UNIT - 3 - MKL Energy Science by Sir

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• Solar energy
• Major drawbacks
- intermittent and variable manner of
arrival to earth’s surface
- large area required to collect the energy

• Solar constant
– NASA : Standard value in three common units:
– 1.353 kilowatts per square metre
– 116.5 langleys (calories per sq.cm.)
– 429.2 Btu per sq.ft. per hour
Spectral Distribution
Percentage of Radiation
Wavelength 0 – 0.38 0.38 – 0.78 0.78 – 4.0

Approximate 95 640 618

(W/m2 )

Approximate 7 47.3 45.7

percentage of
total energy
Beam Radiation and Diffuse Radiation
The radiation which we perceive on the
surface is both direct radiation and indirect
radiation of the sun. The radiation that comes
directly from the sun is direct radiation and it
is called beam radiation. The scattered and
reflected radiation that is sent to the earth's
surface from all directions (reflected from
molecules, particles, animal bodies, etc.) is
indirect radiation and it is called diffuse
radiation. And the sum of both, the beam and
diffuse radiation, is defined as global radiation
or total radiation.
Beam and Diffuse Radiation

- collimates the radiation to determine
beam intensity as a function of incident angle

- measures the total or global (Beam +
diffused) hemispherical solar radiation
Pyrheliometer is a device
used for measuring direct
beam radiation at normal
incidence. Its outer
structure looks like a long
tube projecting the image
of a telescope and we
have to point the lens to
the sun to measure the
Pyrheliometer circuit
In the circuit, it can be seen
that the black body
completely absorbs the
radiation falling from the lens.
Once the radiation gets
absorbed the atoms in the
body get excited because of
the increasing temperature of
the entire body. This
temperature increase will also
be experienced by the
thermocouple junction ‘A’.

Now with junction ‘A’ of the thermocouple at high temperature and

junction ‘B’ at low temperature, a current flow takes place in its loop.
This current in the loop will also flow through the galvanometer which is
in series and thereby causing a deviation in it. This deviation is
proportional to current, which in turn is proportional to temperature
difference at junctions.
This deviation in the galvanometer is nullified with the
help of the circuit by following steps.
•First, close the switch in the circuit for starting the
current flow.
•The current flows like, Battery -> Switch -> Metal
conductor -> Ammeter -> Variable resistor -> Battery.
•With this current flowing through the Metal conductor
its temperature rises to a certain degree.
•Being in contact with the Metal conductor the junction
‘B’ temperature also rises. This reduces the temperature
difference between the junction ‘A’ and junction ‘B’.
•Because of the reduction in temperature difference, the
current flow in the thermocouple also decreases.
•Since the deviation is proportional to current the deviation
of the galvanometer also decreases.
•In summary, we can say- The deviation in the galvanometer
can be reduced by adjusting the rheostat to change the
current in the Metal conductor.
By adjusting the rheostat the galvanometer deviation
becomes completely void. Once this happens we can obtain
voltage and current readings from the meters and do a
simple calculation to determine the heat absorbed by the
black body. This calculated value can be used to determine
the radiation, as heat generated by the black body is directly
proportional to the radiation.
Pyranometer is a device that can be used to measure both
beam radiation and diffuse radiation. In other words, it is
used to measure total hemispherical radiation (beam plus
diffuse on a horizontal surface).
Radiation from the surrounding atmosphere passes through
the glass dome and falls onto the blackbody situated at the
centre of the instrument. The temperature of the black body
rises after absorbing all the radiation and this rise will also be
experienced by the Thermocouple chain or Thermocouple
module present directly beneath the blackbody. So the one
side of the module will be hot and another will be cold
because of the heat sink. The thermocouple module
generates a voltage and this can be seen at the output
terminals. This voltage received at the output terminals is
directly proportional to temperature difference according to
the principle of a thermocouple.
Since we know that the temperature difference is related to
radiation absorbed by the black body, we can say the output
voltage is linearly proportional to the radiation.
Basic Semiconductor Physics
The first successful solar cell was made from crystalline silicon (c-
Si), which still is by far the most widely used PV material.
Therefore we shall use c-Si as an example to explain the concepts
of semiconductor physics that are relevant to solar cell operation.
Atomic structure:
 The atomic number of silicon is 14, which means that are 14
electrons orbiting the nucleus. In ground state configuration,
two electrons are in the first shell, eight electrons are in the
second shell. Hence, four electrons live in the outermost shell.
Only these four electrons interact with other atoms, for
example via forming chemical bonds. In the crystalline form
each Si atom is covalently bonded to four neighbouring Si
 All bonds have the same length and the angles between the
bonds are equal with 109.5°.
 In practice, a semiconductor sample always contains some
impurity atoms. When the concentration of impurity atoms in a
semiconductor is insignificant we refer to such semiconductor as
an intrinsic semiconductor.
 At room temperature, there are always some of the covalent
bonds broken. The breaking of the bonds results in liberating
the valence electrons from the bonds and making them
mobile through the crystal lattice. We refer to these electrons
as free electrons.
 The position of a missing electron in a bond, which can be
regarded as positively charged, is referred to as a hole.
 Since breaking of a covalent bond leads to the formation of an
electron-hole pair, in intrinsic semiconductors the
concentration of electrons is equal to the concentration of
holes. In intrinsic silicon at 300 K approximately 1.5 x 1010 per
cm3 broken bonds are present.
 This number then gives also the concentration of holes, p, and
electrons, n. Hence, at 300 K, n = p = 1.5 x 1010 per cm3. This
concentration is called the intrinsic carrier concentration and
is denoted as ni.
The concentrations of electrons and holes in c-Si can be manipulated by
doping. Doping of silicon means that atoms of other elements substitute Si
atoms in the crystal lattice. The substitution has to be carried out by atoms
with 3 or 5 valence electrons, respectively. The most used elements to dope
c-Si are boron (B) and phosphorus (P), with atomic numbers of 5 and 15,
N-Type Semiconductor:
When introducing phosphorus atom into the c- Si lattice, four of the five
phosphorus atom valence electrons will readily form bonds with the four
neighbouring Si atoms. The fifth valence electron cannot take part in
forming a bond and becomes rather weakly bound to the phosphorus atom.
It is easily liberated from the phosphorus atom by absorbing the thermal
energy. Once free, the electron can move throughout the lattice. In this way
the phosphorus atom that substitutes a Si atom in the lattice “donates” a
free (mobile) electron into the c-Si lattice. The impurity atoms that enhance
the concentration of electrons are called donors. We denote the
concentration of donors by ND.
P-Type Semiconductor:
 An atom with 3 valence electrons such as boron cannot form all
bonds with four neighboring Si atoms when it substitutes a Si
atom in the lattice. However, it can readily “accept” an electron
from a nearby Si-Si bond. A thermal energy that the c-Si lattice
contains at room temperature is sufficient to enable an electron
from a nearby Si-Si bond to attach itself to the boron atom and
complete the bonding to the four Si neighbors. In this process a
hole is created that can move around the lattice. The impurity
atoms that enhance the concentration of holes are called
acceptors. We denote the concentration of acceptors by NA.
 Note that by substituting Si atoms with only one type of impurity
atoms, the concentration of only one type of mobile charge
carriers is increased.
 The possibility to control the electrical conductivity of a semiconductor
by doping is one of most important semiconductor features.
 The electrical conductivity in semiconductors depends on the
concentration of electrons and holes as well as their mobility.
 The concentration of electrons and holes is influenced by the amount
of the impurity atoms that are introduced into the atomic structure of
Carrier concentrations
Intrinsic semiconductors:
 Any operation of a semiconductor device depends on the concentration
of carriers that transport charge inside the semiconductor and hence
cause electrical currents.
 The periodic atomic structure of single crystal silicon results in the
ranges of allowed energy states for electrons that are called energy
 Valence electrons, which are involved in the covalent bonds, have their
allowed energies in the valence band (VB) and the allowed energies of
electrons liberated from the covalent bonds form the conduction band
 The VB is separated from the CB by a band of forbidden energy levels.
 The maximum attainable valence-band energy is denoted EV, and the
minimum attainable conduction-band energy is denoted EC. The energy
difference between these two bands is called the band gap energy, Eg,
and it is an important material parameter. (At 300K, 1.12 eV)
The carriers that contribute to charge transport are
electrons in the conduction band and holes in the
valence band.
At absolute zero temperature none of carriers have
sufficient energy to transfer from VB to CB.
As the temperature increases, some electrons have
sufficient energy to reach CB and this generates an
electron-hole pair and it becomes slightly
conductive. At higher temperature, conductivity
improves further.
Transport properties:
In contrast to the equilibrium conditions, under operational conditions a
net electrical current flows through a semiconductor device. The electrical
currents are generated
in a semiconductor due to the transport of charge by electrons and holes.
The two basic transport mechanisms in a semiconductor are drift and

Drift is charged-particle motion in response to an electric field. In an

electric field the force acts on the charged particles in a semiconductor,
which accelerates the positively charged holes in the direction of the
electric field and the negatively charged electrons in the direction
opposite to the electric field. Because of collisions with the thermally
vibrating lattice atoms and ionised impurity atoms, the carrier
acceleration is frequently
Mobility is a measure of how easily the charge particles can move
through a semiconductor material. When the number of collisions
increases, the mobility decreases. Increasing the temperature increases
the collision rate of charged carriers with the vibrating lattice atoms,
which results in a lower mobility. Increasing the doping concentration of
donors or acceptors leads to more frequent collisions and decreased

Diffusion is a process whereby particles tend to spread out from regions

of high particle concentration into regions of low particle concentration
as a result of random thermal motion. The driving force of diffusion is
a gradient in the particle concentration. The diffusion coefficients of
electrons and holes are linked with the mobilities of the corresponding
charge carriers.
Generation and Recombination of
Electron-Hole pairs
 Assume that a piece of a semiconductor is illuminated by a light
pulse/solar rays, which leads to excitations of electrons from the
valence band to the conduction band and consequently to the
creation of holes in the valence band. This illumination will disturb the
semiconductor from the state of thermal equilibrium. In the valence
band an excess concentration of holes is present. Similarly, in the
conduction band the electron concentration is larger than the
equilibrium concentration, which means that excess carriers are
 After the pulse stops, the excess electrons will recombine with holes,
until the equilibrium state is reached again. In semiconductors several
different processes exist which lead to generation or recombination.
 The recombination rate strongly determines the performance of the
solar cells.
In semiconductors several different processes exist which lead to
generation or recombination, the most important ones are:
 Photon transition or optical generation/recombination,
 Phonon transition or Shockley-Read-Hall generation/recombination,
 Auger generation/recombination or three particle transitions, and
 Impact ionization.

Photon transition:
The photon transition is a direct, band-to-band,
generation/recombination process. An electron from the conduction
band falls back to the valence-band and releases its energy in the form
of a photon (light). The reverse process, the generation of an electron-
hole pair, is triggered by a sufficiently energetic photon which
transfers its energy to a valence band electron which is excited to the
conduction band leaving a hole behind. The photon energy for this
process has to be at least of the magnitude of the band-gap energy.
Phonon transition (Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH)
Another process is the generation/recombination by phonon
emission. This process is trap-assisted utilizing a lattice defect at the
energy level within the semiconductor band-gap. The excess energy
during recombination and the necessary energy for generation is
transferred to and from the crystal lattice (phonon). Four sub-
processes are

Generation: (3 & 4)
Hole emission. An electron from the valence band is trapped
leaving a hole in the valence band (the hole is emitted from the
empty trap to the valence band).
Electron emission. A trapped electron moves from the trap energy
level to the conduction band. For this process additional energy of
the magnitude has to be supplied.
Recombination: (1 & 2)
Electron capture. An electron from the CB is captured by an
empty trap in the band-gap of the semiconductor. The excess energy
of is transferred to the crystal lattice (phonon emission).
Hole capture. The trapped electron moves to the VB and
neutralizes a hole (the hole is captured by the occupied trap). A
phonon with the energy is generated.
Auger Generation/Recombination:
In the direct band-to-band Auger mechanism three particles are
involved. During generation an electron hole pair is generated
consuming the energy of a highly energetic particle. In the opposite
process, when an electron hole pair recombines, the excess energy
is transferred to a third particle. In detail the four possible processes
are as follows:
1.Electron capture. An electron from the conduction band moves to
the valence band neutralizing a hole in the valence band. The excess
energy is transferred to an electron in the conduction band.
2.Hole capture. Again, an electron from the conduction band moves
to the valence band and recombines with a valence hole. The excess
energy is, in contrast to Process 1, transferred to another hole in the
valence band.
Auger Generation/Recombination: (contd…)
1.Electron emission. A highly energetic electron from the
conduction band transfers its energy to an electron in the valence
band. The valence electron moves to the conduction band
generating an electron hole pair.
2.Hole emission. A highly energetic hole from the valence band
transfers its energy to an electron in the valence band which is then
excited to the conduction band generating an electron hole pair.
Impact Ionization:
Impact ionization is a pure generation process. Microscopically it is
exactly the same mechanism as the generation part of the Auger
process: a highly energetic carrier moves to the conduction or
valence band, depending on the carrier type, and the excess energy is
used to excite an electron from the valence band to the conduction
band generating another electron hole pair. The major difference is
the cause of the effect. While it is purely the carrier concentration in
the Auger mechanism, for impact ionization it is the current density.
Two partial processes can be distinguished:
1.Electron emission. A highly energetic electron from the conduction
band transfers its energy to an electron in the valence band. The
valence electron moves to the conduction band generating an electron
hole pair.
2.Hole emission. A highly energetic hole from the valence band
transfers its energy to an electron in the valence band which is then
excited to the conduction band generating an electron hole pair.
Semiconductor Junction:
Consider two pieces of a given semiconductor, one doped with donor
atoms and the other with acceptor atoms. Suppose that each piece has
a plane face and imagine bringing them together at their plane faces.
This forms a pn-junction. In practice the junction is manufactured
from a single piece of host crystal by varying the doping in different
parts of it as the crystal is grown (c-Si). This produces a transition
region between the p-part and n-part that is typically about 1 μm in
p-type material - excess holes in the valance band compared with n-
type material
n-type material - excess electrons in the conduction band compared
with the p-type material
Semiconductor Junction: contd…
After the contact is made, it is energetically favourable for some of
the excess electrons in the conduction band of the n-type material to
cross to the p-type material and annihilate some of the holes there.
Consequently, a net negative charge is built up in the p-type material
and a net positive charge in the n-type material. Thus an electrostatic
potential is set up, and this eventually stop the flow of further
electrons across the junction.
P-N Junction:
In trying to neutralize charges free electrons in n-type diffuse across
junction to p-type and free holes in p-type diffuse to n-type; electrons
and holes close to junction recombine.
A depletion region (free of mobile charge carriers) develops on either
side of the junction with fixed -ve ions on p-side and fixed +ve ions
on the n-side. These residue charges prevent further diffusion so that
recombination between holes and electrons is stopped. A potential
difference develops across the junction with equilibrium potential, φo
and depletion region has high resistivity due immobile charge
carriers. Now some extra energy is required for the charges to move
across the barrier.
Suppose that heat is applied to the junction, so that extra electron-
hole pairs are created by thermal excitation, the electric field drives
the electrons towards the n-type material and the holes towards the p-
type material.
P-N Junction: Contd…
So if the two sides of the crystal are joined to an external circuit, the
effect of the heat is to drive a current through the crystal from n-type
side to the p-type side, and round the circuit. A current is also
generated if light is shone on the junction, so that the absorbed
photons create electron-hole pairs. This is the photovoltaic effect -
the basis of solar cell.
If current is driven through the junction by an external source, like a
battery, electrons and holes recombine in the junction region
producing photons - the light emitting diode.
Essential characteristics of solar photovoltaic devices:
The main parameters that are used to characterise the performance
of solar cells are:
 Short-circuit current density
 Open-circuit voltage
 Fill factor
 Conversion efficiency
Short-circuit current density (Jsc)
The short-circuit current is the current that flows through the
external circuit when the electrodes of the solar cell are short
circuited. The Isc depends on the area of the solar cell. In order to
remove the dependence of the solar cell area on Isc, often the short-
circuit current density is used to describe the maximum current
delivered by a solar cell. The maximum current that the solar cell
can deliver strongly depends on the optical properties of the solar
cell, such as absorption in the absorber layer and reflection.
Open-circuit voltage (Voc)
The open-circuit voltage is the voltage at which no current flows
through the external circuit. It is the maximum voltage that a solar
cell can deliver.
Fill factor (FF)
The fill factor is the ratio between the maximum power (Pmax)
generated by a solar cell and the product of Voc with Jsc

Conversion Efficiency
The conversion efficiency is calculated as the ratio between the
maximal generated power and the incident power.
Photovoltaic Cell (Solar cell) Generations
The primary role of a
photovoltaic cell is to
receive solar radiation as
pure light and transform it
into electrical energy in a
conversion process called
the photovoltaic effect.
There are several
technologies involved with
the manufacturing process
of photovoltaic cells. Due
to the emergence of many
methods for fabricating
functioning solar cells,
photovoltaic technologies
can be divided into four
major generations as
shown in figure.
First Generation solar cells:
 80% of the world’s installed capacity and have a 90% market share.
 Due to their relatively high efficiency, they are the most commonly used
 Materials based on thick crystalline layers composed of mono or poly
crystalline silicon.
 Solar cells based on monocrystalline silicon (m-si): Efficiency: 15 to 24%;
Life span: 25 years; Advantages: Stability, high performance, long service
life; Restrictions: High manufacturing cost, more temperature sensitivity,
absorption problem, material loss.
 Solar cells based on polycrystalline silicon (p-si): Efficiency: 10 to 18%; Life
span: 14 years; Advantages: Manufacturing procedure is simple,
profitable, decreases the waste of silicon, higher absorption compared to
m-si; Restrictions: Lower efficiency, higher temperature sensitivity.
 Solar cells based on GaAs: Efficiency: 28 to 30%; Life span: 18 years;
Advantages: High stability, lower temperature sensitivity, better
absorption than m-si, high efficiency; Restrictions: Extremely expensive.
Second Generation solar cells:
 They offer improved mechanical properties that are ideal for flexible
 Reduced efficiency as compared to first generation solar cells.
 Solar cells based on amorphous silicon (a-si): Efficiency: 5 to 12%; Life
span: 15 years; Advantages: Less expensive, available in large quantities,
non-toxic, high absorption coefficient; Restrictions: Lower efficiency,
difficulty in selecting dopant materials, poor minority carrier lifetime.
 Solar cells based on (CdTe/CdS): Efficiency: 15 to 16%; Life span: 20 years;
Advantages: High absorption rate, less material required for production;
Restrictions: Lower efficiency, Cd being extremely toxic, Te being limited,
more temperature-sensitive.
 Solar cells based on copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS): Efficiency:
20%; Life span: 12 years; Advantages: Less material required for
production; Restrictions: Very high-priced, not stable, more temperature-
sensitive, highly unreliable.
Third Generation solar cells:
 Wide range of approaches, from inexpensive low-efficiency systems to
expensive high-efficiency systems
 Poor market penetration
 Solar cells based on dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells: Efficiency: 5 to 20%;
Advantages: Lower cost, low light and wider-angle operation, lower internal
temperature operation, robustness, and extended lifetime; Restrictions:
Problems with temperature stability, poisonous and volatile substances.
 Solar cells based on quantum dots: Efficiency: 11 to 17%; Advantages: Low
production cost, low energy consumption; Restrictions: High toxicity in nature,
 Solar cells based on organic and polymeric photovoltaic cells: Efficiency: 9 to
11%; Advantages: Low processing cost, lighter weight, flexibility,
thermal stability; Restrictions: Low efficiency.
 Solar cells based on perovskite: Efficiency: 21%; Advantages: Low-cost and
simplified structure, light weight, flexibility, high efficiency, low manufacturing
cost; Restrictions: Unstable.
 Multi-junction solar cells: Efficiency: 36% and higher; Advantages: High
performance; Restrictions: Complex, expensive.
Fourth Generation solar cells:
Fourth-generation photovoltaic cells are also known as hybrid
inorganic cells because they combine the low cost and flexibility of
polymer thin films, with the stability of organic nanostructures such
as metal nanoparticles and metal oxides, carbon nanotubes,
graphene, and their derivatives. These devices, often referred to as
“nano-photovoltaics”, could become the promising future of

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