Motion in A Straight Line DPP 07

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Yakeen NEET (2025)

DPP: 7
Motion in a Straight Line

Q1 A small block slides without friction down an (B) 82.5 cm

inclined plane starting from rest. Let Sn be (C) 90.5 m
the distance travelled from time t = n − 1 to (D) 80.5 m
t = n.Then Sn−1 Q6 A body starts from rest, the ratio of
(A) 2n−1 rd
2n distances travelled by the body during 3 and
(B) 2n−1 4th
seconds is:
(C) 2n−1 (A) 7/5
(B) 5/7
(C) 7/3
Q2 A particle moving with acceleration 4 m/s2
(D) 3/7
along x− axis covers 20 m in 4th second. Find
the distance covered by the particle in the 3rd Q7 A car moving with speed v on a straight road
and 5 th seconds: can be stopped within distance d on applying
(A) 16 m, 20 m brakes. If same car is moving with speed 3v and
(B) 20 m, 24 m brakes provide half retardation, then car will
(C) 16 m, 24 m stop after travelling distance
(D) 20 m, 25 m (A) 6d (B) 3d
(C) 9d (D) 18d
Q3 The velocity of a bullet is reduced by 200 m/s
while travelling through a wooden block in Q8 If an iron ball and a wooden ball of same radii
10sec. The retardation, assuming it to be are released from a height h in vacuum then
uniform, will be: time taken by both of them to reach ground will
2 be:
(A) 10 m/s
2 (A) Unequal (B) Roughly equal
(B) 12 m/s
2 (C) Exactly equal (D) Zero
(C) 20 m/s
(D) 15 m/s
Q9 A body is released from the top of a tower of
Q4 A body starts from rest and is uniformly height H metres. It takes t time to reach the
accelerated for 30 s . The distance travelled in ground. Where is the body 2t time after the
the first 10s is x1 , next 10 s is x2 and the last release
10 s is x3 . Then x1 : x2 : x3 is the same as (A) At H2 metres from ground
(A) 1 : 2 : 4 (B) 1 : 2 : 5 (B) At H4 metres from ground F 3H
(C) 1 : 3 : 5 (D) 1 : 3 : 9 (C) At 3H metres from the ground
(D) At H metres from the ground.
Q5 A car accelerates from 36 km/h to 90 km/h in 6

5 s. How far did it travel in this time? Assume Q10 A body falling from height h takes t1 time to
constant acceleration. reach the ground. The time taken to cover the
(A) 87.5 m first half of the height is:

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(A) t2 =
(B) t1 =

(C) t2 = √2 t1
(D) None of these.

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Answer Key
Q1 (C) Q6 (B)

Q2 (C) Q7 (D)

Q3 (C) Q8 (C)

Q4 (C) Q9 (C)

Q5 (A) Q10 (A)

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