Inglés Nivel 1

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Nivel 1
Welcome to Level 1!

Hello, My name is Adrian And my name is Franz,

Welcome to English Level One!

Before we start, tell us:

what´s your name?


Yes, It is nice to meet you! It is nice to meet you!

1. Making mistakes is OK... Mistakes are natural and expected.
Equivocarse está bien... los errores son naturales y esperados.

2. The use of cellphones during the class is not allowed.

El uso del teléfono celular durante la clase no está permitido.

3. You should use the following phrases during the class:

Usas estas frases siguientes durante la clase.

Hello Teacher! jelou tiichher

Goodbye Teacher! guudbai tiichher
Excuse Me! ex-quiusmi
Sorry! sou-wrii
Please! pli-iz
May I go to the restroom? me-a-i gou tu de ressruum
May I go out? me-a-i gou-aut
Teacher, I have a question? tiichher ai-ja-va cuessshon
Teacher, I don´t understand! tiichher ai-don-t-onderrrstand
This pronunciation is just only similar to Spanish sounds, but they will be improved through time.
Esta pronunciación es solo parecido a los sonidos en español, pero mejorarán con el tiempo.

CMEI Level One Page 1

L1 Teaching Program

Requirements: None
Duration: 12 lessons / each for about 2 hours and 30 minutes
Level description: It provides you with the conversational structures to compose sentences in simple
present, and present progressive, in addition to 125 verbs, and level 1 vocabulary
Main goal: To provide the students with the necessary knowledge for talking in present, and
introduce them to verbs and vocabulary.

My scores
% My scores:
Mid term test 25%

Final test Written test 20%

Oral Test 10%

Quizzes Quiz 1 5%
Quiz 2 5%
Quiz 3 5%
Quiz 4 5%

Class work Participation 10%

Book 5%

Projects Project 10%

Final Grade 100%

*Your teacher may apply variations depending on each group circumstances.

Classwork: it is considered accordingly with the teacher’s perception of the student performance during the
class time. It must reflect not only the participation, but also the working on exercises, the time the student
gets out of class and his/her punctuality.

Quizzes: after explaining the present simple, the student must read one of the 2 reading in the book, answer their
respective questions using only long answers and applying properly the Subject-Verb-Complement order and
the correlation between the subject and the verb conjugation.

Projects: a set of activities designed to enhance your sentence construction, allowing the student to increase
creativity and language expression.

Page 2 Level One CMEI

Week Activity Pages Topics

1 • Class rules
01 Introductory class 2-3 • L1 teaching program
5-8 • Our English Tenets
10 • The first number you need: a - an articles
11 • The famous "the"
02 Class 12 • Making plural in English
13-15 • Demonstrative Pronouns
44 • Vocabulary: Numbers
16 • This verb is unique: To be
17 • To be not
03 Class 18-19 • To be in practice
42 • Vocabulary: Let's color the rainbow
43 • Vocabulary: Countries, nationalities and languages
20-21 • It's happening now: present progressive
04 Class 22 • Use vs wear
46 • Vocabulary: Clothing
23-25 • Things I want: Simple present, part I
05 Class
26-27 • Let's say no: Simple present negative, part I
06 Mid Term Test - • Written test for individual feedback support.
29-30 • She likes dancing: Simple present, part II
07 Class
31 • Let's say no: Simple present negative, part II
32-33 • Let's practice more...
08 40-41 • Prepositions of place: in - on - at
Quiz 1 47-48 • Delivery date: Phillip Jonhson Q01-Q25
34 • Practice: Mr. Pedro Montero
Class 35 • Simple present close questions
53-57 • Introduction to verbs meanings
Quiz 2 47,49 • Delivery date: Phillip Jonhson Q26-Q50
36 • Practice: Mrs. Patricia Gómez
Class 37-38 • Simple present open questions
10 45 • What time is it?
Quiz 3 50-51 • Delivery date: Nancy Jonhson Q01-Q30
Project 53-57 • Delivery date: Verbs chart completed
Class 58-62 • Level I General Practice
11 Quiz 4 50,52 • Delivery date: Nancy Jonhson Q31-Q60
Oral test - • Individual Oral test.
Final test - • Written test for individual feedback support
Grading - • Delivering final grade
There might be variations, based on the group needs.
CMEI Level One Page 3
Be patient!!!
This is a slow process...

English Levels
A1 Can introduce themselves and others,
ask/answer personal questions such
A2 Can communicate in simple and
routine tasks requiring a simple and
as where he/she lives, people they know direct exchange of information on familiar
and things they have, interact in a simple and routine matters, and describe in simple
way provided the other person talks slowly terms aspects of their background, in areas
and clearly and is prepared to help. of immediate need

B1 Can produce simple ideas on familiar

topics personal interests. Can describe B2 Interact fluently
interactions with
making regular
native speakers
experiences and events, dreams, hopes and without strain for either party and on a wide
ambitions and basically give reasons and range of subjects and explain a viewpoint
explanations for opinions and plans. on a topical issue giving the advantages and
disadvantages of various options.

C1 Use language flexibly & effectively

for social, academic & professional C2 Can summarize information from
different sources, reconstructing
purposes, produce clear, well-structured, arguments and accounts in a coherent
detailed text on complex subjects, showing presentation. Express spontaneously, very
controlled use of organizational patterns, fluently and precisely.
connectors and cohesive devices.

To the human brain, learning a language is similar to learning a new physical ability,
Para el cerebro humano, aprender un idioma es similar a aprender una nueva habilidad física, tal
such as driving a car, or practicing martial arts. It relays less on memory or logic thought
como manejar un carro, practicar artes marciales. Depende menos de la memoria o el pensamiento
process. This makes it very diferent from memorizing school subjects like Science or
lógico. Esto lo hace diferente de memorizar la materia en la escuela tal como Ciencias o Historia.
History. Learning a new langue will require you to be the main actor by:
Aprender un nuevo idioma requerirá que usted sea el principal actor al:
committing yourself to do homeworks, quizzes and assigments on time.
comprometerse en hacer tareas, quizes y trabajos a tiempo.
willing to participat regarless your fear to make a mistake.
tener la voluntad de participar a pesar del miedo a equivocarse.
enjoying this process, not letting frustration taking your over.
disfrutar ese proceso, sin dejar que la frustación le gane.
(Check each box if you are willing to learn English)
Marque con un check si esta comprometido a aprender inglés.

Sign here once you are totally sure you want to

Firma aquí una vez que estés totalmente seguro que quieres
be successful in this English Course.
ser exitoso en este curso de inglés.
Page 4 Level One CMEI
About English!!!
Our English Tenets
We define and teach this language on three basic tenets (principles):
Definimos y enseñamos este lenguage basados en tres principios básicos:
1. English is simple
English verbs don't need any sort of conjugation, and it always follows the same grammar structure: subjet-verb-complements.
Los verbos del inglés no necesitan ningún tipo de conjugación, y siempre siguen la misma estructura gramatical: sujeto-verbo-complementos.

2. English is fast
In English, it's very common not make pauses between words, and merge all the sounds into a single phrase, for example:
En inglés, es muy común no hacer pausas entre las palabras, y unir los sonidos en una sola frase, por ejemplo:
"It's Ok" sounds similar to "it-sou-ke-i".
"It´s ok" suena similar a "it-sou-ke-i".

3. English is efficient
This language is very straight forward, and avoids all sort of language redundance, for example: "Mi camisa es color azul", in
Este lenguaje es muy directo al punto, y evita todo tipo de redundancia en el idioma, por ejemplo: "Mi camisa es color azul", en
English is "My shirt is blue".
inglés es "My shirt is blue".

English is as simple as 123

Since there's little or no conjugation on English verbs, this language requires to keep always the same
Como hay muy poco a no conjugación en los verbos en inglés, este lenguaje requiere siempre mantener la misma
structure to make senteces: (1) we must tell who performs the action, (2) the action performed, and (3) the
estructura para hacer oraciones: (1) debemos indicar quien realiza la acción, (2) la acción realizada, y (3) los
details complementing the sentence. At this, we call it the 123 Rule:
detalles que complementan la oración. A esto, le llamamos la regla 123: 1 (quién) 2 (acción) 3 (lo demás).
1 (who) 2 (action) 3 (the rest).
Spanish English 1 2 3
Como mucho. -who- -action- -The rest-
Comes mucho. I want pizza I want pizza.
eat a lot.
Comemos mucho. You need water
Comen mucho.
We have a car
They want to work

In English the description goes first...

Keep in mind that in English, we always describe the object before
blue house Toma en cuenta que en inglés, siempre describimos el objeto antes
casa azul: mentioning. While in Spanish you can say it in both ways: casa grande,
de mencionarlo. Mientras que en Español puedes decirlo de ambos formas: casa grade,
green car or grande casa. In English, you can only place the description before the
carro verde: grande casa. En inglés, solo puedes colocar la descripción antes del
object. Following into the same example, you could only say: big house.
objeto. Siguiendo el mismo ejemplo, solo puedes decir: Casa grande.
red pen Associate the words on the left column with the ones on the right column.
lapicero rojo: Asocia las palabras en la columna de la izquierda con las de la columna de la derecha.
yellow pencil A zapatos negros
yellow book black shoes B mochila anaranjada
cibro amarillo:
pink glasses C lápiz amarillo
pink cup orange backpack D blusa blanca
taza rosada: white blouse E lentes rosados

CMEI Level One Page 5

Names are very different...
Names in English speaking countries are usually limited to FIRST NAME and LAST NAME. For this
Los nombres en países de habla inglesa son usualmente limitados a el primer nombre y el apellido. Por ello
reason, when people get married, the woman adopts the husband’s family name in most cases.
cuando las personas se casan, la mujer adopta el apellido de la familia del esposo la mayoría de los casos.
MIDDLE NAME is also popular but it’s usually kept as an initial in the middle, for example John F. Kennedy.
El segundo nombre es también popular pero es usualmente dejado como una inicial en el medio, por ejemplo John. F Kennedy.

Juan Rafael Mora Porras John Fitzgerald Kennedy

In 1856 he led his country’s forces in The 35th President of the United States
Central America’s war against William who was assassinated on November
Walker’s filibuster regime in Nicaragua. 22nd, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.

En 1856 lideró las fuerzas del país en la El trigésimo quinto Presidente de los Esta-
Guerra Centroamericana contra William dos Unidos quien fue asesinado el 22 de
Walker y su régimen filibustero en Nicaragua Noviembre de 1963, en Dallas, Texas.

The equivalent in English for “Segundo apellido” is called mother’s MAIDEN name. But it is very uncommon
El equivalente en inglés del segundo apellido es llamado “mother’s Maiden name”. Pero es muy poco común
to native speaker to use it... but in Spanish is very common: Juan Rafael Mora Porras
que un nativo lo use... pero en español si es muy común:

We use titles...
“Mr.” is used for single or married males + Family name
MR es usado para hombres solteros o casados + Apellido
“Mrs.” is used for married females + Family name Mr. Montero
Mrs is usado para mujeres casadas + Apellido (del esposo) Age 44

“Miss.” is used for single females + Family name *

Miss es usado para mujeres solteras + Apellido
“Ms.” is used for either single or married female,
Ms. es usado por tanto muejres solteras o casadas,
especially for elderly women when it is unknown what
especialmente para mujeres mayores cuanto es desconocido cuál
their marital status is. Miss Garc i
a A ge17
es su estado civil.

(Ms.) the difference in the pronunciation is in the ending “s”, because in the title Ms. it is pronounced [z]
(Ms.) la diferencia esta en la pronunciación final de la "s", porque en el título Ms. es prounciado [z].

Using possession for the first time:

What is your name? What is his name?
my name:
My name is His name is
Your name:
What is my name? What is her name?
His name:
Your name is Her name is
Her name:

Page 6 Level One CMEI

Spelling is also very important:
Listen and copy the letters to complete the words below each picture.
Escucha y copia las letras para completar las palabras debajo de cada imagen.

Spelling Classroom Objects

p e n c i l c s

b o o

n e a

r h l l k

k p h

Pay special attention to vowels a, i, e, and consider , the combination of “TH” does not exist in

our Spanish; allthogether with the different sounds created by the same amount of letters in

Spanish, such as examples: “C”, “Z”, “V”, “B”, “SH”, “CH”, etc.

Conversation between Mónica and Pablo

Pablo: My last name is Quesada. What’s your last name Mónica?

Mónica: My last name is Montero.

Pablo: How do you spell your last name?

Mónica: M-O-N-T-E-R-O, and you?

Pablo: Q-U-E-S-A-D-A.

CMEI Level One Page 7

Try your abilities... and prepare yourself for learning a lot...
Pónte a prueba... y preparate para aprender mucho...

a) Associate the person to its equivalent. In some b) Tell us what is the corresponding pronoun on each
cases it might be repeated. case:
Asocie la persona con su significado. En algunos casos se Dinos cuál es el pronombre equivalente en cada caso.
puede repetir la palabra en inglés.
Carlos You and I = we
Usted Laura and Pablo =
You Carlos y Patricia Carolina and he =
Patricia =
He Lorena
My car =
Lorena y yo
She The school =
Patricia, Carlos y ella
Nosotros The teacher =
Ustedes The student =
We Ella The teacher and the student =
The house =
They Libro

c) Pick the right words to each picture, also tell us the meaning of each in Spanish:
Escoge las palabras correctas para cada imagen, además escribe su significado.

your pencil

my backpack

her notebook
my book
his classroom mi libro
his pen

my cellphone

your marker

my book

your eraser

his teacher

his classmate

his desk

Try saying all the words as fast as you can: my book, your pencil, his classroom, etc... Repeting
things out loud help the brain to adapt. It’s a brain ability called “priming” in which the brain adapts
to new environment without you being concious about it.
Intenta decir las palabras tan rapido como puedas: my book, my pencil, his classroom, etc... Repetir las palabras en voz alta
ayuda al cerebro a adaptarse. Es una propiedad del cerebro llamda “priming” la cuál le permite adaptarse a un nuevo entorno
sin ser conciente de ello.

Page 8 Level One CMEI

Greetings (saying hello) Farewells (saying goodbye)
Hello! Hi! Goodbye!
jeloou! jaiii! Guud-bai

Hi !
Good morning!
See you later!
siii-iiu leider!
bye !
Good afternoon! See you soon!
guud-av-ter-nuuun! sii-iiu suuun!
Good evening! See you tomorrow!
guud iivvenin-gg! siii-iiu tumorrouu!
How are you? See you next _________ (week, day, year)
Jauu arrr iuu? siii-iiu necsstt _________ (uuiiik, deii, iiaaar)
How are you doing? Have a good day / week!
ja-uuarrr iiuu du-in? jaaav-va guud dei / uuuiik!
How´s it going? Good night!
jaus-sit-goin-gg? guud-nait!
What´s up? Farewell!
uuat-ts-sap? Farewell!
(I´m) fine, thank you. How about you? Bye!
(aimm) faiin, theenk-kiiuu. Jau-uabaut-chiuu? Bai!
(I´m) great, thanks. And you?
(aimm) greiitt, theenkkss. and-diuu?
I´m OK
aim oukei
Not bad

Mr. Cervantes: Good , Mrs. Rivera.

Mrs. Rivera: Good morning, Mr. Cervantes. ?
Mr. Cervantes: I’m fine thanks, ?
Mrs. Rivera: . Mr. Cervantes, this is my husband Carlos,
Carlos this is Mr. Cervantes my English teacher.
Mr. Cervantes: Nice to meet you!
Mr. Rivera (Carlos): Nice to meet you too. Are you from Costa Rica, Mr. Cervantes?
Mr. Cervantes: Yes, I am from Costa Rica, from Heredia. And you, are you from Costa Rica?
Mr. Rivera: No, I’m from Panamá, but I live here in Costa Rica now.
Mrs. Rivera Well we have to go, goodbye Mr Cervantes, nice to see you.
Mr. Cervantes Yes, to both of you!
Mr. Rivera Mr. Cervantes!

CMEI Level One Page 9

The first number you need:
a / an 1 un It is only for
one object
unos There are no
unas don’t exist in English No hay
genders for
House Pencils géneros para las
English Words
Car Glasses palabras en Inglés
Wallet Books
Door Laptop
Window Pens

The phonetic conflict

When the “a” goes in front of a similar sound like
Cuando la “a” va frente un sonido similar como
with a-e-i-o, it makes a phonetic conflict because it A airplane An airplane
con a-e-i-o, eso crea un conflicto fonético porque lo
is difficult to pronounce both sounds together. A idea An idea
hace dificil de pronunciár ambos sonidos juntos.
Remember ENGLISH is FAST, so the conflict is A electric car An electric
Recuerda INGLÉS es RÁPIDO, así que el conflicto es
eliminated by adding an extra letter: a + n making a separation between both sounds: an protects the
eliminado agregando una letra extra: a+n haciendo una separación entre ambos sonidas: an protegiendo la
phonetics when talking.
fonética al hablar.

______ cellphone case ______ computer ______ bedrooms ______ mouse

______ energy drink ______ angry person ______ bicycle ______ interesting person
______ open door ______ good idea ______ people ______ glasses
______ excellent ideas ______ elephants ______ child ______ apple
______ speaker ______ markers ______ notebook ______ snack
In words like uniform, unicorn, university, universe; the /iu/ sound doesn’t make a phonetic
En palabras como uniforme, unicornio, universidad, universo; el sonido iu no hace un
conflict, so you don’t add the extra “n”.
conflicto fonético, así que usted no necesita agregar la extra “n”.

Page 10Level One CMEI

The famous “the” In Spanish, words like “carro” are
En español las palabras como “carro” son
masculine, and “silla” are femine, so this
First, let me tell what “the” is not masculinas y “silla” son femeninas, así que
language requires to add an extra word
este idioma requiere agregar una palabra extra
it is not: el, los, la, las
telling if it is feminine or masculine...

indicando si esta es femenina o masculina...
el carro, la silla.
el carro, la silla.
In English, all words are neutral; so these
En inglés todas las palabras son neutrales, así
“The” makes an object unique or special extra words “el, los, la and las” don´t exist.
que estas palabras extra “el, los, la y las” no existen.

among a group or a specific thing.

The green square

Este cuadro es él único verde.

The purple square

Este cuadro es él único morado.

The pink House

Examples Esta es la única casa rosada.

The people are crazy. The people on the picture are crazy.
en este caso las personas es un término muy Las personas en la foto... eso si está especificando por
genérico... no requiere que lleve “the”. tanto si quiere el uso de “the”.

The cars are expensive. The cars at BM Motors are expensive.

Los carros es un término genérico... Ya no son todos los carros... si no que se está especificando que
no requiere que lleve “the” son los carros de esa compañía, por tanto si requiere “the”.

The students are young. The teacher is old.

Un grupo de personas aprendiendo El profesor o maestro por su parte es único en la clase. Por tanto
en una clase es un término genérico. es un título especial ser el profesor o maestro.

Practice Time!
Check the sentences below and tell us if they are “CORRECT” or re-write it without the mistake.
Revisa las oraciones abajo y dinos si están “CORRECTAS” o re-escribela sin el error.
The people listen to music. Simpsons family are from Springfield.
People listen to music.
The black cat is mine. I have breakfast in the morning.

The Nascar cars are fast. The Japanese are very smart.

I live in the red house. I am learning the English.

I love the animals. I don’t like the English pronunciation.

CMEI Level One Page 11

Making plural in English
Making plurals is generally very simple, it only applies to nouns, the same as in Spanish, we add the letter "s"
Hace plurales es generalmente muy sencillo, solo se aplica a sustantivos, igual que en español, agregamos la letra
at the end of each object. Please note that this rule does not apply to descriptions (adjectives).

a table = 1 2 tables many tables

an orange = 1 2 oranges many oranges

Add “es” for nouns ending “ch, sh, s, x, o and z” There are also irregular plurals, which change
Agregar “ES” para palabras terminadas en CH, SH, S, X, O y Z. También hay plurales irregulares, los cuales cambiam de su
from their singular form. Here are some of them:
forma original. Aquí hay algunos de ellos:
A watch watch + es two watches
A wish wish + es many wishes A person (=1) many people (2 or more)
A glass glass + es five glasses A man (=1) a lot of men (2 or more)
A box box + es some boxes A child (=1) five children (2 or more)
A woman (=1) ten women (2 or more)
Substitute “y” with “ies” for words ending A foot (=1) two feet (2 or more)
Sustituye la Y con IES para las palabras que terminan A tooth (=1) many teeth (2 or more)
consontant + “y”. A wife (=1) three wives* (2 or more)
consonante + Y.
A life (=1) some lives* (2 or more)
A fly fly - y + ies five flies
A candy candy - y + ies some candies
(*) As a rule, nouns ending “f” or “fe” change
Exception: Only add “s” for nouns ending “y” but
Excepción: solo se grega S cuando las palabras teminan Y to “ves”.(**) It is fine to use either “people”
vowels (a-e-i-o-u) + “y”. or “persons” although it is more common to
pero vocal + Y use “people” as the plural of “person”.
A toy toy + s many toys

Answer each question with a plural using a number + the plural word.
Responde en cada pregunta con un plural usando un número + la palabra en plural.
A car? No, two cars A cellphone? A student?

A book? No, three books An exam? A teacher?

A house? A wife? An apple?

A shoe? A backpack? An orange?

A box? An eraser? A finger?

A bus? An idea? A woman?

A man? A child? A foot?

A pen? A person A star?

Page 12Level One CMEI

Demonstrative Pronouns
This A close or near These Close or near

Object Objects
That A far or distant Those Far or distant

Object Objects
This is close/near These are close/near
This isn’t close/near These aren´t close/near Opposites
That is far/distant Those are far/distant Near Far
That isn’t far/distant Those aren’t far/distant Close Distant

Is this a printer? No, it isn’t a printer. Are these pencils? No, they aren’t pencils.

So, What is this? It is a computer. So, What are these? They are erasers.

Is that a phone? No, it isn’t a phone. Are those books? No, they aren’t books.

So, What is that? It is a desk. So, What are those? They are pens.

Scan this QR code to

download a video.

CMEI Level One Page 13

Practice Time!
Imagine You have an object in you hand and I ask you: WHAT IS THIS? so you answer: THAT IS...
Imagina que tengo un objeto en mi mano y te pregunto: ¿QUE ES ESTO? Así usted responde: ESO ES...

What is this? What are these?

Pencil That’s a pencil.
Batteries Those are batteries.
What’s this? What are these?

Mobile Books
What is this? What are these?

Bottle Letters
What’s this? What are these?
What is this? What are these?
What’s this? What are these?

Notebook Papers
What is this? What are these?

Chair Markers
What’s this? What are these?

Marker Notebooks
What is this? What are these?
What’s this? What are these?

Desk Balls
What is this? What are these?

Backpack Chairs
What’s this? What are these?

Pen Pens

Page 14Level One CMEI

Practice Time!
Imagine you have an object in your hand and I ask you: WHAT IS THAT? so you answer: THIS IS...
Imagina que TIENES un objeto enTU mano y te pregunto: ¿QUE ES ESO? Así usted responde: ESTO ES...

What is that? What are those?

T-shirt This is a t-shirt.
Suitcases These are suitcases.
What’s that? What are those?
Cap ers
What is that? What are those?
watch Hats

What’s that? What are those?

Wallet Coins
What’s that? What are those?

What’s that? What are those?

Bill Clips
What’s that? What are those?
What’s that? What are those?
What’s that? What are those?

Charger High heels

What’s that? What are those?

Bulb Pillows
What’s that? What are those?

What’s that? What are those?

Glass Plates

CMEI Level One Page 15

This verb is very unique: to be ser am - am not
estar are - are not
tener* is - is not
to be ## years old
You might notice we say to be has a third meaning in Spanish: “Tener”. This is because in Spanish we tell the age
Puede que hayas notado que pusimos un tercer significado en español: “tener”. Esto se debe a que en el español nosotros decimos la edad
using tener (e.g. Yo tengo 20 años), but not in English. That’s why to make it easy for Spanish speakers we add an extra
usando tener (ejem. yo tengo 20 años), pero no es ási en inglés. Por ello para hacerlo más fácil para los hablantes de español, agregamos
meaning, since this is one of the most common mistakes even advanced students make.
un significado adicional, debido a que es uno de los errores más comunes que cometen incluso estudiantes avanzados.

How old are you? How old is your mother? Are you 35 years old?
Yes, I am 35 years old.
1 3 How old is your father? Is your mother 90 years old?
who The rest Yes,
I am 10 years old How old is your sister? Is your father 20 years old?
You are 20 years old Yes,
He is 30 years old How old is your brother? Is your sister 80 years old?
She is 40 years old Yes,
It is 50 years old How old is your husband/wife? Is your brother 24 years old?
We are 60 years old Yes,
They are 70 years old How old is your dog? Is your husband/wife 23 years old?
husband wife my parents
my father my mother
Conteste “Sí” a todas las pre-
spouses children
guntas, son solo para efectos
my sister académicos, así aúnque por ejem-
my brother
plo se sea soltero o soltera o no se
tenga perro, inventa la respuesta.

to be emotion/feelings
The same happens with some emotions in Spanish you say: “tengo hambre, tengo sueño or tengo frio”, but in English
Lo mismo ocurre con algunas emociones en español en las que usted dice: “tengo hambre, tengo sueño o tengo frío”, pero en ingés
you cannot express yourself that way... People might understand it but it sounds weird.
usted no se puede expresar de esa manera. Las personas puede que te entiendan pero sonará extraño.

hungry I’m hungry. Is your father hungry?

thirsty Yes,
I’m Is your sister thirsty?
You’re Yes,
He’s he’s hungry. Is your mother sleepy?
lazy Yes,
hot He’s thirsty. Is your brother lazy?
cold Yes,
We’re Is your husband/wife awake?
afraid of
They’re He’s hot. Yes,
Are you hot?
She’s sleepy. Yes,
Page 16Level One CMEI
to be NOT
The negative with to be
There are two possible ways to say no in English, and both are useful and common to a native speaker, however one
Hay dos posibles formas de decir que no en inglés, y ambos son útiles y comunes para un nativo, sin embargo uno
is more familiar to written English and the other for conversational English, yet both are accepted in both cases.
es más familiar al inglés escrito y el otro para el inglés conversacional, aún así se pueden usar en ambos casos.

NO NOT In Spanish to make something negative you just add “no” to the action and that is it. But
En español para hacer algo negativo usted solo agrega no a la acción y eso es todo. Pero en
to English you must make the difference when the negatives goes to the action adding
I am not sad. en inglés usted debe hacer la diferencia cuando el negativo va a con la acción agregando NOT.
NOT. This is a little more complex and we’ll be learning it in the near future, so for now
Esto es un poco más complejo y aprenderemos de ello pronto, así que de momento,
You are not old. let’s just add the NOT to the action.
solo agregar el NOT a la acción.

More common in written English More common in conversational English

I am + not I’m not I’m not 34 years old. I’m not I’m not 34 years old.
You are + not You aren’t You aren’t lazy. You’re not You’re not lazy.
He He isn’t He isn’t sad. He’s not He’s not sad.
She is + not She isn’t She isn’t hungry. She’s not She’s not hungry.
It It isn’t It isn’t ok. It’s not It’s not ok.
We are + not We aren’t We aren’t 9 years old. We’re not We're not 9 years old.
They They aren’t They aren’t thirsty. They’re not They're not thirsty.

Now, let’s answer these same questions, but this time we’re going to do it in negative. One each case use both ways.
Ahora vamos a contestar estas mismas preguntas, pero esta vez vamos a hacerlo en negativo. En cada una use ambas formas.
Are we 35 years old? Is your father hungry?
No, we aren’t 35 years old. No,
No, we’re not 35 years old. No,
Is your mother 4 years old? Is your sister thirsty?
No, No,
No, No,
Is your father 27 years old? Is your mother sleepy?
No, No,
No, No,
Is your sister 55 years old? Is your brother lazy?
No, No,
No, No,
Is your brother 34 years old? Is your husband/wife awake?
No, No,
No, No,
Is your husband/wife 44 years old? Are they hot?
No, No,
No, No,
CMEI Level One Page 17

Doctor I’m a doctor Bus driver

Nurse Bartender
Salesman Policeman
Waiter Fireman
a Waitress Fisherman
Janitor Butcher
Security Guard Teacher
Lawyer Cook
I’m Store clerk Secretary
Taxi driver
Cab driver


Are you an architect? am

Yes, are
Is Pablo a waiter? am
No, is
Is Vanessa a cab driver?
Yes, is
Is Jennifer an Actress?
No, is
Is your father a butcher? are

Yes, am
Are you a secretary? are
No, am
Is your sister a nurse?
No, am
Is your mother an engineer? is
Is your brother a bartender? is
No, are

Are you a student?


Page 18Level One CMEI


Big Middle-aged Muscular Handsome

Small Young Chubby Cute Gorgeous
Short Skinny Overweight Ugly
Medium Slim Fat Funny
Old Thin Elegant

Describe Batman: Batman isenguin

is old

Describe The Penguin: The Penguin is old


2 1 3
who The rest
Am I happy?
Are you hungry?
Is he married
Is she 40 years old?
Is it OK?
Are we friends?
Are they funny?

Are you 35 years old?

Yes, I am 35 years old. Yes, They are hungry.

No, I am not married. Yes, He is young.

No, She is not my mother. No, Susan is not angry.

Yes, We are very good friends. No, Carlos is not Batman.

CMEI Level One Page 19

It is happening now
This time we are using a new form of speaking: actions that
1 2 3 Esta vez estamos usando una nueva forma de hablar: acciones que
am are happening right now. It is very simple to make:
están ocurriendo ahora mismo. Es muy simple de hacer:
who are verb ing the rest 1. the verb to be (am-is-are)
1. El verbo to be (am-is-are)
is 2. a verb followed by ing (equivalent to ando -endo in Spanish)
2. Un verbo seguido por ing. (equivalente a ando-endo en español.

I am doing my homework.
You are going to the park. Let’s learn new verbs...
He is having lunch.
1. To do:
She is eat ing a taco.
It is working well. 2. To go:

We are drinking milk. 3. To have:

They are buying clothes. 4. To eat:

5. To drink:
She ( to be + sell + ing ) is selling Snacks.
6. To buy:
I ( to be + make + ing ) cookies.
7. To sell:
We ( to be + take + ing ) a shower.
8. To make:
You ( to be + work + ing ) right now.
9. To give:
Carlos ( to be + walk + ing ) with Maria.
10. To take:
Laura ( to be + teach + ing ) English

Jennifer ( to be + write + ing ) a letter. 11. To work:

Pedro ( to be + read+ ing ) a book. 12. To walk:

13. To want:

14. To teach:

15. To write:

16. To read:

17. To learn:
He is John.
18. To study:
He is playing the guitar.
19. To win:
He is practicing for a concert.
20. To lose:
He is playing “Imagine”.

Page 20Level One CMEI

Practice. Marcos and Daniela
Right now, it is Monday morning. Marcos and Daniela

are at home. They are sitting at the table. They are

having breakfast, but they are not eating the same

things. They are not drinking the same things.

At this moment, Daniela is drinking coffee, and Marcos is drinking tea. She

is eating a cheescake. Marcos is eating bread with cheese. She is talking to

Marcos. Marcos is listening to Daniela. (After breakfast) Marcos and Daniela

are going to the bus stop. They work in the city. They are going by bus to work.

They are not going by car.

Take every sentence from the reading and make it affirmative or negative.
Toma cada oración de la lectura y conviértela en afirmativa o negativa.

They are sitting at the table. They are not sitting at the table.

They are having breakfast.

They are not eating the same things.

They are not drinking the same things too.

Daniela is drinking coffee.

Marcos is drinking tea.

She is eating a cheescake.

Marcos is eating bread with cheese.

She is talking to Marcos.

Marcos is listening to Daniela.

They are going to the bus stop.

They are going by bus to work

They are not going by car.

CMEI Level One Page 21
Wear vs Use
This is one of the most confusing verbs to Spanish Speakers because we use the verb for clothes, shoes, hats,
Este es uno de los verbos más consusos para los hablantes de español porque lo usamos para ropa, zapatos, sombreros,
body accesories, such as piercings, make up, perfume and whatever goes on your body. Meanwhile the verb “to
accesorios del cuepo tal como piercings, maquillaje, perfume y lo que sea que vaya sobre el cuerpo. Mientras el verbo *Usar*
Use” works for appliying objects to some specific usage and it CANNOT be applied with clothes or shoes, hats,
funciona para el uso específico de objetos y no puede ser aplicado para ropa o zapatos, sombreros, accesorios para el
body accesories or makeup.
cuerpo o maquillaje.
The next sentences are wrong, correct them by replacing the verb #using for #wearing. Careful, one of those is correct.
Las siguientes oraciones están mal, corrígelas reemplazando el verbo #using por #waring. Cuidad, una de ellas es correcta.

Today I am using jeans. Today I am wearing jeans.

He is using big hats.

She’s not using makeup.

I’m using a formal dress for the party.

They’re using flipflops at home.

We are using caps only when it is sunny.

You’re not wearing a belt.

He is wearing a delicious perfume.


Correct use of USE...

I am using the computer.

He is using his cellphone. She is using her cellphone.

He is wearing a tie. We’re not using your WIFI.

He is wearing suit. Carlos is using the small office now.

Page 22Level One CMEI

Things I want - The Simple Present
Simple present refers to actions that take place on a daily basis. It refers to facts and general realities, repeated
El presente simple se refiere a acciones que ocurren en el día a día. Se refiere a hechos, realidades generales, acciones
actions or unchanging situations, emotions, and wishes.
repetidas o situaciones que no cambian, emociones, y deseos.}
We start learning it by expressing those actions into desires with the verb #to-want; with it, you can express your
Empezamos aprendiendo a expresar aquellas acciones en deseos con el verbo #to-want; con él, puedes expresar tu
wish for objects or actions to happen.
interés por objectos o situaciones.
1 2 3
Write down the following sentences using your left-hand*.
Escribe las siguientes oraciones usando tu mano izquierda*. I Things
I want to go home. You
want to
We want to do my homework. They Actions

You want to have a dog. I am


I want to eat meat.

Here is a
They want to drink a cold soda.
I want to
What for? be angry!
I want to buy new shoes.

You want to sell my house.

Check the following diagram on how to make sentences with the verb to want and the verb to go.
Revisa el siguiente diagrama de como hacer oraciones con el verbo to want y el verbo to go.

I the mall bus

You the restaurant car
want to go to by
We the store taxy
They the church bicycle
Notice how we always use the word "by" before any transfportation mean.
Nota como siempre usamos la palabra "by" delante de cualquier medio de transporte.
Make your own sentences using the diagram as your reference.
Crea tus propias oraciones usando el diagrama como referencia.





CMEI Level One Page 23

Things I have/need to do
1 2 3
I have to eat at noon.
You have to
We have to drink water. We need to
They have to work today.
We have to listen to music. To need:
To love:
You need to sleep more. To hate:
To sleep:
We need to ask you something.
To ask:
To answer:
They need to eat more fruits.
To cook:

I go to Alajuela.
You have to buy a new t-shirt.
We read 3 books.
need to
study English.
give you my number.

What do you have to do? What do you need to do?

I have to work. I need to eat.

Page 24Level One CMEI

1 2 3
I things
want to
We have to
They need to

I the bathroom
want to go to
We the supermarket
They the store

I the mall
You the restaurant
need to go to
We the drugstore
They the church

I the bank
You the school
have to go to
We the university
They San José

I want to go home. I have to eat at noon.

I want to do my homework. We have to drink water.

I want to have a dog. They have to work today.

I want to eat meat. You need to go out.

I want to drink a cold soda. We need to ask you something.

Make your own

with I want to
I need to
I have to

CMEI Level One Page 25
Let’s say no
This is totally different from the verb to be, and it is beacuse all verbs need an extra word to make the negative in
Hay dos posibles formas de decir que no en inglés, y ambos son útiles y comunes para un nativo, sin embargo uno
English, that is what we call an auxiliary verb, because it helps the verb to change its meaning. In this case, we will be
es más familiar al inglés escrito y el otro para el inglés conversacional.
using the verb TO DO as the extra negative word.

1 2 3 * The verb to do means hacer

I I don’t do exercise. * El verbo to do significa hacer
AUX + not + verb but related to activities, but also
You do + not + do the You don’t do karate. relacionado a actividades, pero tam-
rest I could mean when you don’t like
do + n’t + do bién puede significar cuando algo no
We We don’t do coffee*.
don’t do something at all, like coffee or
te gusta del todo, como el café o
They They don’t do onions*. onions.
las cebollas.

Let’s practice a bit... make each sentence in negative, follow the example.
Vamos a practicar un poco... haga cada oración en negativo, siga el ejemplo.

I need to study more. I don´t need to study more.

You need to practice English.

We want to eat pizza tonight.

They have to go early.

I want to drink more juice.

They need to work tomorrow.

We have to open the window.

I need to tell you something.

They want to watch a movie.

You need to eat more fruits.

Page 26Level One CMEI

Let’s practice personal questions
Complete the following questions using your personal information. Use long answers.
Completa las siguientes preguntas usando tu información personal. Use respuestas completas.

What’s your name? What is your favorite food?

How old are you? Do you like Chinese food?

Where do you live? Do you like chocolate?

Where are you from? Do you like coffee?

When is your birthday? Do you like tea?

What is your phone number? Do you like homemade food?

Who is your favorite actor or actress? Do you like Italian food?

What are your hobbies? Do you like pizza?

What do you do?* Do you like Japanese food?

Are you Costarican? Do you like oranges?

Are you Brazilian? Do you want to study another language?

Do you speak Spanish? Do you have to work on Sundays?

Do you speak English? Do you live alone?

Do you speak French? Who do you live with?

Do you speak German? Do you prefer coffee or hot cocoa?

*¿A qué te dedicas?

CMEI Level One Page 27
Practice with a Dialogue
Complete the dialogue using the phrases in the box.
Completa el dialogo usando las frases del cuadro.

How old are you?

Nice to meet you too!
I’m Korean.
Who’s your favorite?
This is my friend Luke.
I don’t like K-Pop. I prefer rock. *(Korean pop)
Nice to meet you Luke!
Text me to have a coffee one of these days.
Let’s keep in touch!
See you tomorrow!
I know many Korean singers!

Luke: Hello Jessica! How are you?

Jessica: Hi Luke, I’m fine. This is my friend Karina. Karina, _______________________________________
nice to mieet you Luke!
Karina: Hi, ___________________________ Jessica talks a lot about you.
Luke: Oh really! Well, _________________________________________
Jessica’s cellphone is ringing.
Jessica: Excuse me guys, it’s an important phone call. Karina, can you wait a minute?
Karina: (to Jessica) Of course, no problem!
So Luke, Jessica told me you are 23 years old, are you?
Luke: No, I’m not 23, I’m 24 years old. _________________________________________
Karina: I’m 22 years old, You have an interesting accent, where are you from?
Luke: I’m from the north of Montreal, Canada. What about you?
Karina: _________________________________________
Luke: Oh really! _________________________________________
Karina: _________________________________________
Luke: My favorite singer is Kim Hyun-a; and yours?
Karina: Mine? Well, _________________________________________
Jessica: I’m back! Karina we have to go. Bye Luke! _________________________________________
Luke: Bye Jessica! Karina _____________________________________ What’s your phone number?
Karina: My phone number is 9-0-3-1-2-3-5-4, _________________________________________
Luke: Got it! Bye girls!
Girls: Bye Luke!

Page 28Level One CMEI

She likes dancing
1 2 3 Laura likes working at night.

He singing
Jorge sells cars.
She likes
watching comedies
verb s
It playing soccer Gabriela earns more money.

have has She has a car. Richard has a book.

consontant + Y ies He studies English.
X es Larry es cars. Pedro believes in God.
S es He kisses his mom.
SH es She washes her face. Melisa sits in front of me.
CH es She watches movies.
O es It goes very fast. Richard cries like a baby.

Write the meaning and a single sentence using the given verb
1. To earn: ganar dinero; She earns a lot.

2. To see:

4. To kiss:

5. To wash:

6. To wake up:

7. To like:

8. To save:

9. To bring:

10. To remember:

CMEI Level One Page 29

Maria José Ramirez is 24 years old. She is single. She lives in

Desamparados. She is an architect. She works in a private

company. She makes designs for new buildings. She likes

learning new things every day. For that reason, she wants to

learn Portuguese. She speaks Spanish and English. When she

goes to work, she takes the bus because she reads books on

her way to work. She also listens to music on the bus.

How old is she?

Is she single?

Does she live in Desamparados?

Is she an architect?

Does she work for a private company?

Does she make designs for new buildings?

Does she like learning new things every day?

Does she want to learn Portuguese?

Does she speak Spanish and English?

Does she take the bus?

Does she listen to music on the bus?

Page 30Level One CMEI

Let’s say NO
1 2 3
do not verb
the rest
She does not verb
It doesn’t

I don’t want to go home.

He is driving a car.
You don’t want to do your homework.
He doesn’t drive airplanes.
We don’t want to have a dog. He doesn´t drive trains.
He drives cars.
They don’t want to eat meat.

She doesn’t want to drink a cold soda.

He doesn’t want to buy new shoes. I don’t like coffee, I like

green tea.
It doesn’t have to eat at noon.
I don’t have to write a
letter, I use e-mail.
Carlos doesn’t have to drink water.
I don’t need to read a
Laura doesn’t have to work today. newspaper, now I read
news on facebook.
We don’t have to listen to music.

You don’t need to sleep more.

We don’t need to ask you anything.

CMEI Level One Page 31

Let’s practice more...
Circle the correct use of the verb on each case. Hint: check carefully who does the action.
Encierra en un círculo el uso correcto del verbo en casa caso. Consejo: revisa cuidadosamente quien hace la acción.

Monica ( love loves ) instrumental music. Ileana ( make makes ) delicious cookies.
Peter and I ( have has ) nothing to do. George and you ( leave leaves ) on time.
Melinda ( do does ) it every day. You ( believe believes ) what she says.
Karl and Marge ( want wants ) to have a dog. She ( go goes ) there every day.
Larry ( go goes ) home at 6 p.m. Jill and Luke ( get gets ) at 6 p.m.
You and I ( have has ) much in common Frank ( travel travels ) to SJ every Monday.
Frederic ( like likes ) my cooking Richard ( wash washes ) his hands.
Monica ( study studies ) medicine with me. It ( go goes ) too fast.
Laura ( teach teaches ) Science in my school. Marianne ( know knows ) all my favorite songs.

Read the text about the Florida Manatee and answer the questions with long answers.
Lee el texto del Manatí de Florida y responde las preguntas con respuestas largas.

The Florida Manatee Where does the Florida manatee live in?
The Florida manatee is a big

animal that lives in the warm

What does the manatee look like?

Some people say that it looks

What does the manatee eat?
like a cow. It has flippers and

a tail to help it swim.

How many manatees are there left on Earth?
Manatee only eats plants. This friendly animal can

swim in the water, but it needs to stick its nose out

of the water to breathe. How do manatees get hurt?

This large mammal is endangered. That means that

there are not many manatees left on Earth. Manatees What do we must do to manatees?
get hurt by boats. We must save them.

Page 32Level One CMEI

Let’s put everything together and practice even more.
Read each paragraph very careful and answer according to each case... again be careful because this is about
Lee cuidadosamente cada párrafo y responde de acuerdo en cada caso. de nuevo, se cuidadoso porque se trata de usar la
logic. Use only long answers.
la logica. Usa solo respuestas largas.

Richard has a nice house. He doesn’t live in an Paula drives 90 Kilometers every day, she doesn’t
apartment but he wants to live in one. like it but she has to do it.
Does Richard have a nice apartment? Does Paula drive 100 kilometers every day?

Luis has a new car. He doesn’t like motorcycles Marge doesn’t have three children. She has two
because he thinks they are very dangerous. daughters and two sons.
Does Luis have a new motorcycle? Does Marge have four children?

Melissa is 19 years old, but people say she looks Karla lives in San Pedro, but she is from Turrialba
she is around 17 years old. near the volcano.
Is Melissa 17 years old? Does Karla live in Turrialba?

George lives in Heredia, but he likes Guanacaste Victor is an architect, but he paints landscapes,
because it is very hot. animals and plants too.
Does George live in Guanacaste? Does Victor like art?

Monica doesn’t work in a factory. She sells shoes Rachel loves to exercise, but she doesn’t do it
at the local Shopping Mall. because she doesn’t have time.
Does Monica work in a store? Does she work out every day?

Charles doesn’t get to the office at 8 a.m. He Angel works nine hours a day, but she has one
always gets late because of traffic. hour off during that time.
Does Charles get to the office after 8 a.m.? Does she work 10 hours a day?

Laura teaches English, but she also studies Math, Peter studies Science and History. He doesn’t
Science and History. study Math, English or Portuguese.
Does Laura teach Math? Does Peter study Science?

Around: alrededor Landscape: paisaje Science: ciencia Work out: entrenar

Late: tarde Maths: matemáticas hour off: hora libre

CMEI Level One Page 33

Mr. Pedro Montero
Read each paragraph and answer the questions using only long answers.
Lee cada párrafo y responde a las preguntas usando repuesta larga.
Pedro Montero is 40 years old. He is married and has 16. Does he work from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm?
two children. He lives in a nice house in Barva, Heredia.
He is a salesperson and he works in a bank in the center 17. How long does he work?

of San Jose. He is the director of sales of the bank.

18. Does he go to play the piano after work?
1. How old is Pedro Montero?

19. What does he usually do after work?

2. Is he married or single?

20. Does he sometimes go shopping?

3. Does he have three children?

21. What does he sometimes do after work?

4. How many children does he have?
He travels very often in his job. Sometimes he has
5. Does he live in a horrible house in Alajuela?
to go to Puntarenas, and other times he has to go to
Guanacaste. He doesn’t like to go to Guanacaste. It is
6. Where does he live?
very hot and it is a long trip, but he does it because he
earns a commission for all the contracts he makes. When
7. Is he a doctor?
he goes to Guanacaste or Puntarenas, he has to stay the
8. What does he do? night there. He doesn’t like it because he doesn’t like to
stay in a strange place. But he likes the breakfast buffet.
9. Does he work in a drugstore?
22. Does he travel very often in his job?

10. Where does he work?

23. Where does he go when he has to travel?

11. Where is the bank?

24. Does he like Guanacaste?

12. What is his position in the bank?

25. Why doesn’t he like Guanacaste?

He spends a lot of time talking on the telephone 26. Does he go to Guanacaste because he likes the
or answering e-mails. He usually has lunch near his beach?
office in a small restaurant or cafeteria. He works
from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. After work he usually 27. Why does he do it?
goes home, but sometimes he goes to watch his
son play soccer or basketball for the local teams. 28. Does he have to stay the night when he goes to
Puntarenas o Guanacaste?
13. Does he spend a lot of time reading books?
29. Does he like to stay the night?
14. How does he spend his time?
30. What does he like?
15. Where does he usually have lunch?

Page 34Level One CMEI

Do you remember me?
Aux 1 2 3 Do you
I remember me?
DO Yes No
They the rest

Do you like pork? Do you have somenthing for me?

Does she like Does she sell food?

Do they want to work here? Do you like to read?

What You
When DO We have
They want the rest
How He
DOES eat
Why She
It drink
1. What do you have? 8.
2. 9.
3. 10.
5. the f ormula above. Follow
the example to make it easier.

CMEI Level One Page 35

Mrs. Patricia Gómez
Read each paragraph and answer the questions using only long answers.
Lee cada párrafo y responde a las preguntas usando repuesta larga.
Patricia Gómez is 35 years old. She is married with Pedro 15. Does she want to participate in a marathon?
Montero. She lives with her family in Barva, Heredia, but
she is from Alajuela. Like her husband, she works in a bank 16. When is the marathon?
in the center of San Jose; but, she works in a different bank.
She is an executive officer. She is the director of the bank. 17. Why is she training a lot?
1. How old is Patricia Gómez?
18. Who makes breakfast?
2. Is she married with Victor Pérez?
19. What does she do after running?
3. Who is she married with?
20. Does she eat breakfast alone?
4. Does she live with her family?
21. Who does she have breakfast with?
5. Where is she from?
She works from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. From time to
time, she has to stay about one hour more because she
6. Does she work in a store?
always needs to fix a problem in the bank. She usually
7. Where does she work? goes home after work. Sometimes, she visits her mother
in Alajuela. When she goes to visit her mother, she buys
8. Does she work in the same bank? some chocolates or desserts for her mother.

22. Does she work from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.?

9. What does she do?

23. How long does she work?

10. Is she the secretary of the bank?

24. Does she stay more after 6:00 p.m.?

11. What is her position in the bank?

Every day she wakes up at 5 a.m., and sometimes she 25. Why does she stay late?
goes to run for about 1 hour. She wants to participate
in a marathon next month. For that reason, she is 26. Does she usually go out after work?
training a lot. Her husband makes breakfast, and after
she comes from running, she takes a shower, and 27. Where does she usually go?
then she has breakfast with her husband and children.
28. Who does she sometimes visit?
12. What time does she wake up every day?
29. Does she buy fruits for her mother?
13. Does she do yoga sometimes?
30. What does she buy for her mother?
14. What does she do?

Page 36Level One CMEI

Asking with questions particles
Question Answer Example
What Thing What is your name?
When Time When is the party?
Who Person Who is your brother?
Where Place Where is the bank?
Why Reason Why do you like pizza?
How Directions How do you spell your name?

How to make the question: How to answer:

Q-Particle + Auxiliary + 1 2 3 1 2 3
What do you need ? I need water.
When does she leave ? She leaves at 6 p.m.
Where do they live ? They live in Cartago.
Why does Carlos study English? He wants to work in a call center.
How do you get get there? I get there by bus.

Thomas studies English every day. They usually travel to the countryside on holidays.
When ? Where ?

Her friend lives in London. Richard is a teacher. He teaches English.

Where ? What ?

Susan studies math. This bus goes to the shopping mall.

What ? Where ?

Eva lives in New York. Carlos works every Monday in the factory.
Who ? When ?

His brother always gets up at 6 in the morning. Karla doesn’t need anything.
When ? What ?

Lorena goes to work by bus. He is ok.

How ? How ?

The supermarket sells apples. Walter wants to go home.

What ? What ?

CMEI Level One Page 37

Let’s ask correctly
There are 15 incomplete questions that need to be completed with the correct question particle. Basing on
Hay 15 preguntas incompletas que necesitan ser completadas con la correcta partícula de pregunta. Basandose en
the answers pick the right question particle on each case.
la respuesta seleccione la correcta partícula de pregunta en cada caso.

(A) do you live? (A) do cows eat? (A) day is it?

(B) I live in Mexico City. (B) They eat grass. (B) It’s Monday.
a) How a) How a) When
b) Where b) What b) What
c) Who c) When c) Who

(A) does Michael get to work? (A) is your best friend? (A) can I start work?
(B) He drives to work. (B) Sofia is my best friend. (B) You can start now!
a) Who a) What a) What time
b) Where b) Who b) When
c) How c) Why c) Who

(A) old are you? (A) do you usually get up? (A) time is it?
(B) I’m twenty-three. (B) I usually get up at six o’clock. (B) It’s ten o’clock.
a) Why a) Wha time a) How
b) What b) Why b) When
c) How c) Who c) What

(A) is that? (A) is your name? (A) are you late?

(B) It’s a butterfly. (B) My name is Stewart. (B) My car is broken down*.
a) What a) What a) Why
b) Where b) Who b) Who
c) Who c) How c) Where
(A) is my cell phone? (A) did you stay home? (A) are your bags?
(B) I think I saw it on the table. (B) I felt sick. (B) They are over there.
a) Where a) Where a) Where
b) What b) Who b) Why
c) When c) Why c) How

Page 38Level One CMEI

There is / there are
There is a cat
We use there + to be when we want to point out the total of
Total of cats = 1
something in a specific range.

So, We use there is when the total is equal to one single object, There are 5 books

and there are when the total is 2 or more objects in a range. Total of books = 5

There is There isn’t Is There?

There is a new student. There isn’t a new student. Is there a new student?

There's an apple there. There's not an apple there. Is there an apple there?

There's an old person. There isn’t an old person. Is there an old person?

There are There aren’t Are There?

There are 2 new students. There aren’t 3 new students. Are there new students?

There are 3 apples there. There aren’t 4 apples there. Are there 5 apples there?

There are many people. There aren’t many people. Are there old people?

Are there ## animals on the truck?

Total of horses =

Total of goats =

Total of pigs=

Total of turkeys=

Total of hens=

Total of cows=

Are there 9 horses? There aren’t 9 horses. There are 2 horses.

Are there 6 goats?

Are there 5 pigs?

Are there 8 turkeys?

Is there only a hen?

Are there 2 cows?

CMEI Level One Page 39

On - in- at (for positions)
In When English speakers refer to a place, they use in for general places. Literally

speaking in Spanish it means:


The institute is inside of SJ. The institute is in SJ.

I work inside of Chinatown. I work in Chinatown.

On For more specific places, like certain streets, we use the preposition on. Literally

speaking in Spanish it means: OVER THE SURFACE OF

The US President lives over the surface of Pennsylvania Avenue.

President Obama lives on Pennsylvania Avenue

At We get to the most specific places. For exact addresses or intersections, we

use the preposition at.

Come to my office exact 2nd Avenue.

Come to my office at 2nd Avenue.

It’s exact the corner of 2nd Avenue and 3rd Street.

It’s at the corner of 2nd Avenue and 3rd Street.

This tablet is over the surface of the desk

The tablet is ON the desk

These pens are inside of the desk

These pens are IN the desk

This table is exact the corner

This table is AT the corner

Page 40Level One CMEI

Circle the correct preposition on each case ( in on at ) considering the meaning on the sentence.

I’m waiting for you ( in on at ) the bus stop.

The pink t-shirt is ( in on at ) the closet.

There are many English books ( in on at ) a desk.

Can you see that picture ( in on at ) the wall?

I meet my friend Laura ( in on at ) the mall.

I am ( in on at ) home now.

Sarah is ( in on at ) the airport.

My brother studies ( in on at ) university.

I live ( in on at ) 2nd Avenue, ( in on at ) Denver, Colorado.

There’s a new store ( in on at ) Main Street, right ( in on at ) the corner.

She is ( in on at ) TV every Sunday afternoon.

( In On At ) Sunday I go to the movies with my friends.

Please, put that red pen ( in on at ) the drawer,

She’s working ( in on at ) supermarket.

The English books are ( in on at ) my backpack.

My father is ( in on at ) his office now.

I am ( in on at ) the window, looking at the people passing by.

CMEI Level One Page 41

Let’s color the rainbow
Pink Orange Fuchsia
Purple Yellow Gold
Light Copper
Violet White Green Brass

Blue Green Light Light blue

Dark Dark blue
Light Mint

1. What color is the sky? 10. What color is the board?

2. What color are bananas? 11. What color is the window?

3. What color are apples? 12. What color is the door?

4. What color is the plant? 13. What color is the marker?

5. What color is the wall? 14. What color is the eraser?

6. What color are the desks? 15. What color is your laptop?

7. What color is the ceiling? 16. What color are the mountains?

8. What color is the trashcan? 17. What color are your shoes?

9. What color is the floor? 18. What color is your cellphone?

Page 42Level One CMEI

Countries, nationalities and languages

Central america and Caribbean North America

Costa Rica Cuba El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua (The) USA1 Canada2 Mexico
Costa Rican Cuban Salvadorian Guatemalan Honduran Nicaraguan American Canadian Mexican
Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish English English Spanish
South America

Argentina Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela

Argentinian Brazilian Chilean Colombian Ecuadorian Panamanian Peruvian Uruguayan Venezuelan
Spanish Portuguese Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish

France Germany Greece Italy Portugal Russia3 Spain Switzerland4 The UK5
French German Greek Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish Swiss British
French German Greek Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish German English
Asia and Middle East

China India6 Japan South Korea Taiwan Afghanistan Iran Israel Turkey
Chinese Indian Japanese Korean Taiwanese Afghan Iranian Israeli Turkish
Chinese English Japanese Korean Chinese Persian Persian Hebrew Turkish
Africa and Oceania The United States of America
In Canada, in some areas people also speak French
Russia extents its territory up to Asia
In Switzerland, depending on the region people also speak French, Italian,
Egypt Morocco South Africa Australia New Zeland Romansh
Egyptian Moroccan South African Australian New Zelander The United Kingdome (England, Scotland Wales and Ireland)
Arabic Arabic English English English Also in India people speak Hindi.

Level One Page 43

Count with me: numbers
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 70 seventy
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty two 77 seventy seven
3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty 80 eighty
4 four 14 fourteen 33 thirty three 88 eighty eight
5 five 15 fifteen 40 forty 90 ninety
6 six 16 sixteen 44 forty four 99 ninety nine
7 seven 17 seventeen 50 fifty 100 one hundred
8 eight 18 eighteen 55 fifty five 1000 one thousand
9 nine 19 nineteen 60 sixty 10.000 ten thousand
10 ten 20 twenty 66 sixty six 1.000.000 one million
5 55 600

10 60 650

15 65 700

20 70 750

25 75 800

30 80 850

35 85 900

40 90 950

45 95 1000

50 100 1500

150 1550

200 2000

205 2500

250 2550

300 3000

305 3500

350 5000

400 7500

450 10.000

500 10.250

550 11.775
Page 44Level One CMEI
What time is it?
The common way
hour : minutes
11:30 eleven-thirty
01:15 one-fifteen
10:45 ten-forty five
04:10 four-ten
12:55 twelve-fifty five
08:05 eitght-OH-five*

a.m. in the afternoon

p.m. in the evening
noon at night
midnight sunset
o’clock sunrise
in the morning

what time is it? what time is the party?

it’s twelve-forty five it’s at 7 o’clock.

What time is it? What time is your date?

(03:05 a.m.) (03:05 a.m.)
It's at 03:05 a.m.
What time is it?
(06:10 p.m.) What time is your appointment?
(06:10 p.m.)
What time is it?
(09:15 a.m.)
What time is the concert?
What time is it? (09:15 a.m.)
(09:23 p.m.)

What time is it? What time is the dinner?

(07:27 a.m.) (09:23 p.m.)

What time is it?

(10:30 p.m.) What time is the meeting?
(07:27 a.m.)
What time is it?
(10:45 a.m.)
What time is the test?
What time is it? (10:30 p.m.)
(08:03 p.m.)

CMEI Level One Page 45


belt pajamas suit

blouse pants sunglasses
boots polo shirt sweater
beanie raincoat sweatshirt
cap ring swimsuit
coat running shoes tie
dress sandals top
earrings scarf trousers
flip flops shirt T-shirt
gloves shoes Turtle neck
hat shorts V-neck
high heels skirt
hiking boots slacks
jacket slippers
jeans sneakers
leggings socks
necklace stockings
Page 46Level One CMEI
Reading: Phillip Johnson
Phillip Johnson is 39 years old. He’s married and has two children. He lives in

a nice house in Lincoln, Nebraska. He is a businessman, and he works in the

center of Lincoln. He is the general manager of the bank. He goes to work every

day at 8:30 in the morning. He gets to the office at 9:00. He parks his car under

the bank in the parking garage. In the morning, he usually works from 9:00 to

12:30. He spends a lot of time talking on the telephone and reading financial

reports. He usually has lunch near his office. There are many good restaurants

in the center of Lincoln. He goes back to the office at 1:30 and stays there until

6:00. After work, he usually goes home, but sometimes he goes to his son’s

school to watch him play basketball or baseball. He usually gets home from work at 6:30, but when he goes

to see his son, he gets home around 8:00. He likes his job because he has a good salary and because he

works with a lot of interesting people. He doesn’t travel very often in his job, but from time to time he needs

to go to Omaha, a city 150 miles from Lincoln. When he goes to Omaha, he usually comes back to Lincoln

on the same day, but sometimes he needs to spend the night there. He usually stays in the Omaha Sheraton

Hotel, but sometimes he stays in the Holiday Inn. He prefers the Sheraton because it has a breakfast buffet.

Businessman: persona que trabaja en administracion de empresas.

General manager: gerente general.
To park: parquear.
Parking garage: parqueo privado.
To get home/to the office: llegar a casa/ a la oficina.
From time to time: de vez en cuando:
Miles: milla = 1.6 Kilometros Scan this QR code to
download this audio.

CMEI Level One Page 47

Questions – Quiz 1
Based on the previous reading: Phillip Johnson, answer the following questions. This is not a reading
Con base en la lectura anterior: Phillip Jonhson, responde las siguientes preguntas. Este no es un ejericio de compresion de lectura. Por
comprehension exercise. Please note that complete 123 answers will be accepted.
favor nota que solo respuestas completas de 123 serán aceptadas.

1. How old is Phillip? 14. Does he have an important job?

2. Is he married or single? 15. What is his position in the bank?

3. Does he have any children? 16. Does he go to work every day?

4. How many children does he have? 17. What time does he go to work?

5. Does he live in New York? 18. Does he get to the office at 8:45?

6. Where does he live? 19. What time does he get to the office?

7. Does he live in a nice house? 20. Does he park in the street?

8. Is he an actor? 21. Where does he park?

9. What does he do? 22. How long does he work in the morning?

10. Does he work in a pharmacy? 23. Does he spend a lot of time with customers?

11. Where does he work? 24. How does he spend a lot of time?

12. Is the bank outside of Lincoln? 25. Does he have lunch at home?

13. Where is the bank?

Page 48Level One CMEI

Questions – Quiz 2
Based on the previous reading: Phillip Johnson, answer the following questions. This is not a reading
Con base en la lectura anterior: Phillip Jonhson, responde las siguientes preguntas. Este no es un ejericio de compresion de lectura. Por
comprehension exercise. Please note that complete 123 answers will be accepted.
favor nota que solo respuestas completas de 123 serán aceptadas.

26. Where does he usually have lunch? 39. Why does he like it?

27. Are there many good restaurants near his office? 40. Does he often travel in his job?

28. What time does he go back to the office after lunch? 41. Where does he need to go from time to time?

29. Does he stay in the office until 7:00 o’ clock? 42. How far is Omaha from Lincoln?

30. How long does he stay in the office? 43. Does he usually stay in Omaha for several days?

31. Does he go to a bar with his friends after work? 44. How long does he usually stay in Omaha?

32. Where does he usually go after work? 45. Does he always spend the night in Omaha?

33. What time does he usually get home? 46. Does he usually stay in the Palace Hotel in Omaha?

34. Does he always go home after work? 47. Where does he usually stay?

35. Where does he go sometimes? 48. Where does he stay sometimes?

36. Why does he go to his son’s school? 49. Which hotel does he prefer?

37. What time does he get home when he’s with his son? 50. Why does he prefer it?

38. Does he like his job?

CMEI Level One Page 49

Reading: Nancy Johnson
Nancy Johnson is 38 years old. She is Phillip’s wife. She lives with her husband

and children in Lincoln, Nebraska. She’s from Kansas, the state immediately

south of Nebraska. She is an interior decorator. In the morning, she teaches

interior design at a technical school 20 miles from Lincoln. She starts her

classes every day at 10:00 and finishes at 12:00. She has two classes, each with

about 15 students. Then she goes home to have lunch. After lunch, she goes

to her husband’s bank where she spends about 30 minutes with the woman

responsible for expansion. She looks at the plans for the new bank’s branch and

gives recommendations about the interior design and decoration. She doesn’t

receive a salary for this. She does it because the woman is a good friend of hers. In the afternoon, she works

as an independent decorator. Some days, she spends two or three hours visiting different clients, and other

days she stays home creating decoration plans or calling people. She decorates offices, restaurants, and

homes. She doesn’t like to decorate offices very much because the companies usually prefer functional

decoration and this is boring for her. She doesn’t like to decorate restaurants either, because often the

owner of the restaurant thinks that he’s a professional decorator too. She likes to decorate homes because

she is free to make more decisions and to be more creative.

Interior design: decoración de interiores.

Technical school: Instituto técnico.
Branch: rama, pero en este contexto: sucursal.
Functional decoration: decoración funcional, que ahorra espacio. Scan this QR code to
download this audio.
Either: tampoco.
Page 50Level One CMEI
Questions – Quiz 3
Based on the previous reading: Nancy Johnson, answer the following questions. This is not a reading
Con base en la lectura anterior: Nancy Jonhson, responde las siguientes preguntas. Este no es un ejericio de compresion de lectura. Por
comprehension exercise. Please note that complete 123 answers will be accepted.
favor nota que solo respuestas completas de 123 serán aceptadas.

1. Is Nancy 33 years old? 16. Does she teach interior design in the evenings?

2. How old is Nancy? 17. When does she teach it?

3. Is she Nigel’s wife? 18. Does she teach it at a university?

4. Whose wife is she? 19. Where does she teach it?

5. Who does she live with? 20. Is the technical school in the center of Lincoln?

6. Where does she live? 21. Where is it?

7. Is she from Nebraska? 22. How many days a week does she teach?

8. Where is she from? 23. What time does she start her classes?

9. Is Kansas far from Nebraska? 24. What time does she finish?

10. Is it near Nebraska? 25. Does she have three classes?

11. Is it north or south of Nebraska? 26. How many classes does she have?

12. Is Nancy a school teacher? 27. Are there 20 students in each class?

13. What does she do? 28. How many students are there in each class?

14. Does she teach? 29. Does she have lunch near the technical school?

15. What does she teach? 30. Where does she have lunch?

CMEI Level One Page 51

Questions – Quiz 4
Based on the previous reading: Nancy Johnson, answer the following questions. This is not a reading
Con base en la lectura anterior: Nancy Jonhson, responde las siguientes preguntas. Este no es un ejericio de compresion de lectura. Por
comprehension exercise. Please note that complete 123 answers will be accepted.
favor nota que solo respuestas completas de 123 serán aceptadas.

31. Does she stay at home after lunch? 46. Why does she help the woman?

32. Where does she go after lunch? 47. What does Nancy do in the afternoon?

33. Does she stay at the bank all afternoon? 48. Does she work in an office?

34. Does she spend an hour there every day? 49. Where does she work when she’s not visiting clients?

35. How much time does she spend at the bank? 50. What does she do when she is working at home?

36. Does she spend this time with her husband? 51. Does she visit her clients every day?

37. Who does she spend the time with? 52. How often does she visit clients?

38. What is the woman responsible for? 53. Does she decorate only homes?

39. Does Nancy help this woman? 54. What kind of places does she decorate?

40. What kind of plans does she look at? 55. Does she like to decorate offices?

41. Does she give recommendations? 56. Why not?

42. What kind of recommendations does she give? 57. Does she like to decorate restaurants?

43. Does she receive a nice salary for this help? 58. Why not?

44. How much money does she receive? 59. Does she like to decorate homes?

45. Does she help the woman because she’s bored? 60. Why does she like to decorate homes?

Page 52Level One CMEI

125 most useful verbs in English
Present (he-she -it) Present (he-she -it)
### Verbs Meaning Affirmative Negative
1. Tener, ser dueño de algo.
001 Have she has she doesn't have
2. Have to verb: estar obligado a hacer algo.

002 Take

003 Eat

004 Drink

005 Go

006 Study

007 Learn

008 See

009 Watch

010 Stare

011 Listen

012 Begin

013 Start

014 Finish

015 End

016 Stop

017 Speak

018 Talk

019 Walk

020 Say

021 Tell

022 Live

023 Leave

024 Fill

025 Feel

CMEI Level One Page 53

125 most useful verbs in English
Present (he-she -it) Present (he-she -it)
### Verbs Meaning Affirmative Negative

026 Slip Resbalar. He slips he doesn't slip

027 Sleep

028 Complete

029 Send

030 Spend

031 Do

032 Make

033 Think

034 Teach

035 Bring

036 Buy

037 Sell

038 Ask

039 Answer

040 Wear

041 Use

042 Play

043 Need

044 Forget

045 Remember

046 Remind

047 Give

048 Receive

049 Win

050 Earn

Page 54Level One CMEI

125 most useful verbs in English
Present (he-she -it) Present (he-she -it)
### Verbs Meaning Affirmative Negative

051 Gain Ganar lentamente, requiere de tiempo. She gains she doesn't gain

052 Cook

053 Prepare

054 Invite

055 Like

056 Want

057 Love

058 Hate

059 Wait

060 Lose

061 Miss

062 Agree

063 Arrive

064 Believe

065 Guess

066 Wash

067 Open

068 Close

069 Change

070 Charge

071 Try

072 Cry

073 Look

074 Move

075 Refuse

CMEI Level One Page 55

125 most useful verbs in English
Present (he-she -it) Present (he-she -it)
### Verbs Meaning Affirmative Negative

076 Accept Aceptar. He accepts he doesn't accept

077 Save

078 Laugh

079 Keep

080 Work

081 Swim

082 Run

083 Jog

084 Drive

085 Ride

086 Handle

087 Fix

088 Apologize

089 Come

090 Rub

091 Delay

092 Hurry

093 Read

094 Write

095 Stand up

096 Sit down

097 Wake up

098 Cut

099 Fly

100 Get

Page 56Level One CMEI

125 most useful verbs in English
Present (he-she -it) Present (he-she -it)
### Verbs Meaning Affirmative Negative
1. Reunirse.
101 Meet He accepts he doesn't accept
2. Conocer a alguien por primera vez.

102 Know

103 Let

104 Put

105 Wish

106 Print

107 Post

108 Text

109 Google

110 Understand

111 Pick

112 Pick up

113 Find

114 Happen

115 Continue

116 Type

117 Mean

118 Stay

119 Increase

120 Decrease

121 Download

122 Upload

123 Carry

124 Pay

125 Pass

CMEI Level One Page 57

Level I General Practice
Read the following texts and answer the questions using only long answers.
Lee los siguientes textos y responde a cada pregunta usando solo respuestas largas.
Rosa: Hello. My name is Rosa Castro. I’m from Costa Rica. I´m Costa Rican. It´s in Central
America. I´m from Guanacaste, originally, but I live in Desamparados: It´s a noisy and
crowded place. I´m an excellent student and I´m a nice person. My favorite colors are blue
and yellow. I´m at my computer and I´m listening to English music. I´m also looking for a
friend in a different country.

What is her name? Where is Costa Rica?

What are her favorite colors? What´s she like?


Dear Franz,
Our new home in Alajuela is large and pretty. Alajuela is beautiful. The weather is warm and
sunny. Today it’s 28º C.
Our family is in the park today, and we’re having a good time. My mother is reading a book,
and my father is listening to music. My sister Patricia is riding her bicycle, and my brother
Tomas is skateboarding.
My grandparents aren’t in the park today. There at home. My grandmother is making cookies,
and my grandfather is planting flowers in the yard.
How’s the weather in San Jose today? Is it raining? What are you and your family doing?

1. Where is Adrian’s new home? 5. What’s Adrian’s mother doing?

2. How’s the weather in Alajuela? 6. What is Patricia doing now?

3. What’s the temperature? 7. What is Tomas doing in this moment?

4. Where is Adrian and his family today?

Page 58Level One CMEI

Level I General Practice
Circle the correct use of the verb on each case. TIP check carefully who does the action.
Encierra en un círculo el uso correcto del verbo en casa caso. Consejo revisa cuidadosamente quien hace la acción.

Luis ( have lunch has lunch ) at noon. How ( do does ) the machine work?

Lorena ( don’t doesn’t ) work in a factory. What time ( do does ) you usually go to bed?

Karla and Pablo ( live lives ) in London, England. Jennifer ( want wants ) to study medicine.

What ( do does ) she like? Laura ( run runs ) every morning.

Douglas ( don’t doesn’t ) travel very often. John ( work works ) for Amazon.

Who ( are is ) your favorite actor? Bryan ( don’t doesn’t ) know the secret.

Marco ( don’t doesn’t ) study engineering. George and Miriam ( don’t doesn’t ) eat meat.

Alice ( don’t doesn’t ) believe in ghosts. Sofia ( isn’t aren’t ) worry about the test.

What ( do does ) Richard think about it? Her parents ( are is) very happy for her grades.

Jose ( like likes ) dancing. Jaime ( don’t doesn’t ) want to play the violin.

They ( is are ) finding cancer’s cure. Carlos and I ( don’t doesn’t ) know French.

Angela ( don’t doesn’t ) play any sport. What ( do does ) you do after work?

Daniel ( don’t doesn’t ) want to go. Your dogs ( is are ) really cute.

Alejandro ( love loves ) his new apartment. She only ( sing sings ) in the shower.

Who ( is are ) the General Manager? Miguel ( read reads ) the newspaper.

Your mother ( make makes ) amazing cookies. The TV ( don’t doesn’t ) work well.

Their house ( is are ) bigger than mine. His cat ( don’t doesn’t ) want to play with him.

Her husband ( are is ) the love of her life. What ( is are ) your favorite books?

What time ( do does ) you finish your lessons? When ( are is ) the meeting?

Alejandro always ( sleep sleeps ) 8 hours. They ( don’t doesn’t ) have time to go.

CMEI Level One Page 59

Level I General Practice
All this sentences are full of mistakes. Correct them and never do them again.
Todas las oraciones están llenas de errores. Corríjelas y nunca más los cometas de nuevo.

Him is a architect.

Susan has 30 years old.

Rina leave the office at 5 p.m.

Pablo don’t loves instrumental music.

How many years do you have?

You and me likes the same music.

Jessica walks 30 minutes all days.

Luke believe in Santa Claus.

Merry doesn’t studying Law.

Are Carlos a bus driver?

What does you like to read today?

Melissa have lunch at noon.

What time do Peter leaves the office?

The students finishes they homework.

Is you from China?

Maria dosen’t like chocolate.

Victor like work very late.

Maria lunch at home.

Francisco hasn’t money.

Page 60Level One CMEI

Level I General Practice
My name is Marcos Vindas. There are six members in my family. We are from Costa
Rica. Currently, I live in Puntarenas. Here is very hot and humid. I study Computer
I have two brothers and two sisters. Their names are Maria and Rosa. They are in
high school and both are single.
My oldest brother is married. He is an accountant. He has a baby boy. His name is
Alberto. His wife is a dentist. She´s very nice and polite.
My youngest brother is 6 years old. His name is Luis. He is in Kinder Garden.
My mother's name is Rosa too. She works at the library from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on
weekdays. She is tall, thin and she has blue eyes. She is forty years old.
My father is a pilot. His name is Rodolfo. He is forty-five years old. He travels
around the world. His day off is on Mondays. Everyone in my family gets together
on Mondays because my father doesn´t work, so we enjoy a delicious dinner in the
We are a happy family and I really love them.

1-How many members are there in his family? 7-What his youngest brother´s name?

2-Where is Marcos from? 8-Where does Marcos’ mother work?

3-What´s Puntarenas like? 9-What does his father do?

4-How old is Luis? 10-When does his father work?

5-Is Alberto married or single? 11-Who are his sisters?

6-What are his sisters’ names?

CMEI Level One Page 61

Level I General Practice
Mark the correct answer using from the multiple choice available on each case.
Marque la respuesta correcta de las opciones disponibles en cada caso.

1) I in a bank. (Work)
a- work
b- works
c- workes

2) She in Florida. (Live)
a- live
b- lives
c- livees

3) It almost every day in Manchester. (Rain)
a- rain
b- rains
c- raines

4) We to Spain every summer. (Fly)

a- fly
b- flys
c- flies

5) My mother eggs for breakfast every morning. (fry)
a- fry
b- frys
c- fries

6) The bank at four o’clock. (close)
a- close
b- closies
c- closes

7) John very hard in class, but I don’t think he’ll pass the course. (try)
a- try
b- trys
c- tries

8) Johanna is so smart that she every exam without even trying. (pass)
a- pass
b- passies
c- passes

9) My life is so boring -- I just TV every night. (watch)
a- watch
b- watchies
c- watches

Page 62Level One CMEI

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