Lect 14 - 2024

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Foundations of
Data Structures and Algorithms
Lect 14
Sameera Muhamed Salam
Dept of CSIS, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus


BITS F232 Sameera M S 2

Impelementing Stack using queues

How to implement Stack using 2 queues (q1 , q2 )?

▶ Push(s,x): Steps to push x to stack s (We discussed a different method during the
lecture hour. Both are correct)
▶ Enqueue x to q2
▶ One by one dequeue everything from q1 and enqueue to q2
▶ Swap the queues q1 and q2
▶ Pop
▶ Dequeue an element from q1 .

BITS F232 Sameera M S 3

Tree ADT
▶ The positions in a tree are its nodes.
▶ neighboring positions satisfy the parent-child relationships.
▶ Acessor Methods
▶ root(): Return the root of the tree.
▶ parent(v): Return the parent of node v; an error occurs if v is root.
▶ children(v): Return an iterator of the children of node v
▶ The iterator children (v) provides access to the children of v in order. If v is an
external node, then children(v) is an empty iterator.
▶ Query Methods
▶ islnternal(v): Test whether node v is internal.
▶ isExternal(v): Test whether node v is external.
▶ isRoot(v): Test whethér node v is the root.
▶ Generic Methods
▶ size(): Return the number of nodes in the tree.
▶ elements(): Return an iterator of all the elements stored at nodes of the tree.
▶ positions(): Return an iterator of all the nodes of the tree.
▶ swapElements(v,w): Swap the elements stored at the nodes v and w.
▶ replaceElement(v,e): Replace with e Sameera
and return the element stored at node v
BITS F232 MS 4
Depth of a tree
▶ Let y be a node of a tree T. The depth of y is the number of ancestors of y,
excluding y itself.
▶ Depth of root of a tree is 0
▶ For all other nodes y, the depth of y is one plus the depth of the parent of y.
▶ Pseudocode ?

BITS F232 Sameera M S 5

Depth of a tree
▶ Let y be a node of a tree T. The depth of y is the number of ancestors of y,
excluding y itself.
▶ Depth of root of a tree is 0
▶ For all other nodes y, the depth of y is one plus the depth of the parent of y.
▶ Pseudocode ?

▶ Running Time?

BITS F232 Sameera M S 6

Depth of a tree
▶ Let y be a node of a tree T. The depth of y is the number of ancestors of y,
excluding y itself.
▶ Depth of root of a tree is 0
▶ For all other nodes y, the depth of y is one plus the depth of the parent of y.
▶ Pseudocode ?

▶ Running Time?
▶ The running time of algorithm depth(T,v) is O(1 + dv ), where dv denotes the
depth of the node v in the tree T.
BITS F232 Sameera M S 7

▶ Michael T. Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, “ Algorithm Design Foundations,

Analysis, and Internet Examples”, Wiley Student Edition.
▶ Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos, “ Algorithm Design”, Pearson Publishers.
▶ Thomas H. Chorman, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein, “
Introduction to algorithms”, MIT Press Publishers.
▶ Sanjoy Dasgupta, Umesh Vazirani, Christos Papadimitriou, “ Algorithms”,
McGraw-Hill Education Publishers.

BITS F232 Sameera M S 8

Discussion Time!

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