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2 Content of the Oral Presentation

 Acknowledgements addressed, first, to the board of examiners, then other

people who may have helped in the realization of the work, family members,
friends, the audience, etc.

 Scope of research (lay the broad foundation for the problem that leads to the
study and place the study within the larger context of the scholarly literature).

 Problem statement (a concise description of the issues that need to be


 Purpose of the study (delimitation of the specific area of the research) and
justification for the choice of the topic.

 Research questions and hypotheses.

 Research method (design, instruments, population, data analysis).

 Thesis outline (brief summary of the thesis components)

 Results (main results related to the research hypotheses)

 Limitations and delimitations (potential weaknesses of the study and points that
were not tackled and why)

 Significance of the study (how results of the study may affect scholarly
research, theory, practice, educational interventions, curricula, counseling,
policy, etc.)

 Conclusion

8.3 Guidelines for the Power Point Presentation

It is recommended that the oral presentation be accompanied by a power point

presentation. This gives a visual support to the candidate which will allow a better
understanding of the topic. Yet, this presentation needs to be carefully prepared and
displayed. It may consist of 20 to 30 slides containing the information provided above
(see section 8.2). In the power point presentation, it is important to:

 Use large fonts to be easily read.

 Avoid long texts and use only major points that will be developed by the

 Not to read slides during presentation.

 Keep synchronization between the slides and the talk. Whenever new ideas are
presented, new slides are put up.

 Maintain eye contact with the audience/panel.

 Use clearly visible and understandable diagrams, tables, charts and graphs to
enhance the meaning of the text to be presented. It will help in retaining the
interest of the audience in the presentation.

 Keep the number of slides as many as to be managed within the allocated time.

Hamzaoui- El Achachi, H. & Negadi, M.N. How to Write an Extended Essay or a Thesis in
Language Studies. Oran: Editions Manal, 2012.

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