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(SESSION: 2023 - 24)

TOPICS: Walt Disney -The Creative Genius + Prepositions + Story Writing

Section:A Reading

Q. 1. Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

It was to be the first full-length animated musical film. It was thought to be a risky venture and many
expected it to be a commercial failure. But Disney used new techniques of filming and hoped that the film
would be successful.
The film took nearly five years to complete and proved to be one of the costliest venture of Disney. When
the film was released in 1937 it was greeted with glowing reviews. The people simply loved it.

(i) Which film is being talked about?

(ii) ‘Risky venture’ means ______________________________.
(iii) Briefly describe some of the ways in which the film was special.
(iv) The film got released in the year ___________________.
(v) Which of the following are true?
I- the first full-length animated musical film II- full of risky stunts
III- took nearly five years to complete IV- the costliest starcast
(a) I & III (b) III & IV (c ) I & IV (d) II & IV

Section:B Writing and Grammar

Q.2. Complete the given story in not more than 40 to 50 words.

The ant and the grasshopper were best friends with very different personalities. The grasshopper would
spend his days sleeping or playing his guitar while the ant would collect food and build his ant hill. Every
now and then, the grasshopper would tell the ant to take a break. However, the ant would refuse and
continue to complete his work. Soon winter came making the days and nights cold. One day the colony of
ants were busy trying to dry some grains of corn. The grasshopper who was extremely weak and hungry
came up to the ants and asked "Can you please give me a piece of corn?" the ant replied-……………..

Moral of the Story: Make use of opportunity while you have it.

Q.3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate PREPOSITIONS. (4X1=4)

a. In comparison _____________ Ritika, my younger sister is far better in studies.
b. We don’t have any problem ____________ performing extra duties for our kids.
c. On the day of annual function, the principal was accompanied ____________ famous intellectuals.
d. Three cups of water is enough ____________ the preparation of this batter.
e. Seema was forced ___________ go to the new market of this area which is very cheap.
f. All the students are coming ___________ the classroom.

Q.4. Fill in the blanks with suitable PREPOSITIONS in the following sentences :
1. You must reach there _____________ week-end.
2. The robbers entered the house ___________ the night.
3. The exhibition will be opened __________ 10 am __________ Friday.
4. The interested candidates should report for interview latest __________ 3 June 2007.
5. He came to my house ___________ my absence.
6. The examinations will commence ___________ April 1 ___________ 9.00 am.
7. Send your reply ___________ March 3, the latest.
8. We are having a variety show ___________ Saturday.
9. Are you coming to see us ____________ Diwali ?
10. A gale got up ___________ night and did much damage.

Section: C Literature

Q.5. Read the given extract carefully and answer the questions that follow.
In 1965, Walt Disney began development of another theme park, Disney World in Florida. However, he died
of lung cancer on 15 December, 1966 before the park could be completed. After his death, his brother Roy
oversaw the construction of the park, which was opened to the public on 1 October 1971.

(i) Name the first theme park opened on 17 July, 1955 in California.
(ii) What turned out to be the reason of Walt Disney’s death?
(iii) The construction of Disney World was oversaw by ______________.
(iv) Disney World opened for the public on ______________.
(i) 01-10-1972 (ii) 01-09-1971 (iii) 01-10-1971 (iv) 10-10-1972

Q.6. Complete the following.

(i) Walt Disney had ________________ brothers and ___________ sister.
(ii) Walt Disney was born in Chicago on _______________________________________.
(iii) He developed interest in drawing when he was in ________________________________.
(iv) In the 1940s Disney’s company had begun making movies with _____________________.
(v) In 1928 he released the short cartoon film called, ________________________________.

Q.7. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each.

(i) Name an animated film by Walt Disney and mention the way it was special.
(ii) Where and how was he utilizing his weekends?
(iii) Write eight adjectives that describe the personality of Walt Disney.
(iv) What all do you know about the movie, ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’?

Q.8. Think and answer ANY ONE of the following questions in detail.
1. Describe the personality of Walt Disney with the reason you admire him the most.
2. If you get an opportunity to do something for the world of entertainment, what would it be? Why?

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