Week15 Mongodb Mapreduce

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Document databases – MongoDB

• Install MongoDB locally or create a cloud instance at https://cloud.mongodb.com

• Task:
• Create a document collection by importing a set of documents
• Create and run queries

• Documentation:

Document collection
The following collection of five documents is given. Documents consist of orders. An order has an id (e.g. “o1”),
the year in which it was issues, the cost, the items in the order, and the number of days it took to deliver the
order. The cost is specified as price in a given currency. The order items consist of products. A product has an id
(e.g., “p1”), colours, and quantity.

"items":[{"product":"p3","colours":["blue","black"],"quantity":4}], "delivery_days":4},
{"product":"p4","colours":["white"],"quantity":1}], "delivery_days":2},
"items":[{"product":"p1","quantity":15}], "delivery_days":3}
1. Retrieve all documents in a collection
2. Retrieve all documents that contain paid orders (the "paid" field is "Y")
3. Retrieve all documents that contain paid orders and the orders are from before 2019
4. Retrieve all documents that contain unpaid orders or whose orders are from before 2019
5. Retrieve all documents that contain orders whose price is in NOK
6. Retrieve all documents that contain orders whose price is less than 18 NOK
7. Retrieve all documents with orders that contain product "p2"
8. Retrieve all documents with orders that contain products whose quantity is less than 13
9. Retrieve all documents with orders that contain products whose quantity is less than 13 and
contain no products whose quantity exceeds 13
10.Retrieve all documents with orders that contain products whose first colour (i.e., first element in
the "colours" array) is blue
11.Retrieve the total number of delivery days, grouped by year; retrieve the results only after 2017
(Hint: use aggregation pipelines)
MapReduce exercises
Q1) Express, in the Map-Reduce framework, the natural join operation on the relations R(A,B) and S(B,C), i.e.,


a1 b1 b1 c1 a1 b1 c1
a2 b2
⨝ b2 c2
= a2 b2 c2
a3 b4 b3 c3

Q2) The following relation is given:

FriendOf (person_a, person_b)

that is, a friendship relation between two persons.
Note: For simplicity assume the FriendOf relation is symmetric, i.e. if FriendOf(John, Merry) then we also have FriendOf(Merry, John)

Tasks: Describe the use of the MapReduce framework to compute:

(a) all pairs of persons that have common friends (including who the common friends actually are); and
(b) all pairs of persons that are directly connected and that have common friends (including who the common friends
actually are)

Example: (p1, p2): [p3]

FriendOf (p1, p3): [p2]
person_a person_b (p1, p5): [p3, p4]
(a) (p2, p3): [p1]
p1 p2 (p2, p4): [p1]
p1 p3 (p2, p5): [p3]
p2 p3 (p3, p4): [p1, p5]

p4 p5
(b) (p1, p2): [p3]
p4 p1 (p1, p3): [p2]
p5 p3 (p2, p3): [p1] 3

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