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F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 (ONO TTT 2079 Didaftarkan pada 52> F&N BEVERAGES MARKETING SDN BHD AND UNION OF BEVERAGE INDUSTRY WORKERS 11th COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 1 JUNE 2019 — 31 MAY 2022 FEN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 F&N BEVERAGES MARKETING SDN. BHD. & UNION OF BEVERAGE INDUSTRY WORKERS AGREEMENT (1% June 2019 May 2022) CONTENTS PARTI STATUTORY ARTICLE 7 _| Parties to the Agreement | 2 | Title 3 | Legislation 4 | Settlement 5 | Duration, Modification & Termination of Agreement PART Il EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS ARTICLE & _| Recognition of the Company 7 | Recognition of the Union “| 8 | Scope 9 | Discipline 70 | Grievance Procedure PART iil GENERAL ARTICLE 11 _| Probationary Period 12_| Working Hours 13 | Uniforms 14 | Festival Advance 15 | Aerated Water Entitlement and Festival Drinks 16 | Staff Purchase 17_| Transfer of Company Base 18 _| Parking Fees, Fines and License Fees 19. | Existing Benefits F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 PARTIV LEAVE ARTICLE 20 | Paid Public Holidays 24 _| Annual Leave if # 22 | Compassionate, Bereavement and Paternity Leave 23° (| Mater Leave 24 | Matrimonial Leave i 25 | Paid Study Leave 26 | Tournament Leave 27 | Industrial Accident Leave Pa 28 | Unpaid/Paid Leave 29° | Off Day/After Picnic/Annual Dinner PARTV MEDICAL BENEFITS & INSURANCE SCHEME ARTICLE 30 | Medical & Hospitalisation Benefits 31 | Medical Leave Hy 32 | Non-Medical Leave Incentive a 33 _| Prolonged Illness 34__| PATAIMAPTS Group Insurance Scheme 35 | Group Term Life and Accident Coverage 36 | Disablement & Alternative Employment PART Vi ALLOWANCE, BONUS & WAGES ARTICLE 37 | Overtime 3B | Work ona Rest Day 39° | Work on a Public Holiday 40 | Acting Allowance SHEE 41 ‘Shift Allowance 42 | Early Moming/Late Night Expenses 43 | Long Hours of Work Pee “44 |MealSubsidy 45 | Examination Fees 46 | Transfer Allowance 47 | Outstation Reimbursements 48 | Travel Expenses on Company's Business 49 | Mileage Reimbursement F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 50 | Annual Bonus 51 _| Annual increment 52 | Promotion 53_| Salary Structure and Wage Conversion PART Vil RETRENCHMENT COMPENSATION & SERVICE BENEFITS ARTICLE ‘64(A) | Employees Provident Fund 5A(B) | Retirement Benefit 'A{C) | Service Benefit 55 | Redundancy & Retrenchment Compensation i 56 | Retirement Benefits/Gratuity ‘APPENDICES ‘AppendixA | - | Salary Structure ‘Appendix B = | Grievance Form ‘Appendix C >| Parliculars of Relatives ‘AppendixD | - | Annual Performance Bonus Review Form FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 4 - PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT. This Agreement is made this 4st day of August 2019 between the UNION OF BEVERAGE INDUSTRY WORKERS being a Trade Union of employees registered pursuant to the Trade Unions Act 1959 (hereinafter referred to as the “Union’) on the one part and F&N BEVERAGES MARKETING SDN. BHD. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company’) on the other part, wherein it is agreed that the terms and conditions of employment shall be observed by the Union and the employees of the Company on the one part and the Company on the other part as specified in this Agreement. Now it is hereby agreed and declared between the parties heretofore as f Se _ fh Signed for the Company Date Date FRN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 2 - TITLE This Agreement shall be known as the F&N BEVERAGES MARKETING SDN. BHD. / UNION OF BEVERAGE INDUSTRY WORKERS AGREEMENT 2019 (hereinafter referred to as “The Agreement’) aa Union Signed for the Company Date Date FRN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 3 - LEGISLATION a) _ If any new legislation is introduced which is related either in whole or to any of the benefits contained in this Agreement and if the benefits contained in this Agreement are more favorable, they will continue to apply provided it is so permitied by the legistation. b) When legislation provides for more favorable terms than those contained in this Agreement, the provisions of such legislation would automatically apply. eee IERETTOT TRE Union Signed for the Company Date Date FRIN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 4 - SETTLEMENT a) This Agreement shall supersede all previous Agreements on terms and conditions of employment of all existing employees of the Company, who are defined as falling within the Scope of this Agreement, in so far as matters covered by this Agreement are concerned. b) The benefits accruing from the conclusion of this Agreement shall apply to all confirmed employees provided that an employee who is deceased, retired or has been medically boarded out or retrenched before such date shall not be affected by the arrangement. c) _Inthis Agreement, unless the context requires, words importing the masculine gender include female and words in the singular include the plural. d) Any dispute relating to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement, if cannot be settled by negotiation between the Company and the Union shall be referred to the Industrial Court for a deci Date Date F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 5 - DURATION, MODIFICATION & TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT a) This Agreement shall take effect from 01 June 2019 and shall remain in force for a period of three (3) years expiring on 31 May 2022 provided that the Agreement shall continue to be in force thereafter until and unless superseded by a new Collective Agreement. b) __The provisions of this Agreement have been accepted by the employees and the Union in full settlement of claims submitted either by the employee directly or through the Union to the Company regarding the general terms and conditions of employment. c) During the currency of this Agreement neither the Company nor the employees shall seek to vary any of its terms nor shall any demands or claims be made on new terms and conditions of employment save by mutual agreement, by operation of law or as provided herein and provided that such variation shall take effect and be binding on parties only after being given cognizance by the Industrial Court. d) Any variation to the terms of this Agreement shall be jointly deposited by both parties with the Industrial Court for its cognizance within one month from the date of the agreement of the said variation. e) Either party may serve on the other three months’ written notice to negotiate on new terms and conditions of employment or other related matters, but no such notice shall be served earlier than 01 March 2022. The party that serves the notice shall also submit proposals on terms and conditions of employment for negotiation. In the event of a deadiock in such negotiation the provision of the current terms and conditions of employment shall prevail until superseded by new terms concluded between the parlies or awarded by the Industrial Court. f) This Agreement may be terminated by either party giving three (3) months written notice but such notice shall not be served before 01 March 2022 "Signe ‘Union Signed for the Company Date Date FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 6 - RECOGNITION OF THE COMPANY, The Union recognizes the right of the Company to operate and manage its business in all respects and assures the Company that all its members agree to loyally cooperate with the ‘Company in working for the advancement of the Company's business. = a SS inion. Signed for the Company Date Date F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 7 - RECOGNITION OF THE UNION a) b) d) f) Te Date The Company recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining body in respect of and on behalf of employees employed by the Company in Peninsular Malaysia. In the event that a new category of employee is employed by the Company and not covered under Appendix A (Salary Structure) to this Agreement, the Union and the Company shall enter into negotiation without delay, provided that such category of employees are eligible for membership thereof and who, by mutual agreement between the Company and the Union, fall within the Scope of this Agreement. The Company undertakes that it shall not do anything to restrain an employee covered by this Agreement from joining the Union and also not to give better terms of service to such employees who are not Union members than are provided in this Agreement. The Company agrees to the continuation of check-off by remitting to the Union monthly subscription deducted from Union members who have authorized the Company in writing to do so in accordance with existing procedures. After this Agreement has been signed, all employees covered by this Agreement shall be informed in writing that their terms and conditions of employment are in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and a copy of such letter shall be extended to the Union. The Company undertakes after this Agreement has been signed, to print copies of this Agreement in booklet form and supply one copy to each member of the employee covered by the Scope of this Agreement. US rE Union Signed for the Company Date FN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 8 - SCOPE This Agreement shall cover all confirmed employees of the Company in Peninsular Malaysia respect of whom representation by the Union has been fully recognized by the Company with the exception of categories of employees as specified in Section 9(1) of the Industrial Relations Act 1967, viz: a) Managerial capacity b) Executive capacity c) Confidential capacity d) Security capacity _ So TEETTOF THE Union Signed for the Company Date Date F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 9 - DISCIPLINE a) Inthe event that a serious misconduct or breach of discipline occurs, the Company may, after due inquiry, either: - i) Give a written warning to the employee; or il) Suspend the employee without pay for a period not exceeding one week; or il) Notwithstanding Article 60 - Annual Bonus, forfeit up to two weeks bonus or iv) Downgrade the employee or withhold his increment not exceeding six months (in the case of withholding increment, the increment shall be restored without arrears of pay); or v) Dismiss an employee without notice on grounds of misconduct inconsistent with the fulfilment of the expressed or implied conditions of his service. b) Where the Company institutes an Inquiry, the employee concerned may either be represented on his own behalf or through the Union officials. ) For purpose of an inquiry, the Company may suspend an employee from work for a period not exceeding two (2) weeks during which period he shall be paid half-basic wages only. The duration of suspension will be decided by the Human Capital Manager. Provided that if the inquiry does not disclose any misconduct on the part of the employee, the Company will restore the full amount of wages so withheld. d) During any period of suspension for the purpose of inquiry, the employee may be notified in writing to report at his normal place of work on such days and at such times during working hours as may be required to enable the Company to carry out its investigation. e) Where the Company gives an employee a written warning a copy of such warning shall be extended to the Union. f) For the purpose of Article 9, a week is deemed to be seven (7) calendar days including Saturday and Sunday. See m re Union Signed for the Company Date Date F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 10 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE a) b) Date Recognizing the value and importance of full discussion in clearing up misunderstanding and preserving harmonious relations, every possible effort shall be made by both the Company and the Union to dispose off any suggestions, enquiries ‘or complaints from employees at the lowest possible level. ‘The Grievance Procedure shall be as follows:- i) An employee alleging that he has a grievance or complaint must immediately lodge it with his immediate superior/supervisor. ii) If the matter is not settled within four (4) working days following representation made under (b)(i) above, the employee concerned shall, accompanied by at least two (2) members of the Union Office Committee take the matter up with the Company at the location level Should the matter remain unsettled, the Union will hold discussions with the Company at Branch/Headquarters level. iv) If the Union is not satisfied with the decision of the Company the matter may be referred to the Ministry of Human Resource for conciliation, mediation or arbitration. Any staff alleging that he has a grievance shall lodge his grievance in the prescribed form in triplicate as per Appendix B. ae 1 Union Signed for the Company Date 10 FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 11 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD a) b) °) )) e) Date All newly engaged employees shall serve a probation of three (3) months, during which period either the Company or the newly engaged employee may terminate the Contract of Service by giving one (1) day's notice and without assigning any reason. All newly engaged employees after three months on probation, shall be advised in writing by the Company whether they have been accepted for regular employment, No newly engaged employees shall be accepted for regular employment unless he has been passed as medically and physically fit by the Company doctor and has satisfied the Company that he is up to the required standard concerning ability and willingness. to perform his work and to attend work regularly and punctually and to conduct himself in an appropriate manner. Probationers shall not be paid less than the minimum of the appropriate Grade of the Salary Scale applicable to the employee concemed as per Appendix A of this Agreement. Copies of letters of confirmation will be sent to the General Secretary of the Union. Employees who successfully complete their probationary period shall be informed in writing within fourteen (14) consecutive days from the date of confirmation, and the employment thereafter shall be terminated by either party giving the other one (1) months’ notice. ee fr Signed for the Company Date u FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 12 - WORKING HOURS a) ) Date The normal working hours per week shall be as follows:- i) iit) Notwithstanding Clause (a) above, the Company may subject to its operational requirements and in accordance with the Employment Act 1955, change the working hours from time to time. Any such change effected shall be communicated to the Union with one (1) month notice wherever possible and subsequently to the employees vide Office/Clerical staff/Peon - 40 hours Non-Shift Work Mon ~ Fri: 8.30am — 5.30pm (1 hour non-paid lunch) Shift Work 4* Shift Mon — Fri : 7.00am — 2.00pm Saturday : 7.00am — 12.00pm (30 minutes paid lunch & 15 minutes paid tea break) 2 Shift Mon ~ Fri: 2.00pm ~ 9.00pm Saturday : 12.00pm — 5.00pm (30 minutes paid lunch & 15 minutes paid tea break) Sales/Marketing staff = 44hours Mon — Fri: 8.00am — 5.00pm Saturday : 8.00am ~ 12.00pm (1 hour non-paid lunch) Manual Worker = 44hours Mon — Fri : 8.00am 5.00pm Saturday : 8.00am - 12,00pm (1 hour non-paid lunch) the Company's notice board. All Muslim male employees who are on normal working hours will be granted one (1) hour (12.30pm — 2.30pm) including lunch break time-off to perform Friday Prayers. aa nis. ‘Signed for the Company Date F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 13 - UNIFORMS a) The Company shall continue to issue uniforms to employees covered under the Scope of this Collective Agreement as follows : - i) Sales category * Four (4) sets of uniforms per annum per employee. Each set consists of a pair of trousers and shirt " Three (3) sets of collared T-shirts per annum per employee except for Salesman and Merchandisers who shall be entitled to two (2) T-shirt only. i) Manual category (as per Appendix A) "Four (4) sets of uniforms per annum per employee. Each set consists of a pair of trousers and shirt. Three (3) sets of T-shirts per annum per employee. iil) Office / Clerical staff (as per Appendix A) "Four (4) sets of uniforms per annum per employee. Each set consists of a pair of trousers and shirt. "Three (3) sets of T-shirts per annum per employee. The issuance of such uniforms shall be by the month of June of each year. b) All employees provided with uniforms shall wear such uniforms at all times during working hours. c) The definition of uniforms does not include shoes. The Company shall also continue its existing practice of issuing such protective gear as hand gloves and waterproof footwear to employees for whom the Company considers it as necessary. d) _List of staff to be given safety shoes on first appointment. i) Salesman Lorry Attendance / Helper Merchandiser / Event Worker iv) Warehouse Clerk / Warehouse Worker v) Forklift Driver vi) Driver vil) Technician e) Peon shall be given a pair of shoe appropriate for the job. f) The Company shall continue to provide eligible employees [as per Clause (d) and (e) above] safety shoes / shoes on a replacement basis due to wear and tear. pee Signed for the Union Signed for the Company Date Date 3 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 14 - FESTIVAL ADVANCE a) The Company agrees to continue the existing practice of granting an annual Festival Advance of up to two (2) weeks basic salary to every employee who is confirmed in the service of the Company provided that no employee shall receive more than one such advance in any calendar year. The Festival Advance shall be for any one of the following festivals: i) Hari Raya Puasa il) Chinese New Year ili) Deepavali iv) Christmas b) The Festival Advance as stated in Clause (a) above, shall be repaid in five (5) installments within five (5) months, with the first installment commencing from the month following that in which the advance was taken. c) The Company at its sole discretion further agrees to continue to give sympathetic consideration to an employee's request for an advance in case of an emergency based on the merits of the case. ee IF Union Signed for the Company Date Date 14 FRN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 45 - AERATED WATER ENTITLEMENT AND FESTIVAL DRINKS a) The Company shalll issue each employee who falls within the Scope of this Agreement, ‘one (1) carton of beverage free each month. The flavour shall be subject to availability of stock at the material time. b) The canned soft drinks must be self-collected. The Company will fix the days in a month and the period when drinks may be self-collected, ©) The said entitlement must be exhausted in the current month and cannot be carried- forward to the following month. The entitlement cannot be converted into cash. d) The Company shall issue to each employee who falls within the Scope of Agreement fifteen (15) cartons of beverages and 6 bottles of 2 litre cordials free on the occasion of his religious festival, as follows i) Hari Raya Puasa ) Chinese New Year iil) — Deepavali iv) Christmas * No employee shall receive this benefit more than once a year. ©) Employees are strictly prohibited from selling the Company's products given to them as aerated water entitlement or festival drink —~Sa rm Union Signed for the Company Date Date FEN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 16 - STAFF PURCHASE The Company agrees to continue its existing practice of granting special staff purchase that is lower than the distributor price for the purchase of Company's products. ea iF Signed for the Company Date Date 16 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 17 - TRANSFER OF COMPANY BASE The Company and the Union shall enter into discussion in the event of the Company's decision to remove its premises from one locality to another beyond a thirty-five (35) kilometer radius. Such discussion shall be held with two (2) months notice wherever possible. The question of compensation will then be subject to negotiation between the Company and the Union. ee i inion’ Signed for the Company Date Date FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 18 - PARKING FEES, FINES AND LICENCE FEES a) The Company agrees to pay the parking fees incurred by employees in the course of pursuing the Company's business. b) Should an employee incur a fine as a result of a parking offence in the course of pursuing the Company's business, AND parking space / lots / facilities is not available due to the nature of the delivery point, the Company agrees to reimburse 100% of the fine. ©) Where an employee is required to drive a Company's or his own vehicle in the course of pursuing the Company's business, the Company shall reimburse annually his commercial ‘C’ license and his driving license fees. eet mReTrarmetnion Signed for the Company Date Date 18 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 19 - EXISTING BENEFITS a) Date The Company agrees to continue its existing benefits and practices not covered by this, ‘Agreement as follows : - ‘Ang Pow (All employees who fall within the Scope of this Agreement) Annual Picnic / Annual Dinner Long Service Awards (6 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 25 years, 30 years, 35 years & 40 years) iv) _ Refreshments - two (2) 500ml drinks of whatever flavour, which shall be based at the entire discretion of the Company, for those employees who are working outdoors daily. Employees who fall within the definition of ‘working outdoors daily’ are 4) Salesman 2) Lorry Attendant / Helper 3) Merchandiser / Event Worker 4) Driver 5) Technician 6) Peon v) _Time-Off for Union Business vi) House Purchase Financial Aid vii) Funeral Expenses (RM4,000.00 on the employee's death) vii) Half-day off on the eve of the employee's respective festive day. This shall be granted for one festival per employee only. The Company agrees to continue providing other existing benefits which are currently provided although not covered by the provision of this Agreement. ae inion’ Signed for the Company Date 9 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 20 - PAID PUBLIC HOLIDAYS @) In accordance with existing practice, the Company shall grant to its employees eighteen (18) paid public holidays per year as gazetted by the Federal Government and/or the Government of the State in which the employees are based, b) _Inthe event that the Federal Government and/or the State Government in which the employees are based declares a special public holiday in the course of the year which is above the normal eighteen (18) public holidays observed by the Company, the existing practice of declaring such day a paid holiday shall continue. c) __In the event that any of the above paid holiday falls on a rest day, the working day immediately following the rest day shall be a paid holiday in substitution thereof. d) Inthe event that an employee is absent on the day immediately preceding or the day immediately succeeding a paid holiday without the prior consent of the Company or without reasonable excuse, he shall not be entitled to any holiday pay for that holiday. VSS 1¢ Union Signed for the Company Date Date 20 FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 21 - ANNUAL LEAVE a) ») a) e) 9) h) Upon confirmation with the Company, an employee shall be entitled to paid annual leave as follows :~ i) Above 1 year up to 3 years service ~ 14 working days; il) Above 3 years up to 5 years service - 17 working days; ill) Above 5 years up to 10 years service - 22. working days; iv) Above 10 years up to 18 years service - 26 working days; v) Above 18 years service = 28 working days; For the purpose of calculating annual leave, Saturday shall be deemed to be a full working day. ‘Annual leave shall be in addition to the rest days, sick leave, maternity leave and gazetted public holidays. Where an employee, who is on paid annual leave becomes entitled to sick leave or matemity leave whilst on such annual leave, the employee shall be granted the sick leave or maternity leave, as the case may be, and the annual leave shall be deemed to have not been taken in respect of the days for which sick leave or maternity leave is so granted. Medical expenses arising out of illness while an employee is on annual leave shall be borne by the Company, subject to the provisions of Article 30 on Medical Benefits. Annual leave shall, except with the expressed permission of the Company, be taken in accordance with an annual leave roster to be drawn up at the beginning of each calendar year. The wishes of each employee as to the time annual leave shall be taken will be given due consideration, provided that the granting of such leave does not disrupt the efficient operation of the company's business. Under no circumstances shall pay in lieu of annual leave be given except in cases of resignation, retirement or retrenchment where annual leave not taken shall be paid and shall be calculated on a proportionate basis for the year in which the employee leaves the Company, subject to Section 60(E) of the Employment Act 1955. Annual leave may only be accumulated with the prior approval of the Company and in the event that the accumulation is approved, the minimum number of working days as required by law must be taken each year and only the balance of the annual leave entitlement shall be accumulated Provided that annual leave may only be accumulated for a period not exceeding three years and shall be taken in full in the year immediately following the accumulation period, failing which it shall be forfeited. a Signed for the Union Signed for the Company Date Date FRN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 22 - COMPASSIONATE, BEREAVEMENT AND PATERNITY LEAVE a) The Company shall continue its practice of granting paid compassionate leave of up to three (3) working days per occasion in the event of serious illness of husband or wife, child, parent (or step-parent), parent-in-law, grand parent, brother or sister, son- in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grand children. Serious illness is defined as illness that requires hospitalization. b) _ Inthe event of the death of husband or wife, child, parent (or step-parent), parent-in- law, grandparent, brother, sister, brother-in-law and sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter- in-law, grand children, the granting of paid compassionate leave shall be as follows :- ’) Within the State (Selangor / Putrajaya/ Cyberjaya / Kuala Lumpur) - three (3) working days per occasion Out of the State ~ four (4) working days per occasion ©) The Company shall grant three (3) working days paid leave to an employee on the occasion of his wife giving birth for the first five (5) surviving children only. Provided that the aggregate number of days paid compassionate leave as per Clause (a), (b) and (c) shall not exceed twelve (12) working days per calendar year, AND prior consent of the Company is obtained before proceeding on such leave. (Note: Application for compassionate, bereavement and paternity leave must be supported by documentary evidence). d) Notwithstanding the above, in the event of an employee being affected as a result of natural calamity, the Company will continue to give sympathetic consideration to the granting of compassionate paid leave depending on the circumstances of each case. ) For administrative convenience, every employee shall submit to the Company the names and particulars of relatives as stipulated in Clause (a), (b) and (c) ofthis Article in the prescribed form in Appendix C. The employee is responsible to inform the Company of any subsequent changes to the particulars. a a var Union Signed for the Company Date Date F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 23 - MATERNITY LEAVE a) b) d) ) 9) h) Date Maternity leave will be extended to female employees of the Company in accordance with Part IX of the Employment Act 1955 (as amended), Every female employee shall be granted two months maternity leave with full pay limited to the first five (5) surviving children. One month of the matenity leave shall be taken before confinement and one month after confinement. As per the provision of sub clause (b), the maximum period of 2 months maternity leave shall be granted to a female employee regardless of whether it is a case of early confinement or delayed confinement. In other words if confinement is earlier than expected date of confinement after the 22° week of pregnancy, the employee shall be permitted to extend her post - confinement leave to an aggregate of 2 months, likewise, if confinement is delayed, the maternity leave taken is excess of 2 months aggregate shall be refunded to the Company (i.e. offset against outstanding annual leave, if any, or treated as unpaid leave). Application for maternity leave must be supported by a certificate from a registered medical practitioner and must be submitted not less than one month prior to the date on which it is desired that maternity leave shall commence. Leave on account of miscarriage or medical leave due to illness during the first twenty = two weeks of pregnancy shall not be considered as maternity leave but as normal sick leave. Payment for the first part of matemity leave shall be made within seven days of receipt of notification of confinement from the employee. Payment for the second part of leave shall be made not less than seven days prior to the expiry of the 'y leave or on normal pay days whichever is earlier. Payment may at the option of the employee concemed be made to a representative authorized in writing by the employee to receive such payment and the signed receipt from such representative shall be deemed to be valid receipt of the employee concerned. ‘An employee who fails to resume duty upon expiry of the maternity leave, without notification and recommendation from a registered medical practitioner shall be assumed to have terminated her employment without notice. The Company will not bear any costs relating to pregnancy, confinement and childbirth of its female employees. Sa i Signed for the Company Date FIN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 24 - MATRIMONIAL LEAVE The Company shall grant each employee paid matrimonial leave of five (5) working days on the occasion of the employee's first marriage only. Subsequent marriage shall not be considered. The employee must inform the Company beforehand and furnish proof of intent of marriage. See I fnion Signed for the Company Date Date 4 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 25 ~ PAID STUDY LEAVE a) b) aT Date The Company shall continue its practice of granting its employees paid leave to attend Trade Union courses approved by the Ministry of Human Resource provided the granting of such leave does not disrupt the efficient operation of the Company. The Company also agrees to grant paid examination leave to an employee who has registered for an examination which has been duly approved by the Company as being of benefit and relevance to the employee in his present work or future assignments within the Company. Such paid leave shall be confined only to the days in which the ‘employee actually sits for the examination as scheduled by the examination timetable. a FRE Union Signed for the Company Date 25 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 26 - TOURNAMENT LEAVE a) Where an employee has been selected to represent the State or Nation in a sports tournament, the Company agrees to grant paid leave for the duration of the tournament. b) _ Forany related periods of centralized training, a maximum period of up to fourteen (14) calendar days paid leave per calendar year will be granted. ) The granting of such leave shall be subject to:- i) The production of satisfactory proof of selection. ii) Early notification of such request of not less than two (2) weeks in order to enable the Company to arrange for relief Va non Signed for the Company Date Date 26 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 27 - INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT LEAVE In the case of any industrial accident, the employee will be given full pay during the period of industrial accident leave. In the case of any temporary disablement, the Company shall be entitled to recover from the employee any temporary disablement benefits awarded by the social security organization (SOCSO). Vee Union| Signed for the Company Date Date 27 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 28 - UNPAID LEAVE / PAID LEAVE a) Unpaid Leave : - i) Inthe event that an employee requires to travel overseas for medical treatment or further studies or on a religious pilgrimage, the Company will grant unpaid leave of up to three (3) months per calendar year. ii) The employee shall notify the Company of his intentions as early as possible and furnish documentary proof. b) Paid Leave i) In the event that a Muslim employee wishes to perform religious pilgrimage (Haj only), the Company shall grant forty-five (45) calendar days paid leave. The paid leave for such purpose shall include rest days and public holidays. ii) Paid leave as per Clause (i) above, shall be granted only once in the life time of the employee's employment with the Company. Vo Signed for the Company Date 28 SS SSS ee ere ee ease ereas FN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 29 - OFF DAY AFTER PICNIC / ANNUAL DINNER a) b) Date The Company shall grant its employees a rest day immediately following the Company's annual picnic/annual dinner. Payment for work done on the day after picnic/annual dinner shall be at the same rate as payment for work done on a rest day. Employees, who do not attend the Annual Picnic / Annual Dinner without reasonable excuse, shall not be entitled to the rest day as in clause (a) above and shall have their Annual Leave deducted accordingly. In the case of non-availability of Annual Leave, the Company shall deduct one day Advance Leave. a — ‘Union Signed for the Company Date 29 FEN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 30 - MEDICAL AND HOSPITALISATION BENEFITS a) Every employee shall be entitled to free medical attention and treatment by a Company appointed medical practitioner together with free medication prescribed by him or in the case of an emergency, from any Government Medical Officer or Registered Medical Practitioner as sanctioned by the Company. b) Provided it is certified as necessary by the Company appointed medical practitioner, ‘every employee shall be granted free 1* class hospital accommodation in a government or private hospital as indicated in Company insurance policy where necessary, the Company shall pay for the X-ray, specialists’ and operation fees. The total liability of the Company in respect of hospitalization and ward charges, X-ray, specialists and operation fees is Ringgit Malaysia Twelve Thousand Only (RM12,000.00) per calendar year per employee. ©) The Company will reimburse the employee for dental treatment up to a maximum of Ringgit Malaysia Three Hundred Only (RM300.00) per calendar year, provided that the Company shall not bear the cost of any goid filing of tooth, scaling, dentures, dental equipment or dental care for beautification purposes. d) The Company shall not be liable to pay for the cost of the following :~ i) Medical, surgical or other appliances, including spectacles and glasses; ii) Any expenses in respect of pregnancy, confinement or miscarriage; iii) Any expenses for treatment of mental cases which have been certified by a Government Doctor specializing in mental cases; iv) Any expenses incurred in respect of illness, injury or disablement arising from any proven participation in or attending any hazardous sport or self-inflicted injury, pursuit or past-time, attempted suicide, the performance of any unlawful ‘act, exposure to any unjustifiable hazards except when endeavoring to save human life, provoked assault, the use of drugs not medically prescribed, illegal abortifacient measures, excessive use of alcohol, or any breach of the peace or disorderly conduct. €) _ Inthe event that first-class hospitalization is provided free of charge by the Government or any national health or social scheme, the Company shall withdraw the above- mentioned benefit in consultation with the Union. f) Provided that the Company's liability for such medical expenses is subject to the maximum liability as provided for in Clause (b) and (c) above. Saas ‘ution Signed for the Company Date Date 30 FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 31 - MEDICAL LEAVE a) Anemployee after examination at the expense of the Company by a registered medical Practitioner duly appointed by the Company or, if no such medical practitioner is appointed or, if having regard to the nature or circumstances of the illness the services of the medical practitioner so appointed is not obtainable within a reasonable time or distance, by any other registered medical practitioner or by a medical officer or dental surgeon, shall be entitled to paid sick leave i) Where no hospitalization is_ necessary, an aggregate of twenty-eight (28) working days per calendar year. il) Where hospitalization is necessary, an addition of sixty (80) calendar days per calendar year, over and above sub-clause (i) above. ili) If an employee is certified by a Government medical officer or the Company's panel doctor to be ill enough to be hospitalized but is not hospitalized for any reason whatsoever (or is discharged following hospitalization for recuperation from the same illness), he shall be deemed to be hospitalized for the purpose of this Article. b) An employee who absents himself on sick leave i) which is not certified by a registered medical practitioner or medical officer; or li) ich is certified by such registered medical practitioner or medical officer but without informing or attempting to inform the Company of such sick leave within forty-eight (48) hours of the commencement thereof, Company and without reasonable excuse for the days on which he is so absent from work. ©) An employee who consults the Company appointed medical practitioner or any registered medical practitioner and is not granted medical leave, shall report for duty as soon as possible after the completion of the medical examination. a nian Signed for the Company Date Date 31 I shall be deemed to have absented himself from work without the permission of the RN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 32 - NON-MEDICAL LEAVE INCENTIVE In accordance with existing practice, where an employee has not taken medical leave in excess of four (4) working days during a full twelve (12) months period ending 30 November each year, he shall be eligible for nine (9) working days basic wage (calculated on the basis of one calendar week plus three (3) days in addition to his annual bonus entitlement for the year ending 31 December of each year. For any number of days of medical leave taken exceeding the aggregate of four (4) working days during the twelve (12) months period in question, proportionate deductions (calculated on the rate per day) commencing from the sixth day of such medical leave being taken, shall be made from the stipulated quantum of nine (9) working days basic wage, and the employee shall be paid the balance, if any. The detailed illustration is as follows :- Medical Leave (days) Incentive 0 9 days of basic wage 1 9 days of basic wage 2. 9 days of basic wage 3 9 days of basic wage 4 ‘9 days of basic wage 5 8 days of basic wage 6 T days of basic wage z 6 days of basic wage 8 5 days of basic wage 9 4 days of basic wage 10 3 days of basic wage 4 2 days of basic wage 42 4 day of basic wage 13 0 day of basic wage Se Unior Signed for the Company Date Date 32 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 33 - PROLONGED ILLNESS a) Onthe recommendation of the Company appointed medical practitioner, the Company shall grant employees who contract tuberculosis or who suffer from cancer, leukemia, paralysis or other illness of a prolonged nature, up to six (6) months full-pay leave, six (6) months half-pay leave and if further considered necessary, up to six (6) months unpaid leave, provided such cases do not involve medical boarding out. b) The Company shall also grant an employee on long medical leave due to road accident, a maximum of one (1) month on half- pay. c) An employee shall not be eligible for the above benefit under the following circumstances: i) Pregnancy, confinement or miscarriage; ji) Mental cases which have been certified by a Government doctor specializing in mental cases; iil) Any illness, injury or disablement arising from any proven participation in or attending any hazardous sport, pursuit or past-time, attempted suicide or self- inflicted injury, the performance of any unlawful act, exposure to any unjustifiable hazards except when endeavoring to save human life, provoked assault, the use of drugs not medically prescribed, illegal abortifacient measures, excessive use of alcohol, or any breach of the peace or disorderly conduct. d) The Company will consider each individual case as it arises but reserves the right to decide whether:- i) to provide extra paid medical leave for the employee beyond the stipulated in the above clause ; OR ii) to provide extra partially paid or unpaid medical leave; OR iil) to terminate the employee's services with a medical board out. <= mr Tnion Signed for the Company Date Date 33 F&IN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 34 - PATA/MAPTB GROUP INSURANCE SCHEME Employees of the Company shall be insured under the PATA/MAPTB Group Insurance Scheme. Expenses relating to the Scheme shall be borne by the Company. Should an employee fail to undergo necessary X-rays or carry out medical treatment as prescribed by medical officer of PATA/MAPTB and he contract tuberculosis, he shall forfeit the benefits provided under the said Scheme. = fe Signed for the Company Date Date a4 i FRN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 35 - GROUP TERM LIFE AND ACCIDENT COVERAGE a) b) °) dq) e) 9) Date Employees falling within the scope of this Agreement would be insured on a 24-hour world wide basis for death, permanent and total disability and accident. The quantum of compensation for death, permanent and total disability is for an amount not exceeding RM40,000.00 (Group Term Life Insurance Scheme). The quantum of compensation for death or total disablement due to at lent for an amount not exceeding RM60,000.00 (Group Personal Accident) which shall be subject to the terms and conditions as imposed by the policy. In the event of accidental death, the employee will be entitled to both the Group Term Life Insurance Scheme and Group Personal Accident Scheme for an amount not exceeding RM100,000.00. The assurance provided to a staff shall be subject to the conditions of the policy and shall be terminated for reasons including but not limited to the following :- i) Termination of active employment with the Company; ii) Fulltime enlistment into the military, naval, air or police service; ili) 60" birthday of the staff if he continues to be in the employment of the Company. For the purposes of this collective agreement, the scheme shall take effect as soon as. the agreement has been reached with the insurers, The Company undertakes to take not too long a period in reaching an agreement with the insurers. Employees would be required to submit their nomination of Beneficiary form to the Human Capital Manager when the policy is instituted. weet fe Union Signed for the Company Date 35 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 36 - DISABLEMENT & ALTERNATIVE EMPLOYMENT a) The Company will endeavor to provide alternative employment for an employee who suffers disability due to sickness or accident but this must naturally depend on the nature of disability. b) Where an alternative employment is offered, and the employee's present salary is above the maximum of the new post, he will maintain his old salary on a personai-to- holder basis. This salary will be the maximum in his case. Vee Union’ Signed for the Company Date Date 36 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 37 - OVERTIME a) °) dq) e) f) Date Overtime work is work performed outside normal working hours at the request of the Company and with the consent of the employee, but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The employee shall be paid at one and half (1%) times his normal hourly rate of pay. Overtime worked will be calculated in units of half-hourly periods as follows:- i) Iles than a 15-minute interval, rounded downwards to the nearest half hour; li) If more than a 15-minute interval, rounded upwards to the nearest half-hour. In the event that an employee has gone home after completing his normal day's work and is subsequently requested to return to the plant due to some unforeseen breakdown/emergency, he will be paid a minimum period of four (4) hours overtime and will be reimbursed taxi fare. This clause does not apply in cases where an ‘employee is requested to work some overtime before or after his normal hours of work The normal hourly rate for each employee shall be calculated as follows:- Wages x 12 months = Rate per hour 52 weeks x working hours per week The provisions of this Article shall not apply to those employees who are covered by sales commission/incentive scheme. “Wages” shall be defined as per Section 2 (1) of the Employment Act 1955, as amended. VS Gnion Signed for the Company Date ” FN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 38 - WORK ON A REST DAY a) Where an employee is required by the Company to work on a rest day, he shall be paid as follows:- i) For any period of work carried out which does not exceed half (1/2) of his normal hours of work, an employee shall be paid a full day's wage; ii) For any period of work carried out which exceeds four (4) hours to eight (8) hours of work, he shall be paid at double the rate per hour calculated in units of half (1/2) hourly periods rounded up to the nearest half (1/2) hour; For any period of work carried out which exceeds eight (8) hours, he shall be paid two and a half (2 1/2) times the rates per hour calculated in units of half (1/2) hourly periods rounded up to the nearest half (1/2) hour. b) The normal hourly rate for each employee shall be calculated as follows:~ Wages x 12 months 52 weeks x working hours per week Rate per hour ©) Notwithstanding Clause (a) and (b) above, any employee who has entered into a commission or incentive scheme with the Company and who at the request of the Company works on a rest day shall not be paid as per Clause (a) above but shall be paid as follows:- 1) __Attwice his rate of pay per hour subject to a minimum payment of four (4) hours work and to a maximum payment of eight (8) hours work, irrespective of the number of hours he actually works. d) “Wages” shall be defined as per Section 2 (1) of the Employment Act 1955, as amended. rion Signed for the Company Date Date 38 FRN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 39 - WORK ON A PUBLIC HOLIDAY. a) Where an employee is required by the Company to work on a public holiday, he shall be paid as follows :~ i) For any period of work carried out which does not exceed eight (8) hours, he shall be paid two (2) days wages in addition to the holiday pay regardless of the number of hours worked; ii) Forany period of work carried out beyond eight (8) hours, he shall be paid three (3) times the ordinary rate per hour where a part of an hour is being calculated as one (1) hour for this purpose. b) The normal hourly rate for each employee shall be calculated as follows:- Wages x 12 months. = Rate per hour 52 weeks x working hours per week ¢) Notwithstanding Clause (a) and (b) above, any employee who has entered into a ‘commission or incentive scheme with the Company and who at the request of the Company works on a public holiday shall not be paid as per Clause (a) above but shall be paid as follows:- i) Two (2) day's wages in addition to the paid holiday regardless of the number of hours he actually works, d) “Wages” shall be defined as per Section 2(1) of the Employment Act 1955, as amended. Sea Signed for the Company Date 39 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 40 - ACTING ALLOWANCE a) In the event that the Company requires an employee of a lower grade to act for an employee of a higher grade, the former shall be paid an allowance of RM10.00 for each day that he is required to so act. b) _ In the event that the Company requires an employee of a lower grade to act for an employee of two higher grades, the former shall be paid an allowance of RM12.00 for each day that he is required to so act. c) Inthe event that the Company requires an employee to act for a Supervisor, he shall be paid an allowance of RM15.00 for each day that he is required to so act. d) Under no circumstances shall any of the above-mentioned allowances be payable on a pro-rata basis for any incomplete day's work ae ino Signed for the Company Date Date ap FN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 41 - SHIFT ALLOWANCE a) b) d) Date Every employee may be required to work on shift as and when determined by the Company. When an employee is required to work on shift he shall be eligible to receive a s! allowance in accordance with the respective rates laid down herein under with the understanding that the shift allowance as set out is intended as compensation for any inconvenience and /or additional cost incurred by reason of shift duty. The rates of shift allowance to be paid per full shift duty worked are as follows :- i) Moming (1 Shift) -~—-RM5.00 per day ii) Afternoon = (2 Shift) - RM7.00 per day ii) Night (3" Shift) = RM10.00 per day Employees working on 12 hours Shift will not be paid the 3-shift allowance but will be eligible for the following allowance :- i) 1" Shift : (7am- 7pm) : RM10.50 per day it) 2” Shift: (7pm - 7am) : RM15.50 per day Shift allowance will only be paid when an employee is actually engaged in shift work and he will not qualify for the allowance where he is on leave of any kind or is otherwise absent from work with or without permission. Nase “inion Signed for the Company Date 41 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 42 - EARLY MORNING/LATE NIGHT EXPENSES a) Any employee who is required by the Company to report for work at or before 5:30 a.m. / 6:30 a.m. or finishes work after 11:30 p.m. (with the exception of third shift employees), shall be paid the following special reimbursement rates per occasion for the inconvenience of transport, etc. i) ator before 5:30 a.m. - RM7.50 ii) ator before 6:30 a.m. - RM5.50 iii) after 11:30 p.m. - RM7.50 ar ion Signed for the Company Date Date 2 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 43 - LONG HOURS OF WORK In the event that an employee (clerical / store / warehouse / technician / cashier / peon) is required to work continuously for ten (10) hours or more in a day (exclusive of meal breaks) he shall be paid a meal reimbursement of RM10.00 per occasion. The above entitlement is only applicable to work or task performed within the Company premises. Vase Signed for the Company Date 4B FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 44 - MEAL SUBSIDY a) b) Date In accordance with the past practice of bursing employees a meal allowance if they are unable to return to their base of operation by 12.01 p.m., the following categories of employees will be paid a meal subsidy as follows :~ In the event that any of the following categ Salesman / Merchandiser / Event Worker} Lorry Helper } Driver }RM10.00 per occasion Technician } Peon } s of employees are unable to return to their base of operation by 6:30p.m., they will be reimbursed a meal allowance as follows i) Salesman / Merchandiser / Event Worker} ii) Lorry Helper } Retum Time after 6.30pm ili) Driver } RM7.00 iv) Technician } non Signed for the Company Date FAN Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 45 - EXAMINATION FEES a) The Company encourages its employees to further their education and will in approved cases, pay two-thirds (2/3) of the examination fee for the employee after the employee has sat for the examination. The employee must furnish the relevant receipts when claiming for the two-thirds (2/3) refund. b) However, before starting the course it is necessary that the employee obtain the written approval of the Human Capital Manager in the first instance, and when making the application he must be able to show that he has a plan of studies sufficient to pass the ‘examination. c) _Itis emphasized that each application will be considered on its merits and the payment of examination fees is solely at the discretion of the Company. All applications should be made through the Head of Department / Location Manager enclosing all relevant information regarding the course and the examination fees to be incurred. ls Jalon’ Signed for the Company Date Date 4s F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 46 - TRANSFER ALLOWANCE In the event that an employee is transferred by the Company to be based in another outstation location, the Company shall pay the employee concerned the following expenses: - a) b) °) a) e) TRANSPORT EXPENSES This reimbursement will be equivalent to not less than second class rail fare for the employee, his wife, his children and parents all of whom are dependent on and living with him. INITIAL VISIT EXPENSES To enable an employee to obtain suitable accommodation in his new piace of work he may visit such place for up to seven (7) days, and normal daily reimbursement as set ut in the Article 47 on Outstation Allowance and Reimbursement shall apply. DISTURBANCE ALLOWANCE The Company shall pay a Disturbance Allowance to the employee for the first three (3) months of the transfer as follows: - Single Married Married with children 1%month —_RM250.00 RM400.00 RM400.00 2” month —- RM250.00 RM400.00 RM400.00 3% month __RM250.00 RM400.00 RM400.00 RM750.00 RM1200.00 RM1200.00 Provided that where an employee is transferred from other locations to Kuala Lumpur, an additional of RM100.00 shall be payable for the first two (2) months. REMOVAL EXPENSES The Company will pay for reasonable cost of loading, freight and transportation for household goods and personal effects on production of relevant receipts/bills. The Company will also bear reasonable cost of packing such personal effects and insurance against fire, loss or breakages during transit on production of relevant receipts/bills. REPATRIATION TO HOME TOWN On the retirement of the transferred employee, the Company shall reimburse him with travelling expenses in accordance with the class of travel as outlined in the Clause (a) above for himself, his wife, children and parents all of whom are dependent on and living with him, to his home town or original place of employment whichever is closer to this duty station. The Company agrees to give one incremental adjustment to an employee in the event of his first transfer only. Provided that this shall not be deemed to apply to transfers from one place to another within 2 State and for the purpose of this Clause, the following shall be deemed to Signed for the Company Date 46 a FRI Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 i) Cyberjaya! Putrajaya / Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and the State of Selangor Penang and Province Wellesley at re Onion Signed for the Company Date Date 41 F&N Beverages Marketing Sdn. Bhd. & Union of Beverage Industry Workers Collective Agreement 2019 ARTICLE 47 - OUTSTATION ALLOWANCE AND REIMBURSEMENT a) b) When an employee is required to spend the night outside his base of operation on Company's business, the following allowance per day shall be paid :~ Breakfast RM10.00 Lunch RM15.00 Dinner RM20.00 Dhoby RM20.00 v) Accommodation allowance RM140.00 The above payments shall be made as follows :- Breakfast shall be paid from the second day of his outstation duty. Dhoby shall be paid for each night-spent outstation if the employee is away from his base of operation for at least two (2) successive nights. iii) Accommodation Allowance shall be payable for unreceipted claims, Sa ae Signed for the Company Date 48

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