Chapter's One

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What’s the name of the protagonist? Edward Malone

When did the story started? spring in 1912
Where was he when it all started? At Glady’s Hungerton Home
What did Glady told him? That she wanted to marry a man of adventure
Where did he go after lefting Glady’s home? To his office at the Daily Gazette.
What is Edward Malone job? He is a journalist
What is his boss name ? Mr Mc Ardle
Who had him to interview? Professor Challenger
What’s the name of his paper? Daily Gazette
When did he wrote a letter to Professor Challenger? The next Day
What did he thought after reading his letter? That he was very arrogant man

What day and at what time was he at Porfessor’s Challenger home? On a Monday morning
at 9.55.
Who open the door ? The wife of the Professor
What was Professor Challenger doing? He was smoking a pipe while he was sitting in a


What was in the drawing that the Professor showed him? A high plateau and a gigantic
animal. That was like a dinosaur
What animal kill the Professor? A pterodactycl, and took part of its wing
To what did the Professor invited him? To a conference by Professor Waldron at the
Zoological Institute at 8.00 tonight

Who believes that dinosaurs aren’t extinct ? Professor Challenger
Where does he say that dinosaurs exist? In South America
How many people agreed to go to the trip to South America? Four
Where did they go in South America? To a small town called Manaos, near the Amazon
What was the ship called? The Francisca

When did they arrive to the Manaos? On the 15 of July
How many days were they on The Esmeralda? 6 days
How did professor Challenger called the place they were going? The lost world
When did Edward new they were close to the place? In the ninth day


Which animal took their food? pterodactyls

When did they saw an arrow on a tree? on the fifth day
What was pointing the arrow? a cave
What was between the pinnacle and the plateau? A huge abyss
Who thought of climbing the pinnacle? Professor Challenger
What does Professor Challenger want to use as a bridge? A tree
Who stay at the pinnacle? Zamba, the guide
What happened with the tree? It fell down to the abyss

What was the first thing they saw? A footprint
What creature did they saw? An Iguanodons
What was inside the hole on the ground? pterodactyls
What color was the inside of that hole? Blue

What did they wanted to do before leaving the palteau? A map
What name did Edward chose to the lake? Lake Gladys

At what time did he arrive at the lake? at 1.00 am
Why did he think that there were humans living there? Because he saw fire and traps
Which creature was following him? a tyrannosaurus rex
What happened when he got back to camp? That there was none of his friends there

What did Edward do to tell his boss everything that was happening? Write a letter and give it
to Zamba with a rope.
Who had them prisioners? the ape-people
what did they take to fight them? the rifles
who was the first ape-people to die? The king
who wanted to fight the ape-people as well? the indians
Who gave them a map with the exit? Motosawi

What animal had Challenger in his backpack? A pterodactyl
What profession had Glady’s husband? he was a clerk
What were the rock that were near the lake? Diamonds
WHo wanted to go back to the plateau? Roxton and Edward.

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