SCN May 2024 Geoff Bennett Article

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Delivering Subsea Capacity:

Technology Options for
Space-division Multiplexing Cables
By Geoff Bennett, Infinera


The analyst firm TeleGeography has reported that global Figure 1 shows the increase in capacity over the past 25
demand for international bandwidth has now reached 3.9 years for a conventional optical fiber pair, illustrating that
petabits per second (Pb/s). Growth hot spots include the increasing capacity comes from three distinct parts of the
African continent and the hyperscaler market segment, who network – the fiber, the line system, and the transponders.
account for over 70% of global subsea demand, and over
In Stage 1, the capacity increase you see happening from
90% on routes such as the Atlantic.
about 2000 until 2010 came from improvements in fiber
One question that we are all waiting to have answered is when technology (G.652/G.655/G.655 LEAF), the line system, and
artificial intelligence (AI) will trigger an increase in submarine particularly, the increase in C-band capacity by deploying
network demand, because while AI data centers are said to wider-bandwidth amplifiers.
consume between five and 10 times more compute power
vs. normal data centers, it is not clear how much additional In Stage 2, there was a significant increase in the pace of
AI-related traffic “leaks out” into submarine networks. capacity growth thanks to the evolution through multiple
generations of coherent transponders.
With or without AI’s help, demand in submarine networks is
doubling about every two years – which is a daunting rate But then in Stage 3, transponders have reached PM-64QAM
when we consider how long it takes to plan and deploy a modulation and are approaching the practical and even
new submarine cable (between three and seven years). theoretical limit of spectral efficiency. The consensus

Figure 1

May 2024 | Issue 263 182


seems to be that there could be between 15% and 25%

more capacity we could squeeze from the equivalent
spectrum with future transponder designs. So, in terrestrial
transmission networks, we are starting to turn once again
to the line system to increase capacity – in this case, from
Extended C-band’s 4.8 GHz to Super C-band’s 6.1 THz.

We’ve also seen a widespread adoption of extended

C+L-Band transmission with a whopping 9.6 THz of capacity.
In the future, we should also see Super C+L systems with up to
12.2 THz that could deliver up to 100 terabits per second (Tb/s)
of capacity on a single long-distance terrestrial fiber pair.

This is great news for terrestrial systems, but what about

submarine cables? Many people who work in submarine
network transmission will often point out that “subsea is different.”


But where does this difference come from? Unlike terrestrial Figure 2
networks, where we have power available at each amplifier
hut site, the only places we can insert electrical power in the decreasing repeater spacing, running the amplifiers at
submarine cable is in the cable landing stations. The power higher gain, and thus enabling higher spectral efficiency.
feed equipment (PFE) involved is impressive, with massive Modelling this option resulted in an increase from 20 Tb/s
DC voltages applied at each end of the cable – up to 15 kV per fiber pair to 26 Tb/s.
in systems deployed today and plans for up to 24 kV PFE in
Option 2 is to forget about maximizing individual fiber pair
future cables.
capacity, keep the repeaters the way they are, and simply
Any technology strategy to increase submarine network deploy another fiber pair. This delivers a total of 40 Tb/s – a
capacity must be power efficient. Let me briefly summarize significantly better return on the power invested.
some of the options:
SDM includes a more power-efficient use of repeater pump
• Operating coherent transponders at their highest spectral lasers (pump farming) and a shift in focus from maximizing
efficiency requires relatively short amplifier spans with high individual fiber pair capacity toward maximizing overall
optical gain. Both imply higher electrical power needed. So, cable capacity.
squeezing that extra 15-20% out of the fiber may not be the
most power-efficient option in future submarine cables. CABLE SIZE LIMITS

• Expanding amplifier bandwidth is also not a In terrestrial networks, a standard two-inch duct can fit
power-efficient option as widening the C-band requires almost 7,000 fiber pairs today. But, of course, subsea is…yes,
that we “trim off” power tilt and ripple, and L-band gain is you guessed it…different.
less electrically efficient compared to C-band gain. When a submarine cable is laid, it needs to be loaded onto
a cable laying ship, which has a finite hold capacity. So, the
SPACE-DIVISION MULTIPLEXING (SDM) thinner the submarine cable, the more cable length the ship
From around 2018 onward, the submarine wet plant industry can carry. For a trans-oceanic cable, this is a critical economic
began to develop a clear technology roadmap for future factor for the cable deployment cost, and for this reason the
cable capacity. This evolution was based on a simple industry prefers a 17-mm cable for deep water. 21-mm cable
question – if you could find a way to deliver twice as much designs also exist, but a cable laying ship can carry 30% less
electrical power (or be twice as electrically efficient), what length of 21-mm cable vs. 17-mm cable. In a major project,
would be the best way to use that power? this would require ships to return to port, load more cable,
and then go back and retrieve the end of the cable they just
Figure 2 summarizes two of the options that start from a
laid – and to potentially repeat this process several times.
baseline of a fiber with 20 Tb/s of capacity.

Option 1 would continue the traditional design goal to

maximize individual fiber pair capacity by, for example, CONTINUES ON THE NEXT PAGE… 183 May 2024 | Issue 263



It’s possible to build a transponder that can “untangle” these

coupled conversations using a technique called multiple
input multiple output (MIMO). MIMO is already used today
in 4G/5G and Wi-Fi 4/5/6 radio communications. But optical
MIMO is a huge technology challenge. It would require a
dedicated transponder design that is exponentially more
complex than the transponders we use today.

If coupled multi-core fiber becomes attractive in terrestrial

networks, then this would help fund the development of
MIMO transponders for subsea operation. But at this point,
most terrestrial networks are not spatially constrained,
Figure 3 and simply lighting more conventional fibers is seen as a
cheaper option.
A submarine cable is built in layers, with the fiber compartment,
the copper conductor, and the polyethylene insulator all HOLLOW-CORE FIBER (HCF)
competing for space in the 17-mm outside diameter limit. Conventional silica core fiber has served the industry well
Increasing electrical power would be easier with a thicker for over 30 years. But there are drawbacks to propagating
conductor, and fewer cable shorts (known as shunt failures) light through glass that could be solved by using a
would be experienced with a thicker insulator. But this can hollow-core fiber, where the signal travels through air
only be achieved with a smaller fiber compartment, and the or a partial vacuum. HCF shows immense promise but is
goal of SDM is to enable more fiber pairs. probably at least eight to 10 years away from being used in
submarine cables.
In other words, future SDM evolution becomes spatially
constrained as different functions in the cable (fiber,
conductor, insulator) all compete for space.
The SDM roadmap has a healthy set of options for
capacity scaling that will deliver two or even three more
doublings of cable capacity. Moving beyond this eight times
By moving from 250-µm to 200-µm outer diameter fiber,
increase opens an interesting debate on submarine cable
a 17-mm cable could increase its capacity from 16 to 24
architectures and transponder designs of the future.
fiber pairs – and a 21-mm cable could support up to 36 x
200 µm fiber pairs. This is the design option taken by the
Anjana trans-Atlantic cable that will come into service later
this year. Figure 3 shows the impact of SDM design on
three similar-length trans-Atlantic cables – MAREA, Dunant,
and Anjana. Notice the assumptions for a fifth-generation Geoff Bennett is the
transponder in terms of individual fiber pair capacity, and Director of Solutions &
of SDM design in terms of increasing fiber pairs and a Technology for Infinera,
subsequent increase in total cable capacity. a leading manufacturer
of Intelligent Transport
At some point, even thinner single-core fiber will run up
Network solutions. He
against spatial constraints, and the next step is to deploy
has over 25 years of
multi-core fiber (MCF) – fiber that has more than one
experience in the data
transmission core inside the same filament.
communications industry,
Dual-core MCF is already deployed in one spur segment of including IP routing with
a submarine cable, and it will be deployed this year along a Proteon and Wellfleet; ATM and MPLS experience
full cable length in the Pacific. The result is a doubling of cable with FORE Systems; and optical transmission and
capacity vs. single core fiber in the same spatial volume. switching experience with Marconi, where he held
the position of Distinguished Engineer in the CTO
Does this mean that we can go on increasing the number
Office. Geoff is a frequent conference speaker, and
of fiber cores to boost cable capacity? Perhaps…but the
is the author of “Designing TCP/IP Internetworks”,
problem is that as we go beyond two-core (and possibly
published by VNR.
four-core) MCF, we observe increasing crosstalk (or
“coupling”) of information between the cores.

May 2024 | Issue 263 184

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