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Materials and Structures (2018) 51:158 (0123456789().,-volV)


Secondary bioreceptivity of granite: effect of salt weathering

on subaerial biofilm growth
Daniel Vázquez-Nion . Federica Troiano . Patricia Sanmartı́n .
Chiara Valagussa . Francesca Cappitelli . Beatriz Prieto

Received: 24 July 2018 / Accepted: 15 November 2018 / Published online: 21 November 2018
Ó RILEM 2018

Abstract Salt crystallisation is a very common and The weight loss produced by the weathering process
powerful weathering agent that can modify the was consistent with significant changes in abrasion pH
petrophysical properties of building stone such as and surface roughness. The bioreceptivity of the stone
granite. In addition, the weathering can affect the was also altered. According to the bioreceptivity
susceptibility of the stone to biological colonisation. index, the granite under study was characterised by
The aims of the present study were to examine the ‘mild primary bioreceptivity’, but ‘high secondary
properties of a granite weathered by sodium chloride bioreceptivity’ after the salt weathering process. Study
crystallisation and to evaluate the effects of the of the secondary bioreceptivity of stone materials can
weathering on the secondary bioreceptivity of the provide very useful information about response to
stone to subaerial phototrophic biofilms. For this weathering effects, and the findings can be used to
purpose, granite samples were subjected to a labora- improve the selection of materials for building
tory-based accelerated salt weathering test, and purposes.
changes in weight, open porosity, bulk density,
capillary water content, abrasion pH and surface Keywords Cultural heritage  Phototrophic biofilm 
roughness of the samples were determined. Samples of Sodium chloride  Stone
both weathered and non-weathered granite were then
inoculated with a multi-species phototrophic culture
derived from a natural subaerial biofilm and incubated
under standardised laboratory conditions for 3 months. 1 Introduction

The term ‘bioreceptivity’ was introduced by Guillitte

D. Vázquez-Nion (&)  F. Troiano 
P. Sanmartı́n  C. Valagussa  B. Prieto [1] as an alternative to the term ‘susceptibility’ for use
Departamento de Edafoloxı́a e Quı́mica Agrı́cola, in the field of building ecology. It is defined as ‘the
Facultade de Farmacia, Universidade de Santiago de aptitude of a material to be colonised by one or several
Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña,
groups of living organisms without necessarily under-
e-mail: going any biodeterioration’. This definition implies an
ecological interaction between the colonising organ-
Present Address: isms and the material, and the term can also be defined
D. Vázquez-Nion  F. Troiano  C. Valagussa  F. Cappitelli
as ‘the totality of material properties that contribute to
Dipartimento di Scienze per gli Alimenti, la Nutrizione e
l’Ambiente (DeFENS), Università degli Studi di Milano, Via the establishment, anchorage and development of
Celoria 2, 20133 Milan, Italy fauna and/or flora’. Guillitte [1] also established
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differences that depend on the degree of alteration of the expected amount of chlorophyll a (chl a) per cm2.
the material under study. Hence, when a material has More recently, Vázquez-Nion et al. [12] carried out a
not yet been exposed to colonisation, so that its comprehensive study of the primary bioreceptivity of
properties remain very similar or identical to those in eleven varieties of granitic rocks commonly used as
the initial state, the bioreceptivity will only be construction material and ornamental stone. In this
expressed in response to the appearance of the first study, sample blocks were inoculated with a multi-
colonising organisms and is termed ‘primary biore- species phototrophic culture and incubated under
ceptivity’. In stone, primary bioreceptivity indicates standardised growth conditions, revealing that growth
the initial potential of freshly cut quarry rocks to be of phototrophic biofilms is strongly enhanced by high
colonised. When the properties of a material evolve open porosity, capillary water content and surface
over time under the action of colonising organisms or roughness, rather than by differences in the chemical
other environmental factors, it may result in a different and mineralogical composition of the granites.
type of bioreceptivity, called ‘secondary bioreceptiv- The secondary bioreceptivity of stones has been
ity’, involving weathered rocks. When the properties much less widely investigated [20–28]. Silva et al.
of the material are artificially modified, as by the [21] examined the causes of an extensive colonisation
coatings or consolidation treatments commonly used on a granite building. These researchers concluded
to conserve stonework, ‘tertiary bioreceptivity’ can be that the severe weathering of the raw granite used for
induced. construction, characterised by high porosity and
Studying the bioreceptivity of lithotypes under capillarity-which favoured rapid absorption of large
laboratory conditions before using them as building amounts of water-played a key role in the propensity
stones is essential for appropriate selection of con- of the material to be colonised. Papida et al. [22]
struction materials and thus for the preventive con- induced artificial microbial and physical weathering in
servation of outdoor stone buildings and monuments. samples of two limestones and one dolomite and
Several studies have investigated the bioreceptivity of observed that the combination of physical and biolog-
stone materials (see [2] for a review). Most of these ical processes significantly enhanced the extent of
have assessed the primary bioreceptivity of different decay relative to the sum of the individual actions of
types of construction material [3–12] and the influence each process. Moreover, these processes favoured the
of different conservation treatments on the tertiary selection of microbial consortia, as specific bacterial
bioreceptivity [13–19]. These investigations have populations remained high throughout the experiment,
provided very valuable information concerning the even though the samples were not re-inoculated and no
stone characteristics influencing the susceptibility to extra nutrients were added. Cámara et al. [24, 25]
biological colonisation, as well as the effects of some claimed that the weathering of dolostone samples
stone treatments. However, the relationships between depends on the fungal colonisation strategy, which is a
the potential bioreceptivity of stone and the physical or direct consequence of the bioreceptivity of the lithic
chemical characteristics of the material have not been substrate. These researchers identified a sequence of
clearly established, although some properties such as fungal colonisation in which the prior presence and
surface roughness, open porosity and mineralogical activity of endolithic microorganisms helped lichen
characteristics are considered key factors [2]. In the symbiosis to become established during later stages of
particular case of granite, Prieto and Silva [4] colonisation, favoured by previous biodeterioration
demonstrated that the primary bioreceptivity of sev- processes. Marques et al. [27] compared the biore-
eral types of granite varies due to the differences in ceptivity of freshly quarried and naturally weathered
some physical properties. The extent of colonisation schist to biofilm-forming cyanobacteria. They
was mainly related to the surface roughness, in observed that the bioreceptivity of weathered schist
addition to four intrinsic properties: abrasion pH, bulk was significantly higher than that of unweathered
density, open porosity and capillary water. These schist, in addition to differences in physical properties
researchers developed a simple, rapid method of and abrasion pH related to the degree of weathering. In
investigating the potential bioreceptivity of granite to relation to how subaerial biofilms interact with stone,
cyanobacteria, based on the characterisation of these an increasing number of researchers claim that in some
intrinsic properties and use of an equation to estimate cases biofilms have no impact on the integrity of
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:158 Page 3 of 13 158

building stones or may even be bioprotective [29, 30]. 2.2 Laboratory-induced salt weathering
For instance, Gulotta et al. [28] observed that the of granites
chemical-physical weathering of carbonate stones
influenced the growth of subaerial biofilms, but that, Nine cubic blocks (5 9 5 9 5 cm3) of granite CL
apart from altering the aesthetic appearance of the were subjected to a salt crystallisation test modified
stone, biofilms were not primary damaging factors. from [37] using sodium chloride. The weathering
In summary, chemical-physical weathering pro- process comprised 15 cycles, each consisting of three
cesses can alter properties that affect the susceptibility steps: (1) immersion of the blocks in a saline solution
of stone to biological colonisation; however, the extent (NaCl 16% w/w) at room temperature (* 20 °C) for
of these effects and also the potential variability 4 h; (2) removal of the blocks from the solution and
induced by different types of weathering and in drying in an oven at 60 °C for 16 h; (3) cooling of the
different lithotypes remain poorly understood. Salt blocks at room temperature for 4 h before the next
weathering is a very powerful and widespread dete- cycle was started. Every five cycles (i.e. after 5, 10 and
rioration agent of building materials, including granite 15 cycles), three granite blocks were removed for
[31–35]. Mechanical action of dissolution-crystallisa- analysis, and the NaCl solution was changed. At the
tion cycles can exert pressures capable of producing a end of the procedure, the salts were extracted from the
weight loss, a change in the size of the grains, a degree stone blocks by successive washing with distilled
of splitting, a change in the size of the pores and visible water until the electrical conductivity in the washing
surface deterioration [36]. Salt weathering can there- water was below 0.5 lS cm-1. The blocks were then
fore modify the petrophysical properties of the stone, dried until they reached a constant weight and the dry
including those related to the bioreceptivity. Thus, the weight loss (%) was calculated. Three additional
aims of the present study were as follows: (1) to assess blocks of granite CL not subjected to the salt
the alteration in the properties of granite produced by crystallisation process were used as controls (non-
sodium chloride crystallisation; and (2) to evaluate the weathered samples) in the subsequent experimental
effects of this type of weathering on the secondary procedures.
bioreceptivity of the stone to subaerial phototrophic
biofilms. 2.3 Characterisation of weathered and non-
weathered granite

2 Materials and methods The properties of the granite (both weathered and non-
weathered) related to the bioreceptivity were analysed
2.1 Lithotype studied to assess the effects of the laboratory-based salt
crystallisation test. Abrasion pH values were mea-
The stone used in the study was Campo Lameiro sured after grinding 20 g of rock sample in 40 mL of
granite (hereafter CL) (Fig. 1). CL granite is charac- distilled water for 2.25 min and allowing the solution
terised by fine to medium grains and the presence of to settle for another 2 min [38]. The samples were also
two micas (biotite and muscovite) in equal proportions physically characterized by determination of the bulk
or by being rich in muscovite crystals, which can reach density and open porosity according to [39]. As water
a diameter of up to 1 cm. The size distribution of can be a limiting factor in biological colonisation, the
grains is equigranular, although some feldspar maximum amount of water absorbed by capillary
megacrystals may occur. Fissures are very common suction (capillary water content) was also determined
in this granite, mainly inside the plagioclase crystals. according to [40]. All determinations were carried out
The essential components are quartz (often fractured), in triplicate.
K-feldspar (microcline), plagioclases (acidic albite- The granite blocks were cut with a diamond blade
oligoclase), biotite, late magmatic muscovite, silli- to produce samples of size 5 9 2.5 9 1 cm3. The
manite and andalusite. Chlorite, apatite, zircon, tour- samples were classified as surface (cut from the outer
maline, rutile and scarce opaque grains occur as part of the blocks) and inner (from the 1 cm-inner part
accessory minerals. of the blocks), as depicted in Fig. 2. In order to study
the possible variations in the surface roughness of the
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Fig. 1 Location of the granite quarry where the material was obtained

Fig. 2 Cutting procedure

for obtaining samples for
subsequent inoculations
from the weathered and non-
weathered blocks

stone due to the salt weathering process, 1 cm2 areas 2.4 Procedure for biofilm formation
of both types of samples were examined by White
Light Optical Interferometry (WLOI) (Wyko A multi-species phototrophic culture, derived from a
NT1100) in Vertical Scanning Interferometry (VSI) natural biofilm grown on a granite building (San
mode. The results were reported as Sa values (lm), Martı́n Pinario Monastery, Santiago de Compostela,
representing the mean roughness of the surface. NW Spain) and composed by several taxa, including
Bryophyta (Syntrichia ruralis protonemata),
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:158 Page 5 of 13 158

Charophyta (Klebsormidium sp.), Chlorophyta maximal fluorescence signal after a saturating light
(Bracteacoccus sp., Chlamydomonas sp., Chlorella pulse in dark-adapted cells. The values of these two
sp. and Stichococcus bacillaris) and Cyanobacteria parameters can be used to calculate the maximum
(Aphanocapsa sp. and Leptolyngbya cebennensis), quantum yield as Yield = (Fm - F0)/Fm, a measure of
was used as the inoculum for forming biofilms in the maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII that
laboratory. This culture and the original biofilm have can be considered an indicator of the general level of
previously been characterized in detail via high- fitness of the photosynthetic organisms. The F0.665nm
throughput sequencing and microscopic observations signal was expressed as lg chl a cm-2 by using a
[41, 42]. previously developed equation [12] and used as
For both weathered (5, 10 and 15 cycles) and non- indicator of the phototrophic biofilm biomass. The
weathered (0 cycles) stone, 1 mL of culture (equiva- F0.470nm/F0.645nm ratio was considered an indicator of
lent to 1.5 mg dry weight biomass), in exponential the dominance of green algae (high values) or
growth phase, was inoculated on the upper surface of cyanobacteria (low values) in the biofilms [12]. A
each of ten previously autoclaved 5 9 2.5 9 1 cm3 total of 6 readings were taken at different zones on
samples cut from the blocks. Five of these were each block, and the mean value was calculated.
surface samples, used to study the effect of possible Biofilm growth after the 3-month incubation period
variations in roughness on the secondary bioreceptiv- was also assessed by colour measurements obtained
ity, and five were inner samples, used to study the with a portable spectrophotometer (Konica Minolta
effect of the other stone properties without having to CM-700d). A total of 6 readings were made in
consider possible variations in surface roughness different zones on each block under the following
(Fig. 2). A total of 40 samples were inoculated. conditions: illuminant D65, observer 2° and a 10 mm
In order to promote biofilm formation, the inocu- diameter target area [44]. The colour of the blocks was
lated samples were subjected to favourable growth measured directly on the surface of the humid samples
conditions, as previously described [42]. The samples before inoculation and at the end of the 3-month
were placed in Petri dishes, which were periodically incubation period. The colour measurements were
filled with sterilized distilled water and were incubated made within the CIELAB colour space, and the total

in a climatic chamber under stationary conditions of colour difference DEab was calculated [45].
23 °C, 95% relative humidity and a 12 h light/dark
photoperiod (* 20 lmol photon m-2 s-1) for 3 2.6 Statistical analyses
months. Lightning was provided by fluorescent lamps
(OSRAM L 36W/765). The position of each block was The data on the properties of both weathered and non-
semi-randomly varied to prevent the effects of possi- weathered stones and the parameters used to assess the
ble micro-climatic variations in the chamber. biofilm growth at the end of the 3-month incubation
period were subjected to analysis of variance
2.5 Assessment of biofilm growth (ANOVA) and post hoc Tukey HSD tests, in order
to study the effect of the weathering process on the
Pulse Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry was bioreceptivity. The relationships between the different
used to assess biofilm growth on the stones after the variables were also determined by two-tailed Bivariate
3-month incubation period. Fluorescence signals were Spearman’s correlations. Statistical analyses were
measured at different wavelengths in a Phyto-PAM implemented using SPSS Statistics v19.0 (IBM)
(Heinz Walz GmbH) equipped with a Phyto-EDF software, and differences were considered statistically
fiberoptics emitter-detector unit, which allows mea- significant at p B 0.05.

surement on surfaces via a 50 mm long and 4 mm The chl a content and DEab values for the
diameter perspex rod [43]. Inoculated blocks were phototrophic biofilms developed on the stones were
kept in darkness for 20 min prior to the measurements, also used to calculate the bioreceptivity index (BI)
carried out with the tip of the rod directly in contact developed by Vázquez-Nion et al. [46].
with the block/biofilm surface. The fluorescence
parameters recorded were F0, the minimal fluores-
cence signal of dark-adapted cells, and Fm, the
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3 Results and discussion decreased from an initial value of 6.76 ± 0.22 to

5.86 ± 0.08 after 10 cycles of weathering. The
3.1 Weathering of granite by salt crystallisation application of additional 5 cycles (i.e. after 15 cycles)
did not produce any subsequent significant change. Sa
The properties related to the bioreceptivity measured values increased continuously throughout the weath-
in the weathered and non-weathered granite, as well as ering process, from 18.90 ± 4.36 lm in the non-
the results of the ANOVA, are shown in Table 1. For weathered granite up to 52.37 ± 4.85 lm after 15
sound granite (i.e. non-subjected to the salt crystalli- cycles. The weight loss observed after the alteration of
sation weathering process) the values obtained were the granite can therefore be mainly attributed to the
2.52 ± 0.02 g cm-3 for bulk density, 4.82 ± 0.84% loss of material from the surface of the stone blocks
for open porosity, 0.20 ± 0.03 g cm-2 for capillary (Fig. 3).
water content and 6.76 ± 0.22 for abrasion pH. In The loss of stone material was mainly from the
previous studies, the values of the properties associ- surface and not within the blocks, as revealed by the
ated with the bioreceptivity of four [4] and eleven [12] non-significant modification (p [ 0.05) of properties
different varieties of granite (sound and weathered) such as bulk density, open porosity and capillary water
were between 2.4 and 2.9 g cm-3 for bulk density, content, which are more closely related to the inner
between 0.5 and 11.0% for open porosity and between porous system, after the salt crystallization tests.
5.98 and 9.58 for abrasion pH. The relatively high Changes in the bioreceptivity could therefore be only
values of open porosity and low values of bulk density induced on the surface of the weathered blocks but not
and abrasion pH found in the CL granite reveal a the inner part. In order to check this possible effect,
certain degree of alteration in the granite prior to the samples from 1 cm inside the blocks (Fig. 2) were also
samples being subjected to the laboratory-based salt studied in the subsequent bioreceptivity assay. The
weathering test [4]. This stone is therefore expected to roughness of the inner samples, obtained by cutting the
be susceptible to salt crystallisation weathering [36]. blocks with a diamond blade, was assumed to be the
After the laboratory-based salt weathering test, the same for either weathered and non-weathered granite,
granite samples suffered significant weight loss measured as 9.56 ± 3.10 lm (Sa, Fig. 3c).
(Table 1). The loss of material increased with the
number of weathering cycles applied, up to 3.2 Assessment of biofilm growth
1.08 ± 0.25% after 15 cycles. This weight loss was on the weathered and non-weathered granite
not accompanied by significant changes in bulk
density, open porosity or capillary water content. Samples of non-weathered granite and granite weath-
However, the laboratory-based weathering process ered by the salt crystallization process, from the
significantly altered the abrasion pH and the surface surface and from the inner part of the original blocks
roughness of the granite. Abrasion pH significantly (i.e. with the same surface roughness) were subjected

Table 1 Results of ANOVA of the properties of the granite studied before and after different cycles of the laboratory-based salt
crystallisation weathering test
Number of Weight loss Bulk density Open porosity Capillary water Abrasion pH Surface roughness, Sa
cycles (%) (g cm-3) (%) (g cm-2) (lm)

0 0.00 ± 0.00a 2.52 ± 0.02 4.82 ± 0.84 0.20 ± 0.03 6.76 ± 0.22a 18.90 ± 4.36a
5 0.23 ± 0.05ab 2.52 ± 0.01 4.29 ± 0.46 0.18 ± 0.02 6.22 ± 0.14ab 31.50 ± 1.99ab
b b
10 0.55 ± 0.05 2.49 ± 0.02 5.25 ± 0.63 0.21 ± 0.01 5.86 ± 0.08 38.09 ± 4.57bc
c b
15 1.08 ± 0.25 2.51 ± 0.02 4.67 ± 0.77 0.20 ± 0.04 5.89 ± 0.10 52.37 ± 4.85c
ANOVA F = 38.9 F = 1.3 F = 1.0 F = 0.3 F = 16.6 F = 23.0
p \ 0.001 p = 0.330 p = 0.448 p = 0.813 p = 0.010 p = 0.006
Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation of three replicates. Different superscript letters indicate significant differences
between the number of weathering cycles applied. p values B 0.05 are indicated in bold type
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:158 Page 7 of 13 158

Fig. 3 Optical microscope images of the granite CL. The areas after 15 cycles, surface sample; c weathered granite after 15
outlined by dotted lines (10 9 10 mm2) indicate where the WLOI cycles, inner sample. The respective images derived from WLOI
measurements were made to quantify the surface roughness. (colour scale indicates the variation in surface roughness) are
a Non-weathered granite, surface sample; b weathered granite shown on the right of each image. (Color figure online)
158 Page 8 of 13 Materials and Structures (2018) 51:158

to the previously described inoculation and incubation

protocol. After the 3-month growth period, pho-
totrophic biofilms were visible on all samples studied
(Fig. 4).
The extent of the colonisation on the stone samples,
assessed by Phyto-PAM and colour measurements, is
shown in Fig. 5. The chl a contents determined in the
different cases studied (Fig. 5a), used as proxy for
biofilm growth quantification, ranged from
0.91 ± 0.28 (5 cycles-weathered inner samples) to
2.70 ± 0.40 lg cm-2 (15 cycles-weathered surface
samples). Considering the surface samples, granite CL
showed similar amounts of chl a in non-weathered
blocks and blocks weathered for 5 cycles, but an
increase in the colonisation achieved in blocks
subjected to 10 and 15 cycles of weathering. These
results are consistent with those of previous studies in
which a higher degree of surface roughness and lower
abrasion pH (Table 1) are related to higher biorecep-
tivity in granitic rocks [4, 12]. Considering the inner
samples (all with the same degree of surface rough-
ness) biofilm growth was similar, independently of the
number of weathering cycles applied. The lower
degree of roughness derived from cutting the blocks
with a diamond blade, maintaining the rest of variables
at the same levels, undoubtedly decreased the biore-
ceptivity of these samples, as in all cases the inner part
of the block was less susceptible to colonisation than
the surface, but those were not affected by the
weathering. Thus, the ANOVA of these data (Table 2)
revealed that both the weathering process and the

Fig. 5 Results of Phyto-PAM analysis: a chl a content, b

maximum quantum yield and c F0.470nm/F0.645nm ratio; and
colour measurements: d DEab , used to assess the biofilm growth
on the different blocks studied at the end of the 3-month
incubation period, expressed as mean values of five replicates
(error bars indicate standard deviations)

surface of the block inoculated (the surface or in the

inner part of the original block) significantly affected
the chl a content. The interaction between these two
Fig. 4 Appearance of samples after the 3-month incubation factors did not significantly affect the bioreceptivity of
period. Upper: 10 cycles-weathered surface sample; lower: non- the stone samples.
weathered inner sample
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:158 Page 9 of 13 158

Table 2 Results of ANOVA of the Phyto-PAM parameters weathering cycles applied and the surface of the sample
and colour measurements used to assess the biofilm growth on inoculated (the surface or the inner part of the cubic blocks) as
the different blocks studied, considering the number of factors
Factor Chl a (lg cm-2) Yield F0.470nm/F0.645nm DEab

Weathering 0.037 0.195 0.026 0.240

F = 3.2 F = 1.7 F = 3.5 F = 1.5
Surface \ 0.001 0.848 0.001 \ 0.001
F = 48.3 F \ 0.1 F = 12.2 F = 30.8
Weathering 9 surface 0.266 0.353 0.129 0.699
F = 1.4 F = 1.1 F = 2.0 F = 0.5
p values B 0.05 are indicated in bold type

Regarding the other Phyto-PAM parameters mea- to the chemical and physical effects of the lichen thalli
sured in the biofilms formed on the granite studied on the substrate.
(Table 2), no significant effects were observed for the The total colour differences caused by biofilm
maximum quantum yield, but the weathering degree growth on the granite were only significantly affected

and the surface inoculated significantly affected the by the surface inoculated (Table 2). Thus, DEab values
F0.470nm/F0.645nm ratio. The maximum quantum yield remained constant independently of the cycles of
of the microorganisms grown on granite CL is similar weathering applied for both surface and inner slabs,
for both weathered and non-weathered samples and for although the values of the former were always higher
both inner and surface samples, with values around (Fig. 5d). Thus, the differences in chl a contents of
0.55 (Fig. 5b). However, a continuous decrease, from surface and inner samples probably caused the differ-

0.63 ± 0.03 (non-weathered) to 0.58 ± 0.03 (15 ences in the DEab values, but the differences in the chl
cycles-weathered) for the F0.470nm/F0.645nm ratio was a contents due to the weathering process in the surface
observed in the surface samples (Fig. 5c). This was not slabs were not reflected by colour measurements.
observed in the inner samples, which suggests better The correlations between the properties of the
adaptation of the cyanobacteria present in the inocula, granite studied, both weathered and non-weathered,
than that of green algae, to the increased surface and the parameters used to assess biofilm growth in the
roughness of the stone derived from the laboratory- different cases may help to explain these data. The chl
induced weathering. Differences in how microbial a contents were significantly correlated with the
communities under the same environmental condi- surface roughness and the abrasion pH of the samples
tions adapt to changes in the physical properties of tested (Table 3). The correlation between the chl a
colonised stones have previously been reported. content and surface roughness can be attributed to the
Papida et al. [22] observed that, from a mixed general decrease in chl a in the inner samples relative
microbial population, halotolerant heterotrophic bac- to the surface samples. Moreover, the increased
teria survived particularly well on an artificially surface roughness of the granite brought about by
weathered limestone, probably due to the higher the salt crystallisation promoted biofilm growth. In
porous structure of the stone, which enhanced the addition to the increase in the surface roughness, the
water content. Cámara et al. [25] found different granite weathering also decreased the abrasion pH.
distribution patterns of microbial colonization in a The photosynthetic performance (yield) of the biofilm-
dolostone quarry related to different biodeterioration forming microorganisms was not correlated with any
degrees. They suggest that the presence and activity of of the stone properties studied, although the surface
pioneering endolithic microorganisms could have roughness was significantly correlated with the micro-
helped lichens to settle, and the loss of some endolithic bial composition of the biofilms (as ratio F0.470nm/
fungi in more developed communities could be related F0.645nm). As previously noted, greater surface rough-
ness seems to be related to the proliferation of
158 Page 10 of 13 Materials and Structures (2018) 51:158

Table 3 Bivariate Spearman’s correlation matrix for the properties of the granite studied and the parameters used to assess the
biofilm growth at the end of the incubation period (n = 40)
Chl a Yield F0,470nm/F0,645nm DEab

Bulk density - 0.264 0.018 0.073 - 0.131

Open porosity 0.229 - 0.054 0.066 0.210
Capillary water 0.262 - 0.158 - 0.024 0.203
Abrasion pH - 0.392 0.080 0.301 0.021
Surface roughness (Sa) 0.745 - 0.132 - 0.640 0.529
Significant correlations (p B 0.05) are indicated in bold type

cyanobacteria rather than green algae. The presence of classification. However, after 10 and 15 weathering
anchoring sites and micro-refuges for the attachment cycles, the bioreceptivity of the granite was substan-
and settlement of biological colonization in rougher tially increased (to respectively 6.2 and 6.5), thus
surfaces [2] may have favoured the cyanobacterial classifying the weathered granite CL as ‘highly
growth due to their smaller cell size [47]. The bioreceptive’.

significant correlation between DEab and surface For fresh cut quarry stones used for building
roughness can mainly be attributed to the general purposes, granite CL is therefore expected to be
decrease of these values in the inner samples relative ‘mildly’ susceptible to colonisation by subaerial
to the surface samples. phototrophic biofilms. This level of primary biorecep-
tivity is similar to that reported for other granites
3.3 Secondary bioreceptivity of granite commonly used as construction materials [46]. How-
ever, if structures made from this granite are subjected
The values of the bioreceptivity index (BI) [46] were to the weathering process described here due to the
calculated for the granite studied (Table 4). The BI effect of salt (sodium chloride) crystallisation, the

values, derived from the chl a contents and DEab bioreceptivity may increase. Salt crystallisation is a
values measured on the stones after the application of very common and powerful weathering agent of
the standardised biofilm growth conditions, fitted to a building materials, including granite, particularly in
0–10 scale, enable classification of the granites marine environments and under mild climatic condi-
according to their bioreceptivity. Thus, low values of tions [32, 35, 48–51]. Dissolution-crystallisation
BI correspond to stone that is least susceptible to cycles can alter the surface roughness and the abrasion
biological colonisation while high values indicate that pH of granites, but also can change the size of the
the stone is highly bioreceptive. The BI obtained for grains and pores, which may modify its petrophysical
non-weathered granite CL, i.e. for describing its properties and produce visible surface deterioration
primary bioreceptivity, was 5.3, thus classifying this [31–34, 36, 52]. As an increasing number of cycles in
granite as having ‘mild bioreceptivity’. The applica- the laboratory-induced salt weathering process pro-
tion of 5 salt weathering cycles did not modify the duced a more intense weathering (Table 1), the
number of cycles applied to the granite could represent
Table 4 Bioreceptivity index (BI) [46] calculated for the the intensity and/or the exposure time of a natural salt
weathered and non-weathered granite CL weathering process. Thus, if the granite is moderately
Weathering cycles BI Classification
weathered by salts in the environment (here repre-
sented by 5 cycles of weathering), the bioreceptivity
0 5.3 Mild bioreceptivity may be expected to remain constant. However, if the
5 5.2 Mild bioreceptivity weathering process continues (here represented by
10 6.2 High bioreceptivity 10–15 cycles of weathering) so that the properties of
15 6.5 High bioreceptivity the stone are substantially altered (surface roughness
and abrasion pH), the granite is expected to become
Materials and Structures (2018) 51:158 Page 11 of 13 158

‘highly bioreceptive’. Under this new scenario, the Compliance with ethical standards
biological colonisation of the granite may increase,
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no
which may ultimately affect the treatments used to conflict of interest.
conserve the stone building or monument.
Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies
with human participants or animals performed by any of the
4 Conclusions

The laboratory-based salt weathering test used in the

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