Year 9 Appraisal - Autumn Term

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Year 9 - Self-Assessment · Appraisal

Autumn Term – Popular Music · Motown

IMPORTANT. Only complete this after listening to your performance and completing the Self
Evaluation Sheet.
Complete your answers after the symbol ➤

www - what went well... · Parts of your composition/performance that you were pleased
with, that you and your group did well.
➤ Are group’s biggest problem was to coordinate Martina Barea and me as we could not follow
the rhythm from the base. As a result of this, we had to come during breaks a few times. In the
end, during the real performance, we mostly got it right. Coordination went well (much better
than when we were practicing). In addition to this, the cooperation and help of everyone in my
group made us improve. As every time I did not get it right, they let me my time to think and
adjust my tempo. They would start again and try letting Barea and me play alone to practise. I
contributed making the introduction and played the melody during the performance.

➤ I think, I have an exceptionally good group when it comes to practicing. They take it seriously
and have not got a problem to use their breaks to come and practice. We have all tried to produce
ideas to improve are piece and we all agreed from the beginning the type of instrument we were
going to use. Listening the song at home and preparing for the performance at home was a bit
difficult as we had lots of exams but we all tried are bests so we could be prepared and not let the
group down. In conclusion, the piece went well but it was the perseverance, hard work, coming in
breaks and practicing at home that made it sound like it did.

Ebi - even better if... · After listening how would you improve your composition, your
performance or the way you and your group worked?
➤ I would have liked to practice more the second part of the song as we had only a week to try
latest ideas and are tempo was a bit unbalanced between the melody and base. I would’ve also
have liked to add some notes and varied them a bit because it sounded very repetitive. The
ending did not go as planned as the base continued playing so that should also be arranged and
prepared better for the next time. I did not like the part of “oh darling, darling...” as we never got
it right. That was the only part we got wrong when it comes to tempo. So, for are next piece it
would be even better if we prepared a better introduction and ending, and we focused on tempo
and coordination from the begging. I would also like to have given out some help but this time it
took me some time to learn to coordinate with the rest.

➤ Are group has tried to improve every single detail, but I have to say it is impossible to not have
an “even better if...” so, from my perspective, we have had a normal introduction. Nothing that
was outstanding. A simple melody that could be played without mistake. So that is the first point
we must improve. The addition and improvement of the introduction. From there everything
went well. We surprisingly did not have those minor errors we usually had. Until we got to the
part, we always get wrong. The change of beat, the silence we must leave the tempo we have to
follow the moment where we must come in just did not work out but during the performance
there was some minor errors, but we could manage to continue playing and catch up with the
base. The ending must be prepared better, and the use of different sounds made it sound

ntt - now try this... · Set yourself goals. Write about the things you (and group) would like
to be better at and be able to keep the good grades you achieved or improve them.
➤I played the melody with Barea, which means, we had to coordinate. When we learned
how to play at the same time, we had to make some slight changes, so it didn’t sound
repetitive. We decided to keep mine the same and chance Barea’s pitch when playing for
the second time. So, I think individual that mine should also have changed a bit as I was
playing on the xylophone, and it was heard more than the piano.
➤ According to what I heard, are piece was a bit repetitive. I would have liked to try to do
a round for the ending and try changing some notes from the chords. We could not add
much more to the melody and the base’s structure as we got mixed up, so we made some
slight differences, so it did not sound the same. I would try creating a new melody for the
base as it is the pillar of the song and would also try to make the melody varie in pitch. In
conclusion, I think our piece turned out to be much better of what I expected which means
we weren’t completely ready to perform so we should start practicing earlier.

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