Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 (Jawaban)

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Nama :

Timestamp Score Bahasa Inggris kelas Kelas :

6/10/2024 8:34:00 30 / 90 Muhammad rosit
6/10/2024 9:04:35 36 / 90 Lailatun nabila
6/10/2024 9:04:36 36 / 90 Imroatul asiseh
6/10/2024 9:04:37 33 / 90 hikmah aprilia rahmia
6/10/2024 9:04:37 33 / 90 Hoiriyah
6/10/2024 9:05:08 39 / 90 khoirun nisak
I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock
4. It was
to welcome
6 A.M. Andi
the New
was hurriedly
Year. At that
1. I think Anisa is an When did the clock stopped?
3. I am busy right nowWhy was Andi late to arrive at the station? Becaus
A. Her D. At 12.02 A. am have C. He got up late
A. Her D. At 12.02 A. am have D. The driver was late
A. Her D. At 12.02 A. am have D. The driver was late
A. Her D. At 12.02 A. am have D. The driver was late
A. Her D. At 12.02 A. am have D. The driver was late
A. Her D. At 12.02 A. am have D. The driver was late
6. This book is Rp3.000. That book is Rp5.000.
5. Most students thinkThat book is ... than this book
7. Do you have a …kni
8. Wenda ... go to sc
B. difficult B. More Expensive B. sharper B. did - visited
C. easier C. Most Expensive C. sharpier A. didn't - visited
C. easier C. Most Expensive C. sharpier A. didn't - visited
A. easy C. Most Expensive C. sharpier A. didn't - visited
A. easy C. Most Expensive C. sharpier A. didn't - visited
D. more difficult C. Most Expensive C. sharpier A. didn't - visited
10. Tiara : "I didn't see Diana last week in the party."
9. I …… a cake to youMeysha : "I saw her there. She did
11. What …
a new
do cloth fromteacher
12. The me lastand
B. brought A. wearing C. I swam in the pool.B. are
B. brought B. weared A. I am swimming in tB. are
B. brought B. weared A. I am swimming in tB. are
B. brought B. weared A. I am swimming in tA. is
B. brought B. weared A. I am swimming in tA. is
B. brought B. weared C. I swam in the pool.A. is
14. A : .... she want toMom
eat? and Dad
13. She .... to take a B : No, She doesn't The text is written with16.theElephants
aim to . . ...
. the
B. wanted C. Do A. achieve Siska's attB. was
A. want A. Does A. achieve Siska's attC. is
A. want A. Does A. achieve Siska's attC. is
A. want A. Does A. achieve Siska's attC. is
A. want A. Does A. achieve Siska's attC. is
A. want A. Does A. achieve Siska's attC. is
They often speak English,
each speak
to their to
each and
to to
17. Monkeys ... plants18. They ... the anim Do they get school onAre
their English very good?
B. ate C. cleaness D. Yes, they do B. No, it is not
D. eaten D. cleaned D. Yes, they do C. Yes, it is
D. eaten D. cleaned D. Yes, they do C. Yes, it is
D. eaten D. cleaned D. Yes, they do C. Yes, it is
D. eaten D. cleaned D. Yes, they do C. Yes, it is
D. eaten C. cleaness D. Yes, they do C. Yes, it is
21. Nara : ____(21)___
Nara : ____(21)___
always study?
are social
study? They have got tribes. They live in the rain fores
Avisha : Yes, He ____(22)______
Avisha : Yes,everyday.
He ____(22)______
Which statement
is NOT
24. TRUE
Whereaccording to the text above?
do monkeys
A. does A. study A. Monkeys have got A h. In the sea
C. did C. studying A. Monkeys have got D h . In the rainforest
C. did A. study A. Monkeys have got D h . In the rainforest
C. did C. studying A. Monkeys have got D h . In the rainforest
C. did C. studying A. Monkeys have got D h . In the rainforest
C. did C. studying A. Monkeys have got D h . In the rainforest
We are looking around the neighborhood for a brown cat. My partner and Iarethinking about w
25. What do monkeysWhat
l are the Hafiz and 27.the writer
What doing?
tool is Hafiz 28. What is Kitty Doin
A. insect C. They trying to find tB. Magnifying glass C. Kitty is catching s
B. bananas A. They are searchingA. Detective clothes C. Kitty is catching s
B. bananas A. They are searchingA. Detective clothes C. Kitty is catching s
B. bananas A. They are searchingA. Detective clothes C. Kitty is catching s
B. bananas A. They are searchingA. Detective clothes C. Kitty is catching s
B. bananas A. They are searchingC. hat C. Kitty is catching s
29. From the text we cThe best arrangement is...
B. Kitty has been hidi B. 5-6-2-4-5-1
D. No one kidnapped D. Kit2-4-3-1-6-5
D. No one kidnapped D. Kit2-4-3-1-6-5
D. No one kidnapped D. Kit2-4-3-1-6-5
D. No one kidnapped D. Kit2-4-3-1-6-5
D. No one kidnapped D. Kit2-4-3-1-6-5

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