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Nowadays nobody is free from an accident like a fire in their house this can happen when we
least expect it, the most important thing will always be to save your life and that of your
family, but if you have some time, what is the most important thing you could save? Obviously,
many people will say my cell phone but for my part, I will care about something much more

Let’s start with why it is so important to rescue that, It was an important gift from my mom in
the middle of the pandemic 4 years ago, We are a little short on money these months I
remember that many people were looking for laptops because virtuality had suddenly arrived
in our lives, the prices of laptops were costly at that time, but my mother made an effort
because I needed to continue with my studies.

When I had my laptop, I started studying virtually, I could carry on half of my career from
home, and I have many jobs that will help me in my profesión. Another advantage is that it
allows me to work without going to the office. On top of that all my bank accounts, my photos,
and memories are They are stored inside so it is very important to me.

The main reason I’ll bring back my laptop in a fire is because I can use it as a work tool, which
allows me to generate income and also has very valuable personal information.

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