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Dear Candidate,

Kindly refer to the below assessment related to various HR scenarios and situations.

Q1. One of the employees has finished their probationary period, but when the time comes for the
manager to confirm their employment, the manager expresses concerns about their performance,
suggesting that they may need to be terminated due to subpar performance.
What are your next steps on the same?

Q2. What actions would you take if the hiring manager expresses dissatisfaction with an employee’s
performance during the initial month of your employment?

Q3. How would you establish a fresh performance management strategy with a hiring manager located
in internationally?

Q4. Your HR team appears to be hesitant or unenthusiastic about implementing some of your proposed
processes that could benefit your business unit. How would you address this situation? Please provide
an example in your response.

Q5. How would you engage in discussions or advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) or
provide education about India to a hiring manager based in the international location?

Q6. Employee morale seems low, and there's a drop in productivity. How would you boost employee
engagement and motivation?

Q7. An employee has filed a complaint regarding a potential violation of labor laws. How would you
investigate and ensure the company complies with relevant regulations?

Q8. A manager is struggling to provide effective feedback to their team members. How would you train
and support managers in enhancing their performance management skills?

Q9. You need to terminate an employee due to performance issues. Explain the steps you would take to
ensure a respectful and legally compliant termination process.

Q10. Employees are expressing dissatisfaction with the current benefits package. How would you assess
and potentially revise the benefits and compensation structure?

Q11. Imagine you've noticed an increase in employee turnover in a specific department. How would you
approach identifying the underlying causes, and what strategies would you implement to improve
retention in that department?

Q12. Imagine an employee approaches you and discloses that they are struggling with a mental health
issue affecting their work performance. What steps would you take to support them while ensuring
confidentiality and compliance with relevant laws?

Q13. Please provide a plan on how would you conduct 1:1 sessions with 150 employees.
• How frequently you would meet each employee.
• What would be the topics of discussion
• What would be identified as red flags and how would you tackle those
• Please create a report format to share with your manager the details of these ongoing

Q4. Please provide a plan on how you would connect with 50+ Managers from different lines of business
and projects and have meaningful conversations with them regarding their business goals and how the
employees can them achieve those

• What would be the mode of communication you would use with the Managers
• How would you start these discussions? Please provide a sample email that you would send to a
• What would be the agenda of the meeting
• What would be identifiers for red flags
• How would you summarize the meeting? Provide a mom format that you would use
• Please provide the report with sample entry that you would send your manager after these

Q5. Consider that you are taking the final round of interview in the company. Please list the questions
you would ask a candidates and the inferences you would draw from some sample answers. Please
define an ideal candidate that you would recommend hire and another that you would not. Share
formats as you see fit.

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