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the Science of the

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The Science of the Total Environment 167 (1995) 215-220

Bioreceptivity: a new concept for building ecology studies

0. Guillitte
Unik d’Enseignement et de Recherche de Bioiogie Vigt!tale, Facultk des Sciences Agronomiques, Passage des Dipo&s 2,
B-5030 Gemblowr, Belgium


A definition of the concept of bioreceptivity as the ability of a material to be colonised by living organisms is given.
Related terms, such as primary, secondary, tertiary, intrinsic, extrinsic and semi-extrinsic bioreceptivity, and
bioreceptivity index are also explained. The usefulness, possible uses and methodological issues arising from this
concept are discussed.

Keywords: Bioreceptivity; Building ecology studies;Building material colonization

1. Introduction ceived differently according to the type of con-

struction, the location and the person studying
Many building materials are prone to colonisa- them. On the contrary, some authors consider the
tion by living organisms. This colonisation causes colour changes to be aesthetically pleasing [l],
changes in colour and in the chemical or physical credit them with a protective role against man- or
properties of the materials. Since the late-60s, weather-induced aggression [2-41 and suggest that
these changes have been grouped under the terms they have a cleansing effect which benefits the
‘biodegradation’ or ‘biodeterioration’. The latter environment [5].
seems to be used mainly in connection with mate- Therefore, if one wishes to study the colonisa-
rial degradation; it is missing in many specialised tion of materials without being biased by its ef-
dictionaries in favour of the word ‘biodegrada- fects on the materials, one should not limit one-
tion’ which applies more widely to the biological self to those characteristics affected by the
degradation of substances or well-defined chemi- colonisation but should include those that allow
cal compounds. These terms tend to give ‘col- colonisation to take place. The precise role of the
onisation’ negative and sometimes entirely sub- building material characteristics in the colonisa-
jective connotations. Indeed, the invasion of ma- tion process is not fully understood, with the
terials by living organisms does not necessarily exception of acidity, whose influence on the tax-
lead to physical and chemical degradation but onomic content of colonising organisms is well
simply to reversible colour changes that are per- known. In a previous work [5] on the kinetics of

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216 0. Guillitte /Science of the Total Environment 167 (1995) 215-220

the colonisation of composite building materials being able to germinate and develop cannot be
by plants, we have studied these characteristics related to the bioreceptivity of the material. How-
but have not been able to identify them all pre- ever, if they are able to grow into plantlets and
cisely. Thus, we have grouped them all under the survive for some time, one could probably say
term ‘bioreceptivity’ as a means of elucidating that this material is bioreceptive to higher plants.
the impact of colonisation on the material with- Therefore, bioreceptivity can also be defined as
out having to resort to a full analytical approach. the totality of material properties that contribute
to the establishment, anchorage and development
2. Basic definitions and variants of fauna and/or flora. In stony materials, for
instance, it relates mainly to properties of the
In the medical field, the term ‘susceptibility” is area exposed to climatic elements, such as rough-
used to describe the vulnerability of an organism ness, porosity, moisture and the chemical compo-
to diseases, especially infectious diseases. The sition of the surface layer. The capillary porosity
term is also used in veterinary medicine. Toma et is a property of the core of the material that can
al. [6] define susceptibility as the ‘aptitude of an also affect colonisation.
organism to harbour a pathogen, to allow its When a material has not yet been exposed to
development or multiplication, without necessar- colonisation, the bioreceptivity will be expressed
ily suffering’. only during the appearance of the first colonising
By extension, we would define the term ‘biore- organisms. As long as the properties of the mate-
ceptivity’2 as the aptitude of a material (or any rial remain very similar or identical to those of its
other inanimate object) to be colonised by one or initial state, we propose using the term ‘primary
several groups of living organisms without neces- bioreceptivity’ to indicate the initial potential of
sarily undergoing any biodeterioration. The word colonisation. Characteristics of these properties
‘colonise’ is important since it indicates that con- can evolve over time under the action of colonis-
ditions for harbouring, development and multipli- ing organisms or other factors causing change,
cation have to be met and excludes the ability of and result in a new type of bioreceptivity, which
a material to receive living organisms in a tran- we call ‘secondary bioreceptivity’ (Fig. 1). For
sient and fortuitous manner. It implies that there practical purposes, secondary bioreceptivity is of-
is an ecological relationship between the material ten more important than primary bioreceptivity.
and the colonising organisms. Thus, for example, Any human activity affecting the material - con-
a joint of mortar is not bioreceptive to ants circu- solidation, coating with a biocide or surface
lating on it, even if it is their favourite trail on the polishing - also modifies the initial or secondary
masonry. On the other hand, it can be highly characteristics of the properties of the material,
bioreceptive to others insects, such as the ichneu- inducing ‘tertiary bioreceptivity’. In principle,
mons, if they are able to lay their eggs into it. efficient treatments should make this tertiary
Seeds that are deposited on a material without bioreceptivity less important than primary and
secondary bioreceptivity.
Particles or substances that are not part of the
‘In French: r6ceptivit6; in German: Empfanghchkeit. material, such as soil, dust or organic particles,
*Our choice of the word ‘bioreceptivity’ as an alternative to can deposit and accumulate on the material.
‘susceptibility’ is justified by an attempt to use a word that
translates in the same way into different languages after These exogenous deposits modify the initial con-
adding the pretix ‘bio’. Furthermore, the word ‘receptivity’ is ditions of bioreceptivity. If they are substantial,
used in English to describe the ability of a flower stigma to be they can result in a type of colonisation which no
fertihsed by pollen grains through the pollen tube. There is a longer relates directly to the properties of the
clear similarity with our concept. Therefore, we suggest using material, i.e. those properties that allowed de-
the word ‘bioreceptivite’ in French, ‘Biorezeptivitlt’ in Ger-
man, ‘bioreceptiviteit’ in Dutch, ‘bioreceptividad’ in Spanish, posits to accumulate (Fig. 2). We suggest using
‘bioreceptividade’ in Portuguese and ‘biorecettivith’ in Italian. the word ‘extrinsic bioreceptivity’ to describe such
0. Guillitte /Science of the Total Environment 167 (1995) 215-220 217

Fig. 1. Primary, secondary and tertiary bioreceptivity in a stony material. White arrows, black arrows and discontinuous lines
represent the colonisation, physico-chemical deterioration and biodeterioration mechanisms, respectively.

a situation. Some elements of the colonising vege- three types of bioreceptivity and their intermedi-
tation can, in turn, be colonised by epiphytes or ate stages can occur on the same material.
parasitised by other organisms. Thus, the vegeta-
tion can also be responsible for some extrinsic 3. Usefulness of the concept
bioreceptivity. In other cases, colonisation de-
pends directly and simultaneously on the proper- The first advantage of the bioreceptivity con-
ties of the material and on the deposits of ex- cept is that it completes the accessibility concept
ogenous substances (Fig. 3). We suggest using the developed by Heimans [7] to explain the colonisa-
word ‘semi-extrinsic bioreceptivity’ to refer to this tion process of materials involving other environ-
phenomenon. Finally, when colonisation depends mental factors. Accessibility can be defined as the
mainly on the properties of the material, irrespec- characteristics of the environment that determine
tive of exogenous contributions, one could use the abundance of diaspore sources, proximity and
the phrase ‘intrinsic bioreceptivity’. In fact, the transport capabilities (anemochoria, myrmo-
218 0. Guillitte /Science of the Total Environment 167 (1995) 215-220

Fig. 2. Extrinsic bioreceptivity in a stony material (in the case

of primary bioreceptivity). The white arrow represents the
colonisation mechanism.

choria, avichoria, etc.), including the exposure of

the material to these sources and vectors.
Whereas this concept relates to the colonisation Fig. 3. Semi-extrinsic bioreceptivity in a stony material (in the
case of secondary bioreceptivity). White and black arrows
potential of the environment, the bioreceptivity represent the colonisation and physico-chemical deterioration,
concept expresses the colonisation potential as respectively.
defined by the characteristics of the material. It is
the combination of these potentials and particu-
lar environmental conditions, such as water, tem- tion of an integrated approach to the colonisation
perature and light, that allows colonisation to of materials. The bioreceptivity of a material will
occur. Colonisation cannot occur in the absence be best expressed under maximum accessibility
of one group of factors. Therefore, bioreceptivity and environmental conditions that are optimal for
is the missing link that was required in the adop- the development of organisms.
0. Guillitte /Science of the Total Environment 167 (1995) 215-220 219

Based on this principle, one could consider the menon, thereby fostering a better understanding
possibility of assessing the bioreceptivity of a ma- of the factors involved in the colonisation process
terial to an organism by artificially inoculating the and ways to prevent or enhance it. Among other
material with the diaspores of the organism and things, the distinction between primary and sec-
placing them under optimal environmental condi- ondary bioreceptivity allows one the possibility to
tions (e.g. a growth chamber). A specific biorecep- assess the impact of biodeterioration.
tivity index could thus be determined and in-
cluded in a bioreceptivity scale similar to biotic 4. Methodological problems arising from the
indices. These indices would be complementary, concept
as biotic indices determined on similar substrates
allow a quality assessment of environmental con- The bioreceptivity of a given material can be
ditions. In this instance, the absence of colonising expressed only by subjecting it to various groups
cryptogams on the material would reflect a high of organisms under environmental conditions that
level of air pollution, whereas the same absence are optimal and specific for each group. The first
in an experiment like that mentioned above would problem that needs to be overcome lies in the
mean that the material is not bioreceptive to lack of information on these conditions. The sec-
these cryptogams. A practical application of the ond issue is how to get a material to be colonised
bioreceptivity index would be to provide weighted faster by colonising organisms such as lichens.
biotic indices whenever they are determined from Finally, because many types of colonisation are
different materials. For example, Seaward [8] has part of a synecological mechanism, colonisation
shown that asbestos-cement slates are more likely by a single type of organism can become either
to be colonised by Lecanora muralis, a lichen, impossible or completely atypical. In this case, it
than natural slates or tiles, particularly in pol- is difficult to assess the respective contribution of
luted areas. Therefore, in spite of its ubiquity, this intrinsic and extrinsic bioreceptivity.
lichen cannot be used as a pollution bioindicator, These problems in growing the colonising or-
unless the same roofing materials are found in ganisms are compounded by the selection of
the areas under study. However, this exercise parameters for measuring bioreceptivity or biore-
could be carried out - if the bioreceptivity could ceptivity indices (number of occurrences, biomass,
be determined accurately for each material - by colonised area, appearance and growth rate of
dividing the measurement data (number of occur- colonising organisms, fertility, etc.). A practical
rences, average size of the thallus, etc.) by the approach of these difficulties was illustrated by
bioreceptivity index. the author [9]. At the current stage of concept
The bioreceptivity index of a material would definition, it is interesting to note that the biore-
also provide users with information on the coloni- ceptivity of materials can be determined from a
sation risk and help them choose an alternative set of relatively cosmopolitan species belonging to
material or another use for the same material, the following major biological groups: autotrophic
depending on whether or not colonisation is de- bacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, microfungi,
sirable. It could also give information on the macromycetes, cyanobacteria, green algae,
effectiveness of various types of treatments of the chrysophytes, endolithic lichens, epilithic lichens,
materials. Similarly, the influence of individual bryophytes, ferns and flowering plants.
properties or their synergetic effect on the coloni-
sation process could be assessed by measuring 5. Conclusion
bioreceptivity after a gradual change has occurred
in some of those properties. Although the concept of bioreceptivity is at-
Finally, the various types of bioreceptivity de- tractive, it requires additional methodological
fined above could be used to establish the se- studies before it can be used outside the area of
quence of events that lead to a potential or building materials. Multidisciplinary teams con-
observed colonisation. It also forces the observer sisting of biologists and building material special-
to conduct an analytical study of the pheno- ists have to be set up to conduct integrated stud-
220 0. Guillitte /Science of the Total Environment 167 (1995) 215-220

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