Breeze 6 Shaker Baghouse User Manual

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Phone number: +1(918) 810-7688


Production Company Torch-Air, LLC


Breeze 6 Shaker Baghouse

With a Fan

User Manual

Manufacturing number _________

Tulsa, Okhlahoma, 2023

This user manual for the Breeze 6 Shaker Baghouse (hereafter the “Machine”) is intended
for studying the design and operation of the Machine and details the primary rules, technical
requirements, and instructions to be observed over the machine’s life cycle.
Before undertaking any operations with the Machine, the user must first get his or herself
with the operation documentation of the machine and its components.

List of adopted abbreviations

NEC: National Electrical Code

AMS: Automatic Control System
MT: Maintenance

Table of Contents

List of adopted abbreviations .......................................................................................................3

1. Machine description and operation ......................................................................................5
1.1. Purpose and components ......................................................................................................5
1.2. Specification guide ................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
1.2.1. Machine features ...............................................................................................................6
1.2.2. Required operating conditions ..........................................................................................7
1.3. Device and Machine operation .............................................................................................7
2. Use as designed ....................................................................................................................9
2.1. Operation restrictions ...........................................................................................................9
2.2. Preparartion before operation ...............................................................................................9
2.3. Connecting the power source ...............................................................................................9
2.4. Use as designed ..................................................................................................................10
3. Maintenance and repair ......................................................................................................12
3.1. General instructions ............................................................................................................12
3.2. Safety measures ..................................................................................................................12
3.3. Machine Maintenance frequency........................................................................................13
3.4. Possible faults and methods for handling them ..................................................................13
4. Preservation, storage, and packing .....................................................................................13
5. Disposal information ..........................................................................................................14

1. Machine description and operation

1.1. Purpose and components

The machine is designed for cleaning the air entering it of dry, non-sticky dust. The filtering
element of the Machine is the pocket filter. Filter regeneration is performed by way of shaking the
beam that the filter elements aren't rigidly attached to.
In any case, the Machine includes a dirty gas chamber with the filter elements located inside it
and a clean gas chamber with a fan located inside.
The Machine's frame features maintenance doors for maintenance and bag replacement.
The Machine's support is designed for attaching the Machine frame directly to the silo or
hopper with fabric attached.
Captured debris settles onto the filter fabric. The filter material is required to be periodically
cleaned of dust: Regeneration cleaning of the bags is done in the form of shaking. During
regeneration, the captured dust enters back into the accumulation volume that the filter is installed
Do NOT open the doors while the fan is on!
An electric box is designed for storage of the Machine's ACS’ electric components.

1.2. Specification Guide

The Machine features the following reliability and resource indicators:

− the Machine design is suitable for repair;

− the Machine's service life is 10 years;
− the service life does not include expendable materials: filter bags;
− the service life of the individual electric components is listed in the items’ operation

1.2.1. Machine Features

The primary features of the machine are presented in Table 1.

Table 1: Machine Features

Parameter title Value

Air performance, up to, m3/hour * 650

Power, kW 1.5

Filtration area, m2 6

Filtration fabric Polyester, PES 350

Multibag, 12 pockets, pocket

Filter type
size: 500 x 500 mm

Hydraulic resistance, Pa* 1,200-2,000

Maximum dust concentration at the

Machine's inlet, g/m³

Dust concentration at the Machine’s exit,

maximum, mg/m³

Operating temperature inside Machine, С** from 0 to 80

Filter element type Pocket filter

Node dimensions, mm (LxWxH, maximum) 604 х 964 × 1372

Net mass, kg 410

* - depends on the characteristics and dust concentration at the inlet into the
Machine, the frequency of the regeneration of the filter bags, and the filtration
** - no condensation is allowed.

Information on the materials used in the Machine is presented in Table 2.

Table 2: materials used in the Machine
Part title Material brand
Frame and wall elements
Filter elements Polyester
Packings Silicon mixture (0…+150С)

1.2.2. Required Operating Conditions The contaminated air flow fed into the Machine must feature the
characteristics indicated in Table 3.

Table 3: Characteristics of air flow conducted into the Machine

Parameters Value
Air performance, maximum, m³/hour 650
Maximum dust concentration at the inlet, g/m³ 100
Air temperature, С From 0 to 80 A recess must be created in the existing air main.

1.3. Device and Machine Operation

1.3.1. The machine is designed as a monoblock configuration.

1.3.2. The Machine's design is illustrated in Fig 1.
1.3.3. The machine consists of: a dirty air chamber with filter elements and a shaker frame
with a motor installed in addition to a clean air chamber with a fan and an electric
1.3.4. The contaminated air enters the internal space of the Frame via an opening designed
in the bottom of the bottom of the Dirty Gas frame, from which point it directly enters the
external surface of the bags. The dust particles settle onto the filter elements while the clean
air makes it into the upper section of the Machine for the clean air to be exhausted. Then it is
ejected by a fan via an opening designed in the roof of the upper section of the Machine.

Figure 1: Machine Design

2. Use as Designed

2.1. Operation Restrictions

WARNING! Before beginning any installation, deinstallation, startup, maintenance or

repair works, be sure that the filtration process is brought to a complete stop (the fan is
off and no air is entering the Machine or being pumped out of it).

WARNING! Opening the maintenance doors while the machine is on is prohibited.

WARNING! The fan is to be installed inside the filter so that it blows in the direction of
the gas draft.

2.1.1. The reliability and the operating capacity of the Machine greatly depends on the
personnel that is completing the installation, servicing, and maintenance observing the
rules and requirements detailed in this user manual.
2.1.2. During the installation of the machine at the designed operation site, be sure to
secure the Machine on the ground.

2.2. Preparation before operation

2.2.1. In preparing the machine for operation, first conduct an external visual survey of
the Machine to check for any non-sealed frame connections, weakened bolt connections,
gaskets that may have fallen out of their mounting locations, etc.
2.2.2. Before launching the Machine into operation, check that the attachments of all the
electrical connections are secure.
2.2.3. Before launching the product into operation, check that all the Machine's
components are properly grounded.
2.2.4. In the event of storage over an extended period of time, be sure to conduct a visual
survey of the condition of the filter elements.
2.2.5. Ensure the intake and exhaust of the supply main is set up to take place in and out
of the Machine.

2.3. Connecting the Power Source

2.3.1. To ensure safe operation, any metallic components of the Machine usually not
under voltage but which, in the event that insulation is damaged, may end up under
voltage must be connected to grounding devices in accordance with the current NEC.
2.3.2. The following are subject to grounding:
− The Machine frame;
− The Machine support;
− The hopper;
− The electric box;

− Electric hardware gears.
2.3.3. There is no standardization for the resistance of the local grounding device.
2.3.4. The grounding device must be connected according to chapter 1.7 of the NEC.



2.4. Use as Designed

2.4.1. Starting position:

− The machine is secured to the floor;
− The machine frame is airtight;
− The dust collection hoppers are connected;
− The machine is connected to the air supply main.
2.4.2. Launch the Machine into operation and initiate the filtration process.
2.4.3. The machine is equipped with a filter bag regeneration system. Regeneration is
performed by way of shaking.
2.4.4. Shaking is done using a vibrator.
2.4.5. Electric motors are to be switched on by an operator in accordance with the
recommendations of the Machine’s manufacturer enterprise.
2.4.6. The recommended parameters of the regeneration system are:
− Shaking operation time: 2-3 sec;
− The powering on interval may vary and depends on the dust load;
2.4.7. The vibrator is turned for to the necessary duration but for no longer than 2-3
seconds. Increasing the operation time of the vibrator may result in damage to the device.

2.4.8 Operation of the regeneration system (individual project)

If the “open” transmitter goes off, the fan is turned on and cleaning begins with a 20-minute delay. The
system's regeneration operation algorithm is to go on for 3 seconds once per minute. The fan and
cleaning operate until the “closed” transmitter goes off.
The duration of the delay before the regeneration goes off can be changed depending on the operating
conditions: the level of dust, operation intensity, type of dust, etc.
When the “closed” transmitter goes off, the fan is powered off and regeneration begins with a 1-minute
delay to allow the fan to stop. Regeneration goes on for 3 seconds every 10 seconds for a period of 2
As the filter machine operates, the dust accumulates on the filter elements which reduces the machine's
performance level. The moment performance dips below the “acceptable” level, regeneration of the filter
elements is required.
Regeneration of the filter elements with the fan on is less effective and leads to heightened wear on the
filter material. Thus, regeneration is recommended to be performed with the fan powered off.
In this case, it’s done with a closed hopper.

3. Maintenance and Repair

3.1. General Instructions

3.1.1. Only personnel that has completed corresponding preparation and instruction as
well as being acquainted with the requirements of our user manual in addition to the general
safety rules is allowed to engage in any installation, maintenance, or repair works on the
3.1.2. Before conducting any maintenance or repair, it must be ascertained that the
filtration process has come to a full stop (no air is entering the filter or being pumped out
of it) and the electrical powering devices are powered off.
3.1.3. In the event that the Machine's nodes are assembled, an airtight glue must be applied
to the connected surfaces providing that the Machine is sealed and airtight.

3.2. Safety Measures

3.2.1. All of the general industrial safety requirements must be observed during any and
all works performed involving the Machine.
3.2.2. Properly functioning tools and accessories must be used in any works performed
with the Machine.
3.2.3. In order to prevent dangerous impact on the employee’s organs, any and all
installation, repair, and maintenance operations must be performed wearing individual
breathing organ protection gear, protective clothing, and protective gloves. In the case that
dust gets on bare body parts, the area must be thoroughly washed with soap and plenty of
running water.



3.2.4. As installation, repair, and maintenance works are being performed with the
Machine, no ointment, grease, or sealing matter can be allowed to get on the filter
cartridges, since it may hamper the operating capacity of the filter cartridges and shorten
their service life.
3.2.5. Filter bags whose service life has run out must be packed into material impermeable
by dust. Collected Category 2 and 3 toxicity dust as well filter bags used to hold such dust
which have served their service lives must be turned in at landfills and disposed of as
industrial solid wastes. Toxicity class 4 dust can be discarded as ordinary garbage.

3.3. Machine Maintenance Frequency

Table 4: Machine Maintenance Frequency

Conduct at least once per
week quarter half year year
External survey +
Check the working capacity of the dust +
transporter and discharge devices (Disk valves,
gate loaders, worm transporters, etc.)
Check electrical chains connection +
Check regeneration system operation +
Check condition of filter bags +
Check Machine’s operating efficiency +
The technical servicing of Machine components In accordance with the technical documentation
by third-party manufacturer enterprises requirements of the manufacturer enterprise

3.4. Possible faults and methods for handling them

Table 5: Possible faults and methods for handling them

External phenomenon Possible reason Solution method
Complete the steps to
The filter bags are full of mechanically clean the filter
The amount of consumed dust bags
filtered air has decreased or replace them with new ones
The hopper has become full
Discharge the hopper dust
of dust
The integrity of the filter The filter bags must be
bags has been violated replaced
The dust exhaust at the
The filter elements are
Machine exit has increased
improperly installed or are Reinstall the filter bags
not airtight
The differential pressure of Take actions to mechanically
The filter bags are full of
clean and contaminated air clean the filter bags or replace
has greatly increased them with new ones
Destroy the accumulated
The hopper frequently gets bridging
filled up Failure of the discharge Repair or replace the device
device discharge
4. Preservation, storage, and packing

4.1. The packed components must allow being transported by railroad in accordance with the
requirements of applicable law.

4.2. Mechanical conditions for transporting components of the Machine must meet the
conditions concerning the impact of climactic factors of the environment.
4.3. In the production of loading and unloading and transportation works, the packing integrity
must be ensured.
4.4. Equipment damaged during transportation and transferring must be subject to a technical
survey in additional to a subsequent write-up of an act with the commission on the
participation of a representative of the Machine's manufacturer enterprise.
4.5. Storing devices included among the Machine’s components must be done according to the
storage requirements envisaged in the technical documentation of the manufacturer enterprise.
4.6. The air in the storage must not contain any harmful vapor and gas impurities that cause
4.7. Storage of the Machine's components in the transportation package must be done according
to the storage conditions.
4.8. In the event that equipment is stored for more than 36 months, and also for each subsequent
12-month period, the Client must perform a technical survey and, if necessary, conduct repeat
conservation of the equipment in accordance with the requirements envisaged in the technical
documentation of the manufacturer enterprise.
4.9. The Machine's nodes must be stored and transported, securely attached and packed, using
the manufacturer’s original containers.
4.10. Stationing, loading, and securement must ensure that the product is kept undamaged.
4.11. If the Machine's nodes have been stored under temperatures of below 20 оС, before
installation, a relaxation of the gaskets and seals must be performed. For that purpose, the
Machine must be housed in a heated facility under a temperature of over 20 оС for at least 24
hours before being unpacked.
4.12. Propelling or tilting the Machine during its transportation is prohibited.
5. Disposal Information

The Machine has no particular requirements for is disposal. Individual components of the
Machine are to be disposed of in accordance with the accompanying documentation or
instructions of the operating organization.


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