to listen to new music, (happening often) 3 It's possible to p_____e music at home these days, using simple equipment. (make) 4 I'm going to see my first | (not recorded) 5 After the concert, we went d__ going somewhere else) 6 She's an _- performer! I never miss her aleve it) e concert tomorrow. y home. (without (60 good Fea 7. My brother sings and plays the guitar in the school b__d, (@ group of musicians) ® Unfortunately, their first album wasn't (selling many copies) Read the article quickly. What is the main idea? Choose the correct answer. ‘A how to get tickets to see a band B choosing the right band to see € tips for attending a concert Read the article again, Five sentences have been removed from the article. Complete the text with these sentences (A-H). There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use, ‘A. Avoid sandals and wear trainers instead, B Its not possible to do ital. € If this isn't for you, move away. D Take a spare battery if you have one, E This can be both tiring and boring F You'll definitely want to try it out. 6 This includes a pen for when you meet the band H Think about the essential things you'll need Read the article again. Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? The writer 1. going to a concert is better than watching a band ontV hinks: 2. you should always arrive very early, 3 the most important thing is to look good. 4 you shouldn't take a bag, 5 it's important to take a phone or a camera... 6 it's easier to dance if you stand at the back. Find words in the article that have these meanings. 1. aperformance, concert, competition, etc. that many people watch or take part in (para 1), some; more than a fe put your foot on something (para 3) things (para 4) energy to make a machine work (para 5) active and full of energy (para 6) eonen Complete the sentences with the words from Ex 5, 1 I've got so much back hurt! 2. Please be careful not to flowers in my bag, it's making my the beautiful 3 Teachers ki the morning. 4 The is being organised to raise money for the new hospital ried to call you. ow students are always more in ‘times last night. Where were you? 6 Its sun to work ising, but a hairdryer needs a lot of Going to my first concert was one of the most things I've ever done. Watching a band play live rts have their problems, so here are some things you should think about before you your first live First, if there are no seats, plan with your friends or family where to stand before you go. If Be near th means several hours on your fe ou'll need to arrive ver Sppears. Bend you really toes. This means you sh ur feet. 2, ‘good and be comfortable at the same tim You'll want to take af photos. Make sure it has enough p the whole evening. 4 the photo: remember the event. Finally, remember that people will dance around during ‘cert. This means you'll probably get pushed band, the audien: ve all, dance and have a great time! 3 The future is now GRAMMAR the future [ll Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 he / pay /is/ your ticket {to / for / going? 2 your [birthday 11/2 cake | for | make /| 3 probably /we /late [be /'/ diane / tonight for 4 concert / at / the / eight olock starts 5 ‘Te [Jack | tis evening / meeting / we 6 going ther album J not/1/ buy mt 7 love / sure /'m | his new song /1/"/ you @ starting / your / you / when / are J drum lessons? Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets. Use willor the present continuous 1 It's really hot in here. | 2. We can help you tidy up. We the dishwasher. 3 Harry wants to change his job, so he advisor next week. ‘When we get a smart fridge, we You've got your coat on. Where. (you 1 (do) any exercise tonight. I'm too tired Don't worry, | (explain) how this works. 8 We (have) a party tomorrow. Do you want to come? (turn up) the air conditioning, 0)? Nous Complete the conversation between two brothers with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use will or going to. Where are you going, Tim? Br To the computer shop. A: Im bored. 12, (OK. The game | want is quite new, so it (not take) long to find it. (buy) a new game, (come) with you. B: Ah, here it s. There's no price on it, Excuse me, how much is this? Let me check. This one’s forty-five euros but we, (have) a sale soon, soit B: Thanks! I, (not buy) it today, then 2 (meet) my friend in town next weekend. | can get it for you then if you like B:_Oh that would be great - thanks, Jon FED 2.1 usten and check your answers, 24 (put) the dirty plates in (meet) a careers (not waste) any food. (probably / be) cheaper then, EX choose the correct verb forms to complete the email. To: Katie From: Max. ‘Subject: Concert Hi Katie, What ‘are you doing / will you do next Saturday? | "go /'m going to see some local bands play in the park. Do you want to come with me? I've got a spare ticket. The concert is starting / starts at eight and | guess it 8 finishing / "finish around 11 p.m. | ll probably take / probably take the bus to the park and I've already organised a lift home. My dad *picks /'s picking me up at p.m. outside the sailing club. | went to the same event last year and it was fun, so I'm sure it "s going to be/'s good again this year. | expect there * be / is food there too, so we can get something to teat before the main band comes on. Let me know what you think, Max: [wrt a snort paragraph about your plans for the weekend VOCABULARY technology in the home [Dl Match words (1-6) with words (A-F) to make compound nouns. Which two nouns are written as one word? 1 dish A wave 2 fridge- B machine 3 micro © freezer 4 remote pw 5 smart E washer 6 washing F control Look at the pictures and complete the sentences, Ce zh a 1. We can heat up yesterday's l My parents have a ‘which makes an espresso in less than a minute Keeping vegetables in the helps them last longer. Is that a 2.Can you download apps onto it? | need to turn the TV off. Where's the. 2 Put the ‘on and boll some water for a cup of tea, will you? Harry, look at all these dirty clothes! Don't you know where the 3? 8 Allthe plates and cups in the are them away, please? Rover pizza in the lean. Can you put Choose the correct phrasal verbs to complete the sentences. 1. Remember to switch off / turn down / go off the lights when you go out. 2. Canyou turn up / turn down J switch on the TV? t's too loud, 3. It's too dark in here, 'l turn off / shut down / switch on the light. 4 Assoon as I've gone off / set up / shut down my new phone, I'll send you my number, | need to switch on / plug in / turn down my phone. My battery’s low. Please pick up / switch off / turn up the heating. m cold 7. Switch on / Plug in / Shut down the computer, wil you? We don't, need it on, Hi complete the sentences to make them true for you. 1 Tike to turn my music up loud when 2 | usually switch off the TY when 3. | usually charge up my phone when 4 | turn down the radio when i) 3.2 Listen to Charlotte telling her friend Grace about her holiday. What was the problem? FIED 333 complete the words in the sentences from the recording, The first letter of each word is given Listen again and check your 1 The powerw, °, for two days! 2. We couldn't heat any food because the m, wasn't working, 3. We ate cold stuff from the, 4 We had to wash plates by hand in cold water because we couldn't use the d 5 Icouldn't p, tl my phone, so the battery died 6 Thewiis °, too, of course, s0 there was no internet. Extend Complete the phrasal verbs in the bog post with these prepositions back down out(x3) up (x2) with assistant Allof our smartphones and tablets have a built-in digital assistant these days. You press a bution, ask a question and the assistant finds * au the answer for you. One day, our digital assistant will end?....organising all aspects cof our lives. Shell carry... boring chores for us, such as ordering the weekly shopping. Shellhelp us ge... home if we're lost. If the car breaks... she'll calla mechanic ‘and ask them fo come and fxit. Infact, any problem we have, our assistant will deal®... itby calling someone who can help. We might even find that our assistant is happy to call up ‘our partner and break’... with them for us! "'mnot sure that's true, but the biggest problem will be how dependent we are on the assistant. Wewor'tknow what todowhen 4, yt cour phoneruns®....of battery! my 107 3 The future is now LISTENING Hil Read the questions (1-7) in Ex 3 and match them with the purpose of each conversation (A-G). talking about different game genres choosing useful materials for studying talking about something which isn't working discussing what to get when shopping finding out when a business opens talking about their interest in a concert G talking about online material they enjoy using mmone> Read the questions in Ex 3 again and look at the pictures. What words do you think you will hear in each conversation? Match the questions (1-7) to the words below. “blog 5 magic dictionary microwave dishwasher morning _ ob “quarter tonine | irl band racing hai eg — keyboard speakers - [EXED 3.4 isten to the conversations. For each question, ‘choose the correct answer. 41 What wll the gt buy fom the shop? © ® © 4. Who does the boy want to see in concert? AY ia iti 5 What website does the girl use most often? () , Fo 5 ee 6 Which machine has broken down? © meee Oe iF 7 What time will the mobile phone shop open? 4 ® advice and suggestions choose the correct words to complete the conversation ‘A: Howe / Why don't we watch fm later? B: Good idea, We ought / should watch the latest Marvel film. | think Ben has the DVD. ‘A: We could / might download it it's probably easier. B: OK, good idea. “Shall / Will | do that now? ‘A: Yes. Then we can watch it when we want to. And we could / ought to get some popcorn. I'll go to the shop. B: Great! How about ‘get / getting some of that sweet and salty popcorn? | love that! AA: Sounds good. Ill see what they've got. [035 Listen and check your answers. TG Your teacher has asked for suggestions for an end-of-year Class event. Complete the sentences to make some suggestions. 1 How about 2. Why don'twe 2 3 Weshould... 4 Wecould 5 We ought to Listen to sentences about about different ways of watching films. Complete the sentences with the words the speakers use. 1 TL a tablet’s useful. if you download a film conto it, you can watch it anywhere. 2 That's ‘And the screen's bigger than a mobile, 3 Yes, that's good, for watching a film at home, then. 4 Youre Vd like a room like that. It's better to watch a film with other people. 5 Hmm, Iimnot Ip me, laptops are great for video clips, but they aren't so good for films. 7 Idontt 8 inmy. sans i's more fun to watch films with other people. Maybe a tablet’s useful ‘to watch films alone, Listen again. Look at the pictures (A-E) and decide ‘which of these things the speakers agree on? Match the highlighted phrases in Ex 1 to the correct, column in the table. Complete the conversation with phrases from the table inex 3, ‘A: | don't lke any of these films. they're boring B: Really? really interesting A: They're all action films. What's interesting about that? B: Well, ys, ~they are action films. But they have goad stories too. | mean, there are some deeper messages in them. AS ssennunnen AO0Ut that. They don't seem very deep to me.* action fhlms focus too much on special effects and nat enough on, the story, B: Yes,¢ but only for some action films. You have to choose the right ones to watch. I think they're all Listen to the questions and record your answers. Listen to your answers. How many of the phrases from Ex 3 did you use? a 3 The future is now WRITING Match 1-7 with tomate seteces ing adie an Bemail 1 Youought A getting a set of speakers for your phone? 2 How about —_B you get anew laptop? Read the writing task and the email and notes below. Then 3 Youcould © some really good headphones. read statements 1-4 and decide if they are true (T) or false (F aac Ler eascl 4 Whydon't —_—D geta tablet. 5 Youshouldget _E | send you the website address? Read this email from an English-speaking friend and the notes 6 Shall F idea to getit online, you have made. Write your emaitusing all the notes. Write your 7 ttsagood _G to get a more up-to-date phone. Bnswer nabout 100 words, Hi complete Mario's emai with one word in each gap oe x) iNav! —~ Hi anoio I've got some news! I've got / respond to Cengatlaons Ws reat hat you : ioe soe peace ‘einen ) S rat nat you've got Fane ob inarestarant chon a6 Wy dn buy anew pone The one wookon GQ ~_tauvogutrow arty You ust rm gata save up and buy a havea report oso that you ca ore Lae RTA " tings wi. Ison yousonehomaton think | should get? |'d like to get ‘about my new phone? | think you *. buy it from a local shop. You'll get better customer service and ‘can ask more questions. something useful ‘Where do you think | should shop? Ist best to buy things in . 1'm going o buy an electric guitar with my money. I want a local shop or online? \3 to start a band and make my own music. | can’t wait! | know that you've got Say which one you've got a parttime job too and you've been saving money recently. What are you going to buy with i? Let me @ know! {ell Antonie) Read Mario's email again. Does he include all four points in Antonio the exam task in Ex? Are the ideas organised clery? [El Giread the wring task again and write your own email Imabout 100 words, ry touse diferent phrases for giving advice and making suggestion. Mario 1 Antonio has written you a letter 2. He has some good news. 3 He's writing to arrange a meeting with you. 4 You have to respond to four different things inthe email 5 You must write more than 100 words. Match the ideas (A~G) with the notes in Ex 1 (1-4). A better customer rence in shop new phone — you can do lets of things ont clectrie guitar ~I want to start a band! ‘can ask more questions your phones old! 8 c D congratulations é F 6 Twant to make my stn music UNIT CHECK Choose the correct words to complete the conversation, What 'are you doing / will you do at the weekend? B: Vm meeting / I'l meet my friend Ella in town on Saturday ‘to go shopping, 4Are you going to / Will you buy anything? Yes, I get / 'm going to get a birthday present for my sister. ‘A; Sounds great! $m going to / I'll come with you, if that’s OK. B: OK, great! *’'m not going to /1 won't take a lot of money because | don’t want to spend too much. ‘A: Yeah, | probably 7am not going to / won't spend a lot of money either. B: Ok, let's get the bus together. *! pay / I'll pay for your ticket. | owe you money from last week Match the sentences (1-6) with their functions (A-F). Look at the future forms in bold to help you \'m seeing the doctor at four this afternoon, | dont think the teacher will give us homework tonight. Jack and | are going to have a snowball ight. You're not going to sleep after seeing that scary fm! ‘he programme starts a 9. I carry those books for you timetabled event an offer a prediction based on opinion ‘a prediction based on outside knowledge 1 2 5 4 5 6 A anarrangement 8 c > Ee F a future plan or intention Read the clues and complete the crossword with words for technology in the home. Across 6 You use this to change channels on the TV. (2 words) 7 You clean plates in tis. Down 1. You make a cup of coffee with this, (2 words) 2. You clean clothes in this, (2 words) 3 You heat food in this. 4 You can stream TV programmes on this Using wifi. (2 words) 5. You boil water in this. ll complete the phrasal verbs in the sentences. The first letter of each verb is given 1 My phone's almost out of battery. need to p,, itin, Shall! ‘down your laptop or do you need to useit? Cen you please t, that music down? It’s just to0 loud! Help you s, vw Up YOUF new speakers. | want. ‘to hear how they sound Don’t forget to s, leave the room, Our electricity often g, It’s always abit scary! Off the lights when you off during a storm. EF complete the conversation wth one word in each gop. A So, we need to prepare a video presentation for our English homework. What do you think we t talk about? How?, our favourite website? Hmm, | think someone else is doing that.» = don't we talk about the best places to visit in our town? That's a good idea. And maybe We * un film ourselves in those different places, talking about them. Brilliant! ® about doing that on Saturday? Sure. 'm free then, But we ought check it’s OK with our parents first ale 29 REVIEW: UNITS 1-3 Hl complete the biog post with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets, Husually *.. (work) Saturday and Sunday ‘mornings in a bakery, but this week |? . (work) extra hours because |, (save) for a new tablet. So my new routine is + (get up) at 4.30 am, 18 (go) to work, then, {@ycle) to school. After school jee (do) my homework and finally | ‘ (Go) to sleep. an (enjoy) it because | know I (make) lots of money but I”, (also / get) very tired! Read what four young people are saying about thelr kes and distkes. Complete the texts with these words. about at (x3) in of on with (x2) I'm frightened + speaking in public and | don't like parties because I'm not good» talking to people | don't know. | prefer to hang out with my close friends, Hove playing tennis and football. | get excited * vom Competitions. | don't understand how people can sit stil | always want to run and dance. I love partes, | pay the saxophone and | get fed up People teling me to be quiet! | work hard and get good grades. 'm interested * learning new things and quick to understand new information. My teacher also says that I'm briliant ¢ ‘organising people and explaining things to them. Hove making people laugh and I"m good telling jokes. I'm also very KOEN 8 ncsmennne telling stories, but my friends don't ike them as much as my Jokes. They say they sometimes got bored iy stores 30 Read the texts in Ex 2 agen, Complete the sentences with personality adjectives. Some letters are given, 1 Janaiss__.Sheisn’t 3 Charlies bs “ t 2 Evieiss_o._yandno__y. and Ei Make sentences in the past imple, Put the time expression in brackets in the correct place. 1. we / have / a holiday / when | / be /a child (every year) 2 we / our | spend / holidays / at the beach (often) 3-1 go / swimming (most days) 4. my parents / buy { me / an ice cream (usvelly) 5 my sster and | / find / interesting sea creatures on the beach (now and then) 6 we / take / them home (never) 7 we | be / happy to go to the beach (always) Choose the corect words to complete the sentences. 1 Please hear / listen to what I'm saying / talking, 2 Can you explain / translate what you understand / mean? 3. What did they tell / speak you? 4 How do you pronounce / repeat this word? | don’t know how to speak / say it. | don't explain / understand what you'e talking / telling about. Can you speak {translate this word? | don't know what it means / pronounces. 7. Can you repeat / talk that, please? | didn't listen to / hear you. & | enjoy listening to / hearing my grandfather talking / telling stories. Ei choose the most appropriate future forms to complete the text. ‘My brother, my sister and | have a plan. going to learn / We'll all earn Oliver “learns / is going to learn to play the drums. He says *he's working / he'll work very hard. His lessons ‘begin / are going to begin on Wednesday. Sophie wants to lear to dance. Her friend from Hawaii ‘is teaching / is going to teach her hula dancing. “They meet / They're meeting for their first lesson at the ‘weekend. ’They'll probably spend / They're probably spending the whole day dancing! ‘1'm going to study /I study Japanese. | know that *VIl find / 'm finding it hard to learn because I'm not very ‘good at languages. | also know that learning Japanese ‘ign't being / won't be easy because the alphabet is so different. it will take a long time, but I've promised myself that "I'm not giving up /1I won't give up! Complete the crossword, Across 5 I've put the food in the fn to keep it fresh for tomorrow. 8 Ili heat your dinner in the m., 40 | need a cup of tea. Can you put the Koen ON? Down 1 Ineed top, battery's nearly dead. 2 Ive set my alarm to goo, tomorrow morning. 3 Please put the dirty plates in the freezer .w-in fhy phone. The at six q 4 All our dirty clothes are in the washing 6 Canyout nn. ..down the heating? It’ too hatin here. 7 Have you seen ther, control for the TV anywhere? 9 Do you want me to help you s, up your new laptop? ‘Complete the conversations with these words and phrases. could how about ought shall! shall we should why don't you 1A: What vn 0 with all these old clothes we have? B: We ‘give them a charity shop. That's one idea. | can't see any belts in here, B: We to try the shop across the road. They'll have them there. We walk the same route home from school every day. B: Well, route tomorrow? taking a different I'm realy stressed about my exams next week. B: watch a film or something torelax? I've made a terrible mess of this kitchen. B: You clean it up before your parents get home! I've got a horrible headache. 8 get you some tablets? [Plkead the article. For each question, choose the correct answer. Saving According to research, we're no longer"... at remembering important information. Our friends’ phone numbers, the way to the doctor's or the date of an aunts birthday are all examples of this. However, there's a good reason why we don't remember this stuff Why should we waste time learning something when we can simply 2.__..0n our phones and look the information up? (Of course, looking up something we're... in online is a fast way to get information. Using the internet to 4... a foreign word into our own language is easy too. However, speed means that we probably won't be able to’... the information or word to someone else twenty-four hours later. To get the word into our long-term memories, we have to think about what it... more deeply so that it sticks in our minds better. 1A good B able © hard D pleasant, 2 A plug B set © carry D switch 3 A keen B interested € excited D amazed 4A pronounce B say € understand D translate 5 A explain B argue € talk D speak 6 A intends B means € suggests _D identifies Taking part READING Choose the correct words to complete the email Avaiis fourteen. She started swimming lessons when she was very young and ‘st interested in going to swimming pools any more, She finds swimming ‘outdoors very exciting She isn't free ‘on weekdays. Hi Beth, | did it! 've never felt so tired in my life, but | lit Can you believe | kept / stood going until the end of the race? Al forty-two kilometres! When I crossed the finish line, it felt like | was running *on / off air! Thank you for making me ?make / take my training seriously. ‘The race was really tough, but I'm go glad | took ‘place / part! Matthew can swim well andis interested in learning how to race. He ‘would like to have some sessions with {an instructor. He is busy on Mondays and Do you want to do a marathon with me next year? The Wednesdays. New York marathon takes ‘place / part in the autumn. What do you think? Love, Emma Alfie is sixteen. He enjoys swimming inhis free time and is keen to meet other people who share the same hobby. He'd Uike to have fun after swimming, as well asin the pool. Beat about five people (1-5) who want to joina swimming lub. Answer the questions ‘Who: 1 would ike to take part in competitions? 2 isalso skilled ata different sport? 3. prefers to be in a club with fewer people? 4 5 is bored with swimming in a pool? ‘wants to socialise with the other members of the club? is busy every weekday’ 7 wants to train with a teacher? 8 doesn't want something too easy? Charlotte is thirteen. she knows how to swim but wants to feel more confident in the water. She'd lke to join a smal club and meet young people with the same level of ability. Shed prefer to do something during the week. EG reas the auvertisements for eight swimming clubs Decide which club (A-H) would be the most suitable for the people (1-5). 1 va 3 aAlne 5 Leigh Sain occas Leiigh isan excellent gymnast as well asa very good swimmer. She would lke tojoin a club where she is challenged to learn new things. She isnt free at the weekends, 32 This is a serious club for swimmers who are interested in representing ‘our tovin in competitions. You don't need to be an expert to join us, as we provide training from qualified swimming instructors. There is a test to check your level before you start. We meet every Saturday. Ask the receptionist for an up-to-date timetable. If you love swimming and competitions, then our club is for you! We need new members to join our teams. There are two levels: beginners and intermediate. We provide extra equipment but you da need to wear a hat and goggles. We meet every Wednesday, 4,00 p.m. to 6.00pm. We are a friendly swimming club which meets on Friday evenings, from 5.00 p.m. onwards. Each meeting starts with an hour-long swimming session at the Heath Road pool and then there isa chance for our members to get to know each other, with refreshments provided. Open to young people aged fifteen and above. Do you enjoy swimming in the open ait? Then put an your wetsuit ‘and come wild-swimming with us! We meet an Sundays at the Heath Road pool and take a minibus to the lake, Instructors will be available to help you make the most of your time and stay safe. You must be an excellent swimmer to join, Find words or phrases in the article that have these meanings. 1 with all the latest information (text A) 2 lesson (text C) 3 food and drink (text C) 4 outside (text D) 5 fit (text G) 6 chosen (text H) Ifyou are not a beginner swimmer but would like to improve your technique, this isthe club for you. Numbers are limited, 0 our members can get attention from an instructor whenever they want. Our club meets on Tuesdays from 4,30 p.m, to 5.30 pm. We are a club for kids who love to swim! Each week we try a ‘new sport or game and afterwards there is time fora snack and ‘a chat in the main hal. The club is open to anyone aged 10-14 who can already swim 25 metres without help. We meet on Saturday afternoons at 3 p.m. What could be more fun than keeping fit in the water? Aqua aerobics is ike doing gymnastics underwater. I's great for building muscles and keeping in shape. The club meets every Saturday and there are two levels: 10,00 arm, for beginners and 1.00 arm. for swimmers who have tried aqua aerobics before. We're looking for new members for the synchronised swimming lub, Do you think you've got what it takes to join us? You need 10 be a confident swimmer with dance or gymnastics training to start learning ths Fantastic sport. Previous members of our ‘lub have been selected forthe national team. Sessions are on Mondays from 5.00 pin. to 6.30 pam. Complete the sentences with words or phrases from Ex 4, 1 Is this the most, It looks quite old 2. Running fs good for your heart and for staying 3 Take sandwiches and some juice because there aren't any at the sports centre. 4 Ive tthe players for the volleyball team They're on that lst on the wall 5 Hove exercising 6 Ournext training version of the members list? especially on warm days. is on Monday afternoon, 33 4 Taking part GRAMMAR present perfect El choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences. 4 tm tve never tried clmbing, but I keto, 2 ve did / done gymnastics since Iwas five ars old 3 Has / Have you or your friend ever been in a basketball team? 4 I've always rode / ridden a mountain bike, not a BMX, 5 We've just finished / finishing the game. | lost! [J <.1 Listen to two teachers talking about preparations for sports day at their school. Which things has the woman already done? School sports day — things te do 1 wash team vests 2 buy winners’ medals 3 write team lists 4 find sacks for jumping race send email to parents check sound system oo0oo0000 ask Mr Granger te cut the grass 4.2 Complete the sentences from the recording with the present perfect form ofthe verbs in brackets Listen ageln and check your answers, 1 (you J ever / help) with sports day at School before? 21 (already / tick) some things off the list, but you can help with the rest, 31 (not buy) the medals yet. 4 Mrs Brown sports storeroom, (already / look) in the 5 (you / send) an email to the parents about sports day yet? 6! (just / do) that, The sound system is fine. 7 Mr Granger (not cut) the grass yet. 8 (1/ forget) anything? Hi complete the sentences with these adverbs and the present perfect form of the verbs in brckets, always ever just never yet 11 wim) in a lake in my life, but Vike to 2 They started training at 10.30 and they (not finish). 3 (you / see) alive sporting event? 41 (love) team sports. They're fun! 5 Tom's hairis wet becouse he (have) a swimming lesson. Choose which words or phrases goin which column in the tobe 2016 acouple of hours afew days month last week September three years we were lit = [i complete the blog post with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets Our new sperts centre There ae lots of new sports to try a the sport centre. It. {ust /openl, so couldnt wait to go and find out whats on offer In foc, 12, (already / sign up for two new sports! ove swimming, and tm quite good ott, but 2, (never / bel ina team before ~ 4 (always / swarm) on my OWN, NOW I? (loin) the new water polo team, which is very exciting. | {not meet) my teammates yt, though, because sessions start next weok. tim also interested to learn about the sprint cycling because | {never / try) it before. rm going to do 4 ‘state’ ride on Saturday because... Inot decide) if want fo join the group yet

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