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Name: Azyima Shabbir

Roll No: 23011720-018

Submitted to: Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed
Subject: Advance Business Research

Table-1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents

Variable Groups Frequency %age

Age 20 and below 96 25.5
21-24 years 264 70.0
25_27 years 13 3.4
28 and above 4 1.1
Below one year 10 2.7
Education 1 year 59 15.6
2 years 194 51.5
3 years 95 25.2
4 years 16 4.2
5 years 3 8
Frequency Almost Never 27 7.2
Once per month 35 9.3
2-3 times per 65 17.2
Once per week 68 18.0
2-3 times per 121 32.1
Daily 38 10.1
Multiple times 23 6.1
Experience 2 and below 204 54.1
3-4 year 150 39.8
4-5 year 18 4.8
5 and above 5 1.3

Variable Loadings Α AVE CR

Usefulness Useful_4 0.962 0.942 0.69 0.9
Useful_3 0.945
Useful_5 0.853
Useful_2 0.817
Useful_1 0.8
Useful_6 0.719
Useful_7 0.653
Enjoyment Joy_7 0.885 0.93 0.68 0.9
Joy_4 0.87
Joy_2 0.86
Joy_5 0.835
Joy_3 0.835
Joy_6 0.799
Joy_1 0.659
Playful_6 0.949 0.911 0.59 0.8
Playful_5 0.928
Playful_2 0.837
Playful_3 0.723
Playfulness Playful_4 0.656
Playful_7 0.623

Playful_1 0.563
Decision Quality DecQual-3 0.973 0.898 0.52 0.7

DecQual-2 0.877

DecQual-4 0.739

DecQual-1 0.717

DecQual-5 0.552

Use Atypical AtypUse-3 0.895 0.909 0.9

AtypUse-5 0.881 0.41

AtypUse-4 0.834
AtypUse-1 0.762

Comprehensive Complantent 0.761 0.814 0.3 0.7

Use -3
Complantent 0.732
Complantent 0.726
Complantent 0.668
Info Acquisition InfoAcq-2 0.714 0.802 0.25 0.6

InfoAcq-1 0.7

InfoAcq-3 0.675

InfoAcq-4 0.554

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