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- Age:
- Gender:

1.How closely do you follow government budget announcements?

a) Very closely
b) Somewhat closely
c) Not at all
d) Occasionally
2.How well do you understand the components of a government
a) very well
b) Moderately well
c) Not well at all
d) Basic understanding
3.What areas do you believe should be the government's budget
a) healthcare
b) education
c) infrastructure
d) National security and defence
4.Do you think current taxation policies are fair?
a) Yes
b) No
5.Are you satisfied with how the government allocates funds to
different sectors?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Unsure
6.Do you think there is sufficient funding for public services like
healthcare and education?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Unsure
7. How transparent do you think the government is in
communicating budget details to the public?
a)Very transparent
b) Somewhat transparent
c) Not transparent at all
d) Neutral
8. According to you, what roles does your participation play in the
government budgeting process?
a) No role at all
b) Provides valuable input and scrutiny
c) Increases bureaucracy
d) Futuristic
9. Do you think the government budget directly impacts your daily
life? Comment.

10.What improvements would you suggest in the government's

budgeting process?



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