Drama Term3 Claudia+Barea

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B: Good morning, I am a research scientist, or at least I was until a tragic accident occurred

last February. I used to work for a private Business that researched extinct animals and
cloned DNA of different species.

C: Our goal, our mission was top secret, the lab was isolated from anything in a 100km
radius, surrounded by snow to hide the location. Nobody knew about it, but us workers.

B: We worked day and night, slowly making small breakthroughs, but nothing too big. We
were starting to lose all hope when it happened.

C: We managed to clone the Deinosuchus´ DNA and with that, clone one of them.

B: I remember the day like it were yesterday, I remember I was on my 15 minute break just
going to get a coffee, like I did everyday, and then all hell broke loose.

C: The emergency alarms started blaring in a deafening sound and I knew at that moment
that we had succeeded in bringing the Deinosuchus back and apparently it had not turned
out the way we had expected.

B: I can still picture the action that unfolded after that. Chaos everywhere, people running in
every direction, blinded by fear. Their screams echoing through the corridors, faces pale as
they ran past me, not looking back.

C: I was frozen, paralyzed, not knowing what to do. I couldn’t move, my feet were stuck to
the floor and i was being pushed and elbowed by the stampede of people.

B: But then I saw it and my heart stopped and I saw my life flash before my eyes. It was like
a giant crocodile with teeth of a foot of length, it lashed its long, scaly tail along the walls of
the wide corridor, its tall frame towered over me and its 10 meter body came closer and
closer and my brain just wouldn’t react.

C: Slowly, its vicious, glossy eyes laid upon me and I knew it was over for me. It moved with
a newly found purpose and made a beeline with me on its mind. And then something in my
mind clicked and my legs started to move and I ran as fast as I could. I could hear it
groaning behind me but I didn’t dare look back even for a split second.

B: I swiped my card and came into a room crammed with my coworkers that held nothing but
horror in their eyes, all of them thinking about what we had created, a deadly creature that
we could not control.

C: The monster was getting closer and closer to the room and it was of no use if it was
locked because it could possibly just break the doorframe in one swift motion. The panic
arose in the room, there was only one other door but it was locked. We all forged against it,
pushing with no results but just as it was going to burge in the door burst open and we all ran
to the exit of the building.

B: Outside it was not much better, nobody close enough to help, we’d just have to wait for
somebody to come. After a few minutes it came out looking around to see if its prey was
there, but we were hidden so it followed its path in the opposite direction.

C: Away from us but toward humans, toward you. This is why I am telling you this, we are no
longer safe here, or anywhere while that monster runs rampant around the world with no
solution to it. We don’t have much time before it comes and gets us.

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