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Daily Learning Template

Design Stint

Name Aditya kumar Azad

ELP Batch ELP Batch 1

Collage and Branch NIT Jamshedpur, Civil Engg.

Date of Record 22 December 2023

Q1: What sessions did I participate in?

- Introduction meeting withsir about introduction of Design stint.

Q2: What were my learning's from these sessions?

- Got an idea and overview about Design Stint like what to study in whole session of Design stint (Transmission
Line) and all the processes for study like how to study(they provide us video link before session started ).

Q3: What are my unanswered doubts/queries (if any)

- Na

Q4: What are the extra assignments I was given and what is my progress in them?

- 2 books have given 1 is JAMES CLEAR (ATOMIC HABITS) and 2 IS STEPHEN R. CONVEY 7 Habits. I reading Atomic
Habits. And go through all the videos of design stinct .

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