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Pracovný list 5.ročník Anglický jazyk 26.10-29.10.

Write complete sentences. Use a or an.
Doplňte správne neurčitý člen.

It’s / dog.
It’s a dog. __________________________
1 It’s / window.
2 It’s / exercise book.
3 It’s / desk.
4 It’s / orange.
5 It’s / watch.
Match words 1–5 with pictures A–F. Prirad´te správne výrazy k obrázkom
Don’t write on the board. __F__
1 Come here. _____
2 Don’t write. _____
3 Open your book. _____
4 Sit down. _____
5 Stand up. _____

Preložte nasledovné frázy do slovenčiny.

How old is he? How much is it? What number is the house?
What’s the telephone number? What page is it?
What’s the number of the bus?
Pracovný list 6.ročník Anglický jazyk 26.10-29.10.2020

Choose the correct words. Vyberte správne slová v texte.

Cathy (1) Hi / Bye, Charlie.

Charlie (2) See you later / Hello, Cathy. How are you?

Cathy Fine, thanks.

Charlie (3) What’s / How’s your phone number?

Cathy (4) I’m / It’s six three nine double oh two.

Charlie 639022.

Cathy No, (5) 639002 / 693002.

Charlie Oh, (6) hi / thanks Cathy. See you later.

Cathy OK, Charlie. Bye.

1. Complete the sentences. Choose from these words.

Vyberte správne slová na dokončenie textu.

Bye - How - Good morning - fine, thanks - That’s - See you

Mandy (1) , John. (2) are


John Hello, Mandy. I’m (3) . And you?

Mandy I’m fine, thank you.

John (4) good.

Mandy (5) later, John.

John Yes. (6) , Mandy.

Pracovný list 7.ročník Anglický jazyk 26.10-29.10.2020

Complete the sentences. Choose from these words.

Vyberte správne slová na dokončenie textu.

there’s - people - There - aren’t - There’s - are

Sara What’s in the picture?

Jack (1) a dog in the picture.
Anna Is there a cat?
Jack No, there isn’t. (2) are four (3) .
Anna Yes, there’s a woman.
Jack There (4) two girls.
Anna Yes, and (5) a man. There (6) two boys.

Complete the sentences. Dokončite vety s použitím nasledovných slov.

Sit, Open, Read,Stand,Go, Write

Mr Wood Good morning, everyone. (1) S _ _ down, please. (2) O _ _ _ your books. (3)
R _ _ _ page 24. Now, close your books. Lizzie, what’s this?

Lizzie It’s an apple.

Mr Wood Yes, that’s right. (4) S _ _ _ _ up, please. (5) G _ to the board.
(6) W _ _ _ _ the word. Thank you.
Pracovný list 8.ročník Anglický jazyk 26.10-29.10.2020

Grammar: a / an
1. Write the words under the correct heading. Prirad´te správny člen k podstatnému
chair window umbrella apple orange board



2. Complete the sentences. Use a or an.

1. It’s cat.

2. It’s door.

3. It’s bag.

4. It’s apple.

5. It’s pencil.

6. It’s umbrella.

3. Complete the sentences. Choose A or B.

1. What’s this? It’s ____ house.

A. ☐a
B. ☐ an

2. What’s this? It’s ____ bag.

A. ☐a
B. ☐ an

3. What’s this? It’s ____ exercise book.

A. ☐a
B. ☐ an

4. What’s this? It’s ____ cat.

A ☐a
B. ☐ an
Pracovný list 9.ročník Anglický jazyk 26.10-29.10.2020

1 Complete the sentences. Use the present passive form of the verbs in brackets.

Doplňte vety. Použite trpný rod v prítomnom čase a slovesá zo zátvoriek.

Príklad: Orange trees are grown in Spain. (grow)

1 Chinese _______________ at my school. (not teach)

2 A lot of fast food _______________ these days. (eat)

3 I _______________ to a lot of parties during the Christmas holidays. (invite)

4 Coffee _______________ all over the world. (drink)

5 Many of the dangerous actions in films _______________ by stunt artists. (perform)

6 The euro _______________ in Britain or the USA. (not use)

7 Christmas _______________ in summer in Australia. (celebrate)

2 Choose the correct alternatives. Vyberte správnu možnosť.

Príklad: Millions of people watch / are watched the news on TV every day.

1 My computer has been repaired / has repaired.

2 The tiger cub will release / will be released next week.

3 Peter bought / was bought some CDs yesterday.

4 Three hunters were arresting / were arrested at the airport.

5 They will create / will be created a new nature reserve.

6 The email didn’t write / wasn’t written in English, so he couldn’t understand it.

7 The buildings have damaged / have been damaged by the storm.

3 Rewrite the sentences using the words provided.

Napíšte v trpnom rode v rovnakom čase ako je pôvodná veta.

Príklad: They created this nature reserve ten years ago.

This nature reserve was created ten years ago.

1 They make paper from wood.

Paper _____________________________________________________________.

2 A famous architect designed this building.

This building _______________________________________________________.

3 They will build a new swimming pool soon.

A new swimming pool _______________________________________________.

4 A dog has bitten that little boy.

That little boy ______________________________________________________.

5 They produce olive oil in Greece.

Olive oil ___________________________________________________________.

6 They sent the invitations two weeks before the party.

The invitations ______________________________________________________.

7 They will close the factory next year.

The factory ________________________________________________________.

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