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OB individunal Assignment

Addis Ababa Medical and Buniness College sululta cumpas

Name vino worku sanbate
Lottery method
Nomber =19

19. Analye the impact of globalization on multination organizational culture and

management practices.

Globalization has had a significant impact on multination organization culture and

management practices. Here are some key ways in which globalization has influenced these

1.Cultural diversity; globalization has led to increased cultural diversity within multinalion
organization as employees from different countries and backgrounds come together to work.
This diversity can enrich the organization culture by bringing in new perspectives, ideas, and
approaches to problem- solving.

2.Cross-cultural communication; globalization has made cross-cultural communication a

critical aspect of multination a critical aspect of multination organization culture and
management practices. Managers need to be sensitive to culture differences in communication
styles, decision-making processes, and conflict resolution to effectively lead diverse teams.

3.Global mindset; globalization has necessitated the development of a global mindset among
managers and employees in multinationl organizations. This involves understanding and
appreciating different cultures, adapting to diverse working styles, and being open to new ways
of doing business across borders.

4. Talent management; globalization has transformed talent management practices in

muitiationl organization. Companies now need to attract, develop, and retain a diverse working
with global competenies and skills to remain competitive in the global marketplace.

5.Leadership styles; globalization has influenced leadership styles in mulitination organizations,

emphasizing the need for inclusive, collaborative, leaders must be able to inspire and motivate
employees from different culturel backgrounds while navigating complex global challenges.

6 Organizational structure ; globalization has led to the decentralization of organizational

sutrure in many multinational companies to facilitate faster decision making and greater
responsivess to local market dynamics .

Matrix structures ,virtual team and cross border collarations have became common in global
7 .Ethical considerations ; globazation has raised ethical consideration for multinational
organazatios such as ensuring fair labor practices ,environmental sustainability ,and responsible
supply chain management across border ,companies need to up hold ethical stsndard and
corporate social responsibility practices to maintain their reputation in the global market

 In conclusion ,,globalization has profoundly impacted multinational organizational cultute

and management practices by fostering cultural communication ,shaping ledership
stylels ,transforming talent management ,influencing organizational structures ,and raising
ethical considerations
 Adapting to these changes is essential for multinational organizations to thrive in the
increasingly interconnected global business invironment

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