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faschoyali Ray Pancha Reg > Loca) eh Croveromend « Lord Ripon —> Fadia. of Local Sel, Gross: tn Tadic Pauchasyati Raj Esterbliched un all slabs Except, > Nagaland fr al) Union lesaitivies Excebt. Del’ neti Artiele Ho of the ole Constiition -povides or the Trt Lalien cI Panchayati Raj. Nadine Povey fej lay —> 2H Absit Pancha Rag exelent Fadia Salt YoudieUndert Divedive Sprirciples of Stoke Fig Elwenth Sheolule , “4 Tineilandy, Covahi-tilion fs Relateat to” Panchayati Ro System « Pavehauyl Raj Trchaote fa Statist 1) Baluesa RG Mehta Cowimittee : Afford ey Grol on Ib ovary ABH Chairman —> Pabwarteal Cv “Mehta * Commitee, Swomitled We Gepect on Qh November 1957- Prd Recommended The Esteblishnant a} thy Adame a Democedlic Desentralisalion ls WY, dxnoun ak Pian ebony oi Raj. Th Pbreseutsin Tndia 1, Déconrabisation of, Pousers « > Posdicippslion of the peop > Conon evel us Nolimal Tension uta isan Trice —Ver Covebanili Rei Sychern am > Village hue —>Dired election Ce Panchayad —> Vidage en Teint al \ Panchayat Saniti Block level > “Lindirect Eleclion « Zila Paxichad —> Dickie level Mavdal fartshad > Zila Parishad —> Apex Body ohh Rosohyeli Raj Syste i) Panchayat Santi > Execrtbive Gocby | Administrelive Gecly 2) ide Parishad —> Advisory auc! Supervisory Body 8) Distt Colledley ‘Should be the Chaivmaw of Zia fished, 4) Elledtion har te be. Contiteited Geng 5 ger | Wor Recomrmandsitinn Were Acceplid by the National Develepmerd Countian latlsossy lacie. Rejasttar inst Stade Eslabbiched Punthayedli Pej - _ Tire Tey Sy stun « Lmapunated Oy tix Pm. Pb. TJawahantad Neh fy Nagaus. District On 2a “October 1959 + Rejpathan Ypllowee! Aria Prods ushich ale adypted the Sylar “in lAS9, Rajasthan aie QvdirvaPradesh Pras chay ail Samiti Wy G8 te Block Uses Ote Rlasmning & ee foetal While » Mearashtves— Giujetat 2s zile | Parishes tee ays asthe Oicbid- ‘ i é ee Sbjeclive 24 Panchag oes Demovslic Detwdralisction rough Mie -participdlio of thy People ints Democracy , Te Foes Rear Granathi gt Support "Decaatralisalion'y four” He was alto ‘Suppostest he Toles ea “eon Sumaig Decision ts Cemauct Fc Eledisn Taken @, Me Stele Covernmocs : J And Eledions Conducted By. Slate Elledion Commi ion « 2) Ashok Metta Committee! “In December 1997: Tandla Coot Alpoinied a Committee. om, Paucdgatt Raj Under the Chatrmauship aq Ashok Mehta + TH Gubriitted aly est in Angus Wee. cAvd Macle 132 Recommendations Tree Her System Replaced By. Tso Ter System: ita Parish > Districd level. Mandal Posthayeh > fling e Jewel. Wits tot! Roputaction \Gjcco te Be coe Sika Ravishacl —> Execiitive Becly. Resouible, for. District D Nyaye Paschayals> Seprste Bodied. tevel Plasntey ae dad over auatitied Z eon daueloprrerd “Paxrchayls- Zida Parishoct aud Marla! Pouchoyot lo have Com pulsors Taxolion powers do Mobilixe Dntiy ousn ffoauilal Rosourus. Sc, HHT; Seals Should Be Resomed on-Uv Baric ot Ahuy Population » karnataka, West Bengal aud Audhin Pradesh Ruttaliee as Lanrchasyalt Rei: (Arwrauial Produrt, LH Syl. | ¥ Py 3) GiWeke Rao Committers: Comnitn, Rees Aes. Ay Rural Development sure Poverty Alleviation Progremr, neler he Chairmossahip of Gov ki Rao Ap pointesl by te Hrowoivg Commissim. Sn aa © Wis Committers Caitichze, the “thes Cristi cwelwyali Roy Daatdates as: “Grrars Without re " © Dicks devel Zila’ Rorishad’ Chould be thy Baste Onit a Potion Ponsa, axel Proqramret« fe Matemg tha Dicttek ashe Pole of” o Post of Disttict Develeprmct Commissions Should be Crestesl: duke Would’ work as the: CEe of the Zila Parish o Glechions og PRIS Should bet shell Regularly » + Sons Plomming Awralions of Stat» Level should 4 rat do Wr Bistvy’ Domecraic Conivelizction’ Bet 4) LM Singhbi Committes dn Rajiv Cuosdhi ges offended 4 Committer: ‘te reper a Contept paper on- "Resitulisalion of PRE ~kos Ds oss D evelopment" aders He hsm vip 9 Lain Sephoi Connitan, TRes_CommbDee ford? Wa “Gram Sather’ at tes "Tncanalle : ch tw Diver Riorawthanieg wded qoute Stuely Do Adminitteative atangernnite \ae6 fF. + Napop Paget Gheald be Ealaitead fc «Elan lag » Remdosjlt Gay Trstitudion Ghould be Constitutional Recognired: New Chapin Should be added dnY tus TS Geoastitition od Toda - 3 Tribunals Should be Etabbictied in all Sete wicial relating Derclios + PRIS. + Vidage Passed Showdel Hou. Qurantel Rusu - + Udlage Should be Recoquined de Moxe Crrama, Pahayats Mone Vidar - 5) Tongon Committee : Te I9e8-84 Uhnimnauships> Pk Thasgon Comtss ° Tis Committe Sxamine the Police! and adminidhative Srocte ah the istic ees raat Plame 9 ob ot tht pape cal Dishic Rendsdt Ra Bodion show be Constiteivly Remgeinet Roy Bodies Shows! cave a “Airest Tenust 4 Boe _yonrs - Pouchoyati 4 Bo —> 6 Mould” Suber Sesion Period > © Siete Couedtat Sheotd be Wr Chet — executive ofier aw ZiMa Partshod + © Bika forishasl Should be Pivot of th Pancrayoti Qj 9yilun tap) Learn’ + “Fres Her Systm: awry» 6) Grodgit Commies (age By Te Congress Pasty brdur Onaivrnansilp —>, MeN Grastgit: 4s, Commie Woes Odked to Considir ths quetton - cat "Hew Best Ramune Roy Least be Made cygane” Members oy Rasuchasy ort cd att the % loves Should be clive by Cleded - : : eT fe Tew’ Rosehayeti Raj Tretia 3 5 yeas: Rann Establishment 4 SW Pinon Commissl fo Frame ‘ Aud State Elédien Comulssion » Cordusdhion ‘of Chives ef fousheusla« Sorkeria Commi tela Opprintect yr Stusly Gtre, State i RoLaittons Comets titimalisction 4 Youchauali (aj Syste Rajiv Grandi Government: Trhediced Gir Coneléteclionn) Orrmndme Bw an the Lok- Sabha dn Sey sea. Constibatioabite — Raschysti Raj Tretitubion « Bur Rajya Sobha hor wor approvest this atl. Suh _Pmondment BLL + VP Shugh Trbvadutaal, on SepeT 1940, ‘This iM alte got baptesl. 73° Constilubioa! Amendment eee ge eects EN fc TEA Comalitalions Amendment Act (4q2 -bavied by. Narasimha Govenment Came duto fore on Mil 84 1993 Rated ae PRIL MEI Th day Added 0 News PaxtoTX te thy Constilubion a Trdia fort Gali Hed > “The fowehayall Aft 942 ty 2420 Ad alo Added qg New If Schodute of Te Todo _ Comditettion: Schedule “Covtlains Qqi furl) Theme « Th Amindment Dmplemens on tw Artide Ho the Dpse. fy et = bet « Mas obit cme Tart Amendmed Ad, [942 V) Three Hier aeen od Foscrasjos Rej ~for ol Slates ing 9 ~populelin over “Se lane. 4 a) Youehanyals elections Regulorty berg 5 yeas. 3) Patil. 242 mates Provisions fet Chicquali fications. ovinimum ope A yeas 4) aoe Zabha dha Body Contisfing af allthe — (2rf0n r ei st col tin “lw Eledlyot Rolls Retdti do a vill wap seel tuitiie “ly coe ay fourclsyot a4 “by Yilloge cdeved. 5) Resewalion a, Sect +“ Scheduled Cathet, Scheduled Tribu, Aud Women Crot Less Than One Whird Seatt oF Yard ) 6) Afpoitment Binauee, Commission ste Make Re Commerdiliog as Regarded as the “Yautial -powere ef ty Passcharyatls 3) Dishict plosei 4 Comittee: ws pepe clevels prunt bbe s 4 Ustvick ay 40} 8) State Elecdio Commission: 4) Powers th Authority: Prcperation of Plows “ys Ceomernic Pocktpred ead Gourel “Tublie * oles Lonp Lementa tions of Suck Gelraes {et Economic Dewelrfamnnt aul Social xustioe + Potlewin, are areas Save Eramphed from the peraine ofthe Bet, becate +4 sky Souo- Cultural aud adminittedtiv Gonsidusclins . ; Under tes Vo Schedule Un thy Stobt Scheduled Areas Lited VU" ental P eas Pi Andhra Pradtth, @ihay, Grmjernt Fire adit, Mody Moharathtra, Osa ord Reyacnan « 7 Ww sets Nageland. Meghebage And Mizoram + We Hull arent Dicbicl a Sn St at West & @ “fos. vululdh patio ok che he a existe “4 my Th gyrate Cotte Provision do the Condit Amercian Ad, Act Called alle Provietows of Pourkianed CEdusie, Wo ta gereduld Areas) Ack Portes laq¢ By Hol . Yrowirions ark TX an not re do tw Schedule. Arend: “the ~~ 4 Rodlemes dha Aww Rores ho Exhind “Ws port to Qua armas’ Lite Mpdibicabions % eKublios - . Londen Wis Provision ay te PESA Ad tell lowe ad Eilension Ack. , Prlicke Related, to Panchayorr, twos Gilemer Qua | > Defonitions Bua A —s Crram Sabha aug eB > Coathatiodey Ponchayols - BUG ——> Compesi tag of Pouthaxals 842 5 —> Réteweion «4 ‘Seatlal’ Qua E >) Duclim, Pasredaasiiake’ » Qh FS Bizqueli fication 4 Membntha P- Shad Gy —> Powers, Aalhon ty and Raaforaibili ies a fetiens soaker rt ot at ust Hain © Orance Commt Quay ——» Addit 04 Pecouls 0 Pandawjats « Qua > Elections othe. fared ean) Qu3L. —> Applicative te Lyon Jesitorics . aug m —> Pot Not to epply to Catan Arana: Qin —S Crtnnante tf existing Laat gf aug 0 —> Bor te Wea by Cots In Electret oe wo \ier vr te Pris xin, ier & om 3 u 0a, ; yore States + SIkkh Masipur a Gr , & : Uaban Local Crevernment Vhere axe, Eigha types y Urban Local geonnment ia India 1) Moreifpal Corpersivn . a) Mosidipabity 3) Notified crea Commi tree: 4) Tum deen Committee + 5) Comtonment Beatd G) Towns 3) Post Avust 8) sped) Roper agen: Urban qovernment Lat Conttitilionalisee| Uarougts th i Coat} nm ion Hilal Brande! Ad 1992. v Usbon Local geut deals toith ‘three Ministic * vy Mosichey Hout aud Urban Ablals: 3) Minish ay Ds}eme dn tw Case. Hy Contonmond Boor, 2) Mivishy “4 Howe oe din tw. Cone 4 Unim Tenens x3 Muvitipal Covposation Lot Set up an Trobia af Madras tqae Me twar Set up ir Bomboas & Caltaitle - Leva Ripon'* Reteletion of 1862 has bean Hide as the “raga Cont’ 4 Local Self gescumer: P-lo © Piv Narasimbia Rad? Covernmmat al6o dtondnced thy Moediftedtim Modified Mund polities Bi un the Loic Sabhy Sm Septeore G we cathe THs Constihilional — Qreovdineeds Ermnexs He ar i inte -fotee. on 4st June !193% sa ede aul Count, 4 (ase) al THY Constitutional Gueactnenct Ack (14> TH Mindat Bet, deals Laity Urbou Local Moclies ot Nagaspoll ka, Ady Adelesl New pou- T= A to thr Constitution of Erdle. Provisions from Aviles QreP Ww A g-zer, Aadtebed dn 12% Schedule. 4 Srallan Conslidiction + Schedaate: Covtaing 18" functional TAamse af: Mondipalivies « Mais Peatines ay 10 Breve 1), Consbisettions!: stitar Jha Corerumnnt Boden Act, (aq been accorded eto Urban Local Three Her Studie - i) Mondpal Cotporsline Ast Larger Brean. &) Mowdpat Couneit As Smotley Areas. 3) Y i in i i sD Nagar ony Villages to tly transition to. beceniy ; Small Urbar Aten ) 2) Dived Cledlin ty thure “Muncipes "Bodies. by “tay people hes: bean - Provided » 3) Rerorin af Ome hind Seal. fs Women Sveluds pores egies do SesasR, I Tou: &) Five gear checen m +} “ths fer Luvern muneipebly $) Sate Definitions - . 2) WZ CY —> Constitution +4 Monipabitie S) u2R > Composition OL Munt alter: §) 8us6 5 Contin 4 Conspositin of Wore Committect- 6) QU3T —> Reseruclli of Seats - e)au3) — > Duration Mountipaliver: > )24y,4V —> Dicguati fied Membership + &)243 Ww —> Powers, Auden ty ke Resbonsi bili es oF Moai palin: @,) 14% x —> Powers te Smprie tates by A spores of unui poli ves losu3y —> Pirante Commi sistem. \) 2u3z—> Bulls oY Accouu 4 Momuialitiet- tn) 243ZAR — Ss lecbins to ‘tu Mundpolittes.. \y) aarp, —s Applicat te Uden “Terrified - VW) @usz.¢ ——> Port not Hety tw Carfain Aress. ts-)auaz 0 > Committee Luc Disticr Plates Vo} uaz E — Committee or Metropeliteus Pl VF) 432 F —> Cont yuo be iictny tows y MURG ies 19) AU2G —S Boy to le uf Couilt 2a! alters » 2 Mer, 4 Urban Local Bocties ‘ee Coa, kerala, Nagalawel(‘trumiped Countil & Trion Court Thi puna (Mersps Councils Magar froshagch ) A oneal aHRTEARey, (Monies) Jkssb Exams : Finance Sub Inspector , & other competitive Exams : K fe achal

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