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Answer Key

Time Allowed: 1 Hr. Dropper Morning Batch Max. Marks: 120

Regular Evaluation Objective Test (REOT) – 3 28th Aug. 2022
Topic : Mathematical Tools, Units and Dimensions & Errors and Measurements

Answer Key

1. A 16. D

2. B 17. C

3. A 18. A

4. B 19. B

5. B 20. C

6. D 21. C

7. B 22. A

8. C 23. D

9. B 24. B

10. B 25. C

11. B 26. C

12. D 27. D

13. B 28. A

14. D 29. D

15. D 30. A

Students may contact on 9109189493 for any correction or doubt regarding answer key.

Arvind Singh Rajput

Academic Coordinator

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