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Department of Anthropology

Rajiv Gandhi University

Rono Hills, Doimukh

No. ANTH/Diss./Cert./2024 Date: 10/06/2024


This is certified that the dissertation entitled “A STUDY ON HEALTH STTATUS AND
DISTRICT, ARUNACHAL PRADESH " submitted by Ms Reetimoni Hazarikabearing Roll. No.
22/MAN/27 in partial fulfillment of the requirement for obtaining M.A degree in anthropology
under the department of Anthropology, Rajiv Gandhi University is a bona-fide work carried out
by him/her under my supervision during the academic session 2023-24. This work has not been
submitted anywhere for obtaining any degree. This may be placed before the examiners for

Dr. Radhe Amung [Name of Supervisor]

Head, In-charge Asst. Prof. M.D Asghar
Department of Anthropology Department of Anthropology
Rajiv Gandhi University Rajiv Gandhi University

Place: Rajiv Gandhi University

Date: 10/06/2024


At the very outset, I would like to offer my deep gratitude to all my well-wishers for the love and
blessings of whom I have arrived at this stage of life today. Although it is not possible to
acknowledge each one individually, there are a few who deserve special mention.

Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Supervisor Dr. Md. Asghar, Asst.
Professor Department of Anthropology, Rajiv Gandhi University, who not only inspired me to
undertake this research but also guided me immensely while conducting the fieldwork till
completion of the present work.

I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to all the other faculty members of Dept. of
Anthropology Rajiv Gandhi University who also guided me in the completion of this work
before conducting the actual fieldwork

I wish to extend my deep sense of gratitude to all the household and elderly whom I visited for
conducting the fieldwork at Tirap. I am immensely grateful to them for being so supportive and
kind towards us. Without their help this work would not have been possible.

My special thanks go to all the friends I made at the fieldwork site who helped me visit the right
places and acted as an interpreter to my subject population when I was unable to undertake this
research but also guided me immensely while conducting the fieldwork till completion of the
present work.

I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to all the other faculty members of the Dept. of
Anthropology Rajiv Gandhi University who also guided me in the completion of this work
before conducting the actual fieldwork.
I wish to extend my deep sense of gratitude to all the household I visited for conducting the
fieldwork at Tirap, especially for being so kind and generous towards us. I am immensely
grateful for the elderly subjects who were so supportive while I was asking them the question
and when different anthropometric and other health measurements were taken for this study.
Without their kind help and gesture, this work would not have been possible. To all, I iterate my
apology for perturbing their tranquil life.

My special thanks go to all the friends I made at the fieldwork site who helped me visit the right
places and acted as an interpreter for my subject population when I was unable to understand
their language and way of life. Here I would like to mention the names of limsen, Ditcha,
Gandhiji, Chakhin and Chavin who immensely helped me in the fieldwork.

Last but not least, I am indebted to my parents and family members for being the greatest support
system in my life. Because of your love and support whether mentally, socially and financially, I
am where I am today.

Date: Reetimoni Hazarika

Roll No: 22/MAN/27


Chapter Titles Page no.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1-7

1.1Concept of Health. 1

1.2 Elderly Population and their Health: 1-2

1.3 Review of Literature 2-5

1.4 Rationale of the Study 5

1.5 Objectives of the Study 5

1.6 Methodology 5-7

Chapter 2: Land and People 8-11

2.1 Legends of Origin of Nocte 8-9

2.2 Flaura and Fauna 9

2.3 Marriage System 10

2.4 Family Type 10

2.5 Religion 10

2.6 Settlement and House Type 10

2.7 Economy 11

2.8 Language 11

2.9 Food Habits 11

2.10 Festivals 11

Chapter 3 Demographic Profile 12-14

3.1 Age Sex Composition 12

3.2 Education 12

3.3 Occupation 13

3.4 Marital Status 13

3.5 Religion 13

3.6 Family Size 14

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 15-22

4.1 Health in Relation to BMI: 15

4.2 Health in Relation to Waist Hip Ratio 16

4.3 Blood Pressure Level 17

4.4 Random Blood Sugar Level 18

4.5 SpO2 Level 18

4.6 Pulse rate 19

4.7 Percentage of population Reporting Health Problem 19

4.8 Health Problems of the subjects 20

4.9 Healthcare Seeking Behavior. 20-22

Chapter 5 Summery and Conclusion 23-24

References 25

Photograph 26

Table no. Title Page no.

1 Age- sex composition 12
2 Educational Qualification of the respondents 12
3 Marital status of the respondents 13
4 Religion 13
5 Family Size 14
6 Description of BMI in the studied population 15
7 BMI category accroding to age group 16
8 WHR chart 17
9 WHR category among studied population 17
10 Blood pressure category 17
11 Mean blood pressure of different age group 18
12 Random blood sugar level of the subjects under study 18
13 SpO2 level 19
14 Pulse rate 19
15 Population reporting any health problem 19
16 Health problems of the studied elderly population 20
17 Preferred healing assistance 21
18 Regularly or yearly health check-up 21

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