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Sree Ayyappa Public School

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi

Sector V, Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand - 827006
9234300650/ 91 6542 266491

Annual Revision Assignment (2018 - 19)

Subject : Science
I. Multiple choice questions:-
01. The best way to handle paper waste is to
(a) refuse (b) burn (c) recycle (d) compost
02. Plastics are
(a) long lasting (b) light weight (c) non – biodegradable (d) all of these
03. The major component of air is
(a) oxygen (b) nitrogen (c) water vapour (d) carbon dioxide
04. Evaporation of water is slow when
(a) the sun shines brightly (b) the surface is large
(c) the day is windy (d) the day is cloudy
05. The sure test of magnetism is
(a) attraction (b) repulsion (c) rotation (d) alignment
06. An insulator among the following is
(a) graphite lead (b) aluminium wire (c) safety pin (d) rubber
07. In a bar magnet, the magnetism is maximum
(a) at centre (b) at poles (c) at each point (d) cannot be specified
II. Fill in the blanks:-
01. Burning of leaves causes ___________________.
02. Metals, glass and aluminium are ______________.
03. The __________ makes the windmill rotate.
04. ________ is used by plants for protein synthesis.
05. Scarcity of rain causes ______________.
06. A magnet always has __________ poles.
07. Metals are good ____________ of electricity.
08. SI Unit of length is _______________.
III. Give Answer in one word:-
01. Municipal solid waste
02. A low lying area used to dispose waste.
03. The layer of air around the earth.
04. loss of magnetic property of a magnet.
05. distance between two points.
IV. Define the following:-
01. Recycling 02. Waste 03. Humidity 04. Respiration
05. Magnetic field 06. Absolute 07. Adaptation 08. Acclimatization
09. Life span 10. Stimulus
V. Answer the following questions:-
01. Why plastics wastes should not be burnt?
02. What is the composition of air?
03. How will you show that air is dissolved in water?
04. How springs are formed?
05. How is a compass used to find directions?
06. When a bulb said to be fused?
Sree Ayyappa Public School
Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi
Sector V, Bokaro Steel City, Jharkhand - 827006
9234300650/ 91 6542 266491

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VI. Answer the following questions:-
01. Do you think it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers? Why?
02. What is wind energy? Mention its two advantages.
03. How are clouds formed?
04. Write the main properties of a magnet.
05. How does electricity flow in an electric circuit? What is meant by an open circuit?
06. What is translatory motion? What are its different kinds?
07. How is a tiger adapted to a grassland?
08. How do desert plants adapt themselves to the conditions in the desert?

VI. Long answer type questions:-

01. Describe water cycle in nature. Mention two importance of water cycle. Draw a well
labelled diagram of water cycle.
02. Draw a diagram showing the lighting up of a bulb with an electric cell and explain it.
03. How can you magnetize an iron needle using a strong bar magnet? Explain with
04. Describe the balance of oxygen in the atmosphere.


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