Physics Investigatory Project - Yahvi Gupta (11B)

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BATCH: 2024 - 2025

CBSE Practical Examination for Physics

Session :2024-2025

Certified that the entries in this project is the bona fide work of Miss/Master


Class XI Roll No: 32

Completed during the Academic year 2024-2025.
This project was submitted for the CBSE (CLASS XI) Practical
Examination in Physics conducted on 01st February 2025 and as per the
guidelines issued by CBSE.

Signature of Teacher in charge Principal’s Signature

Signature of Examiner Date


In the successful completion of this project, I would like to extend my gratitude to

everyone who have been concerned with this project and have extended their support.

I thank God for providing me with everything that I required in completing this project.

I am highly indebted to the Teacher in charge Ms.Shahanaz Sageer for her guidance and
supervision. Her timely support with necessary project information and constant motivation
were vital in completing the project.
I would like to thank my parents who have aided me with their valuable suggestions and
their constant encouragement which has been provided in the completion of the project.
-> Introduction
-> Content
-> Experiment
-> Observation
-> Images and Diagrams
-> Result
-> Sources of Error
-> Precaution
-> Conclusion
-> Applications - UAE
-> Bibliography

Investigating the factors affecting the cooling rate of different liquids in a captivating
exploration into the world of thermodynamics and heat transfer. The topic delves into the
fundamental principal governing now various liquids lose heat energy when exposed to some
external examining factors such as heat capacity, thermal conductivity, initial
temperature and environmental influences, we can uncover the intricate dynamics that
determine now quickly liquids cool down. This exploration not only was practical applications
in fields like engineering and chemistry but also offers valuable insights into behavior of matter
and energy transfer, making it a subject of great scientific interest.

Cooling rates of liquids are influenced by several factors including their specific heat capacity,
thermal conductivity, surface area exposed to the surroundings, and initial temperature.
Understanding these factors can help in various practical applications such as optimizing cooling
processes in industries, designing efficient cooling systems, and even in everyday scenarios like
cooking. The liquids with higher specific heat capacities will cool more slowly than those with
lower heat specific capacities. Additionally, liquids with higher thermal conductivities will cool
faster than those with lower thermal conductivities. Furthermore, we can expect that liquids
initially at higher temperatures will cool more rapidly than those initially at lower temperatures
And the higher ambient temperatures leading to slower cooling rates.

Aim: The aim of this investigation is to systematically explore and analyze the various factors
that impact the Cooling rate of different liquids.

Materials required:
•Liquids testing-for example water,
oil, milk etc.
•Thermometer- to measure initial
•Anal temperatures of liquids
•Stopwatch/Timer-To time the starting and ending
•Heat Source: A consistent heat source to provide
constant initial temperature for each liquid.
•Beakers and containers - containers of uniform size and material.
•Stirring rod - to stir the hot liquids.
investigating the factors affecting cooling rates of

different liquids involves principal of thermodynamics and heat transfer.

Heat transfer - cooling is essentially the transfer energy from a warmer substance to a
Cooler one. The rate at which occurs depends on several factors:

a) Thermal conductivity -Different liquids have varying thermal conductivity, which

determines how effectively they can conduct heat. Liquids with high conductivity will
cool faster than those with low thermal conductivity.

b) Surface area- The larger the surface area exposed to the surrounding environment, the
faster cooling process. This is why a hot of tea cup cools slower in a cup than a saucer.

c) Temperature difference- The greater the initial temperature difference between the liquid
and it's. surroundings, the faster it will cool down.

d) Nature of the thickness- the material and thickness of the container can influence heat
transfer. for instance, a metal container at will transfer heat more efficiently than a plastic

Newtons law of cooling: This law describes how the temperature of an object changes over time
when it is in contact with a cooler states that the rate of change of temperature is
directly proportional to the temperature difference between the object and its surroundings.
Experimental approach:

a) select liquids- Choose a variety of liquids with different thermal

conductivities.water,oil,and alcohol are commonly used choices.

b) prepare containers- use identical containers for each liquid to eliminate container related
variables ensure they have the same initial temperature.

c) measure temperature- Record the initial temperatures of liquids and the environment.

1) Start by heating the different Liquids to a specific temperature you do this by placing
eaan. liquid separate beakers or containers. and heating them. in an a hotplate or burner-

2) Once the liquids reach the desired temperature, Simultaneously start the stopwatch/timer and
transfer equal volumes of each liquid into separate beakers or Containers.

3) Insert a thermometer into each beaker and record the initial temperature of each liquid.

4) Place the beakers in a controlled environment. Example room temperature and

measure the temperature of each liquid at regular intervals (eg: every 1 min) using

5) Record the temperature of eaan liquid at each time interval until they reach a Certain

6) Repeat the experiment multiple times to ensure accuracy and reliability of the data.

7) Analyze and compare the cooling curves for each liquid to determine the factors affecting
the cooling rat

•initial temperature- Warmer liquids tend to cool faster.

•Surface area- liquids with larger surface area tend to cool move quickly.

•Temperature difference- The greater the temperature difference between the liquids and
surroundings the faster the cooling rate.

•Material of Container- some can slow down cooling rate while some may increase it.

•Insulation- presence of insulation around a container can slow down cooling rates by
reducing heat.

Liquids with higher initial temperature cool faster compared to those with lower initial
temperatures. Liquids with high thermal conductivity cool faster Liquids with lower specific
heat capacities tend to cool faster because they can conduct heat more efficiently. Liquids that
readily evaporate will cool more quickly due to cooling effect of evaporation. Insulated liquids
cool more slowly compared to understand ones because Insulation reduces heat exchange with
the environment.
Sources of error:
1) Temperature Measurement Errors: Ensure accurate measurement of initial and final
temperatures using a calibrated thermometer. Variations in temperature readings can

significantly impact the calculated cooling rates.

2) Insulation Inconsistencies: If using containers with different insulation properties or if

insulation is not uniform, it can lead to variations in cooling rates. Ensure that insulation

remains consistent across all experiments.

3) Evaporation: Some liquids may evaporate more quickly than others, especially if the
experiment takes place over an extended period. This can affect the amount of liquid present

and thus the cooling rate.

4) Stirring or Agitation: Inconsistent stirring or agitation during the experiment can lead to
uneven distribution of temperature within the liquid, affecting cooling rates.

5) Measurement Timing: Ensure consistent timing when recording temperature

readings. Delayed measurements can lead to inaccurate calculations of cooling rates.
•Ensure that all liquids start at the same initial temperature. Use a calibrated thermometer to
measure and confirm the initial temperature of each liquid before starting the experiment.

•Use containers of the same material, shape, and volume for each liquid to minimize variations
in cooling rates due to differences in container properties.

•Maintain consistent insulation around each container to prevent heat loss through the
container walls. Use materials like Styrofoam or insulating sleeves and ensure they are applied


•Stir each liquid gently and consistently before taking temperature readings to ensure uniformity
in temperature distribution within the liquid. Avoid vigorous stirring that could introduce

unnecessary heat into the system.

•Use a reliable thermometer and measure temperatures at regular intervals using the same
procedure for each liquid. Minimize parallax errors by reading the thermometer at eye level.
In summary cooling rates of different liquids is determined by several factors such as initial

temperature, thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, evaporation , insulation etc.

Understanding these factors is crucial in various applications, from cooking to industrial

processes and scientific research.

•Food and Beverage Industry:

Food Preservation: Controlling the cooling rate can impact the shelf life and quality of

perishable foods. Rapid cooling can prevent bacterial growth and preserve freshness.

Beverage Production: Optimizing cooling rates during production processes ensures beverages are

chilled quickly and efficiently, maintaining flavor profiles and meeting consumer preferences.

•Industrial Processes:

Chemical Processes: Efficient cooling is crucial in chemical reactions to control reaction rates

and product quality. It helps in managing exothermic reactions and preventing overheating.

Manufacturing: Cooling liquids quickly can speed up production cycles, reduce downtime, and

improve overall productivity in manufacturing processes.

•Energy Efficiency:

HVAC Systems: Understanding cooling rates helps in designing and optimizing heating,

ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Efficient cooling can reduce energy

consumption and operating costs.

Energy Storage: In renewable energy applications like solar thermal systems, efficient cooling

of heat transfer fluids improves energy storage and conversion efficiency

•Medical and Laboratory Applications

Laboratory Procedures: In laboratories, controlling cooling rates is critical for experiments

involving temperature-sensitive materials, such as biological samples or chemicals.

Medical Devices: Cooling liquids quickly and precisely is essential for medical equipment and

devices that require temperature control, such as MRI machines and cryogenic storage.
Heat transfer and fluid dynamics: fundamental and applications but smith,Jhon

Provides understanding on heat transfer

Investigating the cooling of water and ethanol by Robert’s, Mary Provides insights on

specific heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Hand book of thermal properties of

common liquids by chemical engineering institute.

Provides understanding on cooking rate variations.

Chat GPT to help summarize the long paragraphs to simpler shorty ones.

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