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OB individunal Assignment

Addis Ababa Medical and Buniness College Sululta camp

Name Dajene Negese Tola

Lottery method

Nomber =33

33.Evaluate the impotance of effective selection ,rcuitment and on boarding strategies

effective selection ,recruitment and on boarding strategies are crucial for the success of any

Here are some key reasons why these processes are important

1. Talent acquition ; selecting and recruiting the right talent is essential for building a
skilled and motivated work force

Effective selection processes help identify candidates with the necessary skills,experience and
culturar fit to contribute to the organizations goals and objectives

2 Employee retention;A well designed recruitment and on boarding process can enhance
employee engagement and satisfaction ,leading to higher retention rates . when employee feel
valued and supported from the beginning of their employment ,they are organization long

3 organizational culture ; recruitment and on boarding strategies play a significant role in

shaping organizational culture

Organization can maintain a cohesive and positive work environment that fosters collaboration
and innovation

4 performance and productivity ;hiring the right candidates throuth effective selection
processes can improve overall performance and productivity within the organization

Employees who are well suited for their roles are more likeiy to excel in their responsibilities
and contribute to the company success

5, cost saving ; investing in effective selection ,recruitment and onboardind strategies can lead
to cost savings in the long run

Hiring thewrong candidate can result in turnover costs ,decreased productivity and potential
disruptions to tearm dynamics
By selecting and on boarding employee effectively organization can reduce turnover rates and
associated cost

6, Employer brand ;A positive recruitment and on boarding experience can enhance an

organization s employer brand and reputation in the market

Candidates who have a Positive experience during the hiring process are more likely to
recommendthe campany to others and speak highiy of their experience ,helping attract top telent
in the future

7 legal compliance ; adhering to best prtices in selection ,recruitment and on boarding is

essential for ensuring legal compliance with employment lows and regulations ,by following
farir and transparent processes

Organizations can mitigate the risk of discriminination claims orlegal challenges related to hiring

 In conciusion , effecitive selecation recruitment and onboarding strategies are ceitical for
attracung top talent, retaining employees, shaping orfanizational cuiture , improving
performance , redcing costs enhancing employer brand , and ensuring legel compliance.
Investing time and resources in these processes can yield long-term benefits for organizations
seeking to build a storng and successful workforce.

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