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Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

Phrases, Patterns & Collocations (Part 1)
Multiple choices:
1. With his exceptional hacking skills, John easily gained _______ to the secure server.
A. ground B. spurs C. access D. contribution
2. Sarah wanted to make _______ that her presentation was flawless before the important
A. amends B. assured C. rakish D. certain
3. Despite her reserved demeanor, her emotions were like an open _______ to those who knew
her well.
A. space B. mind C. book D. biography
4. The negotiations between the two parties were challenging, but finally, they managed to
_______ them to a successful conclusion.
A. bring B. come C. draw D. reach
5. As technology advanced, traditional industries had to _______ a significant change.
A. underlay B. undergo C. underlie D. undertake
6. Parenting is a delicate art of _______ a balance between nurturing independence and providing
A. striking B. sensing C. hitting D. gaining
7. Changes in the market will be evident in _______ course, affecting business strategies.
A. right B. exact C. due D. arranged
8. Recognizing the environmental issues, the community decided to do something _______ the
pollution in their area.
A. away B. without C. about D. in
9. Unfortunately, the team displayed bad _______ during the crucial match, leading to their defeat.
A. form B. formation C. formula D. formulation
10. The detailed documentation left no _______ for doubt regarding the accuracy of the financial
A. opportunity B. room C. stone D. shadow
11. The newly discovered species didn't neatly _______ into any existing biological category.
A. come B. fall C. pack D. plough
12. The city skyline slowly came into _______ as the airplane descended.
A. play B. bloom C. view D. leaf
13. The research findings, up _______ now, have provided valuable insights into the phenomenon.
A. against B. to C. and D. down

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

14. Despite her reluctance, she was persuaded to _______ an impression of her favorite celebrity
at the talent show.
A. make B. form C. do D. have
15. Should my invitation _______ your mind, the event is at 7 PM next Friday.
A. exercise B. slip C. lose D. ruin
16. The rain continued to fall _______ end, causing concerns about potential flooding.
A. in B. within C. upon D. on
17. With a clear sense of _______ , she tackled each task with enthusiasm and dedication.
A. direction B. purpose C. humour D. efficiency
18. When emotions run high, it's challenging to talk _______ to someone caught in the heat of the
A. small B. highly C. sense D. ill
19. Politicians who ignore public opinion _______ the risk of losing their constituents' support.
A. run B. put C. have D. pose
20. When it comes to success, mere promises won't suffice—talk is _______ without tangible
A. expansive B. cheap C. small D. chinzy
21. The metaphorical storm, _______ to speak, brewing in the corporate world hinted at upcoming
A. so B. as C. no D. some
22. Landing the job opportunity right when he needed it most was a timely _______ of luck.
A. share B. best C. piece D. lot
23. With advancements in technology, information can travel across the globe at _______ speed.
A. fast B. lightning C. stormy D. flashing
24. In the era of online scams, it's crucial to verify the legitimacy of websites before clicking
_______ a link.
A. onto B. on C. in D. into
25. Even when faced with criticism, she chose to _______ to her principles and remain true to
A. accustom B. bend C. stick D. yield
26. Building strong relationships with colleagues can help _______ the wheels of collaboration in
the workplace.
A. smooth B. steady C. stablize D. oil
27. His eccentric behavior had the potential to _______ his friends crazy, but they still appreciated
his uniqueness.
A. let B. lead C. force D. drive
28. To maintain healthy relationships, it's important to settle _______ promptly and transparently.

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

A. accounts B. affairs C. scores D. balances

29. If you _______ your brains, you might recall where you left the keys.
A. beat B. rack C. pick D. blow
30. _______ to popular belief, the artist preferred solitude over constant socializing.
A. Contrary B. Opposed C. Opposite D. According
31. She decided to _______ him a favor, hoping he would assist with the upcoming project.
A. do B. make C. ask D. require
32. Instead of planning every detail, sometimes it's liberating to _______ certain things to chance.
A. leave B. vacate C. split D. depart
33. With this information _______ their disposal, the team formulated a comprehensive strategy.
A. in B. at C. on D. away
34. If you can't find the exact figure, make an _______ guess based on the available data.
A. educational B. rough C. educated D. hazard
35. Startled, she watched the door fly open in the sudden _______ of wind.
A. array B. bunch C. gust D. blast
36. If you feel strongly about a matter, there's no need to _______ your voice to make your point.
A. rise B. raise C. arouse D. arise
37. Every successful leader adheres to a _______ of principles guiding their decisions.
A. set B. chain C. nest D. pool
38. The politician shared some insights _______ the record, trusting the journalist's discretion.
A. on B. off C. into D. away
39. The app allows you to _______ track of your fitness progress.
A. lose B. keep C. maintain D. upkeep
40. The driver failed to notice the obstacle and backed _______ the garden fence.
A. onto B. into C. off D. up
41. Choosing a reputable brand is a _______ bet when purchasing electronic devices.
A. best B. safe C. fair D. good
42. The instructions are as _______ : complete the form, sign it, and submit by Friday.
A. citation B. mention C. follows D. saying
43. If you need assistance, please visit during my _______ hours from 9 AM to 5 PM.
A. official B. officiating C. officious D. office
44. Contrary _______ the usual careful preparation, he decided to do the presentation in a rush.
A. in B. on C. into D. without
45. Contrary to expectations, the unexpected day off was a _______ break from the monotony.
A. welcoming B. welcomed C. unwelcoming D. welcome

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

46. Everyone deserves a _______ chance to prove themselves.

A. fat B. second C. fighting D. third
47. The team decided to put their ideas on _______ to visualize the project's scope.
A. paper B. print C. pedestal D. reality
48. When making a presentation, it's essential to _______ to the point without unnecessary
A. come B. get C. face D. agree
49. If not addressed promptly, climate change could _______ a threat to biodiversity.
A. dispose B. predispose C. pose D. expose
50. _______ age, her perspective on life matured, and she gained a deeper understanding of the
complexities of human relationships.
A. In B. With C. Along with D. Concerning
51. The new policies aimed to _______ the balance by providing equal opportunities to all
A. disseminate B. redress C. exhort D. mitigate
52. The _______ energy sector focuses on finding ways to expend energy more sustainably.
A. eloquent B. renewable C. unabated D. unfaltering
53. The new software allows employees to access training materials _______ the job.
A. in B. with C. by D. on
54. The company offers a range of products that can be customized and delivered on _______.
A. demand B. purpose C. view D. site
55. Contrary to expectations, the politician chose not to give a direct answer in _______ to the
A. reply B. resolution C. answer D. retort
56. When irregularities were discovered, the executive was _______ to account for financial
A. brought B. come C. made D. gone
57. Risk-averse investors are cautious about _______ large sums of money on volatile stocks.
A. embarking B. hinging C. betting D. settling
58. The urgency of the situation required everyone to work against the _______ to ensure a timely
A. time B. clock C. lifetime D. flow
59. The unresolved issue continued to linger _______ her mind throughout the day.
A. in B. throughout C. with D. on
60. If someone tries to put a _______ in your wheel, respond with resilience and adaptability.
A. damper B. spoke C. gloss D. ointment

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

61. The partnership was established on the _______ that both parties would contribute equally.
A. knowledge B. understanding C. reflection D. discovery
62. The rooftop terrace provides an ideal spot to _______ yourself and enjoy panoramic views.
A. burn B. reflect C. abate D. sun
63. It's advisable to carry an umbrella during the monsoon season when it tends to pour _______
rain unexpectedly.
A. with B. into C. in D. onto
64. When applied correctly, the remedy can work _______ magic in alleviating pain.
A. as B. with C. like D. for
65. The mysterious figure seemed to _______ the form of a shadow, blending seamlessly into the
A. take B. make C. replace D. change
66. The children were left unsupervised, and chaos ensued as they let their imaginations run
_______ throughout the house.
A. course B. high C. errands D. riot
67. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, you might need to _______ and clear your mind.
A. bite the bullet C. burn the midnight oil
B. cut to the chase D. take a break
68. Winning the lottery was not due to any strategy; it was _______ chance.
A. good B. remote C. pure D. slim
69. The economic downturn forced many employees to _______ their jobs despite their dedication.
A. miss B. lose C. forfeit D. give
70. To _______ a healthy family, it's essential to prioritize communication and mutual
A. promote B. leverage C. erect D. raise
71. The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in its decision to _______ its fleet
entirely on electricity.
A. drive B. operate C. run D. control
72. The company has experienced consistent growth year _______ year, showcasing its financial
A. by B. on C. through D. to
73. The mentor advised the young entrepreneur to _______ straight and make strategic decisions
for the business.
A. come B. go C. think D. do
74. The open forum encouraged employees to _______ their minds about potential improvements
in the workplace.
A. speak B. tell C. talk D. raise

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

75. Winning the scholarship wasn't based on merit; it was simply __________, leaving many
qualified candidates disappointed.
A. to the gills C. the luck of the draw
B. the law of averages D. the lesser of two evils
76. Despite her meticulous attention to detail, a few errors managed to _______ the notice of the
editor in the final version of the document.
A. hide B. escape C. avoid D. skirt
77. Artistic preferences are subjective, and there's no _______ for taste.
A. auditing B. accounting C. meaning D. defining
78. Living in a city with a _______ belt enhances residents' access to recreational spaces.
A. red B. grey C. yellow D. green
79. Without precise data, I can only provide a _______ guess of the project's completion time.
A. harsh B. tough C. rough D. raw
80. Unable to find the exact answer, he decided to _______ a guess at the number of jellybeans in
the jar during the guessing game.
A. peruse B. beseech C. preen D. hazard
81. ___________, the unresolved conflict continued to disturb his thoughts.
A. Jumping on the bandwagon C. Preying on his mind
B. Holding his horse D. Throwing in the towel
82. The unexpected news managed to _________, leaving her bewildered and uncertain.
A. hold the fort C. throw her off balance
B. burn her bridges D. call her bluff
83. It was a _______ conclusion that the experienced team would emerge victorious in the
A. foredoomed B. foreseeable C. foreboding D. foregone
84. The prestigious award took _______ of place on the professor's office shelf.
A. account B. pride C. leave D. note
85. The new strategy worked a _______, significantly boosting the company's productivity.
A. treat B. magic C. bond D. charm
86. __________, the underdog team triumphed in the final minutes of the game.
A. Against the current C. Against the wind
B. Against the clock D. Against the odds
87. Even in challenging times, she always managed to look on the _______ side, finding reasons to stay
A. vivid B. vibrant C. bright D. flesh

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

88. In view of the upcoming deadline, they decided to prioritize urgent tasks to _______ their
A. accomplish B. meet C. serve D. launch
89. _________ how the market will respond to the latest product launch.
A. It goes without saying that C. Talking of
B. It’s evident D. There’s no telling
90. She realized she was _________ when her assumptions led to inaccurate conclusions.
A. in the loop C. at a loss
B. on the wrong track D. with bells on
91. In order to clear up misunderstandings, he decided to __________ about the project's timeline.
A. butter it up C. cry over spilled milk
B. burn the midnight lamp D. set the record straight
92. With a keen sense of observation, she could _________ and understand his true feelings.
A. talk nineteen to dozen C. read him like a book
B. go through the mill D. have her heart in his boot
93. Winning the award unexpectedly _________ and brought a smile to her face.
A. made her day C. cast her in lot
B. carry coals to Newcastle D. feather her nest
94. When planning the budget, it's crucial to _______ of unexpected expenses that may arise.
A. call to account C. take account
B. settle accounts D. turn an account
95. Without all the facts, it's easy to _______ to conclusions and misinterpret the situation.
A. bound B. hop C. skip D. jump
96. The ambiguous statement _______ about the true intentions behind the proposed changes.
A. went blank C. cast aspersion
B. put words D. raised doubts
97. Carefully backing _______ the parking space, she avoided any collisions with surrounding cars.
A. onto B. into C. behind D. backwards
98. Urging her friend to _______, they didn't want to be late for the important meeting.
A. get a move C. get a line
B. get a grip D. get a jump
99. In response to the disrespectful comment, she decided to __________ and assert herself.
A. get the ball rolling C. set the stage
B. put him in his place D. hold his feet to the fire
100. __________, they found a solution to the problem just in time for the deadline.

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

A. Better luck next time C. As luck would have it

B. Worse luck D. For luck

Error correction
1. Solving challenging puzzles and engaging in thought-provoking discussions can effectively do
one's mind, promoting cognitive growth.
2. In a separate second, the car swerved to avoid a collision, highlighting the importance of quick
decision-making in emergency situations.
3. Known for his aggressive and assertive nature, Jake could be bent on wheels when it came to
negotiating business deals.
4. As the ship approached the harbor, the majestic coastline went into view, creating a
breathtaking scene for the passengers on deck.
5. The economic downturn resulted in widespread job lost, leaving many individuals and families
facing financial uncertainty.
6. In the dance competition, participants were expected to take the lead of their instructors to
synchronize their movements with precision.
7. International diplomats worked tirelessly to facilitate a peaceful process, aiming to bring an
end to the long-standing conflict between the two nations.
8. When considering the new project, there were both positive and negative aspects to weigh in
the plus/minus side of the decision-making process.
9. Samantha was the brain behind the innovative technology that revolutionized the way people
interacted with their smartphones.
10. The company ramped up production to make the increasing demand for its popular product
during the holiday season.
11. The scientific theory was aroused to doubt until conclusive evidence and rigorous testing
provided irrefutable support.
12. As a dedicated entrepreneur, she worked at all hours to ensure the success of her startup,
often flaring the midnight oil.
13. To foster positive development, parents should encourage children to transmit their energy
into creative activities such as painting, music, or sports.
14. The unexpected promotion was a/an reaction to her prayers, alleviating financial stress and
boosting her career prospects.
15. Feeling the warmth of hospitality, the neighbors decided to require the new family in for a cup
of tea to welcome them to the neighborhood.
16. Carelessly, he dropped the keys on the bowl by the entrance, completely unaware of the
impending search for them.
17. With her leadership skills and organizational acumen, Sarah was chosen to administer the
committee responsible for planning the community event.

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

18. Unable to find the map, he made a/an unthinking guess about the correct route, hoping it
would lead them to their destination.
19. Frustrated by writer's block, the author made a break, hoping that inspiration would strike and
allow the words to flow effortlessly.
20. The young couple decided to break in tradition and celebrate their wedding in a unique and
unconventional way, reflecting their modern values.

In the midst of a hot discussion (1) at the town hall meeting, tensions were palpable as
community members passionately expressed their contrasting views on a proposed development
project. Emotions went (2) high, and at one point, a participant seemed ready to fly by (3) another,
pointing aggressively towards the blueprints laid out on the table. Accusations were exchanged,
and it became evident that some were attempting to throw (4) words in others' mouths, distorting
the intentions behind the project. As the debate continued, it was clear that the ambitious plans
had involved (5) into problems, with concerns ranging from environmental impact to potential
disruptions in the neighborhood. Despite the challenges, the community was determined to find
same (6) ground and work towards a solution that would benefit everyone involved.
In the political arena, doing (1) a bet with a fellow candidate became a common practice to spice
upwards (2) otherwise tense campaigns. Leaders sought unique ways to steady their tenses (3)
amid the fierce competition. Some chose to go away (4) sleep, while others relied on time-
honored rituals. However, the essence of political success often lay in mastering the long arm (5)
of the law, understanding the intricacies of governance, and garnering public support. As aspiring
politicians vied for a chance to raise (6) to power, their strategies and willingness to make bold
decisions defined their journeys. Ultimately, the ability to navigate the complexities of politics and
make strategic bets paved the pathway (7) for those who aspired to ascend to positions of

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

Multiple Choice
1. C 24. B 47. A

2. D 25. C 48. B

3. C 26. D 49. C

4. A 27. D 50. B

5. B 28. A 51. B

6. A 29. B 52. B

7. C 30. A 53. D

8. C 31. C 54. A

9. A 32. A 55. C

10. B 33. B 56. A

11. B 34. C 57. C

12. C 35. C 58. B

13. B 36. B 59. D

14. C 37. A 60. B

15. B 38. B 61. B

16. D 39. B 62. D

17. B 40. A 63. A

18. C 41. B 64. C

19. A 42. C 65. A

20. B 43. D 66. D

21. A 44. A 67. D

22. C 45. D 68. C

23. B 46. B 69. B

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

70. D 96. D 19. made → took

71. C 97. B 20. in → with

72. B 98. A B.
73. C 99. B 1B.

74. A 100. C 1. hot → heated

75. C Error Correction 2. went → ran
76. B
A. 3. by → at
77. B
1. do → exercise 4. throw → put
78. D
2. separate → split 5. involved → run
79. C
3. bent → hell 6. same → common
80. D
4. went → hove 2B.
81. C
5. lost → losses 1. doing → making
82. C
6. take → follow 2. upwards → up
83. D
7. peaceful → peace 3. tenses → nerves
84. B
8. in → on 4. away → without
85. A
9. brain → brains 5. long arm → letter
86. D
10. make → meet 6. raise → come
87. C
11. aroused → open 7. pathway → way
88. B
12. flaring → burning
89. D
13. transmit → channel
90. B
14. reaction → answer
91. D
15. require → ask
92. C
16. on → into
93. A
17. administer → head
94. C
18. unthinking → wild
95. D


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