Euglena 89733

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EUGLENA (zöldszemes ostoros)

Euglenas are found in freshwater pounds and streams. They often give the water a
beautiful, green colour. This is beacause,
they contain chlorophyll. They are single-
celled algae.

They resemble both plants and

animals. They have two flagellums, a long
and a short one. The long one propels the
cell in the water. They have eyespots that
are sensitive to light. This is why they are
able to swim towards light. (Animals can

Because they contain chlorophyll, they are able to make their own food (plants have
clorophyll and they can make their own food) with the, help of energy from sunshine.
However, if the euglena has to stay in darkness for several days, its clorophyll
disappears. The euglena can also catch and ingest food as animals. When it is light
again, chloroplast reappear and photosynthesis starts again.

euglena: zöld szemes ostoros propel: hajt

flagellate: ostoros eyespot: szemfolt

contain: tartalmaz be able to: képes vmire

cell: sejt disappear: eltűnik

single-celled: egysejtű nucleus: sejtmag

alga/algae: alga (algae: többes szám) ingest: elfogyaszt

resemble: hasonlít reappear: újra megjelenik

flagellum: ostor

chloroplast: kloroplasztisz:
(a fotoszintézist végző növényi és eukarióta algasejtekben található sejtszervecskék)

citoplasm: citoplazma citoplazma: A sejtek belsejét kitöltő, különböző összetevőkből

álló folyadék.

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