Whitepaper CARBZ 24.3

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CARBZ is a Z Group It is a form of digital currency that
cryptocurrency that focuses on is used to facilitate the buying and
selling carbon credits selling of carbon credits between
companies and countries.

www.grupoz.eco.br 2024 www.carbz.eco.br



This whitepaper introduces CARBZ, a cryptocurrency

developed on the BEP20 network belonging to Z Group,
which aims to facilitate the buying and selling of carbon
credits. CARBZ uses blockchain technology to create a
secure, transparent and efficient system for recording all
transactions related to carbon credits. In addition, CARBZ
aims to encourage the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions and promote a more sustainable economy,
supporting the implementation of emission reduction
projects, such as the installation of sustainable energy
sources. Z Group has thousands of hectares of protected
areas that contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions,
in addition to offering sustainable solutions for the carbon
credit market.

CEO - Mauro Rosa - responsible for overall project management and strategy.
In recent years, cryptocurrencies have experienced
exponential growth, both in terms of technological
development and mass adoption and subsequent market
capitalization. Many people, companies and governments
have incorporated cryptocurrencies into their investment
portfolios, either as a store of value or speculatively.
However, there is still no practical usefulness on record in
terms of transactional use, except for a few exceptions.
Considering the transactionality of currencies as a
fundamental element in their nature, the main objective of
CARBZ is to allow users to easily, quickly and securely carry
out transactions in exchange for goods and services in the
real world. CARBZ adopts the strategy of market penetration
through the adoption of carbon credits, easily accessible to
all, with a transparent reference value. The development

team at CARBZ, Z Group, has created a wallet that

specifically allows you to transact the token, in order to ease
any operational complexities that may arise for users who
are not familiar with blockchain technology and
CARBZ is a cryptocurrency designed to meet the demands of
the carbon credit market. The Z Group, to which CARBZ
belongs, has vast protected areas that contribute to the
reduction of carbon emissions. Z Group promotes the
conservation of biodiversity and offers carbon credits to
companies and individuals who wish to offset their
greenhouse gas emissions.
About the Z Group
Created in 2022 by a group of people passionate about the environment and the beauty of
the Amazon rainforest. We wanted to do our part to preserve this important ecosystem and
fight environmental degradation.
Z Group started as a small company, but it will grow quickly thanks to its commitment to
sustainability and the support of people who share its vision. We will work with local
communities, helping them to develop projects for the conservation and sustainable use of
natural resources.
Over time, we will expand our activities and work on even more ambitious projects, such as
creating forest reserves and implementing sustainable agricultural practices.
Soon, Z Group will be recognized as one of the leading companies in the fight for the
environment and for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest. We will continue to work
tirelessly to ensure a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.
Our company owns thousands of hectares of protected areas that contribute to the
reduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. We work to preserve these areas and
promote biodiversity conservation, offering carbon credits to companies and individuals who
wish to offset their greenhouse gas emissions.
We believe that it is possible to reconcile economic growth with environmental preservation.
Therefore, we are committed to offering sustainable solutions for the carbon credit market,
helping people to be part of the solution and not the problem.
In addition to offering carbon credits, Z Group also has projects to promote the installation of
sustainable energy sources in its protected areas, and all documentation is already in
progress. This includes solar photovoltaic energy, wind energy and hydroelectric energy.
We believe that these renewable energy sources are essential to ensure a more sustainable
future and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
We are committed to helping businesses and individuals become more sustainable and do
their part in the fight against climate change.
We offer integrated solutions that combine environmental preservation with the
development of clean energy sources, contributing to a healthier and more prosperous world
for everyone.
CARBZ Overview
CARBZ is a cryptocurrency developed on the BEP20
network, which is an implementation of the Binance Smart
Chain (BSC) protocol. The choice of the BEP20 network was
due to its scalability, low transaction fees and support for
smart contracts. These characteristics are essential to
guarantee the quick execution and efficiency of carbon
credit transactions at CARBZ.

Features and Benefits

3.1 Transparent and Immutable Registry

CARBZ uses blockchain technology to record all carbon credit
transactions. Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger where
each transaction is recorded sequentially and immutably. This
provides a transparent and auditable record of all transactions,
ensuring data integrity and trust among market participants.

Features and Benefits

3.2 BEP20 Network Security

It has regulatory measures, anti-money laundering (AML) and Know
Your Customer (KYC) checks.
As a second generation blockchain, Binance Smart Chain uses the
Proof of Stakened Authority (PoSA) consensus algorithm. That is, it
combines delegated proof of stake (PoS) with proof of authority (PoA).
Therefore, this makes BSC much more energy efficient than first-
generation blockchains that rely on Proof of Work (PoW) such as Bitcoin
or Ethereum.

Furthermore, Bitcoin frequently makes the news headlines due to the

amount of electricity its PoW needs to secure the grid, more commonly
titled as “Bitcoin uses as much energy as country X”. PoS removes this
energy baggage by using staking validators – rather than
computational power – miners – to confirm transactions and add new
blocks of data.
Features and Benefits

3.2 BEP20 Network Security

delegated proof of stake
A delegated PoS goes one step further, introducing voting and
delegation mechanisms, so that those with the highest stakes do not
dominate the entire network. Almost all new smart contract
blockchains use some derivation of PoS – Cardano, Algorand, Solana,
Avalanche, Cosmos, etc. PoS have become popular not only because
they remove miners as such, but also because they have an incentive
structure to protect the network.

Proof of Authority
After all, those with more stakings (locked tokens) receive greater
rewards for preserving the network. However, as it can happen that
equal sized stakes have different values, the developers have made
use of proof of authority for additional security. The PoA simply replaces
the monetary value with the identity of the validator.

Currently, Binance Smart Chain has 21 validators in charge of

processing transactions and securing the network, making it a highly
centralized smart contract platform.
Lastly, when Binance Smart Chain needs an update or patch, it goes
into an epoch period consisting of 240 blocks (about 20 minutes). As
another PoS property to reduce malicious behavior – double signing
and node downtime – Binance Smart Chain also employs a “cut”
governance mechanism, which removes a significant portion of
validator participation.

Features and Benefits

3.3 Liquidity and Efficiency

CARBZ brings liquidity and efficiency to the carbon credit market. By
eliminating intermediaries and geographic barriers, CARBZ enables
direct and instantaneous transactions between interested parties. In
addition, blockchain technology ensures complete traceability of
transactions, reducing bureaucracy and associated costs.
Features and Benefits

3.4 Incentive to Reduce Emissions and Sustainable Practices

CARBZ acts as an incentive tool for the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions and the adoption of sustainable practices. Market
participants can use CARBZ to finance emission reduction projects,
such as the installation of renewable energy sources. Z Group is
already in the process of implementing photovoltaic solar energy, wind
energy and hydroelectric energy projects in its protected areas,
contributing to a more sustainable future and reducing dependence
on fossil fuels.

CARBZ Token and Distribution

The CARBZ token is the CARBZ network's unit of value. It is built on the
BEP20 network and follows the ERC-20 standard, ensuring compatibility
with many existing wallets and services. The CARBZ token is initially
distributed via initial coin offerings (ICO) to attract investors and
encourage early adoption of the cryptocurrency. The total supply of the
token is one billion, with 49% circulating distributed in phases according
to the listing schedule, and of these, 5% directed to ICO 1. Initial offers will
have a value of R$0.30 cents per token.


Burning Strategy

4.1 Burning Mechanism

Burning proportional to sales profits: It is proposed to burn 10% of
profits obtained from sales of carbon credits using CARBZ. This
percentage will automatically be allocated to burning CARBZ tokens,
thus reducing the supply in circulation.

Transparency and traceability: All detailed transaction records,

including profits generated and the portion allocated to burning
tokens, will be made publicly available to ensure transparency and
trust in the community.

Burning Strategy

4.2 Execution Process

Accumulation of profits for burning: The 10% of profits obtained using
CARBZ will be accumulated in a specific wallet for burning the tokens.

Burning Strategy

4.3 Anticipated Benefits

Gradual Supply Reduction: Implementation of this strategy aims to
progressively reduce the amount of CARBZ in circulation, promoting
scarcity as a potential catalyst for increasing the value of the
remaining tokens.

Boosting trust and participation: Transparency in the burning process

and encouraging scarcity can strengthen CARBZ holders' confidence in
the long-term viability of the cryptocurrency.

Burning Strategy

4.4 Final Considerations

Ongoing monitoring of the strategy's effects will include adjustments to
optimize results. We are committed to transparency and will continue
to publish results to ensure the trust of CARBZ holders. The
implementation aims to reduce the supply of CARBZ and promote
trust, stability and potential appreciation of the cryptocurrency.
Transparency and effective governance are crucial to the success and
acceptance of this approach by investors.
CARBZ Token Economy
Token Economy

5.1 Funding Environmental Preservation Projects:

The capital raised through the sale of the CARBZ token is primarily
allocated to funding environmental preservation projects, with a focus
on carbon credit certification. Z Group uses the CARBZ capitalization to
finance these projects. The generated carbon credits are sold, and the
profit obtained, after deducting government fees, taxes, administrative
fees, and payments to landowners (when the land does not belong to Z
Group), is reinvested into CARBZ. This financial return occurs annually,
ensuring a continuous injection of liquidity.

Token Economy

5.2 Long-term Appreciation:

With the annual injection of profits from the sale of carbon credits,
CARBZ offers a medium to long-term appreciation proposition. As new
projects are funded and generate carbon credits, these profits are
reinvested, increasing liquidity and enhancing the token's value over
time. This economic model makes CARBZ an attractive option for long-
term investors.

Token Economy

5.3 Short-term Opportunities:

For investors seeking short-term gains, Z Group's strategy is to list the
CARBZ token on various exchanges. These frequent listings generate
automatic appreciation due to the adoption by the exchange
communities. This rapid appreciation attracts investors who prefer to
realize profits in a shorter period.

Token Economy

5.4 Transparency and Project Exposure:

All projects funded by CARBZ will be widely publicized on the company's
social media and websites. Each project update will be communicated
to investors, ensuring transparency and allowing for audits and
inspections. Regular audits will be conducted to maintain the integrity
and trust in the projects.
CARBZ Token Economy

Token Economy

5.5 Token Burn Mechanism:

An important differentiator of CARBZ is the token burn mechanism.
Approximately 5% of the profit obtained will be allocated to token
burning, thus increasing the value of the remaining units. This burning
process reduces the total supply of tokens in the market, creating a
deflationary effect and potentially increasing the value of the
remaining tokens.

Token Economy

5.6 Sustainability and Continuity:

The CARBZ economy is structured to ensure the sustainability and
continuity of financial returns. The combination of funding
environmental projects and the strategy of frequent listings ensures
that the token offers value both in the short and long term.
JUNE 15, 2024 JULY 15, 2024 JULY 20, 2024

Pre-sale start End of pre-sale Listing

Technical Implementation
CARBZ is implemented through smart contracts developed in the Solidity
programming language. CARBZ smart contracts are written and deployed on the
BEP20 network, following best development and security practices. Furthermore, a
blockchain security audit is conducted to ensure the robustness and reliability of the
smart contracts.

Community Development and Strategic Partnerships

CARBZ seeks to build an active and engaged community of participants interested
in trading carbon credits. Through outreach programs, events and collaborations,
CARBZ aims to attract individuals, companies and institutions involved with
environmental and sustainability issues. In addition, CARBZ plans to establish
strategic partnerships with organizations specialized in carbon credits,
environmental consultants, government entities and other companies in the sector.

CARBZ is a cryptocurrency developed on the BEP20 network belonging to Z Group,
which aims to revolutionize carbon credit trading. Through blockchain technology
and smart contracts, CARBZ provides a secure, transparent and efficient system for
buying and selling carbon credits. CARBZ encourages the reduction of greenhouse
gas emissions and the implementation of sustainable practices, while facilitating
access to the carbon credit market in a global and unbureaucratic way. CARBZ has
the potential to play a significant role in the fight against climate change, promoting
a more sustainable economy and contributing to a healthier and more prosperous
future for all.

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