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Assembly Program for 1-Second Delay

ORG 0H ; Start address

; Initialize Timer 0

MOV TMOD, #01H ; Set Timer 0 in Mode 1 (16-bit timer)

MOV TH0, #3CH ; Load high byte of Timer 0 (for 65536 - 3036 counts)

MOV TL0, #0B0H ; Load low byte of Timer 0 (for 65536 - 3036 counts)

SETB TR0 ; Start Timer 0

; Delay loop


CLR TF0 ; Clear Timer 0 overflow flag

JNB TF0, $ ; Wait until Timer 0 overflows

; Load Timer 0 with initial value for next overflow


MOV TL0, #0B0H

DJNZ R7, DELAY_LOOP ; Decrement R7 and repeat until R7 is zero

; Timer overflowed 16 times, 1 second delay achieved

; Reset R7 for next 1-second delay

MOV R7, #16

SJMP DELAY_LOOP ; Repeat the delay continuously



1. Initialize Timer 0:

o MOV TMOD, #01H: Set Timer 0 to Mode 1 (16-bit timer mode).

o MOV TH0, #3CH and MOV TL0, #0B0H: Load Timer 0 registers with initial values. The
value 3036 (0B03CH in hex) is calculated as 65536 - 3036 = 62500 counts to achieve
1-second delay using 16 overflows.

2. Start Timer 0:

o SETB TR0: Start Timer 0.

3. Delay Loop:

o DELAY_LOOP: Label for the delay loop.

o CLR TF0: Clear Timer 0 overflow flag.

o JNB TF0, $: Wait until Timer 0 overflows ($ indicates current address, creating a short
wait loop).

4. Reload Timer 0:

o Reload Timer 0 with the initial value for the next overflow.

o DJNZ R7, DELAY_LOOP: Decrement R7 (initialized to 16) and repeat the loop until R7
reaches zero, indicating 16 overflows (approximately 1 second).

5. Repeat:

o MOV R7, #16: Reset R7 for the next 1-second delay.

o SJMP DELAY_LOOP: Jump back to the beginning of the delay loop to create a
continuous delay.

This program will generate a continuous 1-second delay using Timer 0 on the 8051 microcontroller.
Adjustments may be needed for different clock frequencies or specific timing requirements.

Write an assembly language program to count display 0-9 on Seven Segment Display with one
second delay for microntroller 8051



To display numbers 0-9 on a seven-segment display with a one-second delay using an 8051
microcontroller, we need to:

1. Set up the seven-segment display: Connect the seven-segment display to Port 1 (P1).

2. Initialize Timer 0: Configure Timer 0 to generate a one-second delay.

3. Create a loop to display the numbers 0-9: Iterate through the numbers and display each one
on the seven-segment display with a one-second delay.
Seven-Segment Display Mapping

Assume a common anode seven-segment display where 0-9 are represented as follows (binary for

 0: 0xC0 (1100 0000)

 1: 0xF9 (1111 1001)

 2: 0xA4 (1010 0100)

 3: 0xB0 (1011 0000)

 4: 0x99 (1001 1001)

 5: 0x92 (1001 0010)

 6: 0x82 (1000 0010)

 7: 0xF8 (1111 1000)

 8: 0x80 (1000 0000)

 9: 0x90 (1001 0000)

Assembly Program


Copy code

ORG 0H ; Start address

; Seven-segment display codes for digits 0-9


DB 0C0H, 0F9H, 0A4H, 0B0H, 0A9H, 0B2H, 082H, 0F8H, 080H, 090H

; Initialize

MOV P1, #0FFH ; Turn off all segments initially (assuming common anode)

MOV TMOD, #01H ; Set Timer 0 in Mode 1 (16-bit timer mode)

; Main loop


MOV R0, #00H ; Initialize counter to 0

MOV DPTR, #SEGMENT_CODES ; Point to the segment codes

MOV A, R0 ; Load current digit into accumulator

MOVC A, @A+DPTR ; Get the corresponding segment code

MOV P1, A ; Output to Port 1 (display digit)

; 1 second delay

MOV TH0, #3CH ; Load high byte of Timer 0 (for 65536 - 3036 counts)

MOV TL0, #0B0H ; Load low byte of Timer 0 (for 65536 - 3036 counts)

SETB TR0 ; Start Timer 0


JNB TF0, DELAY_LOOP ; Wait until Timer 0 overflows

CLR TR0 ; Stop Timer 0

CLR TF0 ; Clear Timer 0 overflow flag

INC R0 ; Increment counter

CJNE R0, #0AH, DISPLAY_LOOP ; Repeat for digits 0-9

SJMP MAIN_LOOP ; Repeat the main loop



1. Seven-Segment Display Codes:

o SEGMENT_CODES: A table storing the binary codes for displaying digits 0-9 on a
seven-segment display.

2. Initialization:

o MOV P1, #0FFH: Turn off all segments initially.

o MOV TMOD, #01H: Set Timer 0 in Mode 1 (16-bit timer mode).

3. Main Loop:

o MAIN_LOOP: Label for the main loop.

o MOV R0, #00H: Initialize counter R0 to 0.

4. Display Loop:

o DISPLAY_LOOP: Label for the display loop.

o MOV DPTR, #SEGMENT_CODES: Point DPTR to the segment codes table.

o MOV A, R0: Load the current digit into the accumulator.

o MOVC A, @A+DPTR: Get the corresponding segment code using MOVC (move code
byte) instruction.

o MOV P1, A: Output the segment code to Port 1 to display the digit.

5. 1-Second Delay:

o MOV TH0, #3CH and MOV TL0, #0B0H: Load Timer 0 with the initial value to achieve
a 1-second delay.

o SETB TR0: Start Timer 0.

o DELAY_LOOP: Wait in a loop until Timer 0 overflows.

o CLR TR0 and CLR TF0: Stop Timer 0 and clear the overflow flag.

6. Increment Counter:

o INC R0: Increment the counter R0.

o CJNE R0, #0AH, DISPLAY_LOOP: If R0 is not equal to 10 (0x0A), repeat the display
loop for the next digit.

7. Repeat:

o SJMP MAIN_LOOP: Jump back to the main loop to continuously display digits 0-9.

This program will display numbers 0-9 on a seven-segment display with a one-second delay between
each number, continuously cycling through the digits. Adjustments may be needed for different
hardware setups or timing requirements.

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