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5 marks questions

1. Discuss the various OLAP operations in the

multidimensional data model
A. 1. *Slice*: Selecting a single value from a dimension
to view a subset of data. For example, viewing sales data
for a particular month.

2. *Dice*: Selecting two or more dimensions to view a

subset of data. For example, viewing sales data for a
specific product in a particular region.

3. *Roll-up (Drill-up)*: Aggregating data from a lower

level to a higher level in the hierarchy. For example,
aggregating daily sales data into monthly sales data.

4. *Drill-down (Drill-through)*: Breaking down data

from a higher level to a lower level in the hierarchy or
accessing detailed data from summarized data. For
example, viewing daily sales data after initially looking at
monthly sales data.

5. *Pivot (Rotate)*: Rotating the data axes to view

different perspectives of the data. For example,
swapping the rows and columns of a sales report to see
sales by region instead of by product.
2.what is data mining?what are the advantages of data
A. Data mining refers to the process of discovering
patterns, correlations, trends, and useful information
from large sets of data.
Data mining offers several advantages:
1. *Pattern Recognition*: It helps in identifying patterns
and relationships within large datasets that might not be
immediately apparent to humans.
2. *Predictive Analysis*: By analyzing historical data, it
can predict future trends and behaviors, aiding in
decision-making processes.
3. *Improved Decision Making*: It provides valuable
insights that can aid in making informed decisions,
thereby enhancing business strategies and operations.
4. *Cost Reduction*: By automating the process of
extracting insights from data, it can reduce the time and
resources required for analysis.
5. *Product Recommendations*: By analyzing customer
purchasing patterns, data mining can generate product
recommendations, leading to increased sales and
customer satisfaction.
3. How is data warehouse different from a database
4. What is datawarehouse?what are the goals of a data
A. A data warehouse is a centralized storage system that
allows for the storing, analyzing, and interpreting of
data in order to facilitate better decision-making.
Transactional systems, relational databases, and other
sources provide data into data warehouses on a regular
The primary goals of a data warehouse typically include:

1. *Data Integration*: Bringing together data from

different sources into a unified repository.
2. *Data Quality*: Ensuring that the data is accurate,
consistent, and reliable.
3. *Historical Data Storage*: Storing historical data for
analysis and reporting purposes.
4. *Query and Analysis*: Providing tools and interfaces
for querying and analyzing data to support decision-
5. *Performance*: Optimizing performance for querying
large volumes of data.
6. *Security*: Implementing measures to protect data
privacy and ensure security.
7. *Scalability*: Designing the warehouse to handle
increasing volumes of data and users over time.
8. *Flexibility*: Adapting to changing business
requirements and data sources.
9. *Business Intelligence*: Supporting business
intelligence and reporting needs by providing a single
source of truth for data analysis.
5.Briefly explain FP growth algorithm
6.With suitable example explain star schema,snowflake
and fact constellation for multidimensional database

A star schema is a type of data modeling technique used in data

warehousing to represent data in a structured and intuitive way. In a
star schema, data is organized into a central fact table that contains
the measures of interest, surrounded by dimension tables that
describe the attributes of the measures.
Snowflake Schema: Snowflake Schema is a type of multidimensional
model. It is used for data warehouse. In snowflake schema contains the
fact table, dimension tables and one or more than tables for each
dimension table. Snowflake schema is a normalized form of star schema
which reduce the redundancy and saves the significant storage.
Fact Constellation is a schema for representing multidimensional model.
It is a collection of multiple fact tables having some common dimension
tables. It can be viewed as a collection of several star schemas and
hence, also known as Galaxy schema. It is one of the widely used
schema for Data warehouse designing and it is much more complex than
star and snowflake schema. For complex systems, we require fact

7.Explain apriori algorithm with example

Apriori algorithm refers to an algorithm that is used in
mining frequent products sets and relevant association
rules. Generally, the apriori algorithm operates on a
database containing a huge number of transactions. For
example, the items customers but at a Big Bazar.

Example javatpoint

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