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Academic Summary of Long-Term Incentive Plans

The presentation on Long-Term Incentive Plans (LTIPs) from the video outlines the structure,
purpose, types, and implementation strategies of LTIPs, emphasizing their role in aligning
employee interests with long-term corporate goals.

Purpose of LTIPs:
LTIPs are designed to reward employees, particularly executives and senior management, for
achieving specific performance objectives over an extended period, typically three to five years.
The main aim is to promote sustainable growth and enhance shareholder value by ensuring that
the actions of key personnel align with the company's long-term strategy.

Types of LTIPs:
1. Stock Options: These give employees the right to purchase company shares at a
predetermined price. If the company's stock price rises above this price, employees can
benefit from the difference.
2. Restricted Stock Units (RSUs): Employees are granted shares that vest after certain
conditions is met, such as a specific period of employment or the achievement of
performance targets.
3. Performance Shares: Shares are awarded based on the attainment of specific performance
goals, such as hitting earnings targets or market share benchmarks.
4. Cash Plans: Bonuses tied to the company's long-term performance metrics, paid in cash.
5. Key Components of LTIPs:
-Performance Metrics: Metrics commonly used include earnings per share (EPS), return
on equity (ROE), and total shareholder return (TSR). These metrics must be carefully
selected to reflect the company’s strategic objectives and ensure they incentivize the
desired outcomes.
- Vesting Periods: The duration over which employees must achieve performance goals
or remain with the company to receive their rewards. Typical vesting periods range from
three to five years.
- Clawback Provisions: These policies allow companies to reclaim incentive payouts if
it is later found that performance metrics were misstated or if the employee engaged in

Advantages of LTIPs:
- Alignment of Interests: By tying compensation to long-term performance, LTIPs ensure that
employees focus on strategies that benefit shareholders over the long haul.
- Retention: LTIPs help retain top talent by providing significant rewards for long-term service
and performance.
- Performance Orientation: They encourage a focus on achieving sustainable growth and
strategic goals, rather than short-term financial gains.

Challenges in Implementing LTIPs:

- Setting Appropriate Metrics: Selecting the right metrics is crucial and can be complex.
Metrics must be aligned with long-term goals and be measurable and relevant.
- Balancing Short-Term and Long-Term Incentives: It is essential to balance incentives to
avoid neglecting immediate business needs.
- Regulatory and Tax Considerations: Navigating the varying regulatory and tax landscapes in
different jurisdictions adds complexity to the implementation of LTIPs.

Steps to Implement LTIPs:

1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline the goals of the LTIP and how it fits within the overall
compensation strategy.
2. Select Performance Metrics: Choose metrics that are aligned with the company's strategic
vision and ensure they are measurable and relevant.
3. Design the Plan: Decide on the types of awards, vesting periods, and eligibility criteria.
4. Communicate the Plan: Ensure that all participants understand how the LTIP works, what is
expected of them, and the potential rewards.
5. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the plan’s effectiveness and make necessary
adjustments to ensure it continues to meet its objectives.

In summary, LTIPs are essential tools in corporate governance and executive compensation,
fostering a culture focused on long-term performance and strategic alignment. Properly designed
and implemented LTIPs can drive significant improvements in corporate performance, ensuring
that key employees are motivated to achieve outcomes that enhance shareholder value.

This summary encapsulates the primary points presented in the video, providing a structured
overview of LTIPs and their significance in fostering long-term corporate success.

- [Long Term Incentive Plans with Mark Reilly] (
- Additional LTIP resources from industry experts and academic publications on executive
compensation and corporate governance.

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