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When the forces are removed, the object will return to its initial shape and size is
Composite Material
1 1 called as------- Elastic Material Plastic Material Rigid Material a
2 2 3
2 1 Unit of Strain is --------- N/m N/mm kg/m No Units d
The internal resistance set up by the material of the body per unit area against the
tensile stress b
3 1 deformation Strain Stress Direct Stress
non – prismatic
composite bar c
4 1 A bar having constant cross section throughout its length Compound bars bar prismatic bar
direct shear b
5 1 When shear occurs on the area PARALLEL to the applied loads, it is known as-------- shear stress Direct Stress induced shear
6 1 Within the Elastic limit Stress is proportional to Strain is known as.---------- Young’s Modulus Hooke’s Law Shear Strain Modulus of Rigidity
Direct Stress b
7 1 The Ratio of Lateral Strain to Linear Strain is ----------- Young’s Modulus Poisson’s Ratio shear stress
Within the proportional limit, the ratio between the shear stress and shear strain is a Modulus of
8 1 constant for an elastic material. Rigidity Young’s Modulus Hooke’s Law Modulus of Elasticity
Modulus of
The ratio between the normal stress and volumetric strain is called ---------- a
9 1 Bulk Modulus Young’s Modulus Rigidity Modulus of Elasticity
10 1 Stress Caused Due To The Change In Temperature Linear Strain Shear Stress Lateral Strain Thermal Stress d
Bending of Resilience of
Axial Load of Spring
11 1 In a Spring force required to cause unit deflection is known as ---------- Spring Stiffness Spring Spring a
th th th
Thin Shell is defined as the thickness, “t” of the shell is of it’s diameter, it is called a ----less than 1/10 to More than 1/10 equal to 1/10
equal to 1/15th
12 1 ---- 1/15th to 1/15th to 1/15th a
The ability of a material to return to its original length or shape by releasing strain
Capacity of Spring
13 1 energy when a load is removed is referred to as ------ Strain Energy Stiffness Resilience c
The springs are made up of a wire coiled in the form of a helix and are primarily Compression
Helical Springs
14 1 intended for compressive or tensile loads is known as ----------- Springs Torsion Springs Leaf Spring d
15 1 A spring that works by twisting its end along its axis is called as ---------- Leaf Spring torsion spring Helical Spring Compression Springs b
Capacity of Stiffness of
16 1 The ratio of applied force(F) and spring constant (k) is known as ---------- Spring Resilience Spring Spring deflection d
Direct and
Thin Cylindrical Thick cylindrical Bending
17 1 Lame’s theory is associated with -------- Shells Shells Stresses None of these b
18 1 The ratio between Circumferential / Hoop Stress To Longitudinal Stress is --------- equal to two equal to one equal to zero greater than zero a
Uniform Isotropic
Elastic Materials
19 1 The materials having same elastic properties in all directions are called -------- Ideal materials Materials Materials c

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20 1 The Maximum Strain energy that can be stored in a body is known as -------- Impact Energy Resilience Proof Resilience Modulus of resilience c
Direct and shear shear stress and normal and axial stress and shear
Mohr's Circle is relationships between the ---------
21 1 stresses shear strain shear stresses stress c

graphical method
used for
evaluation of
principal stresses,
maximum shear
stress; normal and Evaluation of
tangential stresses Evaluation of maximum shear Evaluation of
22 1 Mohr's circle application------- on a plane principal stresses stress tangential stresses a
Impact Energy
23 1 The Energy stored in a body when strained within Elastic limits is known as ----------- Resilience Proof Resilience Strain energy c
Modulus of
24 1 Proof Resilience per unit volume of a material is known as -------- Resilience Resilience Impact Energy Strain Energy a

25 1 The Normal Stress on the Principal Plane -------- Direct Stress Principal Stress Principal Strain Simple Shear Stresses b
Modulus of Modulus of
Poisson’s ratio
26 1 The ratio of linear stress to the linear strain is called as ------- Rigidity Elasticity Bulk Modulus b
The Strain Energy stored in body (Circular Shaft Subject to Shear Stress (τ), is: τ²/ 2E × Volume τ/ 2E × Volume τ²/ 4E × τ/ 4E × Volume of
27 1 (Where, E = Modulus of rigidity for the shaft material) of shaft of shaft Volume of shaft shaft. a
28 1 Stress developed in Suddenly Applied load is ------- gradually Applied Impact load Equal to One-half Twice Four times c
The difference between the planes of maximum shear stress and Principal planes is -----
60 70 65
29 1 --- degrees 45 a
To design
components and To determine All above this
calculate margin To Guide material weak and strong
30 1 Purpose of Theories of Failure ------- of safety. development. direction d
31 1 Which an object resists deformation in response to an applied force Stiffness Strength toughness hardness a
A beam ----- is a rigid structural element which extends horizontally and is supported Simply Supported
32 1 at only one end and other end is free. Fixed beam beam cantilever beam Overhanging beam c
Curvature of
33 1 A beam that curves upwards in the middle------- Bending of Beam sagging beam d

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The bending moment at a point on a beam is the algebraic ________ of all the
None of the above
34 1 moments on either side of the point. Sum Difference Multiplication a
The Shear force diagram of a cantilever beam of length “l” and carrying a uniformly A right angle An isosceles An equilateral
obtuse triangles
35 1 distributed load of “w” per unit length will be --------------- triangle triangle Triangle a
M/R = T/J =
36 1 The bending equation is ---------- M/I = σ/y = E/R T/J = τ/R = Cθ/l Cθ/l T/l= τ/J = R/Cθ a
wl² /2 at one end wl /2 at one end wl at one end
The shear force at the ends of a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly and -wl² / 2 at the and -wl / 2 at the and -wl at the Zero at its both ends
37 1 distributed load of w per unit length is --------- other end other end other end b
Simply supported Continuous
38 1 A beam supported on more than two supports is called ---------- Fixed beam beam beam Overhanging beam c
39 1 A fixed beam is one which is fixed at _________. One of its ends Both of its ends The middle None of these b
The shear force of a cantilever beam of length l carrying a uniformly distributed load
40 1 of w per unit length is _________ at the free end. Zero wl /4 wl /2 wl a
Ixx ,Iyy – Ixx ,Iyy –
Moment of Inertia Moment of
of body along Inertia of body
What is mean by Ixx and Iyy -------- Horizontal, along Horizontal
Vertical Axis Ixx ,Iyy – Axis passing
passing through Moment of Inertia through the Centroid of Body
41 1 the centroid of body centroid along the axis a
The calculation of the moment of the body due to the loadings involve a quantity called Moment of
42 1 ____________ Moment Inertia Inertia Rotation c
43 1 The distance in the parallel axis theorem is multiplied by ___________ Area Volume Linear distance Area/Volume a
How many boundary conditions will be required to solve in Double Integration
0 1 2 3
44 1 Method? c
45 1 Units of deflection are --------- kNm kN/m kN metre c
46 1 In cantilever beams, the deflection is zero at ___________ Free end Fixed end At supports Throughout b
47 1 What is the dimension of θB/A if area is measured in SI unit----------- Degree Radian Dimensionless Can be any of them b
Convenient for
Concentrated Convenient for
Load and UDL Concentrated Load
More Accurate and combination Convenient for
48 1 Why Machaulay’s Method is Superior To Double Integration Method value loads UDL d

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Difficulty in
calculating the Neutral axis passes
Difficulty to BM is coincident area Curvilinear through the centroid
49 1 Why Moment Area Method is Not Used to Find Deflection Under UDL Locate the C.G with neutral axis or Parabolic of the section c
50 1 Macaulay's method is used to determine ______ Deflection Strength Toughness All of the above
Explain the conditions for developing a thermal stress due to temperature change.
Explain various stresses developed, when a bar in heated and expansions is prevented.
51 8
Define stress, types of stresses, with the help of simple hand sketches. What is the
52 8 measuring unit of stress?
53 8 Define factor of safety. State its Application
A steel cube block of 50mm side is subjected to a force of 6KN, tension, 8KN,
compression and 4KN, tension along X,Y and Z direction respectively. Determine the
54 8 change in volume of the block. Take E as 200 Gpa ,’m’ as 10/3
55 8 Compare young’s modulus, rigidity modulus and bulk modulus.
Derive an expression for the change in dimensions of a thin cylindrical shell due to
56 8 internal pressure.
A cylindrical vessel 2 mtr long and 500mm diameter with 10mm thick plate is
subjected to an internal pressure of 3MPa. Calculate the change in volume of the
57 8 vessel. Take E = 200GPa, Poisson’s ratio = 0.3 for the vessel material.
State and derive LAME’s equations for a thick cylindrical shell subjected to internal
58 8 pressure
A thick metallic cylindrical shell of 150mm internal diameter is required to withstand
an internal pressure 8N/mm. Find the necessary thickness of the shell. if permissible
59 8 tensile stress in the section is 20N/mm .
60 8 Derive the expression for stiffness for closed coil spring.
What is resilience and proof resilience? Derive an expression for strain energy, when
61 8 the load is “Gradually applied”
An unknown weight falls through 10mm on a collar rigidity attached to the lower end
of a vertical bar 4m long and 600mm .in cross section. If the maximum instantaneous
extension is known to be 2mm, what is the corresponding stress and the value of
62 8 unknown weight? Take E as 200GPa.
Derive the expression for “Normal stress” on an oblique plane, subjected to direct
63 8 stresses on two actually per particular directions.
Find the expression for “normal stress” on an oblique section subjected to direct stress
64 8 on one plane and a simple shear stress.

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The stresses at a point of machine components are 150MPa and 50MPa, both tensile
.Find the intensities of normal, shear and resultant stress on a plane inclined at an angle
of 55 degree with the axis of major tensile stress using Mohr’s circle method. Also
65 8 find the magnitude of maximum shear stress in the component.
Prove the relation M/I = SB/y= E/R where M = bending moment, I = moment of
inertia, SB = bending stress in a fiber at distance y, from the neutral axis, E = Young’s
66 8 modulus, R = Radius of curvature.

What do you understand by stiffness and strength? Explain it’s importance in a loaded
beam. Explain the “Shape factor to increase the load carrying capacity of a beam.
67 8
A rectangular beam 60mm wide and 150mm deep is simply supported over a span of
4m. If the beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 4.5KN/m, find maximum
68 8 bending stress induce in the beam.
Draw shear force and bending moment diagrams for a cantilever beam of span 1.5m
carrying a point load 2KN at a distance of 1m from fixed end and 1.5KN at the free
69 8 end.
A simply supported beam is of span land a UDL of W per unit length. Explain the
70 8 procedure to draw the SFD and BMD.
An I section girder, 200mm wide and 300mm deep, with flange and web of thickness,
20mm is used an a simply supported beam over a span of 7m The girder carries a
distributed load of 5KN /m, and a concentrated load 20KN at mid-span Determine (i)
the second moment of area of cross section of the girder (ii) the maximum stress setup
71 8 in the girder.
Derive the expression for slope and maximum deflection in a simply- supported beam
72 8 subjected to a central concentrated load.
Derive the expression for slope and deflection in a simply supported beam subjected to
73 8 UDL.
A cantilever beam of length 3m is carrying a uniformly distributed load of W KN/m
Assuming, a rectangular cross section with depth ‘d’ equal to twice the width ‘b’
determine the dimensions of the beam. So that the Vertical deflection at the free end
74 8 does not exceed 8mm Take bending stress equal to 100MPa and E = 200GPa.
Using Area moment method or graphical method, find the maximum deflection at the
75 8 centre of a simply supported beam, with UDL, throughout its length.

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