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As the world becomes more and more developed.

People from the countryside are flooding to the

urban areas, leaving their home barren and desolate and most population is expected to concentrate in
the cities. As such, the question of whether such development is considered positive or negative
remains controversial.

On the one hand, urbanization is certain to create numerous amounts of work opportunities. By
concentrating people in a single area, workers can now specialize on their career, and spend less time
creating a product. The greater efficiency that comes from specializing greatly increase the amount of
produces and therefore boosts there country’s economy and general wealth.

On the other hand, the flooding of cities cans high density areas that lack basic living condition. For
example, India’s capital city, Mumbai, contribute greatly to the country’s global power, is also infamous
for its high number of slums surrounding the cities. The infrastructure and amenities in such slum is
often deteriorated or incomplete. The state of living and other basic services is often not guaranteed.
Moreover, regardless of those slums, living in such a high density area, with a huge pressure to work is
going to cause severe physical and mental health issue like depression, autism and schizophrenia in the
long run.

In conclusion, although, urbanization is often the key to a country’s success, it should be controlled and
used sparingly to avoid poorly constructed and poverty areas as well as pressuring people to a point of
mental and physical illnesses.

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