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Minutes of Meeting ( MOM ) SI RSS APAC - SR
On Site,
Salcomp Technologies India Private Ltd
Unit -2 (SEZ Unit), Nokia Telecom SEZ
Venue : Name: Mohanraj Sivamoorthy
Sipcot Industrial Park, Phase Iii
Chennai Bangalore Highway, Sriperumpudur
602105, Kancheepuram, Tamilnadu
Date : 2/11/2023 Department : EHS SR
Division : SI RSS APAC
Site Kickoff meeting - EHS Requirements - with Telephone : -
Subject : M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation &Engineering Mobile : 9994170206
Solutions E-mail :

Distribution List Department Location

Jebaraj, Antony Lucius* Siemens RC-IN SI RSS-APAC SR OP - Regional Manager Operations Chennai

Muralikrishnan* Siemens RC-IN SI RSS-APAC SR OP - Project Manager Chennai

Vinothkumar* Siemens Site Incharge Chennai

Srinivasan* M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation &Engineering Solutions - Managing partner Chennai

M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation &Engineering Solutions - Contractor

Shankar* Chennai
Balaji Rajasekaran* Siemens RC-IN SI RSS-APAC EHS - Regional Manager EHS (SR) Chennai

Prasannakumar* Site EHS officer Chennai

Mohanraj Sivamoorthy* Territory EHS officer Chennai

R, Umamaheshwaran * Siemens RC-IN SI RSS-APAC FIN P - SCM manager Chennai

Abbreviation: ( * ) - participated

S.No. Type Points for discussion Action By

All requirements of the CTSH Document, RFQ, General Contract Conditions, Safety Essentials, 6 Golden Rules alongwith PO terms &
1 A M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
conditions were explained and M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions agreed to follow all given requirements

M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions committed to follow all the requirements pertaining to labour laws as required (including
2 A M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
monthly PF & ESIC). Contractor to submit documents before start of work

3 I The Siemens contractor evaluation process was explained and the onsite evaluation checklist requirements were explained. M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) on site will be of Siemens recommended makes only as listed in the RFQ & GCC-EHS document. PPE
4 A M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
register to be maintained at site & 15% extra PPE to be always in stock.

All the workers should be made aware by site team about- Assembly point, First Aider at site, First aid box location, and other emergency M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/
5 A
measures available at site Siemens site team

Only licensed electrician will be used for electrical work. Other technicians & helper will work only under supervision of licensed electrician. M/s
6 A Sri Jaishanth Automation &Engineering Solutions to submit site wise manpower deployemnt details (names & qualifications before start of work M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
at any site)

Medical fitness certificates from recognised MBBS doctor will be produced for all the contract workmen on site before start of work. Those who
7 A M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
will work at height, vertigo test shall be mandatory for them. Siemens format for fitness shared with them

Only standard scaffolding - Mobile scaffold, with proper Wheels with lock, braces, platforms, toe guards, etc. in line with relevant Indian
8 A M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
Standard and Siemens Specification on scaffolds will be used on site.

M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/

9 A Scaffold erection & inspection to be done by trained scaffolders. Joint inspection to be done once daily once the scaffold is erected each time.
Siemens site team
List of construction machinery, vehicles and equipment/ scaffolding/electrical DB to be mobilized, will be sent to PM for approval before
10 A M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
mobilising on site.

All equipment/power & measuring tools/vehicles /scaffolding/electrical DB should be in good working condition, environmentally safe (non
11 A M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
polluting) and with guards on all rotating parts.

When all above items reach at site gate, they will be inspected by Siemens . If any discrepancy is noticed the particular item will not be allowed M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/
12 A
inside the site premises. Siemens site team

13 A Photo identity card for every workman and induction training will be mandatory. M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

Rest area for workers to be made. It should be clean, well ventilated and should have seating arrangement. Water for drinking and general M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/
14 A
purpose to be arranged. Siemens Site team

M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/

15 A TBT [Toolbox Talk ] & Last Minute Risk Assessment [LMRA] need to be done daily at work area and site office where all posters are displayed.
Siemens site team

16 A Housekeeping needs to be maintained at work area, store & site office M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

17 A Storage of machinery, tools and tackles to be done properly in storage area. M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/

18 A All equipments on site should have inspection checklist. Power tools should be inspected for 'fit for use' and have inspection stickers in place
Siemens site team

Alternate illumination arrangements should be made as & when required. HIRA, SWMS to be prepared jointly by the Project team with M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/
19 R
participation of contractors team. Siemens site team

20 A Storage areas should be made available for keeping spare PPE (Full Body Harness, Helmets, masks, Goggles etc.) M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

Signages should be placed around project site.

21 R 1. Safety Signages M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
2. Signage’s of the Project Details, Contact details of the People involve with the project

In order to prevent fall of hand tools, portable electric tools, restrainers (tool lanyard) are to be provided to workmen working at height (beyond
22 A M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions
two meter)

Tie up with local Hospital within 5 km area to be done for dealing with emergencies. Copy of same should be readily available at site office.
23 A Siemens site team
Arrangement for travel of injured person to hospital to be ensured at all locations (details to be shared)

24 A Relevant work permits need to be issued & reviewed daily, also daily visual checking of tools & PPE for any damage and inspect for the tag. M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

25 A Senior person of Contractor to visit at site for EHS Audit/round & report to be submitted to Siemens M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

26 A All the labours as well as staff memebers have to participate in trainings conducted at site. M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/

27 A Contractor Site Team should undergo SITRUST training
Siemens Site team

28 A Contractor Site Team should undergo Scaffolding erector and inspector training M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions

It was also discussed & agreed that 'Multi Utility Detector' - BOSCH make GMS 120 & NCVD would be procured & used at site for detecting live M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions/
29 A
cables, conduits etc in partition walls. Siemens site team

Type: R = Recommendation D = Discussion I = Information RA = Resolution accepted A = Action

Signature of participants
Sr. No. Name Organization Designation Signature

Muralikrishnan * (Virtual participation)

M Digitally signed by M Muralikrishnan
1 Siemens RSS SR Project Manager DN: cn=M Muralikrishnan, o=Siemens,


2 Vinothkumar* Siemens RSS SR Site Supervisor

Digitally signed by Rajasekaran Balaji

DN: c=DE, st=Bayern, o=Siemens,

3 Balaji Rajasekaran *(Virtual participation) Siemens RSS SR Regional EHS head - SR Rajasekaran Balaji,
serialNumber=Z004SCPK, givenName=Balaji,
sn=Rajasekaran, cn=Rajasekaran Balaji
Location: Adambakkam, Chennai - 600088

4 Mohanraj Sivamoorthy* Siemens RSS SR Territory EHS officer

5 Srinivasan* M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions Manager

6 Shankar* M/s Sri Jaishanth Automation & Engineering Solutions Supervisor


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