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/ Perfect Welding / Solar Energy / Perfect Charging

Operating Instructions,
Spare parts list

Operator panel, Software

809561 - 30042021
Table of contents
Software basics 5

Operator panel................................................................................................................................................. 7
HMI-T10 operator panel.............................................................................................................................. 7
Menu navigation............................................................................................................................................... 9
How to operate the touch panel.................................................................................................................. 9
Navigation in menu pages........................................................................................................................... 9
Parameter entry possibilities.......................................................................................................................... 10
General..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Virtual numpad.......................................................................................................................................... 10
Virtual keyboard........................................................................................................................................ 10
Multifunctional handwheel......................................................................................................................... 10

Software operation 11

The main menu.............................................................................................................................................. 13

General..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Main menu................................................................................................................................................ 13
Automatic mode: MAG process...................................................................................................................... 15
Main page................................................................................................................................................. 15
Settings .................................................................................................................................................... 16
More buttons menu .................................................................................................................................. 18
SP-OFFSET.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Manual mode.................................................................................................................................................. 19
Main pages................................................................................................................................................ 19
Axis identification...................................................................................................................................... 20
Colour code for referencing....................................................................................................................... 21
More buttons menu................................................................................................................................... 21
User log-in and access authorisation............................................................................................................. 23
User types................................................................................................................................................. 23
Main page................................................................................................................................................. 24
Changing a password............................................................................................................................... 25
Standard passwords................................................................................................................................. 25
Program Editor............................................................................................................................................... 26
Main page................................................................................................................................................. 26
Program modules...................................................................................................................................... 27
More buttons menu .................................................................................................................................. 28
START positions page............................................................................................................................... 29
PARK positions page................................................................................................................................. 30
Teaching positions..................................................................................................................................... 31
Welding parameter: MAG process................................................................................................................. 32
SETUP page............................................................................................................................................. 32
Filler Metal:................................................................................................................................................ 33
POSITION page........................................................................................................................................ 33
POSITION pages: More buttons menu..................................................................................................... 35
WELD pages............................................................................................................................................. 36
Weld setup page....................................................................................................................................... 38
Start Mode and Start Control.................................................................................................................... 39
WELD pages: More buttons menu............................................................................................................ 40
ACC setup page........................................................................................................................................ 41
OSC setup page........................................................................................................................................ 42
OSC curves............................................................................................................................................... 43
Axis functions page................................................................................................................................... 44
Seamtracker settings................................................................................................................................ 45
CLADDING page....................................................................................................................................... 47
OFFSET page........................................................................................................................................... 48

The file manager............................................................................................................................................ 50
Main page................................................................................................................................................. 50
Loading a welding program ...................................................................................................................... 51
Saving a welding program ........................................................................................................................ 51
Deleting a welding program...................................................................................................................... 53
Exporting programs to USB flash drive..................................................................................................... 54
Importing programs from USB flash drive................................................................................................. 55
Settings.......................................................................................................................................................... 56
General settings........................................................................................................................................ 56
Touch calibration....................................................................................................................................... 58
Alarm messages............................................................................................................................................. 59
General..................................................................................................................................................... 59
Alarm messages page.............................................................................................................................. 59
Alarm history page.................................................................................................................................... 60
Q-Master........................................................................................................................................................ 61
General..................................................................................................................................................... 61
Actual value display.................................................................................................................................. 61
Limit setup pages...................................................................................................................................... 62
Changing limit values................................................................................................................................ 63
Calculation of heat input............................................................................................................................ 63
Data Trend page....................................................................................................................................... 64
More buttons menu................................................................................................................................... 64
AVR setup page........................................................................................................................................ 65
AVR Data manager................................................................................................................................... 67
Save values on HDD................................................................................................................................. 68
Save values on USB flash drive................................................................................................................ 68
Machine setup................................................................................................................................................ 70
Main page................................................................................................................................................. 70
General settings........................................................................................................................................ 71
Weld process settings............................................................................................................................... 71
L / R Calibration......................................................................................................................................... 71
Seamtracker setup.................................................................................................................................... 72
More buttons menu................................................................................................................................... 74
Correction setup pages............................................................................................................................. 75
General settings........................................................................................................................................ 76
Weld process settings............................................................................................................................... 76
Axis settings.............................................................................................................................................. 77
Maintenance................................................................................................................................................... 81
Changing compact flash card.................................................................................................................... 81
System diagnosis pages........................................................................................................................... 82

Software basics
Operator panel

(1) (2) (3)
operator panel





(17) (16) (15) (14) (13) (12) (11) (10) (9) (8)

HMI-T10 operator panel

NOTE! The EMERGENCY STOP safety equipment must be checked each

time before starting work, to ensure it is functioning correctly.

(1) Operator panel with touch screen

Display device, that can be touched directly. A detailed description of touch
panel buttons is given in the following pages.
(2) CONTROLS ON button
Activates the controller. Required after the following operating conditions:
- after the controls are switched on, using the main switch
- after pressing an EMERGENCY STOP button
- after pressing the button CONTROLS OFF
IMPORTANT! Always wait, until the button is blinking, before activating the
control voltage.
Deactivates the controller and prevents the machine from restarting. Button
must be pressed in a dangerous situation or in case of an emergency.
Operating conditions after activation:
- control voltage is deactivated
- any active arc is immediately broken
- all movements are stopped
- the START button is deactivated to prevent the system from being
(4) CONTROLS OFF button
For deactivating the control voltage. Essential before switching off the system

HMI-T10 (5) Not connected.
operator panel
(continued) (6) USB port
For loading welding programs from an USB flash drive, or saving programs
on it.
(7) Click wheel
For selecting a menu item or change parameters.
(8) ACKNOWLEDGE button
Used to confirm High-speed-moving of the carriage. For safety reasons, this
button has to be pressed concurrently with the PLUS/MINUS buttons to
move the carriage with High-speed.
(9) PLUS/MINUS buttons
Automatic mode: for changing or correcting several parameters
Manual mode: for moving the axis manually
(10) ERROR RESET button
For resetting an upcoming error-message. In case of error, this button flashes
ON-OFF and the type of error will be indicated on the display of the operator
1. Eliminate the error condition
2. Press the ERROR RESET button.
(11) STOP button
For stopping the welding process. During an active welding cycle, the lamp of
this button lights up.
- If the welding cycle is stopped and it still can be continued, the lamp in this
button lights up.
- The welding cycle can not be continued after sending the torch to the
home position and the lamp is off.
(12) START button
For activating the welding process.
(13) Reserved space
(14) Coordinate switch UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT




Manual mode: for moving the torch manually up, down, left or right
via the motorized torch head axis.
Automatic mode: for correcting the torch position in the automatic
(15) Reserved space
(16) Not connected.
(17) Not connected.

Menu navigation

How to operate NOTE! Fronius assumes no liability for any damage of property, caused by
the touch panel improper use of the touch panel.
This also applies within the warranty period of the device

When using the touch panel, mind the following points:

► Press your finger lightly on the respective button.

► Always press only one button on the display.

► Do not touch the display with sharp objects.

► Do not use in environments with high humidity (danger of condensation) - the panel
must not come into contact with water!

► Do not use in environments where the display is exposed to direct solar radiation.

► Do not use in environments with flammable or corrosive gases or vapours or air

pollutants such as dust, iron filings or oil smoke.

► Do not use in environments, in which the display is exposed to solvents or acidic or

basic substances.

Navigation in IMPORTANT! The navigation buttons are available in most of the software screens.
menu pages They always have the same function in every screen they are available.

for reaching the previous page.

Next page
for entering the next page in a selected menu.

for changing back to Main menu screen.
Button is shown in the headline of all program pages.

Parameter entry possibilities

General There are two ways to change software parameters:

- Data input via the virtual numpad or the virtual keyboard on the touch screen.
- select and change parameters with the handwheel on the operator panel.

Virtual numpad (1) Display

(1) Shows the entered value, as well
as the corresponding unit.
(2) Quit
to close the virtual numpad.
(3) (3) Delete
to delete the parameter entry.
(4) Enter / Quit
to confirm the entered value and
quit the keyboard.
(5) Numpad
to enter the required value.

To change parameters with the virtual keypad:

- Tap the required parameter on the touch screen. The parameter is now highlighted in
- Tap the parameter again to open the virtual keyboard.

Virtual keyboard The virtual keyboard is used to enter text data and has the same characteristics as a
conventional computer keyboard..

Multifunctional To change parameters with the multifunc-

handwheel tional handwheel:

- Turn the wheel, until your desired menu

item is highlighted in green.
- Press the red handwheel cap, to
choose the parameter.
- Turn the handwheel again to change
the parameter.
- After reaching the required value, press
Torch 1 Torch 2

the red handwheel cap, to enter the


Software operation
The main menu

Operating the equipment incorrectly can cause serious injury and damage.
Do not use the functions described until you have thoroughly read and understood the
following documents:
- these operating instructions
- all operating instructions for the system components

IMPORTANT! Due to firmware updates, there may be functions available, which are not
described in this manual, and vice versa.
In addition, individual screens or operating elements may slightly differ from the controls
on your device. The operation of these controls is the same.

Main menu (1) (2) (3) (4)

(5) (6) (7)

(8) (9) (10)

(11) (12) (13)

(1) Fronius Logo

For quick changing to the main menu from all program pages.
The button is shown on the headline of all program pages.
(2) Information line
Shows the actual loaded welding program and the alarm message, if an alarm is
(3) LogIn Level
Shows the current authorization level of the logged in user.
0 = not logged in, 1 = Operator, 2 = Supervisor, 3 = Administrator

Main menu (4) Date & Time line
(continued) Shows actual date and time.
(5) Automatic Mode
For changing into automatic mode.
(6) Manual Mode
For changing into the manual mode.
(7) Program Editor
Shows the settings of the actual program.
(8) Machine setup
Shows informations and parameters of all the system components.
(9) Q-Master
For data-recording and entry of the limit values.
(10) File Manager
Shows the program archive.
(11) Settings
Shows the general settings, like chosen language, battery status, etc.
(12) Alarms
Shows all alarms, which are available at the moment.
You can get into this menu window either by tapping the alarm button, or by
tapping the information line (3), if an alarm is available.
(13) User LogIn
For logging in or changing the user status.

NOTE! A detailed description of all program windows behind the main menu
buttons is given on the following pages.

Automatic mode: MAG process

Main page


(1) Program overview zone

Shows all program modules, that make up the current welding program.
Welding program always starts with the module, which is highlighted in green.
IMPORTANT! Sometimes it can be necessary, to make some corrections in a
finished welding program. Normally all program settings are made in the “Pro-
gram Editor” pages, while creating a welding program.
In Automatic mode it is possible to reach the “Settings” pages via quick access:
Tap the desired program module and hold it, to reach the deposited parameter
(2) Actual chosen torch
shows the actual chosen torch head and the corresponding power source.
Welding ON / OFF
For switching on and off the arc.
Switching off the arc can be necessary to make a test run.
For switching on and off the oscillation.

Seamtracker ON / OFF
activates the positioning procedure (Touch mode).
- Button flashes green ... seamtracker is in positioning process (Touch
mode active)
- Button lights green ... seamtracker has reached the position and is ready
for tracking
Manual mode
Enables a quick change into manual mode, without leaving the actual page
and opening main menu.

Main page Quick save
(continued) Saves the actual program.
IMPORTANT! When correcting an actual program and tapping this button,
the original values are overwritten with the corrected values!
More buttons
opens a context menu with different options, depending on which menu the
button is tapped.

Settings Enter the settings pages by pressing the “Next page” button.





(1) Actual values zone

Displays the current welding parameters.

Settings (2) Set values zone
(continued) List of all welding parameters in automatic mode. The parameters can either
be modified directly on screen, or in the chapter “Machine setup” at
“Correction - setup”. To correct one value:
- Tap the desired parameter.
The line is highlighted in green.
- Tapping the line again opens a virtual keyboard for changing the parameter.
- The correction is shown in a white line below the value.
Weld process includes the following correction parameters:
Page 1:
- Power
- Arc Length Corr.
- Seamtracker V / Z1 Position
Shows the current value of the seam tracker position on the z axis. If no
Seamtracker axis is selected in the axis configuration, the Z1 position is
- Seamtracker / Y1 Position
Shows the current value of the seam tracker position on the y axis. If no
Seamtracker axis is selected in the axis configuration, the Y1 position is
- Weld speed
Page 2:
- OSC Path L / R
- OSC Speed L / R
- OSC Dwell L / R
- Puls / Dynamic Corr.

More buttons GO TO START
menu Moves the axis to their start positions.
Moves the axis to their park positions.
Moves the torch to a
defined position (= Interrupt Position).
This position is automatically saved
for all axes if the current welding process
is interrupted.
SP-OFFSET (Option)
Teaches a new start point, when welding
a new workpiece.

When pressing the button, it starts blinking green, and goes out, when start or park
position is reached. Tapping the button again, while it is blinking green, interrupts the
positioning process.
IMPORTANT! Setting start or park position is described in chapter “Program editor”.

SP-OFFSET To use the SP-offset function you must be carried out as follows:
1. Access manual mode.
2. Move to the new start point with the respective axes.
3. Access automatic mode and press the SP-OFFSET button.

All further distances and positions are shifted according to the SP-OFFSET.

Startposition: 0 mm Endposition: 500 mm

Startposition: 10 mm Endposition: 510 mm

+ 10 mm

Manual mode

Main pages In manual mode, every single axis of the system can be moved manually by pressing the
“PLUS” or “MINUS” button on the screen. Please consider that only users with authoriza-
tion level 1 (= operator) or higher, can move the axes.

NOTE! Moving the axes manually is also possible with the “PLUS” and “MINUS” hard-
ware keys on operator panel.

Depending on the number of axes of the welding system, the manual operation menu
has more or fewer pages. Press the “Next Page” button, to open the following pages.


(1) Axis lines

including axis name and its actual position.
Axis settings
to reach the “Axis settings” pages and for manual correction of the
single axis settings.
NOTE! A detailed description of all axis settings follows in chapter
“Machine setup”.
Plus / Minus buttons
for moving the single axis manually.

Automatic mode
enables quick change into automatic mode, without leaving the ac-
tual page and opening main menu.
More buttons
opens a context menu with different options, depending on which
menu the button is tapped.


- +

- Y1


Y1 Horizontal torch head axis

Z1 Vertical torch head axis
X2 Carriage axis

Colour code for Red marked axis number:
referencing signalizes, that the marked axis is not
Yellow marked axis number:
signalizes, that the marked axis is in ac-
tive referencing process
Green marked axis number:
signalizes, that he marked axis is refer-

More buttons The “More buttons” menu opens some

menu more buttons for different settings, depend-
ing on the welding process of the system.

IMPORTANT! Depending on welding process and program settings, not every function is
always available.

“More buttons” menu in MAG process:

AVC Touch & Retract
Start the AVC Touch & Retract function. The button starts blinking green,
and goes out, when AVC Touch & retract is finished.Tapping the button
again, while it is blinking green, interrupts the process.
OSC Center
Starts moving the oscillation into its center position. The button starts blink-
ing green, and goes out, when the oscillation reaches its center position.
Tapping the button again, while it is blinking green, interrupts the centering

More buttons Gas test
menu to check the gas flow.
(continued) The button starts blinking green and stops, when the gas test is finished.
Tapping the button again stops the gas test.
Gas test timer: 20 sec.
Wire inching forward
Tapping and holding this button, moves the wire forward. The movement
stops, as soon as the button is released.

Wire inching backward

Tapping and holding this button moves the wire backward. The movement
stops, as soon as the button is released.

User log-in and access authorisation

User types To operate the machine, four user types or user (authorization) levels are available on
the HMI-T10. By logging on to the HMI-T10, the following access rights are assigned to
the respective user:

Change / save machine parameters

Authorization level

Load / start / stop programs

Change the user password

Save / delete a program

Change the axis-setup

View the main pages
User type

Move axes manually

Password required

Change a program
Modify parameters
Visitor 0 P O O O O O O O O O
Operator 1 P P P P O O O O O O
Supervisor 2 P P P P P P P P O O
Administrator 3 P P P P P P P P P P

Main page (1)


(4) (5)

(1) User level

shows login level of the actual user.
(2) User line
for selecting the required user level.
(3) Password line
for entering password.
(4) Log In button
for logging in, after typing in the password.
(5) Log Out button
For logging out, or changing user level.
(6) Current user information
Shows date and time of login and user level.

Changing a Only the user “Administrator” is authorized to change the password for all other users.
Risk of machine damage, if wrong system data or parameters are entered!
- Pass the administrator password only to trained personnel in order to
prevent unauthorized modification of axis and machine parameters.

To change a password, proceed as

1. Log in as administrator.
2. Select the user you want to change:
- Operator
- Supervisor
- Administrator

3. Tap the button “CHANGE PASS-

WORD” (a). A new window “Change
(a) password” opens.

4. Tap the line “New password”.

Virtual keyboard appears again.
5. Type in the new password and tap
the button “CHANGE” (b) for assum-
ing it.
6. Press the “CANCEL” button (c) for
cancelling the change and keep the
(b) (c) old password.

Standard The following passwords are assigned by the manufacturer:

passwords Operator: 1234
Supervisor: 123456

Program Editor

Main page


(1) Welding program modules

A welding program always consists of a sequence of editable modules with
underlying “Settings” pages. To reach the “Settings” pages, tap the “EDIT”
button below the required segment.
Delete Program chain
for deleting the whole program chain: all modules, except the SETUP
For deleting the program chain, press the button and hold it, until all single
modules are cancelled.
saves a welding program.
IMPORTANT! When tapping this “Save” button, the existing program is not
overwritten! The changings can be saved as separate program.
loads an existing welding program

Quick save
saves changings, made in the actual program.
IMPORTANT! When correcting an actual program and tapping this button,
the original values are overwritten with the corrected values!
More buttons
shows some more buttons with further options.

Program modules

Tap the upper part of a program module in “Program editor” main screen. A context
menu with four possibilities opens:
POSITION: The POSITION module contains all parameters to move the axis to their
required positions.
WELD: The WELD module contains all welding parameters.
CLADDING: The CLADDING module always consists of one CLADDING and one
WELD module.
Welding parameters are used from the WELD module, and the offset
movement parameters are used from the CLADDING module.
OFFSET: The OFFSET module contains all parameters for a movement before or
between WELD modules.

IMPORTANT! If an “Offset” module is positioned as start module of a

welding program, the offset movement starts without welding.
If the “Offset” module is placed between two “Weld” modules, the arc
remains intact during the offset movement.
SETUP: The SETUP module is a special module that provides basic welding
Each welding program starts with the SETUP module, it also can never
be deleted.

NOTE! Tapping the “Select” section also opens the same context menu.

Tap the number on the left upper corner of the welding module. This opens a context
menu, with which you can
- delete
- cut
- copy
- paste
a single welding program module.

Program modules

When creating a welding program, there is the possibility to set an interruption after the
single welding sequences. The following program module has to be started manually
The stops can be saved together with the welding program, or set additional without sav-
ing, just for a test run.

1. Tap the blue arrows between the program sequences, wherever a stop is wanted.
2. Check, if a STOP sign appears instead of the blue arrows. The program now stops
after each program module, which has such a STOP sign. The program headline
shows the message “Stop for watch”.
3. Tap the button “Save Program”. for saving the program with the stops between the
welding sequences.
4. Tapping the signs again will remove the stops.
IMPORTANT! If there is a “Cladding” sequence with a following “Weld” sequence,
there can be no stop between this two sequences!

More buttons IMPORTANT! A description of the start

menu and park position setting pages is given on
the following pages.

opens the “Start Pos” settings page.
opens the “Park Pos” settings page.
COPY (Option)
for adopting torch settings for a second
torch head.

START positions

(1) (2)



(1) Actual position

Shows the actual position of each axis. This values can not be changed.
(2) Defined start position (SP)
For defining the start position for all axes. To change a value, tap on it. The virtual
keyboard opens.
IMPORTANT! The starting position can be assigned only once in the program
(3) Order of positioning
Checkboxes for setting the order, in which the axis move to their start position.
IMPORTANT! When assigning the same number to two axes, they simultane-
ously start driving into their start position. If “0” is assigned to one axis, it remains
in its actual position.
(4) Teach positions
For teaching the actual position of all axis as their start position.
Manual mode
Enables a quick change into manual mode, without leaving the actual page
and opening main menu.

PARK positions




(1) Actual position

Shows the actual position of each axis. This values can not be changed.
(2) Defined park position (PP)
For defining the park position for all axis. To change a value, tap on it. The virtual
keyboard opens.
IMPORTANT! The park position can be assigned only once in the program
(3) Order of positioning
Checkboxes for setting the order, in which the axis move to their park position.
IMPORTANT! When assigning the same number to two axes, they simultane-
ously start driving into their park position. If “0” is assigned to one axis, it remains
in its actual position.
(4) Teach positions
For teaching the actual position of all axis as their park position.
Manual mode
Enables a quick change into manual mode, without leaving the actual page
and opening main menu.



1. For teaching start or park positions, open the required positions page.
2. Tap the “Manual mode” button (a). Software changes into the Manual mode main

(b) (c)


3. Tap the line of the axis, which positions you want to change (b). The line is high-
lighted in green.
4. Change the settings with the PLUS / MINUS buttons (c).
5. Tap the “Back” button (d), to change back into the start or park positions page.

(e) (f)

6. Tap the button “Teach” (e), to accept the changings.

7. Tap the “Quick save” button (f) to save the teached changings.

Welding parameter: MAG process

SETUP page Tap the “EDIT” button in “SETUP” module, to reach the program setup
parameter page.

Program Parameter: Description:

Operation Mode Operation mode of the torch. Tap the actual value (CMT) to
open the context menu with more options to choose.
Filler Metal: Selection of the filler metal. which has to be used.
Wire diameter: Selection of the wire diameter, which has to be used.
Gas selection: Selection of the shielding gas, which has to be used.
Gas correction factor: Correction factor for the shielding gas.
Purging gas Pre-selection of purging gas.
IMPORTANT! If gas preselection is 0, the gas test button in
manual mode is not available.
Process Mode: For selecting the required process mode:
PCS, arc blow, dynamic, mix, multi arc;
Characteristic Nr. For selecting the process-optimised welding characteristic.

Torch selection
Shows the selected welding torch.

Filler Metal: CrNi 18 8 6 The various wire materials can be loaded in “Machine - Setup” under
... “Date List” from the UST-board or from the database of the current
Subsequently, all materials contained therein available for selection.
#Program When using a remote control RCU-5000, these enables an direct
access to the database. The Remote controller have another
characteristic curve database as the power source. By entering the
program number ,The desired characteristic curve can be selected.
IMPORTANT! The welding process is defined by the HMI control and
is independent of the chosen characteristic curve.
#User The user can select a characteristic curve independently.

NOTE! The error message “No Program” is signaled that no characteristic curve is
available here.

POSITION page Tap the “EDIT” button in “POSITION” module, to reach the positions setup

(1) (2)




(1) Actual position

Shows the actual position of each axis. This values can not be changed.
(2) Start position
For defining an individual start position for all axes. To change a value, tap on it
and the virtual keyboard opens.
(3) Order of positioning
Checkboxes for defining the order, in which the axes are moved to their start
IMPORTANT! When assigning the same number to two axes, they simultane-
ously start driving into their start positions. Assign “0” to one axis remains in its
actual position.
(4) Teach positions
Tap this button teaches the actual position of all axes as their start position.

POSITION page (5) PLUS button
(continued) For creating a second column of positions. A second position for an axis is
needed, if an axis is used twice.:
Moving downwards : Position 1
Moving downwards : Position 2.

Example: Creating more positions for one

Z1 axis.
Position 1

Position 2

It is also possible, to choose the defined start or park position:

- Tap the green highlighted headline (6). A drop-down menu opens.
- Choose one of the predefined positions.


POSITION pages: (1) ABS / P1-REL position
More buttons for switching between absolute
menu and relative position, as described
(1) below.
(2) Set START position
for setting a START position, as
(2) described in chapter “Program edi-
tor - More buttons menu”.
(3) Set PARK position
for setting a PARK position, as de-
(3) scribed in chapter “Program editor
- More buttons menu”

Absolute / Relative position

For switching between absolute and relative position of display
and input.
IMPORTANT! Relative positions are always related to the first
position of a welding program.

Example: Position display ABS / P1-REL

- All positions are calculated from the first POSITION module in program sequence.
- The first point can only be defined or teached as ABSOLUTE reference point. All rela-
tive positions are zero at this point.
- Switching between ABS / REL is only switching the positions display from ABSOLUTE
to RELATIVE or vice versa in the HMI.

Position 1

Point 1 Point 2 Point 3

ABS 100 200 300

REL 0 100 200

WELD pages Tap the “EDIT” button in “WELD” module, to reach the welding parameter



(1) Torch enabled

Checkbox for disabling the torch.
IMPORTANT! Only necessary, if the welding system is equipped with more
than one torch.
(2) Parameter name line
Shows the name of the chosen parameter. A list of all parameters and a de-
scription of them can be found in the following chapter “Description of welding
IMPORTANT! When choosing a parameter in the program parameter page,
the parameter name and value is shown in the window headline.
Always be careful, that no parameters are unintentionally corrected, or that
the wrong parameter gets corrected!
Only user with administrator or supervisor status can change parameters!
Weld setup page
to reach the weld setup parameter pages.

Program Parameter Description Unit

Gas Value Amount of shielding gas during welding. l/min
Gas preflow time Duration of gas pre-flow. s
Starting current Value of starting current. A
Starting current time Duration of starting current phase. s
Upslope time Duration for increasing the starting current to the s
high current.
Flying Start Defines the distance which the welding axis moves ° , mm
before the ignition takes place.
Start Delay Defines the time how much earlier the ignition s
takes place than the welding axis starts moving.
Diameter Work piece diameter. mm

WELD pages Program Parameter Description Unit
Power Parameter for welding power in percent. %
Power correction Welding power offset for the synchro puls. m/min
Syncro Puls Frequency Frequency for the synchro puls option. Hz
Setting range: OFF, 0,5 - 5
IMPORTANT! In order to activate synchro puls,
change the value from OFF to minimum 0,5 Hz.
Weld path Segment welding distance. ° , mm
Weld path total Total welding distance. ° , mm
Weld speed Welding speed of the weld segment cm/min
Arc length control 1+2 for correction of arc length. -
Downslope time Duration for lowering the high current to the s
ending current.
Final current Parameter for final welding current. A
Final current time Duration of final welding current. s
Gas post flow time Duration of gas post-flow. s
Torch dwell time Duration of torch staying in position after end of s
Downslope path Welding distance for lowering the high current to ° , mm
ending current.

Weld setup page Tap the button “Weld setup”, to enter the Weld setup pages..

Weld Setup Parameter: Description:

Start Mode Before starting a weld module this function(s) will be carried
out. AVC T&R, OSC Center
Start Control Set stop options between start functions.
Starting current Value of starting current
Weld Direction Direction of welding axis
Dynamic/Puls correction Droplet detachment correction / arc force dynamic correc-
tion / arc force dynamic parameter
Segment Slope Time If the system detects that a change in the current will be
needed at a segment changeover or when changing over
to a successor program, this current change is made via a
ramp (slope). This parameter specifies the duration of this
Wire retract for setting the wire retract value (= composite value based
on backward movement of wire and a time). The wire retract
depends on the features of the welding torch.
Spatter free ignition Activates or deactivates the SFI function (Spatter Free Igni-
Feeder Inching Wire speed for function wire inching forward and backward.

Weld setup page PROCESS CONTROL:
Penetration Stabilizer The penetration stabiliser is used to set the max. permitted
change in the wire feed speed to ensure that the welding cur-
rent and hence the fusion penetration is kept stable or con-
stant with variable stick out.
Arc Length Stabilizer Arc length stabilizer.
The arc length stabilizer forces short arcs, advantageous for
welding, via a short-circuit current control and keeps them
stable even with a variable stick out or external interference.
Unit: - (effect of stabilizer)
Setting range: 0.0 - 5.0
Factory setting: 0.0
0.0 The arc length stabilizer is deactivated.
0.1 - 5.0 The arc length stabilizer is activated.
The arc length is decreased until short
circuits start to occur.

Start Mode and Start Mode Start Control: Sequence:

Start Control
AVC - T&R Off START→Position→T&R→Weld
AVC - T&R Before START→Position→START→T&R→Weld
AVC - T&R Before - Between START→Position→START→T&R→START→Weld
AVC - T&R Always START→Position→START→T&R→START→Weld→
AVC - T&R Before - After START→Position→START→T&R→Weld→START
AVC - T&R Between START→Position→T&R→START→Weld
AVC - T&R Between - After START→Position→T&R→START→Weld→START
AVC - T&R After START→Position→T&R→Weld→START
OSC Center Off START→Position→T&R OSC →Weld
OSC Center Before START→Position→START→T&R OSC→Weld
OSC Center Before - Between START→Position→START→T&R OSC→START→
OSC Center Always START→Position→START→T&R OSC→START→
OSC Center Before - After START→Position→START→T&R OSC→Weld→
OSC Center Between START→Position→T&R OSC→START→Weld
OSC Center Between - After START→Position→T&R OSC→START→Weld→
OSC Center After START→Position→T&R OSC→Weld→START
AVC - OSC Off START→Position→T&R AVC→T&R OSC→Weld
AVC - OSC Before - Between START→Position→START→T&R AVC→START→
AVC - OSC Before - After START→Position→START→T&R AVC→T&R OSC→

Start Mode and Start Mode Start Control: Sequence:
Start Control
(continued) AVC - OSC Between - After START→Position→T&R AVC→T&R OSC→START→
AVC - OSC After START→Position→T&R AVC→T&R OSC→Weld→

OSC - AVC Off START→Position→T&R OSC→T&R AVC→Weld

OSC - AVC Before - Between START→Position→START→T&R OSC→START→
OSC - AVC Before - After START→Position→START→T&R OSC→T&R AVC→
OSC - AVC Between - After START→Position→T&R OSC→T&R AVC→START→
OSC - AVC After START→Position→T&R OSC→T&R AVC→Weld→

WELD pages: (1) ACC setup page

More buttons
menu (2) OSC setup page
(1) (3) Axis function page
(4) Seamtracker setup page
(2) NOTE! Detailed description of this pages
is given on the following pages.



ACC setup page



(1) Run Touch & Retract (Automatic torch positioning)

In order for the ACC to start up optimally (at the beginning of welding), it is impor-
tant to ensure that there is an approximately correct stand-off distance between
the torch and the workpiece. The distance can be adjusted with the ‘Touch &
retract’ function: The torch is moved by means of the ACC axis towards the work-
piece until it has contact with the workpiece. As soon as the electrode touches
the workpiece, the downward motion is immediately stopped and an upward
(retracting) motion is started. Once the ‘ACC T&R distance is reached, the ACC
is stopped.
IMPORTANT! The ACC function is only available for standard or pulsed mode,
but not in CMT mode.
(2) ACC inverted
ACC working direction: When swivelling the torch into overhead position, it is
necessary to invert the operating direction of the ACC, as otherwise the weld-
ment and the electrode would collide. The operating direction is reversed by
tapping the checkbox.
ACC Parameter Description Unit
ACC T&R speed Movement speed of the ACC axis while perform- cm/min
ing T&R function.
ACC T&R distance Retracting distance of the ACC axis after contac- mm
ting the workpiece.
ACC direction invert If this parameter is set to “Yes”, the movement
direction of the ACC axis is inverted.
ACC Gain During the welding process, this is the gain of the %
preset ACC axis.
ACC start delay Delay time for ACC to start, after welding axis
starts movement.
ACC Up distance at end Retracting distance of the ACC axis after welding mm
is finished

OSC setup page


(1) OSC centering

Activates the oscillation centering function. This function makes it possible to
position the welding torch in the centre of the seam.
After the operation starts, the oscillation unit moves to the left until the torch
touches the workpiece. Next, the direction of motion is reversed and the torch
moves to the right, again until it touches the workpiece. The centre position is
computed from the left / right positions, and the torch is positioned there.
OSC Parameter Description Unit
OSC Center offset The oscillation center offset parameter can be used to mm
shift the center of the oscillation movement to the left
or to the right.
OSC Center speed Movement speed of the oscillation axis while perform- cm/min
ing oscillation centering function.
OSC - Curve Parameter to define a dependency between welding axis move-
ment and oscillation axis movement. Curves are described on
the following page.
OSC Path left Oscillation path (distance) from center position to the mm
left end.
OSC Path right Oscillation path (distance) from center position to the mm
right end.
OSC Speed left Oscillation speed from left to right. cm/min
OSC Speed right Oscillation speed from right to left. cm/min
OSC Dwell left Dwell time of the oscillation unit at the left limit. s
OSC Dwell right Dwell time of the oscillation unit at the right limit. s
OSC Start delay Delay time for oscillation unit to start after welding s
axis starts movement.

OSC setup page OSC Parameter for ramp gradient. Relates to the acceleration and
(continued) acceleration factor braking properties of the oscillation when approaching and leav-
ing a reversal point. Factor is multiplied by the adjusted ramps
(acceleration / deceleration).
Setting range: 1 - 50

Pos acc ramp: 10.0 cm/s²
Pos dec ramp: 15.0 cm/s²
OSC Acceleration factor: 2.0
Acceleration: 20.0 cm/s²
Deceleration: 30.0 cm/s²

OSC curves Linear

The oscillation is started after the welding axis has started the movement
and the OSC start delay time has elapsed.

The welding axis is stopped during the oscillation movement and is only
moving during the dwell times.

The oscillation is started after the welding axis starts moving.
The welding axis moves during the whole oscillation movement.

Axis functions

IMPORTANT! The axis functions can be set here, but it is not possible to assign
functions twice.


(1) (2)

(3) (6)


(5) (7)

(1) Direction activation

Checkbox for enabling horizontal and vertical seamtracking direction:
- H-Dir. Enable ... Horizontal direction Enable
- V-Dir. Enable ... Vertical direction Enable
(2) Direction inversion
Checkbox for inverting seamtracking direction:
- H-Dir. Inverted ... Horizontal direction Inverted
- V-Dir. Inverted ... Vertical direction Inverted
(3) Touch mode
Drop down menu for selecting the axis order, in which the seamtracker axis are
moving to the start position:
- H + V ... horizontal and vertical axis are moving simultaneously
- H ->V ... first horizontal axis, then vertical axis
- V ->H ... first vertical axis, then horizontal axis
(4) Horizontal and vertical set-value
for defining the target position of the seamtracker between minimum and maxi-
mum of the horizontal and vertical deflection range.
(5) Horizontal and vertical gain factor
for defining the sensitivity of the horizontal and vertical seam tracking control.
Depending on the entered percentage, the axis are adjusting faster or slower.

Seamtracker (6) Stop trigger
settings Defines the upper or lower switch-off point of the seamtracker when reaching
(continued) the workpiece end. Stop trigger is recognized, if the actual position over- oder
underruns the trigger level.

Stop trigger

(7) Stop trigger distance

Defines the distance between the seamtracker and the welding torch. Distance
is moved only after a recognized Stop trigger of the seamtracker.

Stop trigger

Seamtracker activation
activates the positioning procedure (Touch mode).
- Button flashes green ... seamtracker is in positioning process (Touch
mode active)
- Button lights green ... seamtracker has reached the position and is ready
for tracking
Manual mode
Enables a quick change into manual mode, without leaving the actual page
and opening main menu.

CLADDING page Tap the “EDIT” button in “CLADDING” module, to reach the welding pa-
rameter pages.


(6) (5) (4) (11) (10) (9)

(1) Welding axis

shows the axis, which is chosen as welding axis
(2) Step axis horizontal
shows, which axis is chosen as horizontal step axis.
(3) Step axis vertical
shows, which axis is chosen as vertical step axis.
(4) Welding position
for choose an inside or outside welding position at the workpiece.
(5) Workpiece angle
shows workpiece form: cone-shaped, straight, etc.
(6) Turntable angle
Tilting angle of the turntable faceplate
(7) Step distance
Distance from start point to end point of welding path.
(8) Step size
Distance between the single layers.
(These values are just for calculation and not for positioning)
(9) Teach End position
for setting and teaching the end position.
(10) Teach Start position
for setting and teaching the start position.
IMPORTANT! Always teach Start Position FIRST! Otherwise the estimated
values are wrong.
(11) Teach faceplate reference point
When faceplate reference point is teached and the operator moves the torch
to welding start position, the software automatically generates the workpiece
IMPORTANT! The CLADDING module is always followed by a WELDING module,
because the CLADDING module includes only the parameters for the step distances.

OFFSET page Tap the “EDIT” button in “OFFSET” module, to reach the welding para­
meter pages.

(1) (3) (4)


(1) Actual position

Shows the actual position of each axis. This values can not be changed.
(2) Order of positioning
Checkboxes for defining the order, in which the axes are moved to their start
IMPORTANT! When assigning the same number to two axes, they simultane-
ously start driving to their positions. Assign “0” to one axis remains in its actual
(3) Offset position
Relative positioning of the individual axis.
(4) Speed
Speed at which the individual axes are running the offset.

The OFFSET module contains all parameters for a movement before or between WELD
IMPORTANT! If an “Offset” module is selected as start module of a welding program, the
offset movement starts without welding.
If the “Offset” module is placed between two “Weld” modules, the arc remains intact
during the offset movement.

OFFSET page Example:


Weld 1 Weld 2

The file manager

Main page








(1) Sorting Sequence

for sorting the saved programs alphabetically, from A to Z or reversed.
(2) Go one page up
Program changes one program page upwards in the program window.
(3) One line up
Program changes one line upwards in the program window.
(4) Hard Disc Drive
Displays the programs, which are saved on your HDD.
(5) USB Flash drive
Displays programs from an USB flash drive.
(6) FTP
Loads programs from an external FTP server (only with network connection).
(7) One line down
Program changes one line downwards in the program window.
(8) Go one page down
Program changes downwards to the following program page.
Delete program
For deleting a welding program.
IMPORTANT! Only user with administrator or supervisor level are able to
delete welding programs.
Save program as
Saves a welding program.
IMPORTANT! When tapping this “Save” button, the existing program is not
overwritten! The changings can be saved as separate program.
Load program
Loads an existing welding program

Loading a (1) Choose the memory location, from which you want to load a program:
welding program - HDD Hard disk drive
- USB flash drive
- FTP server (not supported in this version of software)
(2) Choose selected program line with the arrow keys, or tap the required line on
(3) Tap the button “Load program”.
(4) Check name and directory of the chosen program in control page.

(a) (b)

(5) Tap the “LOAD” button (a), to load the desired program.
(6) For cancelling the load process, tap the “CANCEL” (b) button.

Saving a welding 1. To save program changings a s a new welding program, tap the button “Save pro-
program gram as”. The file manager opens.
2. Tap the “Program name” line (a), to entitle the welding program.
3. Choose the file folder (b), in which program should be saved.


Saving a welding 4. When you tap the name button, a virtual keyboard is opened. Enter the program
program name and confirm with the enter key (c).


5. Tap the button “SAVE” (d) to save the welding program.

6. For cancelling the storage process, tap the “CANCEL” (e) button.

(d) (e)

Deleting a IMPORTANT! Only operators, which have a Supervisor or Administrator password, can
welding program delete a welding program!

To delete a welding program:

1. Log in as supervisor or administrator.
2. Choose the desired welding program, as described in chapter “Loading a welding
3. Tap the program line (a). The line is highlighted in blue.
4. Tap the button “Delete program” (b).


(c) (d)


5. Check the warning page, if chosen program should be deleted.

6. - tap “YES” (c) to delete the required program.
- tap “NO” (d) to cancel the selection.

Exporting The “More buttons” menu in File Manager contains the possibility, to import or export
programs to USB programs from an USB flash drive.
flash drive
USB Export
For saving all programs to an USB flash drive.

USB Import
For importing all programs from an USB flash drive.

1. Plug in the USB flash drive.

2. Tap the button “More buttons” (a). The USB Import and Export buttons appears.
3. To export programs: Choose the required program line.
Tap the button “USB EXPORT” (b).


(c) (d)

(e) (f)


4. To overwrite the existing program data:

► Tap the “Overwrite” checkbox (c).
► Tap the button “EXPORT” (e).
5. To keep the existing programs and add the new ones:
► Tap the “Keep” checkbox (d).
► Tap the button “EXPORT” (c).
6. To delete, tap the button “CANCEL” (f).

Importing 1. Plug in the USB flash drive.
programs from 2. Tap the button “More buttons” (a). The USB Import and Export buttons appears.
USB flash drive
3. To import programs: Choose the required program line.
Tap the button “USB IMPORT” (b).


(e) (f)


(g) (h)


4. Choose the required program line in section (c). It is highlighted in green.

With the arrow buttons (d) you can change between the program lines.
5. To overwrite the existing program data:
1. Tap the “Overwrite” checkbox (e).
2. Tap the button “IMPORT” (g).
6. To keep the existing programs and add the new ones:
1. Tap the “Keep” checkbox (f).
2. Tap the button “IMPORT” (g).
7. To delete, tap the button “CANCEL” (h).


General settings

(8) (1)

(7) (2)

(6) (3)

(5) (4)

(1) Date & Time

For adjusting date and time: Tap the date or time line to change the actual
(2) Memory situation
Shows the currently available or used storage capacity of the CF card partition.
- used ... used memory capacity
- total ... total memory capacity of the CF card partition indicated by bar graph
- AVR mem. needed ... used memory capacity by AVR data
(3) Temperature
Shows the working temperature of CPU and operator panel.
(4) Save machine parameters
If settings are changed (language, unit, brightness, ..) these are stored by press-
ing the button. With a renewed switching on of the system, the changed values
are loaded.
(5) Go to next page
For changing into the next settings page..
(6) Brightness
For regulating the brightness of touch panel:
1. Tap the brightness scale.
2. Slide the arrow, to change the brightness.
IMPORTANT! It is also possible, to change the brightness scale with the hand-
(7) Touch calibration
Tap the button “Start calibration” to calibrate the touch screen.

General settings (8) Language and unit selection
(continued) Choose language and the unit as follows:
1. Tap the language or the unit, which is shown in the section. A context menu
2. Select between the following languages and units:
- English
- German
- French
- metric
- imperial

(9) (12)

(10) (13)

(11) (14)

(9) FTP Server

for loading programs from an external FTP server.
(10) Machine name
Name of the machine, This can be changed by the operator. If no name is en-
tered, the Fronius VK-number is displayed.
Procedure for changing the name:
1. Enter the desired name
2. Tap the button “Save machine parameters” (4)
3. Restart the machine to apply the changed values.
IMPORTANT! If a welding program stored, the machine name is always saved.
Manages the operator Welding programs from multiple installations on a hard
drive or USB flash drive, can be distinguished in this way, which is part of the
program to which plant.
(11) Version
Serial number of HMI system controller.
(12) Operating hours
counter for all moving axes of the system.
If HMI logging is enabled, additional and more detailed information about the
system are stored in the logger. These are needed for the support by Fronius.
The function is activated by the operator and / or service technician upon request
by Fronius.
Service address for contacting Fronius service personnel.

Touch calibration 1. Tap the button “Start calibration”. Screen changes into white picture with cross line

2. Tap the symbol in its center.

3. Repeat this action as long as new cross line symbols are shown.

IMPORTANT! When calibration is ready (normally after four cross line symbols), the
program changes automatically back to the “Settings” page.

Alarm messages

General If an error occurs, it is shown on three different places:

- as red and yellow coloured message in the headline of the main menu or actual
opened window, to signalize the operator, that something is wrong
- in the Alarms page
- in the Alarm history page

Alarm messages (1)








(1) Alarm display

Shows an actual occuring alarm or error. This line is available in each window.
Press to go to the alarm list
(2) List of alarm messages
Shows all alarm messages, that have occurred.
(3) Go to top of page
Program changes to the first message of the alarm list.
(4) Go one line up
Program changes to the next page above.
(5) Error reset
For resetting the error message after solving the actual problem.
(6) Go one line down
Program changes to the next line below
(7) Go to end of page
Program changes to the last error message on the page.
(8) Go to Alarm History page
Program changes into the alarm history page. In this page, all error messages,
which occured during working, are shown.

Alarm history

This page always shows the last 100 error messages, which have occurred.
The error messages in the red marked lines are the error messages of the actual day.

The following colors represent:

RED Occurring error
WHITE Error has been acknowledged
ORANGE Warning


General Q-Master pages are used for monitoring the actual values of a welding program.

Actual value

NOTE! Touching a value in the “actual value window” opens the Limit Setup page..

Actual values:
- Current - Purging Gas
- Voltage - Heat Input
- Wire speed - Deposition Rate
- Weld speed
- Gas

for opening the limit setup page.

for opening the data trend page to display the Q-Master values graphically
on the screen.
More Buttons
opens a context menu with different options.

Limit setup pages To open the Limit-Setup page, press the LIMITS button, or tap a value filed in the

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (a)

(1) LL Lower alarm level

(2) L Lower warning level
(3) Set Set value
(4) H Upper warning level
(5) HH Upper alarm level
(a) Checkboxes for switching on and off limits-monitoring on actual value indicator

Further Limit setup pages:

Changing limit To change one of the values, operate as follows:
values 1. Tap the required value (a), the virtual keyboard opens.
2. Type in the limit value (b).
3. Confirm by the Enter button (c), the virtual keyboard closes.



(a) (d)

► To watch the limits in actual value indicator page, activate checkbox (d).

In Actual value page the limit values are

now shown as blinking orange and red

Calculation of IMPORTANT! The section (UWIRE [V] * IWIRE [A]) only has influence on the calculation,
heat input when hotwire is active!

{(UTORCH [V] * ITORCH [A]*0,6) +(UWIRE [V] * IWIRE [A])} * 60 1

Heat input [kJ/cm] = * 1000
VWELD [cm/min]

Data Trend page Tap the TREND button, to change into data trend page. Tapping the headline (a) in data
trend page opens a drop-down menu, in which you can choose the value you want to
see as a characteristic line. By pressing on the value (b) the display window below is
either hidden or displayed.

(a) (b)

More buttons AVR SETUP

menu This page provides settings for recording
the actual values as a text file.
opens a page, in which the recorded
Q-Master files can be saved.

AVR setup page

AVR Parameter: Description:

Recording Enabled For activating / deactivating the value recording.
Record Only Faulty If this parameter is selected, recording starts
only, if an error occurs, or if one value moves in
a limit range.
AVR Sampling Rate Time between two recording sections, indicated
in milliseconds.
New File Every Program saves the recorded data in a new text file after
every program.
Day saves the recorded data in a new text file every
Recording Destination HDD saves the text files on hard disk drive
IMPORTANT! A maximum of 30 folders and 100
records per folder can be stored!
USB saves the text files on USB flash drive
FTP Server saves the text files on FTP server
Separator Delimiter symbol of thousands digit in value
recording: Comma or decimal point

AVR setup page Wire Parameter: Description: Value
Type Pre-selection wire type. --
Available wire types:

IMPORTANT! If you select type “USER”,

the specific weight of the welding wire must be
entered manually.
Diameter Pre-selection wire diameter. mm
Setting range: 0.1 mm - 10.0 mm
Specific weight Specific weight of the wire material
This value is normally grayed out, except for type

AVR Data








For saving the recorded Q-Master values on HDD or USB flash drive.
IMPORTANT! The buttons on this page have the same function as the buttons in File
Manager page, but the two pages are not interconnected!

(1) Sorting Sequence

for sorting the saved value files alphabetically, from A to Z or reversed.
(2) Go one page up
Program changes one value page upwards in the program page.
(3) One line up
Program changes one line upwards in the program page.
(4) Hard Disc Drive
shows all records programs that are stored on the hard disk.
(5) USB Flash drive
shows all records programs that are stored on the USB flash drive.
(6) FTP
shows all records programs that are stored on an external FTP server (Only with
network connection).
(7) One line down
Program changes one line downwards in the actual page.
(8) Go one page down
Program changes downwards to the following program page.

Delete values
To delete a AVR file or folder.
IMPORTANT! Only user with administrator or supervisor level are able to
delete welding programs.
Save values
Saves the chosen values.

Delete all
deletes all files, which are saved in AVR data manager.

Save values on




1. Tap the value line, which you want to save. It is highlighted in blue.
2. Tap the “Save” button (a).
3. Type in a file name in line (b).
4. Tap the SAVE button (c) to save the chosen values.

Save values on
USB flash drive


(c) (d)

(e) (f)


Save values on 1. Plug in the USB flash drive.
USB flash drive 2. Tap the button “More buttons” (a). The USB Import Export buttons appears.
3. Choose the required value line.
Tap the button “USB EXPORT” (b). The USB-EXPORT window opens.
4. To overwrite the existing program data:
► Tap the “Overwrite” checkbox (c).
► Tap the button “EXPORT” (e).
5. To keep the existing data and add the new one:
► Tap the “Keep” checkbox (d).
► Tap the button “EXPORT” (c).
6. To delete, tap the button “CANCEL” (f).

Machine setup

Main page

(1) (2)

(1) General settings

shows general parameters, which are available for all welding processes.
(2) Weld process settings
shows special weld process parameters, depending on the welding process,
which is available on the system.
Save machine parameters
Saves changings in the axis parameter page.

L / R Calibration
To calibrate the current and voltage at the power source in case of a long hose
Data List button
For loading the list of material characteristics.
Button is only available in CMT or MAG process setup page.

General settings ALL PROCESSES
Parameter Description Unit
Collision Box Monitoring If the parameter is set to “on”, the torch collision --
monitoring is enabled and the machine will stop if
a torch collision is detected.
Ignition Timeout If no arc appears within this timeout, the power- s
source stops ignition
Cooling Circuit Mode Operation mode of cooling unit controller, On, Off, --
Cooling Circuit Timeout It cooling unit is missing coolant, no alarm is trig- s
gered within this timeout

Weld process CMT and MAG process

Parameter Description Unit
Arc Off Timeout If the arc breaks and no current starts to flow again s
within this time, the machine cuts out automatically.
Wire Stick Control The wire-stick control function detects any “sticking”
of the welding wire in the solidifying weld pool after
Weld Circuit Inductance These values are calculated values and can not be µH
Weld Circuir Resistance changed. mΏ

L / R Calibration L / R Calibration
Measuring the circuit inductivity “L” and
the welding circuit resistance “R” provides
information of the torch hosepack, welding
torch, workpiece and grounding (earthing)

After the calibration, the power source

adapt the current and the voltage auto-

► The START button starts the calibration process.



(1) Actual tracking value of seamtracker in mm
(2) Actual signal value of seamtracker
(3) Switch Off Limit
for setting a horizontal limit for the seamtracker in mm. If the limit is exceeded,
seamtracker is switched off.
Seamtracker scaling parameters:
Rear view
(4) Scaling x1
for entering Signal value of the
seamtracker at maximum positive
(5) Scaling y1
for entering Maximum negative track-
ing path of the seamtracker in mm.
(6) Scaling x2
Signal Signal
Signal value of the seamtracker at
value value
maximum negative deflection.
x1 x2
(7) Scaling y2 23000 -32000
for entering Maximum positive tracking
path of the seamtracker in mm.
y2 y1
+10mm -10mm

(8) Hor. v-max

For entering the maximum traversing speed of the horizontal torch head axes
during automatic seam tracking.


(1) Actual signal value of seamtracker
(2) Actual tracking value of seamtracker in mm
(3) Switch Off Limit
for setting a horizontal limit for the seamtracker in mm. If the limit is exceeded,
seamtracker is switched off.
Seamtracker scaling parameters:
(4) Scaling x1
for entering Signal value of the seamtracker at maximum positive deflection.
(5) Scaling y1
for entering Maximum negative tracking path of the seamtracker in mm.
(6) Scaling x2
for entering Signal value of the seamtracker at maximum negative deflection.
(7) Scaling y2
for entering Maximum positive tracking path of the seamtracker in mm.

Signal value

y1 ... -10mm

Signal value
x1 y2 ... +10mm

(8) Vert. v-max

For entering the maximum traversing speed of the vertical torch head axes dur-
ing automatic seam tracking.

More buttons
Importing wrong machine parameters can cause serious injury and machine
When machine parameters are imported from an USB flash drive of a wrong system,
welding programs can be changed or deleted unintentionally.
Machine parameters and axis configurations can be changed, overwritten, or deleted.
This can cause serious machine damage and in consequence also damage to persons.
- Save data for each welding plant on a separate USB flash drive.
- Label the USB flash drive properly to prevent confusion, and to allocate each stick
to the right system!


opens the correction setup page.

opens the axis setup pages.

(Power source LOCK / UNLOCK)
To unlock power source parameters.
Changed power source parameters are
not saved, when power source is locked

opens the AVR setup page in Q-Master
for exporting data and machine axis
parameters on an USB flash drive, as
well as to import data from an USB flash

IMPORTANT! When importing data and axis parameters from an USB flash drive,
follow the instructions in the warning notice above!

Correction setup

(1) (2)


(1) General settings

shows general parameters, which are available for all welding processes.
(2) Weld process settings
shows special weld process parameters, depending on the welding process,
which is available on the system.
Load machine parameters
For resetting the original values of a welding program after changing para-
meters (for example after a test run).

General settings ALL PROCESSES
Parameter Description Unit
Weld Speed Limit +/- v - Weld correction limit for plus and minus %
Weld Speed Step +/- v - Weld correction step for correction with plus or cm/min
minus button
OSC Offset Limit +/- OSC Offset correction limit for plus and minus c mm
OSC Offset Step +/- OSC Offset correction step for correction with plus mm
or minus buttons
OSC Path Limit +/- OSC Path correction limit for plus and minus cor- mm
OSC Path Step +/- OSC Path correction step for correction with plus mm
or minus buttons
OSC Speed Limit +/- OSC Speed correction limit for plus and minus cm/min
OSC Speed Step +/- OSC Speed correction step for correction with plus cm/min
or minus buttons
OSC Dwell Limit +/- OSC Pause correction limit for plus and minus s
OSC Dwell Step +/- OSC Pause correction step for correction with plus s
or minus buttons

Weld process MAG process

Parameter Description Unit
Power Limit +/- Power correction limit for plus and minus %
Power Step +/- Power correction step for correction with plus or %
minus buttons.
Arc Length Corr Limit +/- Arc length correction limit for plus and minus %
Arc Length Corr Step +/- Arc length correction step for correction with %
plus or minus buttons.
ACC Current Limit +/- ACC Current correction limit for plus and minus %
ACC Current Step +/- ACC Current correction step for correction with A
plus or minus buttons.
Puls/Dynamic Corr Limit +/- Puls / Dynamic correction limit for plus and mi- %
nus correction.
Puls/Dynamic Corr Step +/- Puls / Dynamic correction step for correction %
with plus or minus buttons.
Penetration Stabil. Limit Penetration stabilizer correction limit for plus and m/min
minus correction.
Penetration Stabil. Step Penetration stabilizer correction step for correc- m/min
tion with plus or minus buttons.
Arc Length Stabil. Limit Arc Length stabilizer correction limit for plus and -
minus correction.
Arc Length Stabil. Step Arc Length stabilizer correction step for correc- -
tion with plus or minus buttons.

Axis settings General axis settings:

Previous / next Axis

to change to the next axis within the same settings page.

Next page
to change to the next settings page for the same axis.

IMPORTANT! The parameter name and value of a chosen parameter or axis is always
shown in the headline of the program page.
Always be careful, that no parameters are unintentionally corrected, or that the wrong
parameter or a wrong axis gets corrected!

Only user with administrator status can change parameters!

Parameter Description Unit

Pos acc ramp Acceleration ramp for positioning and jogging cm/s²
Automatic speed Automatic speed cm/min
Pos dec ramp Deceleration ramp for positioning and jogging cm/s²
Contouring error Limit for positioning lag error mm
Pos window Window for position reached message mm
Jog speed slow Speed for slow jogging cm/min
Jog speed fast Speed for fast jogging cm/min

Axis settings Reference settings:


2 1

4 5

This page shows a large variety of parameters for referencing the selected axis. The
displayed buttons at the bottom of the screen are the same as in the previous windows.

IMPORTANT! The currently selected axis is always shown in the headline of the screen
in line “Axis selection”. Be careful, that no axis gets referenced unintentionally, or that a
wrong axis gets referenced.

Tap the “Reference” button (1), to reference the selected axis.

Homing acceleration = Axis acceleration for referencing movement. Typical val-

1 ues are 10 [cm/s2] for longitudinal, or 10 [°/s2] for circular axes.
Homing speed = Speed with which the axis approaches the limit switch - symbo-
2 lized by area (A). Typical values are 25 - 100 [cm/s] for longitudinal, or 12 [°/s]
for circular axes (depending on diameter and travelling distance).
Speed with which the axis moves away from the limit switch - Area (A). Typical
3 values are 5 [cm/min] for longitudinal, or 1 [°/s] for circular axes.
RefPos permanent - Axis position after referencing movement is finished. This
4 position serves as actual value for the axis.
End position (Homing target position) after completing the referencing process.
(A) Symbolizes the limit switch - range.
(B) Selection and indication of the homing - method.

Parameter Description Unit

Filter speed value Axis current speed filter value --
Stillstand flag Filter value for motor-stop parameter --

Axis settings Typical referencing methods
1) Limit switch - plus Axis moves to the positive limit switch. Subsequently it
moves to the end position (Homing target position) 5 .
2) Limit switch - minus Axis moves to the negative limit switch. Subsequently it
moves to the end position (Homing target position) 5 .
3) Current Pos = 0 Axis does not move, value 4 (Ref Pos permanent) will be
set as new actual value for the axis. Subsequently the axis
moves to 5 (Homing target position).

Example for referencing method “Limit switch plus”

Axis moves with acceleration a = 10 cm/s2, until the homing speed v = 100 cm/min is
reached, to the positive limit switch (A). The slower the limit switch is approached, the
more precisely the switching process can take place. After triggering the limit switch,
the direction of travel will be reversed to release the limit switch again (5 cm/min in our

v = 100 cm/min
a = 10 cm/s2

v = 5 cm/min

s = 100 mm s2 = 0 mm

After the limit switch has switched, value 4 (Ref Pos per­manent - in our example s =
100 mm) will be taken over as actual position. Subsequently the axis will be set to posi-
tion 5 (Homing target position - in our example s2 = 0 mm).

Example for referencing method “Act. pos = 0”

When referencing with this method, value 4 (Ref Pos per­manent) is taken over directly
as the actual position and the axis is subsequently positioned to Pos. 5 (Homing target

Axis settings Information page:

The parameters in this page are only for service technicians in case of a machine
service. In normal working process, this page has no significance.
Supervisors can reference axes, but only the administrator can change parameters on
this page.

Parameter: Description:
Scale Factor PLC-SERVO Scaling factor for parameters between PLC and servo
Torque Level Turn off Limit value for motor turn off torque
Torque Level Time Delay time before turning off when torque level is
Direction invers Inverts the moving direction of the selected axis.
Slave axis When operating a second rotation axis to define the axis
Face Plate Diameter Face plate diameter of the turntable.
Rotator diameter: Roller diameter of supporting unit, which moves the
Circular diameter: Information line about the actual workpiece diameter.


Changing After installing a new software version, it

compact flash may happen that the CompactFlash card
card (1) has to be replaced.


After inserting the new CF-card the registry page appears on operator panel.
It shows the serial number of your HMI control and a line for inserting an identification



To register the new CF-card, proceed as follows:

1. Have your serial number ready, which appears on the registry page (a).
2. Contact your Fronius service technician. He will need the serial number, to send
you a registration code.
3. Touch the code line (b). A virtual keyboard appears.
4. Type in the registry code and tap “Enter”.
The Main menu of your HMI controller appears.

System diagnosis NOTE! These pages are only relevant, when maintenance work has to be carried out by
pages service technicians.

To get back to the previous page.

Next page
For entering the next system diagnosis page.

“Overview” page:

The SDM start page provides a quick overview of the target system’s status.
Components are color coded to allow the operator to identify the status at a glance

System diagnosis “System” page:

This page shows the system settings and operating modes of the target system.

“Software” page:

The software modules found on the target system are displayed on this page.
The module list can be saved in .txt or .csv format.

System diagnosis “Hardware” page:

This page shows the hardware tree of the target system.

It contains information and error states for configuring the various modules.

“Logger” page:

System diagnosis This page lists the log entries of the Logger modules (user logbook / error logbook) on
pages the target system.
(continued) Logger records can also be uploaded from the target system for further evaluation by a
service technician.

“Profiler” page:

A Profiler configuration can be transferred to the target system, started and stopped on
this page.
Profiler records can also be uploaded from the target system for further evaluation by a
service technician.

TechSupport Automation


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