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Topic: Do the advantages of developing nuclear energy outweigh the disadvantages?

The issue of nuclear energy is burningly hot all over the world nowadays. Many
stressful conferences, restrictive laws, and even wars of international level have occurred due to
the disagreement about whether or not countries should continue developing and applying their
nuclear energy scientific researches. This controversial topic is now at the center of many
nations’ developing strategy. The following essay will give a clearer view about both the
advantages and disadvantages of the nuclear matter.
The main reasons for governments and business institutions to still support nuclear
technology development are its significant advantages to the extent that it generates more power,
costs less and increase national military’s competitive ability. Firstly, nuclear reactions release a
million times more energy, as compared to hydro or wind energy. In fact, a large amount of
electricity can be generated from just a single nuclear power plant. Therefore, nuclear fuel is
much more inexpensive and easier to transport. This is why it seems to be very economically
rational for energy companies to transform their systems into nuclear-power based. Furthermore,
holding the key access to nuclear technology helps to raise a country armed forces’ position
compared to other nations. Many military authorities claim that this will help to protect the
countries from the risk of being invading by external forces. Briefly, due to many benefits in the
field of economic and military, nuclear power are more and more widely apply all over the
However, many people are opposing the use of nuclear power since they argue that it
can be seen clearly that this dangerous technology is a big threat to the world’s peace,
environment and human health’s safety. The first reason bases on the fact that nuclear power can
be used to construct nuclear weapons. This military hardware, once used for wars and destructive
purposes, can be a major threat to mankind as it causes a large-scale devastation. Indeed, since
the day nuclear energy was first introduced to the world, the fear of a nuclear arm race has been
threatening many people. Besides, nuclear energy also raises a lot of environmental and health
issues. The waste produced after fission reactions contains unstable elements and is highly
radioactive. It is very dangerous to the environment as well as human health, and remains so, for
thousands of years. Cases have been recorded about plants and animals’ serial death even long
time after a nuclear disaster. Actually, the damages are far more severe in the case of human.
Nuclear components can causes serious harm to people’s health such as cancer, nuclear burn, and
most dangerously are changes in DNA which can generate health problem to not just one person
but many generations after the event occurred. These inconvenient truths about nuclear energy
have raised massive concerns against the existence of this technology in the world.
In the final analysis, the serious damages and threats of using nuclear power are
undeniable. The fact can be view clearly that a more appropriate solution for energy problem in
many countries is not the adoption of nuclear model but actually is to improve current systems as
well as develop other technologies that are safer and more friendly with the environment and
human health.

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