Digital Marketing Strategy: Plan Path Tools

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Digital marketing strategy

• A plan for achieving specific goals

through online channels to support Plan
and advance overall business
• Digital strategy represents the path path
you intend to take to achieve specific
goals online
• Tactics: tools used for executing the tools
strategy (ad campaigns, content
marketing, email marketing etc.)
Digital marketing strategy

SMART Review existing channels
Customer goals content, Find out KPIs and
persona, Business, • Channel optimisation
gaps, create new
Journey and marketing and selection
Funnel content
conversion Measure
research goals and analyse
Business goal
• Desired aims, achievements, or outcomes for a business
• Usually big, long term
• Examples: Increasing profits, gaining new customers, improving
customer service, launching new products and services
Marketing goals
• Goals related to marketing to support a business’s larger aims.
• Smaller, more targeted, related to marketing and normally short-
medium term
• Raising brand awareness
• Increasing web traffic
• Generating new leads
• Driving sales or conversions
Conversion Goals: Actions you want users to
• Business and marketing goals: what the company wants to achieve
• Conversion Goals: what you want your users to do

Example: Submitting lead form, buying a product, Commenting on a

post, retweeting, clicking on the CTA button
• Specific: The objective must be clear and detailed, rather than vague
and general.
• Measurable: The objective must be measurable so that you can
gauge whether you are attaining the desired outcome.
• Attainable: The objective must be possible for your brand to achieve,
based on available resources.
• Realistic: The objective must also be sensible and based on data and
trends; don’t exaggerate or overestimate what can be achieved.
• Time-bound: The objective must be linked to a specific timeframe.
SMART enough?
• Get more clicks on our skincare
brand Instagram ads this summer
by 50%
Smart enough?
• Increase the Click-Through Rate (CTR) of
our Meta ads for the skincare product
from 2% to 3% inside the coming three
months by implementing Instagram
shorts as a substitute of carousels by
enhancing audience targeting, and
improving CTAs (call to action).
• Tools used to meet objectives
• Display ad campaigns, search ad campaigns, email marketing, use of
content marketing on social media etc.
SMART strategy
• Business goals: Grow our number of active customers by 25% over
the next two years by adding product features
• Marketing goals: Increase lead generation by 40% this year
• Conversion goals: lead form signup
• Tactics: Run awareness ads through LinkedIn that highlight our new
product features
• KPI: number of lead forms submitted
Business goals Grow the number of active
customers over the next two years by adding new features

Marketing goals Increase lead generation

by 40% this year

Conversion goals lead form


Tactic Linkedin Ads

KPI Click through


Audience Research
The first pillar of digital marketing strategy
Who is our customer?
Before creating the content and communicating through channels, you
need to know:
• Who you are targeting? Who is your ideal customer?
• Based on behaviour (user needs, user rate, user status), based on
demographics, based on psychographics (activities, interests,
opinions, lifestyles)
Customer persona
• Represents a group of similar Targeted
people in a desirable audience
(represents your segment)
• Semi fictional, generalised ion
representations of your prospect
• Who is your customer? What are his
Customer persona includes
• Characteristics
• Goals (needs and wants)
• Pain points and challenges
• Motivations (intrinsic and extrinsic)
• Fictional names/ image/ quotes
Motivators Positive

Offers, Enjoyment, fun,

Discounts, I want to do Love, self
If I do this, I’ll
this to feel expression etc.
Freebies, get a reward
Coupons etc.

Extrinsic Intrinsic

FOMO, scarcity, If I don’t do I need to do

this, I’ll face a this or I’ll feel
exclusivity etc. penalty bad embarrassment

Why create personas?
• Identify your customers and their characteristics
• Understand their pain points
• For creating tailored content and campaigns
• Effective ad targeting (For example, on the Facebook Ads platform,
you can easily select to deliver an ad to people aged between 18 and
25 years old living within a kilometer of Mile End who like cycling.)
• Media selection
Create a buyer persona
• Buyer interests, traits, and demographics (age, gender, income,
occupation, family life cycle, education, location)
• Goals and barriers : may be many
• What do they want and what is stopping them from achieving what
they want?
• What motivates them intrinsically and extrinsically?
Where to find data about your customers
• Review existing customer data
• Conduct customer interviews
• Web analytics (if already a website exists)
• Online comments and reviews
• Conduct online surveys
• Audience research tools: Spark Toro, Audiense
General Buyer Persona

Anita Real Quotes Goals / Challenges

About goals,
Banerjee challenges, etc.
● Concerned about health impact of chemical based
● “I strive to provide my family with masalas
meals that are not only nutritious ● Wants to prepare healthy organic and tasty meals
● Unavailability of traditional authentic masalas
but also chemical
free”…..”Finding authentic
What can we do?
masalas without additives has help our persona achieve their goals?
Background / always been a challenge”
help our persona overcome their challenges?
Demographics Identifiers(Communication
Job? Career Path? preferences? Social media ● Provide chemical free masalas
Family? Lifestyle? platforms? ● Authentic and traditional tasting masalas
Age? Income? ● cooking related content Marketing Message
● 42 yrs old ● “how to” videos How can you describe your solution to have the
● university professor ● health and wellness blogs biggest impact on your persona?
● Calcutta, India ● Active on youtube, instagram
● No artificial ● Authentic ● Traditional
● Married, 2 children ● Subscribes to newsletters and techniques
flavours taste
● 25 lakhs per annum ebooks of health magazines ● Home-made ● Chemical ● Crafted with
masalas free care
General Buyer Persona

Demographics Challenges
Age? Income? Location? Gender Identity? What does this person struggle with in
relation to meeting goals? What serves as
a roadblock for this person’s success?
● Your text here
● Your text here
● Your text here ● Your text here
● Your text here ● Your text here

Identifiers What can we do?

Communication preferences? help our persona achieve their goals?
Social media platforms? help our persona overcome their

● Your text here

● Your text here
● Your text here
● Your text here
● Your text here
Background ● Your text here
● Your text here
Job? Career Path? Family?

● Your text here

● Your text here Primary/secondary goals? Personal vs professional goals? Role-related vs company goals?
● Your text here
● Your text here
● Your text here
● Your text here
● Your text here
● Your text here
What do we do with the personas created?
Persona is the base for content creation and targeting
• Create content based on the persona
• What content appeals to them?
• What messages appeal to them?
• What visuals?
• Which platforms do they spend their time on?

Instead of guessing about your customer, you have a clear idea

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