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Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

Phrases, Patterns & Collocations (Part 2)
1. _______
- The seller set a reasonable _______ price for the house, hoping to attract potential buyers in the
competitive real estate market.
- The antique collector was delighted to acquire the rare artifact for the _______, as the seller was
eager to find a passionate and appreciative owner.
- Ignoring the safety guidelines and venturing into the restricted area was _______ for trouble,
and it resulted in unforeseen consequences for the adventurous hiker.
2. _______
- The stormy night was illuminated by a sudden _______ of lightning, revealing the dramatic
silhouette of the ancient oak tree against the dark sky.
- Despite the initial excitement, the new tech gadget turned out to be just a _______ in the pan,
failing to maintain its popularity in the market.
- As the camera's _______ went off, it produced a blinding flash of light that momentarily
obscured the view, capturing the joyful smiles of the friends gathered for the photograph.
3. _______
- After receiving the disappointing news, Sarah couldn't help but be down in the _______, her
usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a sense of gloom.
- Hungry after a long day of work, he decided to grab a quick dinner and proceeded to shovel a
hearty serving of pasta into his _______, savoring each bite.
- The small boutique became popular solely by word of _______, as satisfied customers shared
their positive experiences with friends and family.
4. _______
- With each meticulous _______ of a screw, the carpenter secured the wooden panels in place,
constructing a sturdy and reliable piece of furniture.
- As the winter winds picked up, the pleasant autumn day began to _______ cold, prompting
people to reach for their jackets and scarves.
- Despite the chef's culinary skills, the picky eater couldn't help but _______ their nose up at the
exotic dish, sticking to more familiar and less adventurous choices on the menu.
5. _______
- Not wanting to cause any harm, Jake's warning to quit the prank was merely an idle _______,
lacking any real intention of consequence.
- The airport was temporarily evacuated due to a credible bomb _______, prompting thorough
security measures and investigations to ensure the safety of passengers and staff.

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

- The celebrity received a chilling death _______, leading to increased security measures and a
police investigation to identify and apprehend the person responsible for the menacing message.
6. _______
- Many countries rely on their _______ resources, such as minerals, forests, and water, to support
their economies and meet the needs of their populations.
- The earthquake was not the result of human activity but occurred due to _______ causes, such
as tectonic plate movements beneath the Earth's surface.
- In the process of _______ selection, organisms with advantageous traits are more likely to
survive and reproduce, contributing to the gradual evolution of species over time.
7. _______
- Winning the lottery and traveling the world may seem like distant _______, but with
determination and hard work, many aspirations can become a reality.
- Never in my wildest _______ did it cross my mind that she had loved me.
- The success of the startup exceeded their expectations, reaching heights beyond their wildest
_______ and transforming the founders' lives.
8. _______
- His apartment served as both a cozy residence and a quiet _______ of work where he conducted
his freelance graphic design business.
- After the chaotic move, belongings were scattered all over the _______, making it challenging to
find anything in the new house.
- With his confident demeanor and assertive tone, he strolled into the meeting room as if he
owned the _______, leaving everyone momentarily taken aback.
9. _______
- By Sarah's own _______, the hiking trail was more challenging than expected, with steep
ascents and unexpected obstacles.
- On no _______ should confidential information be disclosed to unauthorized individuals,
emphasizing the importance of strict confidentiality.
- Before leaving the hotel, make sure to settle your _______ at the front desk to ensure a smooth
check-out process.
10. _______
- The timeless wisdom of ancient philosophers continues to echo down the _______, influencing
generations with its profound insights.
- Lost in the captivating world of literature, she could spend _______ doing nothing but reading,
immersing herself in the pages of countless books.
- The dilapidated castle on the hill was built _______ ago, its walls holding tales of a bygone era.
11. _______
- In _______, the delicate balance of ecosystems relies on the intricate interactions between
plants, animals, and the environment.

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

- Mother _______, with her awe-inspiring landscapes and diverse life forms, constantly reminds
us of the beauty and power inherent in the natural world.
- Human _______, marked by a complex blend of emotions, intellect, and social instincts, shapes
the way individuals and societies navigate the challenges of life.
12. _______
- From another _______, the situation may appear entirely different, offering new insights and
- The distorted image was completely out of _______, making it difficult to discern the true
proportions of the scene.
- Traveling to a foreign country can give you a sense of _______, allowing you to appreciate
diverse cultures and ways of life.
13. _______
- It's essential to _______ the truth, even when faced with challenging situations, to maintain trust
and integrity.
- Choosing to _______ a lie can have consequences that extend beyond the immediate situation,
eroding trust and credibility.
- It can be challenging to _______ the difference between authentic and counterfeit products,
requiring careful examination.
14. _______
- At this _______ in time, our focus should be on finding practical solutions to address the
pressing issues facing our community.
- Choosing the right _______ to propose can make the difference between a memorable and a
forgettable engagement.
- As the judge announced the verdict, it was the _______ of truth, determining the defendant's
15. _______
- The newly elected president is set to take _______ next month, assuming the responsibilities of
leading the nation.
- Serving in a public _______ requires a commitment to the welfare of the community and a
dedication to public service.
- The decisions made at the head _______ have a significant impact on the entire organization,
influencing its direction and policies.
16. _______
- In the realm of ideas and communication, the power of the _______ is often considered greater
than that of force or violence.
- Despite his impressive job title, he was often dismissed as a mere _______ -pusher, someone
who did routine paperwork without significant impact.
- Developing a connection with a _______ friend from a different culture can be a rewarding
experience, fostering understanding and friendship.

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

17. _______
- After the disastrous experiment, he swore _______ again to attempt such a risky venture.
- If you forgot to bring the documents, _______ mind; we can still proceed with the meeting.
- She promised herself that she would _______ ever compromise her principles, no matter the
18. _______
- It's crucial to keep your software up to _______ to ensure security and access to the latest
- Let's set a _______ for the meeting to ensure everyone is available and can plan accordingly.
- To _______, the company has successfully launched three products in the market.
19. _______
- The new construction project may pose a _______ to the local wildlife habitat, requiring careful
environmental considerations.
- Understanding the _______ of investing in volatile markets is essential for making informed
financial decisions.
- At the _______ of sounding repetitive, it's crucial to emphasize the importance of safety in all
workplace activities.
20. _______
- I'll _______ you at the airport on my way to the office, so you don't have to worry about
- She decided to _______ a hint about her upcoming birthday, hoping her friends would plan a
surprise celebration.
- Unfortunately, due to performance issues, the coach had to _______ two players from the team
before the championship match.

Cloze test
In the operation of a groundbreaking medical study, researchers (1.1) _______ an
ambitious journey to (1.2) _______ a link between certain health outcomes and individuals over
fifty years of age. On (1.3) _______ of the increasing significance of healthcare for this
demographic, the study aimed to (1.4) _______ connections that could reshape preventive care
strategies. With (1.5) _______ of mind, the research team meticulously collected and analyzed
data within a specific time (1.6) _______, determined to uncover insights that would have a
profound impact on the well-being of individuals entering their golden years.
1.1. A. barged into B. embarked on C. reckoned without D. tied in
1.2. A. do B. form C. substantiate D. establish
1.3. A. account B. behalf C. margins D. top
1.4. A. discover B. unravel C. explode D. exploit

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

1.5. A. singleness B. singularity C. concentration D. span

1.6. A. fabric B. substructure C. frame D. anatomy
In exploring the biography of a revolutionary educational platform, we (2.1) _______ the
origins of a system that seeks to provide (2.2) _______ to knowledge in this day and age. The
concept (2.3) _______ back to a time when traditional education methods faced increasing
challenges in meeting the diverse learning needs of individuals. Instead of (2.4) _______ outdated
practices, the creators envisioned a dynamic approach to learning, one that could (2.5) _______
rigid structures with flexible, personalized experiences tailored to the learner's unique pace and

The origins of this educational innovation trace back to a vision where technology could be (2.6)
_______ to gain access to a wealth of information, empowering learners to (2.7) _______ free from
conventional constraints. The founders were determined not to (2.8) _______ students into
conformity but rather to inspire critical thinking and a love for learning. In this day and age, the
educational landscape continues to evolve, with the biography of this platform serving as a
testament to the adaptability needed to meet (2.9) _______ demands of modern learners and to
revolutionize the way knowledge is accessed and absorbed.
2.1. A. drag out of B. fritter away C. delve into D. throttle back
2.2. A. provide B. give C. throw D. supply
2.3. A. turns B. dates C. finds D. comes
2.4. A. continuing B. enduring C. perpetuating D. swerving
2.5. A. substitute B. replace C. switch D. altering
2.6. A. elucidated B. obfuscated C. leveraged D. evinced
2.7. A. set B. break C. make D. do
2.8. A. charm B. proselytize C. woo D. brainwash
2.9. A. a B. the C. an D. no
Embarking on a personal journey is much like going on a day (3.1) _______ with the road
ahead full of twists and turns. As someone navigates the winding path of self-discovery, there
are moments when life seems out of (3.2) _______ , leaving them questioning the direction they're
headed. Nowadays, the journey involves not only physical exploration but also an introspective
(3.3) _______ to make sense of one's identity, purpose, and aspirations. Just like being behind the
(3.4) _______ on a day trip, taking control of your own narrative becomes essential, steering
through challenges and embracing the scenic (3.5) _______ that contribute to personal growth.
In reflecting on their journey, the advice from this seasoned traveler emphasizes the importance of
being (3.6) _______ the wheel of your own life. Rather than allowing external forces to dictate the
route, take the reins, and navigate the course of your destiny. Embrace the moments when things
may seem out of focus, as they often lead to profound insights and personal revelations. In the

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

complexity of nowadays, finding meaning in your journey is an ongoing process—never forget

that you are the driver of your own narrative, shaping each chapter with intention and purpose.
3.1. A. vacation B. holiday C. journey D. trip
3.2. A. concentration B. focus C. ordinary D. kilter
3.3. A. longing B. yen C. quest D. appetite
3.4. A. tyre B. wheel C. chair D. vehicle
3.5. A. debris B. detours C. decency D. denim
3.6. A. at B. under C. in D. on

Open cloze
Amid the chaotic rush hour, where (1.1) _______ of cars competed for space on the
congested streets, Sarah found herself contemplating a crucial decision that could (1.2) _______
her life. Determined to have the (1.3) _______ say in her destiny, she decided to pull over and (1.4)
_______ a talk with herself about the choices she was making. In this way, she sought clarity on
the path ahead, weighing the consequences and potential rewards of the decision that (1.5)
_______ before her. The honking horns and (1.6) _______ city sounds served as a backdrop to this
internal dialogue, highlighting the urgency and significance of the moment.
Life is an unpredictable journey where your (2.1) _______ ability can either bring you good
luck or challenge you to face bad luck head-on. Sometimes, the temptation to jump the (2.2)
_______ and take shortcuts might arise, but it's crucial to recognize when patience is key. In the
face of challenges, (2.3) _______ something difficult may initially seem discouraging, yet (2.4)
_______ the opportunity to learn and grow can transform it into something profoundly interesting
As you navigate through the twists and turns of life, you'll encounter moments that make you
(2.5) _______ deaf to negativity, turn your hair gray with wisdom, and perhaps even (2.6) _______
you a little crazy with the unpredictability of it all. Embracing the diversity of experiences,
whether good or bad, (2.7) _______ to the rich tapestry of your unique journey.
As the (3.1) _______ of change swept through the tech industry, a good few visionary
entrepreneurs embraced virtual reality as the forefront of innovation. Recognizing the potential to
(3.2) _______ through cutting-edge technology, they navigated the course of action with
determination and foresight. This digital revolution not only transformed the way we experience
entertainment but also opened new avenues in education, healthcare, and various industries. In
this dynamic landscape, staying (3.3) _______ of the latest trends in (3.4) _______ reality became a
vital (3.5) _______ of action for those aspiring to shape the future.
Gathering around the table to break (4.1) _______ with loved ones is a cherished tradition, and
(4.2) _______ ever, the warmth of shared moments makes dreams come true. Through the highs
and lows, in all (4.3) _______, family and friends find comfort in each other's company, creating a

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

bond that endures. However, it's crucial to be mindful not to (4.4) _______ out of turn, respecting
the flow of conversation and ensuring everyone has a (4.5) _______ to contribute to the
harmonious exchange of thoughts and ideas.
Navigating the (5.1) _______ of a technological system involves a delicate balance to prevent it
from becoming out of (5.2) _______ in the fast-paced world of innovation. Engineers often (5.3)
_______ the risk of doing something unconventional when updating software, but users need only
say the word if challenges (5.4) _______. Addressing sometimes (5.5) _______ questions about
design choices or potential glitches requires showing (5.6) _______ for user feedback. In this
dynamic landscape, understanding the mechanism of a system is not just about code; it's about a
responsive interaction between user needs and developer decisions, ensuring the system remains
relevant and adaptable.
Life, with its inherent uncertainties, often unfolds in serendipitous ways. It just (6.1)
_______ happens that within these twists of fate, there's (6.2) _______ chance we encounter
pivotal moments that prompt us to contemplate putting something significant at risk, so to speak.
In other (6.3) _______, these junctures serve as opportunities for a profound metamorphosis,
inviting us to reinvent the (6.4) _______ of our existence. This act of reinvention is not merely a
duplication of effort but a deliberate and thoughtful process, an exploration of uncharted realms
where the seeds of innovation and self-discovery are sown. Welcoming change, (6.5) _______
when presented with every opportunity to do so, evolves into a transformative odyssey—a
mindful choice to navigate through uncertainty, question established norms, and craft fresh
narratives. In (6.6) _______, the invitation to reimagine conventional approaches is a summons to
embark on a journey of personal growth, where carefully considered risks transform into
pathways (6.7) _______ to a more enriched and authentic existence.
In life, unexpected challenges often appear once, shaking the foundations of our firm (7.1)
_______ and transforming what was once a closed (7.2) _______ into an open chapter.
Occasionally, fresh perspectives enter our thoughts unexpectedly and promptly, taking us by
surprise in a manner akin (7.3) _______ an unforeseen weather forecast. It's during these
moments that a time (7.4) _______ is imposed upon us, requiring swift adaptation and an
openness to reconsider our established notions. Embracing the fleeting (7.5) _______ of these
occurrences becomes essential, as they offer unique opportunities for growth and expansion
beyond the boundaries of our initial convictions. Just as a weather (7.6) _______ anticipates
change, these singular moments encourage us to approach life with a dynamic mindset, ready to
navigate the evolving landscapes that appear once in our journey.
By (8.1) _______ chance, as my thoughts meandered, a perspective on our recent
argument (8.2) _______ a rather depressing (8.3) _______ suddenly (8.4) _______ into my mind,
going straight to the heart of the matter. The dispute seemed to run riot, overshadowing the initial
joy of our literary discussions. Little (8.5) _______ I anticipate that such a casual conversation
would go straight to the core of our differing opinions. Ironically, just as the argument about the
book (8.6) _______ its peak, news arrived that my friend had (8.7) _______ ill, adding an

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

unexpected and somber twist to our spirited exchange. In these unforeseen (8.8) _______ of
events, it became evident that discussions could take unexpected routes, and life's twists and
turns had a way of getting (8.9) _______ to the point, much like the surprising plot twists in a
compelling narrative.
As the days fly (9.1) _______, one often finds that forming an (9.2) _______ of certain
situations or individuals can be a gradual process. Green (9.3) _______, for instance, may not
reveal its full impact immediately, but as time passes, its significance becomes increasingly
evident. In the end, forming an accurate and nuanced impression requires a holistic
understanding. Up to a (9.4) _______, one may be (9.5) _______ the lead, navigating through the
complexities of ideologies and policies. It is crucial to (9.6) _______ from traditional thought
processes in order to fully grasp the intricacies of ideas. It's important to take the time to say your
(9.7) _______, express your opinions, and contribute to the ongoing discourse. In this dynamic
journey, the gradual formation of impressions and the willingness to make the (9.8) _______ can
lead to a more informed and enlightened perspective.
As I sit down to pen a letter to my long-lost pen (10.1) _______, the topic of climate
change inevitably raises (10.2) _______ in my mind. The greenhouse effect, in the (10.2) _______
of escalating carbon emissions, looms over our planet like a dark cloud. In my attempt to (10.3)
_______ sense into my pen friend, who seems to (10.4) _______ to luck when it comes to
addressing environmental concerns, I emphasize the urgency of taking action.
In this fast-paced world, we find ourselves constantly on the (10.5) _______, and yet, we must not
ignore the (10.6) _______ term nature of our environment's health. Broadly (10.7) _______, the
consequences of inaction will affect us all. We can never ever afford to dismiss the significance of
individual responsibility in mitigating the impact of climate change.

Sentence transformation
1. If she had approved of your scheme, it would have been concluded by now. (DIM)
→ Had
2. Although his job played a pivotal role in the company, his position was regarded as
unimportant. (COG)
→ Important
3. You should see things from their perspective to be fully aware that they have no choice.
→ It’s about
4. Since implementing the new communication strategy, our team's collaboration and productivity
have yielded positive results. (WONDERS)

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

→ By dint
5. It is obvious that what he said is irrelevant to the subject. (BESIDE)
→ It goes
6. He found it necessary to copy when other companies publicized new products in the market.
→ He saw
7. It was wrong of Tom not to approve the campaign. (GREEN)
→ Tom
8. He was taken by surprise by the announcement of his school. (SHOCK)
→ The announcement of his school
9. The chairman presumed that his employees were always unproductive and lazy. (IDLE)
→ The chairman took
10. Jessica is not pleased with James because he is always criticizing her. (BOOKS)
→ Because James is always speaking
11. His handwriting was so indecipherable that she didn’t know what he really meant. (DRIVING)
→ So
12. It is unlikely that he will tell you the story of his accident. (ACCOUNT)
→ The odds
13. Nobody believes that they have broken up. (PIECES)
→ That their relationship
14. They tried to remember why they no longer talked to each other. (SPEAKING)
→ They made a
15. Jim tried not to laugh in order to be polite. (VIEW)

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

→ Jim tried to keep a

16. Although the scheme was not planned, we started doing it at last. (CAME)
→ As
17. We had to spoil his plans to gain an advantage in this competition. (SPOKE)
→ We had no
18. He misunderstood that his girlfriend’s personality was the cause for their break-up. (END)
→ He laboured _________________________________________________________________________.
19. It was obvious that his attendance was unimportant in this seminar. (ACCOUNT)
→ It went
20. Personally, every citizen must comply with the laws. (LETTER)
→ From my

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

Trios 1.2. D 1.1. streams

1. asking 1.3. A 1.2. risk

2. flash 1.4. B 1.3. final

3. mouth 1.5. A 1.4. have

4. turn 1.6. C 1.5. loomed

5. threat 2. 1.6. bustling

6. natural 2.1. C 2.

7. dreams 2.2. A 2.1. natural

8. place 2.3. B 2.2. gun

9. account 2.4. C 2.3. finding

10. ages 2.5. B 2.4. embracing

11. nature 2.6. C 2.5. go

12. perspective 2.7. B 2.6. drive

13. tell 2.8. D 2.7. contributes

14. moment 2.9. B 3.

15. office 3. 3.1. winds

16. pen 3.1. D 3.2. lead

17. never 3.2. B 3.3. abreast

18. date 3.3. C 3.4. virtual

19. risk 3.4. B 3.5. course

20. drop 3.5. B 4.

3.6. A 4.1. bread

Cloze test
Open cloze 4.2. as

1. 4.3. weathers
1.1. B

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

4.4. speak 7.1. beliefs 9.2. impression

4.5. chance 7.2. book 9.3. politics

5. 7.3. to 9.4. point

5.1. mechanism 7.4. limit 9.5. in

5.2. print 7.5. nature 9.6. diverge

5.3. run 7.6. forecast 9.7. piece

5.4. arise 8. 9.8. break

5.5. awkward 8.1. sheer 10.

5.6. consideration 8.2. over 10.1. pal

6. 8.3. read 10.2. doubts

6.1. so 8.4. came 10.3. form

6.2. every 8.5. did 10.4. talk

6.3. words 8.6. reached 10.5. trust

6.4. wheel 8.7. fallen 10.6. move

6.5. especially 8.8. turns 10.7. fixed

6.6. essence 8.9. straight 10.8. speaking

6.7. leading 9.

7. 9.1. by

Sentence transformation
1. …she not taken a dim view of your scheme, it would have been concluded by now

2. …as/though his job was, his position was a cog in a/the machine

3. …you put yourself in their shoes to be fully aware that they had no choice

4. …of implementing the new communication strategy, our team's collaboration and productivity
have worked wonders

5. …without saying that what he said is beside the point

6. …fit to follow suit

Chuyên Anh’s Little Corner

7. …should have given the green light to the campaign

8. …came as a shock to him

9. …it as read that his employees were always unproductive and bone idle.

10. …badly/ill of Jessica, he is in her bad books

11. …indecipherable was his handwriting that she didn’t know what he was driving at

12. …are against his giving an account of his accident

13. …has fallen to pieces is beyond belief

14. …mental note about why they were not on speaking terms with each other

15. …keep a straight face with a view to being polite

16. …it happened, we came to do it at last

17. …choice but to put a spoke in his wheel to gain an advantage in this competition

18. …under misapprehension that his girlfriend’s personality put an end to their relationship

19. …without saying that his attendance was of no//little account

20. …point of view/viewpoint/perspective, every citizen must follow/obey the laws to the letter


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