MT Laws & LabMan

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Legend: correct answer, not sure, no answer pa, lab man

1. An examinee who failed to obtain a passing grade may be certified as a medical laboratory technician if
the rating obtained is:
Must be 60%
Not less than 50%
At least 70%
65% or less

2. What is the preliminary floor plan or blueprint draft that includes construction details and layout
Functional narrative document
Construction guidelines proposal
Design development drawing
Project manual

3. Which of the following is not a Transfusion Transmissible Infection?

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis C

4. Which of the following is not a classification of a blood service facility?

Institutional character
Service Capability

5. Who is a customer?
Anyone who is in the market looking at a product
Anyone that acquires the product
All of the choices
Someone looking for service

6. What is a formal strategy for maintaining, identifying and attracting customers?

Marketing plan
Marketing philosophy
Marketing proposal
Marketing strategy

7. A blood service facility authorized to test units of blood for transfusion transmissible infections.
Blood collection unit
Blood station
Blood bank
Blood center

8. Which of these is NOT an illegal practice of medical technology?

Part time teaching in a college of MT while engaged in full timework as medical technologist in
a hospital
Placing RMT at the end of one’s name when registered as medical laboratory technician
Using a suspended license
Working in a laboratory which is not headed by a pathologist

9. After venipuncture the MedTech transferred the sample for CBC on a red top tube. On what QA
phase was the error committed?
No-error committed

10. In the QC run shown below. What Westgard rule is violated Days 2 and 3?


11. A foreign professional licensed in his country to practice his profession may be allowed to practice his
profession in the Philippines. This is called
Treaty of professions
Roster of Medical Technology

12. Which of the following defines a product?

Anything that is offered to the market
None of the choices
Amount of money given in payment
A strategy for maintaining and attracting customers

13. Under Senate Bill 2722, the Board of Medical Technology is composed of
A Pathologist and three medical technologists as members
A Medical technologist as chairman, a pathologist and another med tech as members
A Pathologist as chairman and a medical technologist as member
A Medical Technologist as chairman and two Med Tech as members

14. Which among the following is associated with procedure manuals?

1. Contains procedure that apply to specific work tasks
2. Step-by-step instructions that should be followed for each activity
3. Written exchanges between laboratories and their clients
4. Instructions about enforcement of safety rules

15. Where should the laboratory management devote its effort in order to reduce the cost of failure?
Quality enhancement opportunities
Prevention and appraisal
Proper staff training
Routine laboratory equipment inspection

16. Which among the following are components of the Job Analysis process?
1. Assessment workplace
2. Review of personnel hiring process
3. Preparation of work process flow charts
4. Review of manpower to carry out services

17. In the PDCA Procedure P stands for what?


18. Which of the following does NOT describe “STAT test”

Results are released within 2 hours after the procedure
Tests done on urgent cases
An abbreviation for short turnaround time

19. Sheidon Steel is planning to apply clinical chemistry for proficiency testing, and with what she
did, what could be maintained?

20. Which of the following is NOT a classification of Clinical Laboratories?

Service capability
Institutional character

21. Imagine you are a Medical Technologist working in a tertiary private hospital. You are attending to a
diabetic patient admitted in a private room. Your patient, a 65 year old father, is diabetic. His family
decides to celebrate his birthday in the hospital. They bring in cake and ice cream. In aghast, you
reached “How can you bring these knowing he can’t eat any of it?” What have you done?
Minimizing feelings
Value judgement
False reassurance
Nonverbal blocker

22. What can be utilized to formulate the organization’s objective and identify the internal and
external concerns that will affect the objective?
SWOT analysis

23. Certificate of Registration will not be issued to an individual unless he/she has reach the age of:
18 years old
21 years old
25 years old
16 years old

24. The revocation or suspension of certificate of registration may be subject to appeal to the____
Office of the President
Civil Service Commission
Office of the Supreme Court

25. Which of the following choices below can be a laboratory customer?

I, and ii

26. Monitor the performance of schools in licensure examination and publish the results of these in a
newspaper of nationwide circulation.
Dep Ed

27. Which of the following is not included among self-awareness skills?

Recognize things which cannot be changed, and accept them
Recognize the weak and strong sides of one’s own behavior
Recognize the weak and strong sides of one’s abilities
Recognize the emotions of others

28. What type of systematic error can be observed in the graph?

Upward trend

29. Who is the Chairman of National Voluntary Blood Services Program?

Chairman of PRC
President of Philippine Society of Pathologist
Secretary of Health
President of Hospital Association

30. The certificate of recognition is refused to be issued to one who has ____
Incurable disease

31. Which of the following is NOT a routine process control?

QC of test methods and reagents
Capture of non-conformance when the process did not perform as expected
Reviews of work and QC records
Systematic checks and repairs of laboratory equipment

32. Alvin is working as a medical technologist in a clinical laboratory owned by Mr. Lim. A year later, he
found out that Mr. Lim is operating the clinical laboratory without LTO from the DOH. Who is liable to the
penalty imposed therein?
Head of the clinical laboratory
Owner of the clinical laboratory
All of them
Alvin as the Medical Technologist

33. This is a data collection system specifically designed to support planning, management, and
decision making in health facilities and organizations.
Health Informatics
Health Management Information System
Health Information Technology
Health Information System

34. Which among the following barriers to communication applies to how we use words and terms
in a conversation?
Technical Problem
35. This refers to the perceived support, or lack of support, for the change from senior executives in
the company.

36. Which of the following refers an individual who has been screened by history and physical examination,
found to be fit to donate blood, and included in the list of qualified voluntary donors who is ready to
donate blood when needed in his or her community?
Reserved donor
Paid donor
Walking blood donor
All of the choices

37. The following are laws & executive orders relevant to the Commission, except:
PD 657
EO 256
PD 223
EO 200

38. Which of the following does NOT describe a Mobile Clinical Laboratory?
It moves from one testing site to another
It has DOH-licensed CL as its main laboratory
It shall have its own set of functional, and operational equipment
It shall have same set of personnel as to its main laboratory

39. Which of the following refers to panic values originally described by Lundberg as life threatening?
Critical values
Reference values
Control values
Normal values

40. Refers to a body created to promote and ensure the continuous improvement of professionals, in
accordance with national, regional, and international standards of practice.
CPD Council
CPD Program
CPD Provider
CPD Unit

41. Ms. Josefa De La Cruz has been recently promoted to her new position as Associate
Vice-President for Health and Medical Development of a private hospital. Her working principle is
that all members of her office must subscribe to the rules and guidelines as indicated on the
company’s personnel manual which outlines all the necessary functions and duties of each
personnel to facilitate workflow. What type of management theory is presented?
Organization Behavior Management
Systems Analysis Management
Scientific Management
Bureaucracy Management
42. EQAP is a program where participating laboratories are given unknown samples for analysis. Who
provides the unknown samples for participating laboratories?

43. Which of the following is NOT a function of the Council of Medical Technology Education?
Recommend minimum required curriculum
Inspect medical technology
Administer oath
Certify admission to internship

44. What are the two central concerns of marketing?

Finding customers and making profits
Holding down costs and increase profits
Discovering and satisfying needs
Establishing market share and making profits

45. It is a registry of all medical technologists in the Philippines who were given certificates of registration
Medical Technology Registry
Roster of Medical Technologists
Board Registered Record
Certified Med Tech Record

46. Laboratory workers must be in complete PPE before entering the Laboratory. Place the
microbeads in a beaker of crushed ice.
None of the choices are correct
1st statement: procedure, 2nd statement: policy
Both statements are policies
1st statement: policy, 2nd statement: procedure
Both statement are procedures

47. The medical technologist realizes that the patient is having a hard feeling with her diagnosis. She states
that she is feeling alone with no one who understands. Which type of communication could be the most
useful for the patient.

48. According to RA 5527, what is the relative weight of Clinical Microscopy in the Medical technology
Board Exam?

49. The Professional Identification cards for RMTs shall be renewed every:
6 years
1 year
2 years
3 years

50. The primary goal of financial management is to maximize what?

Market value of existing growth
Current profits
Market share
Number of shares outstanding

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